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Posts posted by ???

  1. The boxes were there by the door, ??? saw when he walked in. ??? did not want to be seen more than a few seconds, so he quickly grabbed the package, opened it up, and left the area, with very high spirits. Inside the package lay an amazing fisherman's hat, that seemed a little lucky to him....... He wasn't sure, but ??? thought he could feel luck emitting from the package.

  2. ??? sat down on the bench as he saw another player, a female one, to sit down on the bench. That opened up more diversity, which was good for the guild. The leader himself was only thirteen, and ??? was eighteen. But now that he had joined a guild, he needed to begin to think about what other people could call him.... Batman was the name he had left on the note to Ariel. A bad idea, but he needed a quick way to get out of that situation and that was the way to do it without taking that long.


    But what would he be called? He couldn't just say his name was question mark question mark question mark to all the other players, and then every time they wanted to call him they would have to say that. But ??? did not know his name..... The illness, madness inside, had token his name from him. "So what's going on here, coach," he quickly stated to Draterion. They all had amazing names, whether they were their real names or fake user names. Semrothz Krigi, a cool name. Olivia, a common but good name. Draterion and Ender, those names were amazing! But of them all, ??? liked Sayre. It was a cool username.

  3. ??? darted away, without thinking of the other player's feelings. But for the most part, he did not even know the player was following him. ??? looked around for a second and then continued, without seeing form of character behind him. But that was because he did not look hard enough behind him. ??? then heard someone yell for him to wait up, and then he did wait up. Walking back towards where the sound had come from, ??? had not been sure who was yelling for him until he saw a player, the player exactly that ??? had bumped into just before."Hey man, want to party?" 


    ??? could tell by the player's expression that they had wanted to form a party with him, and  that was why the player had chased ???, the hooded player and the one that ran away, wanted to party with him. So he made it easier by asking the question, rather than making the other player ask him. But now all there was left to do was not die when they got in the wilds and then also control your madness, then you may have found yourself a life-long friend. A BFF. "Don't you think it's glorious today?"

    ??? asked the question because he wanted the player to see more friendly bits of him, so he would say yes to the party request. But that was tru though. it was a glorious day in Aincrad, even with the sun blaring as much as it was. The first day in Aincrad, Aye.

  4. ??? walked down the streets of floor one with his head down, only looking up when he would run into a fellow or two. His hood hid half of his face like this, ??? did not want himself to be seen by everybody in the world, who ever existed. The town was filled with people, all the non-beta testers were here, for the most part. ??? looked around again, each corner, looking for something.


    Although he did not know what it was he was looking for exactly. ??? had to think about that for a second or two. What was he looking for? Maybe it was his illness blinding the cause of this illusion blockade. The illness was a mental disease, which was why he had to solo and be a loner most of the time. He was starting to get the hang of the illness though, even though it had not been completely removed from his system. ??? couldn't even remember what his name or  age was in the real world. Of course, he would remember it on later in the game.


    You see, in the game, sometimes the disease would help him kill a monster, but who's to say it wouldn't be the cause of a player killing? But ??? knew he could control a disease for a day. Then, when he neared the towns teleportation thingie,  ??? bumped into a player. "Oh, man I'm soooo sorry!" But his hood was about to show his face. He began to dart away.

  5. ??? walked out of his shack, with a thing of worms and his fishing pole, as he headed down to the lake, wanting to begin to fish. He quickly put the worm onto the hook, and then pulled the rod back, casting it far into the lake to reel in a catch. But all he got, out of two casts, were a really bad fish and then one that just fell apart when he took it off the rod. Now he tried to pull the worms out of their mouths...................


    Loot Dice:15(Small Fish)

    Crafting Dice:3(Bad Quality)


    Loot Dice:16(Small Fish)

    Crafting Dice:1(Bad, Falling Apart)




    Loot Dice:1(Fail)


    Loot Dice:16(success)


    -1 Material

    +2 Experience

  6. I tend to say yes. because from what I understand the cap applies to the max value you can get on 1 item..if a person is crazy enough, he/she can put +2 acc on every equipment and have +6 acc right? 

    Also many ppl have +3 acc, myself included. And nobody said a thing to me about max acc being +2 per total.


    No, caps are equipment wide. All equipment. Read the guide. I'll quote something Raidou said real quick. Raidou's exact words:


    The caps on each enhancement are character wide, so you cannot have +2 on multiple pieces of equipment as only the first +2 will come into effect.


    That being said, Keith's gear is wrong. He only has +2 Accuracy, not +3, due to having +1 on one equipment, another the same, and the percisan skill thingie.

  7. (OOC: Nice title, right?)


    ??? sat out in the very spot that would be moist and hold many worms for the next few days on floor one. The reason he was there: for bait in fishing. He now realized what fisherman had to do in real- Wait! The only reason he even fished in this game was because the fish in the game were not real. If they were, ??? would have sat in a room in a inn and cry for each monster that died, eventually causing him to commit suicide. And that was without including what the illness would do to him. It would make it much worse. 


