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Arekkusu Sepera

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Posts posted by Arekkusu Sepera

  1. The Permaroller is used by identity number. When you roll, and ID is displayed on the roll, in which you must mention in your post. This is to make sure what a player saying is true. And those stats can be looked over by any sort of higher power in this forum. So spamming the permaroller just for a good roll can easy be caught by simply searching your name up. This is to avoid anyone abusing that liberty.

    For example. I roll a bad roll of Battle Dice: 1. Mob Dice: 7. ID:10927.

    On my post, I mention the dice that are applied for the scenario. Then I place the ID they belong to. Does this make any sense?

  2. Arekkusu then circled his hand back with a lot of force, putting it back to his side. The fact that he can hurt Kiru was like a mental therapy already. Its not often you get the chances to hurt someone who came back from hell. He looked towards the player, who seemed to be the most optimistic of the three. It gave him inner peace that he would be excited for Arekkusu to help. "I'm done...messing... As you say, with her. You will follow me when I have all my items situated."

  3. Arekkusu looked to the side to see that Kiru actually did put a pinky finger up. Did she think he was joking? He would be more than glad to demonstrate in front of his new apprentice on how Arekkusu knew how to fight. And for him to defeat a player of a much higher level, that would definitely help him. But to just hurt Kiru would help take out his anger. He put his pinky up and slammed it into Kirus and locked it tightly, not holding back a single ounce of strength in his grip. He then forcefully locked eyes with her, making sure that she didn't block him out. "I pinky promise." Arekkusu hissed silently, his facial expression really showing how angry he was. "Don't you DARE, forget what you just said, those words will haunt you one day if not today."

  4. Arekkusu stared at Kiru for a few seconds, his eyes lit with fire and hatred. The sarcasm was kicking in, his blood was boiling already, first Dan and now the woman that had to be chased out of hell itself for it to still be running. "I'll bring you to your knees by cutting your legs off if you don't shut up." Arekkusu said coldly and vainly. He always did have a way with words, not even when he was an asshole did he ever speak to anyone like that. But there he was, not only talking back to Kiru like he normally does, but actually reveals how pissed off he was when he said what he said. Arekkusu then turned his head back to the other player, who he tried to remain calmer in front of.


    "Arekkusu." Arekkusu said to the player. "That is my censored name. I'm a player, just like you. You want help? I'll give it to you, but you need to work hard. And I'm not holding any sessions, so you would be prepare yourself. I'm known for my expertise in combat, so for me to help someone 1 on 1 is rare, so it's not going to be easy. Do you accept? I'm only offering once."

  5. Arekkusu walked on the town streets and looked at the people, they all seemed cheery today. He didn't know why since he wasn't supposed to be doing a Violin solo and he didn't know any performers on the first floor. Arekkusu then saw someone who definitely stood out of any crowd. She had a hood over her head and had her hands in her pockets. That was probably how he looked whenever he was depressed or sad or whatever the case. He walked up to her side, not sure what to say to someone. Maybe that's how people feel around Arekkusu.

  6. Arekkusu crossed his arms and closed his eyes. This was the saddest thing he ever witnessed in the game, not even the two murders he did in the game made his feel so embarrassed. He breathed out, trying to calm himself down. He stood his ground though. Arekkusu had no reason to help that player out, 1 year in the game and decided to slack off while the rest of the players did the work? Arekkusu found that irritating, should he let Kiru do what she is doing? For once she actually had a reason to let her torture the player. But then again, Kiru never had the best of intentions, the pessimist of this game. If she says she was going to kill someone, Arekkusu would believe it like he would believe himself saying it. Murder no longer was new to him anyways. Remembering their last duel, he remembered how Kiru toyed with Arekkusu the whole duel, which costed her the duel. If she was going to kill him, she wasn't going to make the kill quick.


    Arekkusu finally felt guilty enough to walk to them. He was still pretty pissed off with Dan, so his anger would really get to him while he speaks. When he got up to the two of them, he came from behind. "Move." Arekkusu said with his eyes hollowed out, a little insanity getting to him. "I want to speak to the guy, that's all."

  7. Arekkusu this time was just hanging around, on the Violin in town square. He was just sitting on that bench there, gathering dust, his blank face looking at the ground and his thoughts on who he called his brother. A developer of the game, that explained so many things... hell, it explained everything. And the fact that Arekkusu was being watched 24/7 was no good. Arekkusu flipped 1 finger in the air to show his anger to his brother, and it seemed that the NPC people didn't know what he was doing. It's not like he gave a damn though, he was extremely pissed off. Almost like an angry rapper he knew of in the real world. I can relate to him. Arekkusu thought. His lyrics at least. Just put two fingers on each hand up. Yell, "I don't give a ****"... damn, they even censor my own thoughts.


