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Posts posted by Moartea

  1. They need to add episode 5, I have yet to find it, nor have I be pinged to a new one being made as I am a subscriber on Youtube to the channel. For all you here who do you think Kirito would mess with next? I for one would like to see more of Ballzy getting dissed, no offense Klein in SAO-RPG, but this is too funny.

  2. «Moartea»

    The Unknown One 

    Face Claim:

    Byakuya Kuchiki 



    » Username:


    » Real name:

    Moartea Valentinez Alkalinella Rolarious Deshawndria Jahmonayshia Kaiser

    » Age:


    » Gender:


    » Height:



    » About:


    Born in  Romania, Transylvania, he is the son of a Duke, much of his families history is shrouded in shadows, and there is much to ask about. Moartea at the age of 8 did a lot of digging around to find out about his families past, even though his father forbids it. His mother was not around as she had died in giving birth to Moartea, he has no other siblings as his mother’s body could not take more than one child at a time. When Moartea found the records and the family tree in a secret library, he was shocked, and horrified, he discovered that his ancestor, the one that caught his eye the most, was no other than Vlad III, Prince of Wallachia, or better known as Vlad the Impaler. Moartea could see why his family was considered very powerful and feared throughout Romania, he kept this little discovery from his father, and acted like he never found out about who his ancestor was.


    Time passed and Moartea grew into a fine young man, as his Nurse and foster mother cared for him, his father wanted nothing to do with him as he told him on many accounts. "I want nothing from a monster that killed my wife, be gone beast." As his father out of spite named him Moartea, the Romania word for Death, as that was his curse to this child that took his beloved away from him, Moartea grew into a fine young gentleman, as he went to school, and was taught how to be a first rate man. But when Moartea turned 16, a even changed his life forever, he was in his Castle, as usual wandering the halls, and exploring the massive building when a crash was heard, he immediately ran and found several men, armed and ready to kill, but it was not him they were after, it was his father that they wanted dead. Moartea, even though his father never wanted him, nor did they see eye to eye, rushed to his aid, only to be hit in the back of the head, and beaten to the point if death, as one man pulled a gun out, and pointed it at him.


    His father kicked the gun and the man that hit Moartea pulled his out and fired it, as the bullet hit his father in the head, and killed him, the men tied Moartea up and then again hit him in the head knocking him out. As the authorities came 15 minutes later to see Moartea beaten and bloody as he was tied up and almost killed, they took him to a hospital and he spent the last 4 days in a Coma, as when he awoke he found strange people surrounding him. Moartea had lost his memory and didn't remember anything, not even his name was something he remembered, and the family was all in tears on how he could have ended up like this. Moartea was taken back to Kaiser Castle and was to recover his memories, as his Nurse was the one to teach him. He tried to start over but never could truly get the hang of paying attention, as that near death experience caused his original personality to change, as now he was more violent and aggressive, but he was still his cool temperamental self. He also became very well mannered when it came to girls or women, before he would flirt and try to get into their pants, but after that accident he became` rather more mellow and meek.


    Moartea finally decided to take on a hobby to help him regain his memory, as he turned to gaming, something he saw on the internet, as the Kaiser Castle has some of the best net speed you could ask for. He learned of a new type of gaming though, VR gaming, and after researching it, he fell in love with it, but he read it was still in the beta testing version. He had to wait 5 years before it would be released, so he waited, regaining his once forgotten abilities and skills as when that day came, he had the gear shipped to Romania and had the Japanese Company Argus allow him private access to a secure internet feed to give him access to the game from Transylvania Romania, as he paired them a excellent amount of money to do so, and such he made his account and put himself into his room, as he lay there on his bed and placed the NerveGear on his head saying two little words, "Link Start."



    His personality is rather cool and calm, he doesn't really get mad, he is a bright man, who tends to rarely smile and never really speak, as he is more of the loner guy. Who hides a lot of emotion when he interacts with people, he will converse when given the chance, but other than that he is rather quiet and mellow, he does however have a curious mind, and this changes him slightly and causes him to act differently. When his mind is peaked, he tends to show slightly more emotion and tends to smile from time to time. He will be more attuned to give off a warmer feeling than before and will be slightly more excited. But that is if you can get him interested, it takes a lot to make him curious, being a Virgo, he is much harder to please when it comes to amusement.