    You see, ??? was a vegan in the real world. He hated people mistreating animals, but here..............Here he could do whatever the freak he wanted to do, there were no rules as of that moment. ???'s hands began to dig vigorously into the soil as he searched for a worm. He did so find a worm, but it was a dead one.



    Loot Dice:11(dead worm, fail)


    New Non-combat gathering finds:

    [1-6] Maggot

    [7-10] Snail or Snail Shell

    [11-14] The Worm is Dead

    [15-18] Normal Earth Worm Found!
    [19] A rare earthworm of some sort

    [20] You Found a Night Crawler Worm!

  8. Well, it seems he had found the spot he would find the most worms in and not maggots. Jeez, he hated maggots more than anyone could hate cancer or war or disease or death it seemed! But that was not true. If he hated it that much, then he would not still be in the dirt, pulling up maggots when he really wanted to pull up a few worms. But all he found was a snail shell that time. Luckily, it wasn't a maggot.
    Loot Dice:9(Fail)
    New Non-combat gathering finds:

    [1-6] Maggot
    [7-10] Snail or Snail Shell
    [11-14] The Worm is Dead
    [15-18] Normal Earth Worm Found!
    [19] A rare earthworm of some sort
    [20] You Found a Night Crawler Worm!

  9. ??? looked around the little plot of land, and finally decided upon a good place to search for some worms. I mean, the whole plot of land was good for the worms to be found in, but ??? suspected the game had some little places where there were more worms than in the other spots. His hands then shot at the ground as he began to dig again. Once again, he pulled out a very juicy night crawler from the mud.


    Loot Dice:15(success)




    Loot Dice: 18

    Crafting Dice: 10

    Item Quality: Rare

    Item Enhancements: +2 Battle Dice on finished product after cooking

    Item Description: A pretty common fish for the medium sized fish.

    Item Mythology(if found in mythology): Not Found in Mythology





    There are three above this one, alright?
  11. ??? went out of the shack, with some worms ready to go to go fish. He really wanted some kinda large fish, but those had a much larger chance of breaking his rod than what the small fish had. If he broke his rod, it would cost a lot to get a new one. So he put a night crawler onto the hook on the fishing pole and then cast it out very far into the lake. But the fish he first caught was dead and rotting. Then he through in another cast.



    Loot Dice:13(Fail)[Dead, rotting fish]


    Loot Dice:18(Medium Fish)

    Crafting Dice:10(Rare Quality)

    Mob Dice:4(Caught without an issue)









    Loot Dice: 18

    Crafting Dice: 10

    Item Quality: Uncommon

    Item Enhancements: +2 Battle Dice on finished product after cooking

    Item Description: A pretty common fish for the medium sized fish.

    Item Mythology(if found in mythology): Not Found in Mythology





  12. ??? had some water with him and noticed that some of the water in the soil was fading away. So quickly he poured a bottle in, and then drank one himself. Then his hands were back to feeling good in the moist dirt. It actually felt amazing, his hands in the watered dirt. And that may have been weird, but he enjoyed that. Out of the dirt he pulled a delicious night crawler, which he knew the fish would enjoy. 



    Loot Dice:17(Success)

  13. ??? looked around, to see that there was not a soul in sight around him. That was good, he did not want to be watched while he did this. ??? had heard of a extremely good wetland soil filled with earthworms that made good bait, but also filled with maggots. ??? did not exactly fall in love with that idea, but he still needed it done. The hole was just out of town and ??? got to it quickly, as he began to dig throughout the deep soil. Luckily but not  too lucky ??? pulled out a worm, yet it was dead, and no fish would fall for a dead worm.



    Loot Dice:13(Fail)

  14. Item Name:Small Fish of some Sort

    Item Type: Small Fish

    Item Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/6509-shop-f1bait-and-tacklemy-fishing-lakeclosed-to-general-public/#entry375016

    Item ID: 10585

    Loot Dice: 15

    Crafting Dice: 8

    Item Quality: Uncommon

    Item Enhancements: +1 Loot Dice(On final crafted item)

    Item Description: A pretty basic fish. If cooked with, it adds one experience point to the cook that creates the meal with it.

    Item Mythology(if found in mythology): Not Found in Mythology




  15. ??? pulled out a worm(material) and began to put it onto his beginning rod. The hook sliced into the worm, and ??? cast back the rod, then through it into the water, to find some sort of catch.  The fish came up, and ??? quickly caught a weak, small fish. Then he tried again with another larger one, but it got away.



    Loot Dice:15(Small)

    Craft Dice:8(Uncommon)



    Loot Dice:18(Medium)

    Mob Dice:8(Gets Away)


    Will update uncommon fishes stats.