    Arekkusu then heard a familiar voice that he instantly recognized, and it was literally the second to last voice he ever wanted to hear at the current moment, or any moment for that matter. She pisses him off before Dan revealed himself, if Arekkusu were to be messed with all the way, he might just about snap. To avoid that from happening, Arekkusu stood up from where he stood and put his Violin back in his inventory. He then saw her scolding... a new player? No, he seemed to be experiencing the game, but not much. His clothing was the main element that gave that fact away. Arekkusu wanted to know, and that would be tough to do by sneaking. He didn't activate the skill, he didn't even move. He just eavesdropped, it's not like he really cared to defend people from words anymore, just weapons. And Kiru's is sheathed, so Arekkusu kept his sheathed as well.

  8. Arekkusu looked at Wynter dragging Sousuke away from Arekkusu and the Ice Dragon. Good, now this fight is just about even, a little bit more fair for the dragon. The dragon tried to stop the escape by flying towards them, but Arekkusu sent Ignite to distract the dragon by creating a small ring of fire in the air, causing it to roar loudly. The dragon then turned it's head to Arekkusu, looking around to see if there was anything else alongside him. Arekkusu stared at the dragon with his eyes still angry and his body still on fire. When he saw Sousuke get slammed like that against the wall, Arekkusu knew that this dragon most certainly had to go down.


    "I'm the only one around here dumbass." Arekkusu said to the dragon a it roared it him in response. The dragon jumped and tried to swipe a paw at Arekkusu, but Arekkusu jumped onto the paw neatly and started running up the chilly arm. Arekkusu then jumped to the wing of the dragon, holding onto it from it's edge. Arekkusu  was riding on the dragon. He then flipped forward and struck the dragon from the top of it's head. Arekkusu then jumped back onto the ground and rolled to recover. This fight had just gotten personal.


    ID:6465  Bd: 5+1 Acc=6  MD: 2


    Arekkusu: 50/50


    Glacier Breath: 95/120  Bleeding -1 for 1//2 turns

  9. Arekkusu was about to walk after no reply, but then he felt himself get pulled towards the building. "But... I... But." Arekkusu stuttered, trying to think of any excuse that can get him out of there. However, he couldn't find any valid reason. Not in time at least. Wynter dragged him and threw him down onto a chair, telling him to stay and have a little fun. "Well... But... I... Well, I'll try I guess."

  10. "Sousuke!" Arekkusu cried out, seeing his friend get slammed to the wall. Arekkusus body then went up in flames, now he was angry. His sword bow had blue flames on them, showing what he activated, the deadliest skill Arekkusu ever uses for things that are irritating to him. Charge of the Flaming Ark, Arekkusus signature move. He disappeared out of sight, Hus speed extremely hard to keep up with. The dragon tried to hit Arekkusu, but Arekkusu sliced through the balls of ice. He then got up in range with the dragon and sliced through its stomach. The blade chipped off a huge piece of the dragon, ice flying everywhere. A little message to what happens when Arekkusu finds his target. The dragon then backed from Arekkusu, a little closet to Sousuke since Arekkusu was on the other side. He wasn't going to let this dragon get away, not after it did that to his friends.

    ID: 6462. Bd:10. (9+2+2+Bleed=13 DMG). MD:5




    Glacier Breath: 105/120 Bleeding, -1 for 2/2 turns

  11. Id:6455. Bd:2. MD: 7-3 Eva

    Arekkusu felt a little bit bad for the scolding he gave, but he at least got his message somewhat through. Wynter was avoiding the fight, But she was not retreating, looking a bit hurt. Arekkusu felt a bit guilty, mainly because she didn't know how dangerous it was to do something like that. But if she wasn't going to listen, he had to take over in such a way. If only that weren't the case. But f everyone were to rely on no roles, everyone would be dead. Everyone had a role, and they can change it with time and experience.

  12. Arekkusu then realized made one more request for him to make about what he wanted. He needed a piece of clothing for the future event. It could cost him  lot though, so he was hesitant to do so. But Arekkusu made the request anyways, hoping that it would work out for the best, and hopefully it would work out in the end. This item was perfect, so the question of time remains.


    "Also, I need another item under these specifications." Arekkusu said to his friend. "It is very crucial to have this item, I know it is a lot to ask of you, but I know you of all people could do it. It is a cloak. These are the specifications for it."


    Name: Roselle Cloak of Creation

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: +1 CD (Takes up all 3 enhancement spaces)

    Description: A Cloak designed to stabilize the hands of the wielder, giving them a delicate grip on their crafts and much more precise point of view of their work.