    Being a Virgo means living in a practical world, where there is not a fairy tale dream, Moartea doesn't like if you are too sentimental, it is not that Moartea doesn't know how to show emotion or to show love; just his way of expressing it is different from others. Moartea is extremely dedicated towards his family and friends. He is constantly involved in helping them and has a strong sense of work and duty, too much display of emotions makes him uncomfortable and too conscious. But Moartea will stick to you when you need him the most, care for you and dutifully carry out all the responsibilities you ask him to do.

    However, don't burden him with extreme sentiments, mushy affection and tearful promises, if he hasn't ran away yet, he will become too cold and even the subtle display of affection from his side may come to a stop. You have to keep the temperature just right, too much aloofness or too much closeness is not what he wants, a little bit of sensuality, mixed with some intelligence and an interesting disposition is what he desires. To him, quality of time spent with you will mean more than the quantity, he is usually very cautious while forming a relationship with people period, if it still doesn't turn out to be right, he will bury himself in work, avoid social gathering and be triply cautious with people. Moartea use to have girls always coming after him, he never wanted that, not one bit, the fact of the matter is, he didn’t mind being single at all, the most the girl had to do was make Moartea realize that he has fallen in love and needs to form a relationship, but this never happened. He is not prone to flirtations, so most people have no reasons to doubts his intentions; in fact, he is too sensitive, selective and honest to indulge in such kind of behavior.

    Moartea is very cautious about everything whether that is work, past time or love and relationships, lying will get you nowhere with him, he wants a genuine and honest information and cannot stand dishonesty even for a second. Stirring the emotions of Moartea is a very difficult task, because he never consciously emotional or even wanting to show emotions, remember, he does have a heart; you just have to sway it the right way, it may take time, but it will be worth the wait. Once you have won Moartea's heart, you will have an extremely loyal friend or more, never again will he let you feel unloved or uncared for, in your entire life, his feeling and love will burn for you with a steady flame, which will never flicker even for a minute. Moartea also has a sharp memory and will remember even the minutest of details; you wouldn't have to remind him about small tasks, duties or events. 


    He may sometimes not understand why these are important, but he will remember them nonetheless, as stated he is very loyal and will expect the same from you. So, in the short version he like people who have an intellectual mind, impropriety and rudeness turns him away as he will disregard you. He is in vein of people with impeccable manners, spotlessly clean house, excellent cooking skills and decent dressing sense. He is prone to finding faults in others; he is a very responsible person and will help sharpen the intellect of people and other around him, he also has imbibed good manners, etiquette and the quality of helping the needy. However, you will have to get him to express his emotion and, when he becomes a little irritable, just leave him alone and he will again be his usual self pretty self. With Moartea and his Virgo personality, you will have a tender and loyal friend who will shower you all with love and care, no matter what age you are.


    <<Battle Personality>>

    Moartea has at first, a very calm and steady fighting style, he will be swift and precise to hit you weak point, but when he gets riled and agitated he will switch to a very aggressive type of sword fighting, despite his calm and cool nature. He will begin to use his bodies’ momentum to move across the field, With a weapon, he use it in unusual ways, he will use the spine of the blade, the flat face, even the pummel; his fighting is always aggressive like and will always keep the opponent on the defensive. Along with his ability to take orders is quite simple, if he finds the order to be disgraceful, he will avoid the main objective and will go on his own path, as he is not quite the leader type himself.


    <<Celestial Virtues>>

    Cardinal Virtues:



    Abstaining from sexual conduct according to one's state in life; the practice of courtly love. Cleanliness through cultivated good health and hygiene, and maintained by refraining from intoxicants. To be honest with oneself, one's family, one's friends, and to all of humanity. Embracing of moral wholesomeness and achieving purity of thought-through education and betterment. The ability to refrain from being distracted and influenced by hostility, temptation or corruption.


    Moartea is a person who can control his lustful side; he doesn't go around chasing women like it's the end of the world. In fact, he likes the idea of women coming to him instead; it shows him that he is a desired type of man. But don't confuse this, he will ask a women on a date or to be his girlfriend, it's just he knows when and where it is appropriate to do so. As well, he doesn't like women who is flirtatious, or likes to hit on many men, he wants a true and innocent relationship and he wants to feel like he is the only one for his partner.



