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Rin Akagi

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Posts posted by Rin Akagi

  1. He would look at her quizzically and then smile a bit." Really? " He would wonder if she was a city girl. He had been all over Japan and its natural habitats. It had been a part of his younger life as a gypsy type family. He would shake his head as they arrived at the lake and he set her down. " I don't wanna describe something and not get it right.." He would point at the crystal clear lake. It's reflection was the sky from where they stood. An amazing sight before them. " I can't describe something that must be seen by someone. " He would kiss her neck and speak again." You're a first in almost category for me so.. its definitely a plus.. Sharing one life with you."

  2. Hearing her words caused the redhead to burst into a red flush. Red hair.. red eyes.. red face. He looked like the sun beat him down with its rays and he simply looked over to her. He stood up and kissed her softly and touched her hand." Sure. " He would offer a soft smile and walk with her. He wrapped his hand around her waist as they walked. " I would gladly enjoy you waking me up in any way possible.. " He smirked as he picked her up and carried her along now. Eyes would glance up at the town and walk as he spoke to her." Here and out there." He winked and tried to t hink of where to go. Eyes of the traveling people looked at the dynamic duo and whispered and smiled at them. Of course, it was obvious that these two were married because of their wedding bands. " I think a walk to the lake is in order."

  3. He shook his head and looked at her." No I didn't like waking up in the morning in the real world.. I don't expect to wake up early here.." He would grin a slight bit and then gaze at his food but it wasn't there.. he had eaten it all. He sighed a bit and stretched and looked around. He didn't take notice about what was going on. This is what he usually looked like every morning when he dressed until he actually woke up and was out and about. She would get used to this after a few months unless she really didn't mind. Eyes would glance back at her and he would nod." We can go look around. " He would smile as he started buttoning up his shirt. No way to present himself as a sloucher or a messy person in this case. " I love you too honey. " He would flash her a wink.

  4. He would glance over at his wife and smile a bit. " I think I'll have a bagel and some butter with it. " He was a light eater in the morning. A yawn was given as he tried to wake up." And also can I get a glass of water as well?" He would simply look back over at her and spoke." Sake huh? Trying to make our honeymoon more interesting in the mornings as well? " He would grin at her with a wink. He slipped his foot over to hers and played with her foot for giggles.

    It wasn't much later their food arrived along with their drinks that were ordered. He took his bagel that had butter on the side and placed a small swipe of it on it. He would look up at her and then at the waiter." Thank you." He would smile before looking back at her. He took a bite of his bagel and after his first bite he would speak." Did you... just wanna go back up? Or do you wanna go around and show ourselves off?"

  5. He would smirk a bit and tap her on the chin. " Don't frown.. " He would walk by her with his shirt still undone. He really didn't care what everyone said or cared about. The man was enjoying himself and the fact that he was exposing his upper torso meant that he didn't care to impress anyone but Freya. She seemed to enjoy him not wearing a shirt for the most part. Red hair was still somehow nicely styled as they two walked down the hallway to the area where breakfast was being served. He snaked her hand into his and kissed it before pulling a chair out for her." Did you wanna order or just go up to get the food itself?" He would smile slightly at her.

  6. He picked her up as the both were draped in the blanket having nothing exposed to the world but the eyes of the two. A kiss was given to her as he held her close while walking." How about we get something to eat...? We have three days. But dessert is so tempting.. " He grinned before setting her down and letting the blanket fall slightly. Hand grabbed his clothing and one by one he became clothed once more. Shirt was unbuttoned though exposing his top portion of his chest. "I'm sure that the next couple days are gonna be one hell of a honey moon so lets reserve that for later." He fought the urge to take her over as she stood there in her own glory.

  7. He would smirk a bit and shake his head." I'm not hiding from you... I just slept naked and its a bit chilly at the moment." He would look at her touch his chest. He sighed contently and laid his head back down on the pillow." I don't wanna skip breakfast.. but dessert was fun, honey.." He would admit. He kissed her hand as he brought it up to his lips. "We can do whatever you want.. Last night was just the beginning and we have the rest of the years to keep going." He coughed a bit to clear his throat and started to wrap the blanket around him. He didn't pull away from her yet but wanted to see what she wanted him to do.

  8. He shrugged a bit as he walked down the maze spotting nothing so far. He glanced over at Mitoko and spoke." I think it's because she accepted me for my past that my wall broke down. "He looked up at the sky that wasn't enclosed off." They say love at first sight is true.. I think ours was love at first fight to be honest." He made a left turn with Mitoko on tow." So what's new in your world, Mitoko?" He would address her in a soft voice. He was trying to be different and only she and Freya would see this side. The rest could go to hell for all he cared.