  13. Arekkusu saw his aunt take out one of the enemies that he was chalenging. The fight was beginning, the wolves began to spring at the players, who were ready to give their counter offer to the wolves. Arekkusu raised his blade and his body had fire swarming on him. His blade had Fire shoot from it was well, the Phoenix Wing, the sword of Fire meant to destroy opponents. Arekkusus wind the came, his energy focused on the wind, forcing the wolves to struggle with getting to his teammates. The wind was his to control ever since his almost death with the Queen Bee. Arekkusu then blurred into the air, his speed making it seem like he disappeared into the air. The wolf then instantly shattered a few seconds later. Arekkusu then reappeared on the other side with a casual smile. One ess enemy to deal with.


    ID:6458  Bd: 5+1 ACC=6    MD:3


    (Arekkusu inflicts 9 Damage)


    Arekkusu: 50/50

    Destiny: 26/26




    Aedan: 11/11


    Wolf 1: DEAD

    Wolf 2: DEAD

    Wolf 3: 4/4

    Wolf 4: 4/4

    Wolf 5: 4/4

  14. "Felix?" Arekkusu asked as he tiled his head to the side. "That is his username right? You didn't tell us his real name? All right, it doesn't matter, it seems everything is all right here. It's just nice for me to see people talk together, you know how it goes. I should probably best be going, is there anything I could do for anyone here right now or is everyone here good?"

  15. Arekkusu rampaged his way through the crowds of Ogres, keeping their focus on  him while everyone i attacking. None seem to be going down though, so far only one of them are actually dead. Arekkusu decided to add a little bit of help and take one out on his own. Hopefully the others won't be made as targets. Arekkusu stepped in front of one, making sure all of it's attention was on him. The Ogre swung at Arekkusu, but Arekkusu ducked the attack quickly, then sprung his legs up as he switched his hand position, causing an upperslice to the Ogre. Arekkusu then jumped into the air to catch up with the Airborne Ogre. Ignite flew and spun circles around the Ogre, then Arekkusu kicked the Ogre the best he could like in soccer. The Ogre flew far, looking like a fireball when the kick connected. Soon, it shattered into data pieces as Arekkusu fell to the ground. That was one less problem everyone had to deal with.


    ID:6457  BD: 5+1 ACC=6 Hit Successful   MD: 2  Loot: 19  (Obtained 1 Mat and 100 Col)


    Arekkusu: 50/50


    Red-eyes Ogre: DEAD 

    Red-eyes Ogre: DEAD
    Red-eyes Ogre: 8/20
    Red-eyes Ogre: 10/20
    Red-eyes Ogre: 8/20 

  16. "Don't worry, I'll take care of anything that dares crosses us from our goal." Arekkusu said as he put his blade up. He loved helping his allies, and to have then be friends and kill monsters at the same time, he knew that this was going to be one epic adventure. And hopefully by the end of all this, they will get what they want as the ultimate goal. "So tell me, what enrmies are we totally going to murder and shatter."

  17. Arekkusu walked up to his aunt and smiled. The big day was coming soon for the both of them and their positions must be done gracefully. That is why he is going with his aunt, who played another important roll. He walked up to he and bowed respectfully, shoeing that he was ready. He held out his blade, showing how eager he was to fight whatever he needed to in order to get the present for his two lover friends. "Hey auntie!" Arekkusu said to her with happiness in his tone. "I'm ready!"

  18. Arekkusu gritted his teeth when she wouldn't listen. If she dared die in front of him, he would never forgive himself. "Anything that happens in this fight isn't my fault!" Arekkusu yelled. "But if you dare die, I'm going to die as well! I'm making one final request! Get away from the dragon!"

    Id: 6429. Bd: 3. MD: 1

  19. "What the hell?" Arekkusu said when he heard his name called. He turned back to see one of the last few people he wanted to see in this battle. She would be destroyed with a few hits if Arekkusu let her in this fight, and he would never forgive himself of he did. "Turn back! Wynter! Stay away from us! You're only going to get hurt! Listen to me, as a fully experienced player and a planned front liner, I want you to stay away from this battle!"

  20. Arekkusu looked at the dragon, who tried to lice at him next, throwing three icicles in the process. Arekkusu swung his blade to the side three times as each chunk of ice almost hit him. Instead, they deflected off of his blade towards three different areas. If they dared flee from this beast, the people in the towns would be in danger, players and NPCs the same. Now that they faced off with such a genocidal enemy, they were going to have to take down the dragon and silence it, making sure it doesn't follow them on their way out. "Like hell I'm letting this thing get out of here! Just give me some time! I'll kill it!" Arekkusu exclaimed.


    ID:6428  Bd: 4+1  Md: 3-3


    Arekkusu: 52/52

    Crozeph: 19/19

    Sousuke: 30/30


    Glacier Breath: 120/120 

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