    Forbearance and endurance through moderation. Enduring the seemingly unbearable with patience and dignity. Resolving conflicts and injustice peacefully, as opposed to resorting to violence. Accepting the grace to forgive; to show mercy to sinners. Creating a sense of peaceful stability and community rather than suffering, hostility, and antagonism.


    Moartea is a person who has a barrier around his rage and malice, as it takes a lot to piss him off, as if one does succeed, they will be faced with a force to be reckoned with. Moartea learned how to control his anger from the Nurse that cared for him since he was a baby; she taught him that a patient person is one that gets what they want. As her famous quote, "Patience is a virtue.†Moartea can stand certain things but most others drive him into a stir, as rude people. He pays no mind when they talk about him, but when they speak of others that tick him off.



    Modest behavior, selflessness, and the giving of respect. Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it is thinking of yourself less. It is a spirit of self-examination; a hermeneutic of suspicion toward yourself and charity toward people you disagree with. The courage of the heart necessary to undertake tasks which are difficult, tedious or unglamorous and to graciously accept the sacrifices involved. Reverence for those who have wisdom and those who selflessly teach in love. Giving credit where credit is due; not unfairly glorifying one's own self. Being faithful to promises, no matter how big or small they may be. Refraining from despair and the ability to confront fear and uncertainty, or intimidation.


    Moartea is a person who if you show respects to and treat him with proper manners, he won't be boastful or full of pride around you, to the best of his abilities. That only if you show him respect, and manners, if not, he will be the most arrogant and self-centered person in the world, but show him he will be considerate about you, and look at you as his equal, he won't show self-pity either, and even at times he will be rather give you the credit instead of saying that due to his families teaching and yadah yadah.


    <<Heavenly Virtues>>

    *Quick Learner:

    Although not very obvious, Moartea is shown to be a quick learner; he can learn and perform much, if he is given the correct time and environment to do so. He is an excellent swordsman, and marksmen, as he has also trained in hand to hand combat, he learned to fight in a short amount of time as he developed his own fighting style. And even after his accident, and with amnesia, his body still reacts and he relearned all his skills in only a few short hours, his skills consisting of, instrumental skills; Piano, Cello, Violin, Guitar, Clarinet, Saxophone, Flute, and Harp. His fighting skills are quite lengthy so he recently learned how to fight with his fists a blade, bow and arrow as well as firearms.



    Moartea, though masked by his cool tempered personality, is a good tactician, contributing to his ability as a leader. His battles often involve a development of new fighting style, unpredictable and well planned moves. He is able to see his opponents' weak points, or the most effective way to beat them.



    Raised to be a proper adult from an early age, being born into a high class society, he needed to learn how to act like an adult and be mature. Even as a young man, he was rather mature for his age, never acting childlike, not once, nor does he raise his voice above a stern tone. When greeting people, he gives them a pleasant smile, and he bows, tilting forward, and bending his arm at a forty-five degree angle, and placing it on his chest. And when dismissing people, he does the same manner but will tell you have a fare and excellent night.


    <<Deathly Flaws>>

    Cardinal Sins:

    *Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.php



    Wrath (Latin, ira), also known as "rage", may be described as inordinate and uncontrolled feelings of hatred and anger. Wrath, in its purest form, presents with self-destructiveness, violence, and hate that may provoke feuds that can go on for centuries. Wrath may persist long after the person who did another a grievous wrong is dead. Feelings of anger can manifest in different ways, including impatience, revenge, and self-destructive behavior, such as drug abuse or suicide. Wrath is the only sin not necessarily associated with selfishness or self-interest, although one can of course be wrathful for selfish reasons, such as jealousy (closely related to the sin of envy). Dante described vengeance as "love of justice perverted to revenge and spite". In its original form, the sin of wrath also encompassed anger pointed internally as well as externally. Thus suicide was deemed as the ultimate, albeit tragic, expression of hatred directed inwardly, a final rejection of God's gifts.


    Moartea, is a person who has a rage issue, when he is angered or feels anger, he is a different person. He will say things; do things that will not be truth. He doesn't mean anything, as he can't control what he says, or does, and when it's all over, he will most definitely apologize, unless he is holding a grudge against set person or persons. As is his Zodiac, he can and will hold them, if he feels as he should.



    Gluttony, derived from the Latin gluttire, meaning to gulp down or swallow, gluttony (Latin, gula) is the over-indulgence and over-consumption of anything to the point of waste. In Christianity, it is considered a sin if the excessive desire for food causes it to be withheld from the needy.