  9. He would groan slowly as he felt the lips of his wife touch him. He had been a bit tired from their rump party that they had a complaint from the tenants from below. How many times..? She had so much endurance that it literally almost killed Rin to not try more but twelve times in a single night was simply too much for the young man to endure seeing how it was both their first time. She just happened to enjoy it a lot as did he.. but she was just a bit much. She of course forgave him and did... other things.. He opened his eyes looking at her and smiled. The blanket was around him so he didn't expose himself like before. " Hey.." He mumbled a bit. Rin was not a morning person." What time is it? " He shifted a bit as he felt sore.

  10. He would shiver at the slight touch of her hand and then look at her shaking his head." I.... I think I'm good with eating.." He had turned red. His face and his upper chest were turning red like a red lobster and stared at her hand. He simply bit down on his lower lip and shook his head at her. " I really.. Don't know.. " He didn't even finish before he took her hand and pulled her on top of his body. His hand reached over and dimmed the light til he only saw her and not his surroundings. He simply allowed a simple kiss peck her lips. " I think we should jump to dessert."

  11. He listened to her and turned around with his shirt off. He had gotten the top portion of the tuxedo off and walked over to her sitting on the bed. Seeing her like that though, he smiled a bit and tilted his head." Still blushing I see... Don't worry.. I'm nervous too. " He would look down and place both hands in his lap. He simply sat there before looking up at her, he would speak" Should we have dinner...?" He would lean back watching her quietly studying her with those crimson orbs of his. He was interested in what she had to say.. since she seemed to want to be in bed instead of downstairs eating. Obviously, he was interested in the same thing she was.

  12. He would simply gaze upon her features. He didn't even hear the NPC talk as he walked with her. Her words were heard as he simply nodded. The fact that he was right here.. with her it was all that mattered to him. He would simply open the door to their room and gaze upon the surroundings. It wasn't bad.. it was a good room for the two who had just gotten married. The eyes of the young man would travel back to his wife and he would tug her in with a smile." Anything with you is fine with me.. first... last... forever. " He would shake his head as to how cheesy that sounded. A kiss was given as he started to undo his tuxedo as it was not comfortable.

  13. He flipped his menu open as she spoke about the marriage button. He changed his and their inventory merged together. He looked over at his wife who had been slightly more nervous than usual and he smiled. " We can play cards together or do other things. We have the rest of our lives to get ready." To be honest, he was just as nervous. He wanted her to be comfortable and him too. He bit his lip then kissed her before he looked at the inn." With you , we can do anything.." He said confidently. " Cards?"

  14. As he saw those beautiful eyes, he would slowly go back into the kiss. HE felt the sensation of want inside of it as he took her hand and started to walk to town." Sweetheart.. We gotta go to the inn." He wanted it to be a nice and memorable honeymoon. Hell after they were married they could of done it anywhere at any time they wanted.. but their first should be traditional in a bed together and a remarkable one. He simply smiled kissing her one more time." Just keep imagining what you want.. " He winked a bit and walked with her to town.

  15. As they kissed again into a deeper kiss, he waved the NPC priest away who laughed at the two. The priest slipped their papers on the ground. It was to state that the two were married. Since there was just the two of them, there was no need to announce the happy couples name. He didn't answer Freya as he maintained the kiss of a married couple. He slowly started to sway dance with her while they kissed. The NPC priest used a teleport crystal and made his way back into town. Rin and Freya just stood there.. swaying to nothing and dancing together. It didn't matter if they looked silly. He had been in love with her when they first met. And he was wild about everything about her.

  16. The priest slowly closed the book and looked at the two." With the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride." The priest motioned for the two to kiss. Rin didn't wait much after that as he pulled his new and only wife over . He smiled as he pressed his forehead against hers and interlocked their lips. He pressed a bit harder into her lips into a more passionate one. It was just the two and the priest anyway and the npc didn't scare him. His arm wrapped around her body and closed the gap to where their bodies meshed.

  17. Rin got an excited look in his eyes as she said those words to him. " Now please take the ring Rin. And repeat after me. With this ring..I thee wed." He slid the ring of solid gold onto her finger. His heart was pounding out of his chest as he smiled happily at her. If only he had family to share this special moment . He grinned from ear to ear as this little quiet ceremony was going faster than he had anticipated. But that meant they could get dinner or skip to the honeymoon for dessert. A wink was given to Freya.