    Item Name:Small Fish of some Sort

    Item Type: Small Fish

    Item Link: http://www.sao-rpg.c...ic/#entry375016

    Item ID: 10585

    Loot Dice: 15

    Crafting Dice: 8

    Item Quality: Uncommon

    Item Enhancements: +1 LD

    Item Description: A pretty basic fish. If cooked with, it adds one experience point to the cook that creates the meal with it.

    Item Mythology(if found in mythology): Not Found in Mythology






    +3 EXP, correct?

  16. 240px-Lake_Verity_anime.png


    The lake is in a very strange forest on floor one, with a boat and also a shack. Within the shack lies a little bit of a psychotic player, who is obsessed with being Aincrad's first fisherman. While he is starting to be able to control his mental illness, he also would like to help future fishermen. In his shop he sells worms as well as fish.


    Rank 1(Young Fisher) [Old Fishing Rod]

    11 Materials(worms)

    10 EXP(Out of 40)




    Loot Dice Result:


    [1] = Catch a soggy boot that disappears instantly

    [2-10] = Catch a soggy boot
    [11-14] = Catch a dead, rotting fish
    [15-16] = Catch a small fish
    [17-18] = Catch a medium fish
    [19] = Catch a large fish
    [20] = Catch a monster fish


    Crafting Dice Result:


    [1] = Bad quality, falling apart (lose fish)

    [2-4] = Bad quality

    [5-7] = Good quality

    [8-9] = Uncommon quality (1 enhancement)

    [10-11] = Rare quality (2 enhancements)

    [12] = Perfect quality (3 enhancements)


    Mob Dice Result:(Only if fish ranked higher than fisher)


    [1-5] = Fish is caught without an issue

    [6-8] = Fish gets away, lose bait

    [9] = Fish gets away, line breaks (you must buy a new fishing rod)

    [10] = Fish gets away, line breaks, and your rod smacks in the face and does dmg (Level x 2)






    Worms(50 col Each)





  17. But before getting used to his shop again after the NPC left, ??? knew he wanted to look for another worm. hopefully it would not be a maggot, like it was most of the time. His hands dug, deep and deeper. But out came the maggot and ??? chucked it at the ground, heading back to the shack to take a peak at the place. In the shack sat a fishing rod that the NPC had left for him with a note. He picked it up and began to read, it was just what they had talked about while they were learning to fish all written down.



    Loot Dice:7(Fail)

  18. Quickly, ??? ran over to help him, actually tackling him as the large fish was reeled in. "Oh how could that have been that hard............" He mumbled. "You alright sir?" ??? looked around to see that no one was around. there was a wood built shack type thing. The NPC looked at him...."I'm alright!" 


    The two of them fish for a long time, while the NPC taught ??? the basics. ??? didn't know the basics of them. Then they went to the shack that was now his, and they talked about economics for the rest of the day until finally the NPC had to leave. They said their goodbyes and ??? got ready to go fishing.

  19. ??? now examined the fisherman NPC as he put a bait onto the rod and cast it out, far out into the lake. ??? examined the bobber that was attached to the NPC's rod. The NPC's rod seemed to be crafted out of thick bamboo. While the NPC was waiting on a tug on the line, ??? was back on the ground looking for worms. He finally found one in the wet soil and saw the NPC that wass struggling to pull in the water monster, or fish. 



    Loot Dice:19(Success!)


    +1 Material

  20. When the NPC pulled up his rod, it held a little tinie tiny fish. ??? had never been any good at all at naming fish, but he figured the game could help him with that. "Welcome," The NPC said and ushered ??? closer. "What is your name, son?"


    ??? had to think. "I am........Batman! That's who I am, Bruce Wayne!" How would anyone pronounce his username anyways? It would be better if he was batman either way.  Then he quickly bent down to check the new ground for worms.



    Loot Dice:8(Fail)

  21. ??? Now had to head to the lake. While walking to the lake, he read the quest over again. The lake would not be his, or at least he believed not. Actually- It was, but it was not the only spot he could fish. While he was walking he decided to bend down and try for another worm. But there was nothing that time. And he finally arrived at the lake with the NPC with his pole in the water. He pulled it out and turned, beginning to talk to him.



    Loot Dice:3(Fail)

  22. ??? had received a order form from his guild from the generosity of a player named Ariel. So ??? was gonna use this opportunity wisely. He already had the form filled out before walking inside, so he quickly placed the form onto the counter, making a bell sound aloud in his head, and then left. 

    Item: Outdoor Fishing Hat
    Item type : Light Armor[used when Fishing] 
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: +1 LD/ +2 LD/ +1 CD
    Shop: [leave this space blank the shopkeeper will fill it]

    Description : A hat that fishermen wear when they are out fishing
    Payment: in "Cash" or "Materials"

    Player who requested order: Batman(???)

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