    Because of these scripts, gluttony can be interpreted as selfishness; essentially placing concern with one's own interests above the well-being or interests of others. Medieval church leaders (e.g., Thomas Aquinas) took a more expansive view of gluttony, arguing that it could also include an obsessive anticipation of meals, and the constant eating of delicacies and excessively costly foods. Aquinas went so far as to prepare a list of six ways to commit gluttony, comprising:

    • Praepropere – eating too soon
    • Laute – eating too expensively
    • Nimis – eating too much
    • Ardenter – eating too eagerly
    • Studiose – eating too daintily
    • Forente – eating wildly

    Moartea is a person who likes to indulge into his food, and likes to eat to his heart’s desire; he doesn't care if he may be sinful. All he cares for is filling his stomach with the energy he needs to continue moving on. Most occasions you can see him eating a snack every 15 to twenty minutes, and his snacks are quite large, or quite small, depending on his appetite at the time.



    In almost every list, pride (Latin, superbia), or hubris (Greek), is considered the original and most serious of the seven deadly sins, and the source of the others. It is identified as believing that one is essentially better than others, failing to acknowledge the accomplishments of others, and excessive admiration of the personal self (especially holding self out of proper position toward God). Dante's definition was "love of self perverted to hatred and contempt for one's neighbor". In Jacob Bidermann's medieval miracle play, Cenodoxus, pride is the deadliest of all the sins and leads directly to the damnation of the titulary famed Parisian doctor. In perhaps the best-known example, the story of Lucifer, pride (his desire to compete with God) was what caused his fall from Heaven, and his resultant transformation into Satan. In Dante's Divine Comedy, the penitents are burdened with stone slabs on their necks which force them to keep their heads bowed


    Moartea is a very prideful person, he sees himself above others at times, and will not hesitate to say it, even if he hurts people’s emotions in the process. He can't help it, his father taught him to be proud of yourself, and to never doubt who you are, though his father did boasting a lot as well. Moartea is mealy following the example of his father and his teachings, which are frankly rather cruel.


    <<Demonic Flaws>>


    Rather than beat around the bush, he likes the say the things that are on his mind and he will not sugar coat it either. Moartea likes to say what he thinks, when he thinks it, he also likes other people to do the very same thing. All he wanted is for people to speak their minds, he does' like it when people hesitate or shudder when speaking, as it shows they can't say what’s on their minds. Which makes him irritable?



    Rather cold and heartless at times, Moartea at times thinks logical and always calculates things ahead of time. He hides his emotions away when he thinks logical and does not care so long as he figures out the problem at hand. Most of the time he rather use his head instead of a gut or heart felled feeling, but yet again the same thing can happen where he uses his gut and heart to figure something out. But only if his logic is of no use.



    Moartea after this incident with his father’s death and his amnesia, he is rather more of an air head, he tends to drift away, and will pay attention to other things than what is at hand. He does this when something bored is happening and he finds no interest in it, mostly with numbers and boring lecture topics as financial and economical advisement issue. He literally will turn his head and ignore the info coming at him and just wander in his mind.



    Alexandru Cătălin Mitulescu Kasier; Father of Moartea.

    Born in Sighișoara, Transylvania, much like Vlad III Dracula, he was the son of the previous Duke, as most of the Kaiser family is born into high class society. Alexandru was a well groomed boy, who was raised to be the splitting image of his father, he was taught all the things he was taught and was to follow in his father’s footsteps. As he did for most of his life, until he turned the age of 16, one day his father told him to undergo the final process to taking over the family’s priorities, as he was to marry a girl from another high class society. As Alexandru told him no, as he didn't love her, he would never, as he loved another woman, his father enraged by this defiance told his son if he didn't he would be thrown into the streets with the rest of the mongrels, but Alexandru told him to settle it like a man.