  18. The priest gave a smile to the two and spoke." Truly a sight to behold. My children, it is almost time to proceed to the next step. Rin. Do you have the rings present with you?" He had given a nod. He had both rings for the two and a smile spread on his face as he clasped her hand with the ring now in hers. He pulled up her hand and kissed it gently ." I sure do sir." He gazed at her eyes. It was full of the future for the two and he simply grinned a bit awaiting for the next phase." Great. Then let us proceed." Rin.. Repeat after me..."

    After he hears the words, he started speaking." I, Rin Akagi, take you, Freya, as my lawfully wedded wife. Through richer or for poorer and in sickness and heath. And will always love you."

  19. He smiled a bit looking at her mouth those words to him. A glance was given to the priest as he continued his talking." At this point in time, since there isn't anyone here to object...This sacred matrimony will allow you two to be bonded forever. Do you both have any vows you'd like to speak before we carry on?"

    He looked at his beloved and nodded." I have never met anyone.. who is more accepting and loving as you. Your patience is like a saint and your mind is beautiful. I want you to know that I will swear.. on my life to find you. To marry you again...and to make our lives as happy as possible. I would and will marry you a million times over." He would smile a bit at her."

  20. He took her hands and looked at her and kissed her cheek softly." Thank you.. and I'm ready for this." He said confidently. A look was given to the priest and he cleared his throat. " We are ready father." He would walk over and position himself to the right and position her to the left. He glanced over to the priest and nodded to him to start." Dearly beloved, you two are gathered here today because you found something special.." The priest started off traditionally for the start." To bond yourselves in holy matrimony in the sacred eyes of God. " He would simply squeeze her hand and smile looking over at her. He couldn't believe he was going to be married. And he was going to do it again in the real world.. Mrs. Freya Akagi.

  21. Today was the day that he would become a married man. In his mind, this was the real deal with her. From the virtual world.. to the real world. To heaven and hell. He stood there at the tuxedo shop and glanced over certain styles of tuxedos that they had to offer. A glance was given to the NPC where he would point out a nice jet black tuxedo. The over all style was modern day with the white shirt and black buttons and golden black cuff links. He placed everything in his inventory from the suit to the shoes and looked at him with a firm nod. A smile was given as he started walking towards the familiar place of where he proposed to his future wife.

    He thought of inviting people but.. the thought of a large wedding was something he didn't want. A quiet one where it was just here and the priest would be just fine for him. Large crowds made him slightly bit more nervous since he was doing something very intimate and life changing. When he was in view of the area, he got out of the way to a nice secluded area to place on his tuxedo. After he opened his menu and placed his tuxedo piece by piece, he stood there examining himself. He made sure that his tie was on straight and he glanced at his hair. It was nicely done as well as well. He smiled a bit and started walking around to the priest.

    Gaze fell upon the woman of his dreams and now forever his life. His face reddened at the sheer beauty that radiated before him. Her dressed looked outstanding on her and he smiled to her." Hello. Miss Freya.." He would tilt his head and wink at her. " You ready to become Mrs. Akagi?"

  22. He would wipe her tears away and look at her" Sweetheart.. I'm okay.. I'm not dead. " He would chuckle a slight bit and kissing her forehead." Its fine. I love you too so I do forgive you even though there is nothing to forgive really." He would tilt his head allowing his red hair to fall to the side a bit. He picked her up and twirled her around." Don't think I would hate you just after me getting engaged to you right?" A silly grin would be plastered on his face as he held her in the air. She seemed so light and petite. But she was so active.

  23. He would shrug slightly" It could very well be a halloween type maze.. " Eyes would glance around and he would move forward with her through the maze. " Kinda creepy if you ask me.. Serves no purpose if its just for an event. " What kind of event was this anyway that they had to walk through a maze? He glanced at her and then started walking through the damned maze. It was eerie in a sense that they had to do this together. But at least he would try to protect her as best as he could. " Lets do this, Mitoko!" He roared with energy. He was determined to get whatever it was at the end of the event." No guts no glory!" He shouted scaring some of the other players. A light blush would form as he would shake his head a bit." Sorry." He muttered looking at her."So yeah.. I met someone special....Her name is Freya.. and she and I... " he would look at her." I love her. " he smiled cheerfully."

    [its okay! Do what you gotta do :D]

  24. He would simply slide down the mountain side with ease. He would simply get to the ground and sight heavily. Thank heavens they weren't that high and he was not going to fall. It was just a nasty thought to be falling at such a high altitude. He would simply place his hand on her shoulder and shake his head." I don't know and I don't mind where we go. " He frowned slightly. " I didn't mean to screw up with you.. that mountainside anyway." He would take her hand and walk to the lower place." I just can't do heights.. I love you.. but still can't do heights just yet."

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