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Posts posted by Senpai-kun

  1. Hello everyone! My name's Rojel and I live in Philippines.

    To be honest I completely forgot to post here and it is even my second day, I guess. Lels. I also love chocolates

    PM are always wanted. Nice to be here. =^.^=

  2. Standing at the <> and saying the place where he wants to teleport too. Eleven arrived at floor 3 where the place of the rumored shop <> was. "I heard that they were giving out free armors if you give them the materials. This is gonna be fun." He muttered and continued to walk around the town. The place is beautiful due to groups of dandelions grew at this town. Some dandelions were bald and some were not. There were flying cotton-like object around the air due to the wind of the place. The place was so beautiful that it made Eleven to be distracted and forgot what he came for. He continued to walk aimlessly and soon bumped to a guy. Eleven fell on the ground with his bum landed first. "Ouchie." He automatically says this in a cute tone without even realizing it. A bunch of dandelions flew between them, making it hard for him to see.

    (( So this is where your character enter Steel-kun. :D ))

  3. I really love the system here but one thing I hate is that there are some people like me who can be sometimes uninterested with the story plot that we will make because others are not in the mood or something else.. Also it would be unfair to people who writes a paragraph because it would take time to finish while some one-liner rp'er will surpass them fast. What we really need here is that we need to have a rules that will require people to write 5 lines or more. I know it is rather unfair to others but it is the only way to become fair.

    I also disagree with the system that counts posts as exp because there might be people who will spam around the forums and the forums is so big! Again, it would be unfair to players who doesn't have the time to look at the ooc forums or even this one. I think that would be all ladies and gentlemen. *takes hat off and bows, puts it back* Goodbye.

  4. Hello!

    #1 I just had a question regarding about loots. It says that about Mobs that we defeated has the possibility to drop a loot right? So how do we determine that it will be dropping a loot? Also does this apply to all quests who is required to foght any monsters?

    #2 About some quests that needs to fight some monsters, does it have to have a life? Or do we just have to roleplay it out?

    Thanks for stopping by!

  5. «Eleven» Aspiring Idol.



    » Username: Mr. 11

    » Real name: Glenn Strauss

    » Age: 13

    » Gender: Male

    » Height: 5'5"

    » About: Glenn is an extreme fanboy in the real world. He goes crazy whenever he sees his idol on the television. At school many students, including teachers, would call him "outrageous fanboy" because all of his things has a picture of his idol in it. Even on his written reports, there would be a background of his idol on every page. Teachers understands him and just let him be. But one day, Glenn thought "Hey what does it feel to be an idol?" He became curious with that question. It was interesting question. On January 2nd - which was his birthday and it seems that there were not much people knew it - he went to a company that accepts teens as an idol. He got rejected because of his lack of experience. So he went home thinking about improving himself to become an idol. Luckily, he was surprised by his parents. His parents also gave him the newest nerve gear game "Sword Art Online". Glenn got happy and tried it on in the last hour of his birthday which was 12:00pm. His adventure started after it.

    » Virtues:

    Loyal. He has this ever since he laid eyes on his idol. He fights someone who talked some bad things to his idol. He never stopped liking to his idol and it is his 12th year.

    Obedience. He is a good person. He always listens to his parent's or even sibling's errands. He never declined to any, except when there is a show on the television.

    Trustworthy. Yes he is the kind of person whom you give your trust to. He never breathed out a single secret about his friend ever since. And sometimes when he is betrayed, he never let out a single secret. Some people wanted to befriend him and betrays him because of it.

    » Flaws:

    Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html

    Childish. His mother is always there for him on his problems. Thus, making him more close to his mother. He was the youngest and likes to become a kid back. So his mother always play with him even he is on college. And his siblings gets mad because of it. And always say to him that he should become mature.

    Sensitive. Yep he is a sensitive one. He cries when reading a sad novel. Or even seeing his idol cry on tv. He finds it odd and tries to change it but he just can't. A single yell of him because of his bad work will make him cry. And when he cries it lasts for 30 minutes and sometimes 20. Rarely you can also see him cry because he remembers some bad memories of his pasts.

    Unlucky. Sometimes he goes unlucky. Got rejected by the company that hires teens as idols and is trapped in SAO. It's really unlucky for him. And even on the most trivial moment like in a competition, he did his best at first but then something like he trips or even forgot a move made him to lose instantly.

    Profession: Artisan


    Skill Points Left: 0


    » Familiar Recovery [1] (0/4)


    » Detection [1] (0/4)

    » Sprint [0] (0/2)

    » Acrobatics [1]


    » Battle Healing [1] (0/4)

    Weapon skills :

    » One-Handed War Hammer [1] (0/4)

    » Heavy Metal Equipment [0] (0/2)



    » Flanged Mace


    » Cloth Sweater


    » [private] Worn out Welcome - in progress

    » [private] Earning a Living - in progress

    » [solo] Secret Medicine of the Forest - complete

    » [private] Feeding the Enemy - incomplete

    » [private] Meeting New Friends - complete

    Relationships (optional)

    » Clarence12 [best friend and has built up a love relationship]

    » Steel [acquainted]

    Story Thus Far (optional)


    Col Transactions:

    » +400 Col - received from the quest

    » +800 Col - received from completing 2 pages on this quest.


  6. «Junne Amou» Virtuous Dancer.



        • » Username: Junne Amou
          » Real name: Wakana Hiroshi
          » Age: 16
          » Gender: Female
          » Height: 5 feet and 3 inches.

          » About:
              • Wakana was just a typical teenage girl. She's a transfer student from Japan and is now enrolled in London. She doesn't know why she was transferred but she lives that life with full power. She loves to eat and drink and often gets called "chubby" because of it. Though she never gained weight because of her regular exercises. At first Wakana wasn't a fan of playing MMO games and finds it boring. But when her classmates mentions about the game 'Sword Art Online' and how they can interact in it using their brain, she became interested. She contacted her mother who was from Japan to order one for her and so her mother did so. Her mother delivered the game to her and there her life changed.

                » Virtues:
                    • . Helpful - Wakana has been loving to help other people because she once thought that the people you have helped might give back the help you gave them one day.

                      . Courteous - She gained this virtue when she was still at London. The people there are 'fancies' and does courteous things like bowing or even asks politely.

                      . Disciplined - Wakana has always disclipined her body right from the exercises up to the controlling of her eating. She became cautious about her weight and her physical appearance as she is a girl.

                      » Flaws:

        • . Fools Love - Wakana has always had that as her flaw for a long time. Starting from when she saw an idol in the television. She fell in love when she saw his face for the first time. The next one was that his handsome classmate. She fell in love again at the first class.

          . Humorless - Wakana doesn't like to laugh and even though she forces herself to laugh, it made it awkward for her. Many people hates her for that.

          . Coimetrophobia - Or we should call it "Fear of Cemeteries". Wakana had this biggest flaw in her life. She hasn't been going out to some of her relatives burial because the fear of cemeteries. She has always thought that when she goes to the cemetery, her legs will be pulled by a hand that comes out of the land randomly and slowly dragging her down. She is super scared about it.

              • Performer

                    • »

                          • »



    Weapon skills :

    » One-Handed Assault Spear [1]



    » 10 Bread, 15 Water, Iklwa, Cloth Clothing


    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle

    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress

    Relationships (optional)

    » None For The Moment

    Story Thus Far (optional)

    » To Be Added

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