    As he told him to duel him, it he lost then he would do as his father said and marry this woman, but if he won, his father had to relinquish his title of Duke and give it to him instead, his father scoffed at the proposal and told him if he won he would be thrown into the streets before he had a defiant little boy take his title. They had an official duel in front of a crowd of people and the current Sultan of Transylvania, as Alexandru and his father prepared, the Sultan told him that this was an official match and the loser had to agree to the terms or death would be for their defiance to the crown. The duel started as a gun was fired off and Alexandru overpowered his father in 3 moves and disarmed him in one swift motion, as he sliced it clean off, the crowed shocked and the Sultan pleased with the outcome, as Alexandru was now the new Duke of Transylvania, Alexandru father furious pulled a knife out and attempted to take his sons life as Alexandru stabbed him in the heart, and killed him. After that day, Alexandru grew up and married the woman he loved, a maid named Victoria Tatiana Vasilica, she was the one he loved and wanted to be with forever.


    Victoria Tatiana Vasilica; Deceased mother of Moartea.

    Born in Târgoviște, Romania, she was a young girl who was abandoned by her mother and left at the steps of an orphanage; she grew up not knowing about her mother or father. During her stay at the orphanage, she did her best to help around the building, she was the buildings maid and was quite good at what she did, but she was also the most picked on. Many of the girls called her a clean freak and a germ fanatic, she was teased and bullied for her ability to clean and keep the building in nice condition. As she turned the age of 9 she was found by Alexandru's father who saw her as an excellent asset to the Castles maids, he took her in and had her as one of the few maids to help clean the Castle. When she arrived, she found Alexandru to be one of the few people who she could speak to without having a scornful look given to her, other than his father of course, the two spent time together in secrecy when she was off duty, and they both fell in love.


    But both of them knew that they couldn't be together, it was like a scene in Romeo & Juliet, they were from two different worlds and neither of them could be with each other and truly be happy. Until the day Alexandru challenged his father to the duel, Victoria watched in the crowd as she prayed that Alexandru won, so she could be happy, as when the duel was proclaimed that Alexandru was the winner she was giddy with happiness. But seeing her lover almost killed made her heart sink, but seeing him kill his own father made her heart clench and turn, as she was glad that he won, but was appalled by what he did. But in the end she still loved him and finally he proposed to her a month after his new title was given to him, they grew up and she became pregnant with Moartea, as when the date came, and she was to give birth, he body fell weak and she grew ill. She never made it through the event and such Moartea was born through a C-section instead of the usual normal pregnancy. Victoria died with a smile in her face as she wanted her son to live happily in the world and to be able to live his dreams as he sees fit.


    Valentina Sofia Ștefania; Wet Nurse and Foster Mother of Moartea

    Born in Bucharest, she was born into the Kaiser family as one of the members of the family got a nurse pregnant; it was Moartea's Grandfather who had gotten the current wet nurse pregnant. So she is actually Moartea's half aunt as she grew up in the Kaiser Castle and was raised to be the next Generation of nurse to care for the Kaiser offspring. She would raise the new son or daughter when the mother could not, as when Alexandru and Victoria became man and wife, she knew that they would have a child, as such she waited. Attending her other duties as well, and when the day finally came, and Victoria had her son; she didn't expect Victoria to die in the procedure.


    As her last wish was to care for him, as if he was her own, and then died with a smile, as now Valentina had Moartea, as his father called him, to care for. She raised him by herself, and with the help of the other maids, she taught and shaped Moartea to be a gentleman, and to be a man at the same time. She taught him many things, and even after the accident, he still wanted to learn from her, even if he forgot who she was and all that she did for him. She would care for him, even when he put the NerveGear on; she stayed with him and is currently caring for his body right now.


    <<Profession & Skills>>



    <<Utility and Mobility>>

    â–º Athletics

    Cost: 6 - No Ranks
    Effect: +1 DMG, +5 HP
    Description: You can endure more, are quicker and stronger than average.


    â–º Precision:
    Cost: 6 - No Ranks
    Effect: +1 Accuracy (ACC)
    Description: Your strikes find their mark more often.


    â–º Search & Detect: Rank 0: Unskilled [0/30]

    5 Ranks
    Effect: +1 LD per rank.
    Description: Players investing in the search and detect Skill have a higher chance of finding hidden Treasure and Loot Chests as they explore Aincrad, as well as being able to detect hidden monsters and traps. For each Skill Level invested, a player gains +1 to their LD.


    â–º Sprint & Acrobatics: Rank 0: Unskilled [0/30]
    Cost: 6
    Effect: +1 Evasion
    Description: Able to perform complex jumps, flips, balancing acts, dance, tumbles, and somersaults as well as reach areas of the map that are outside of a normal player’s ability to reach via being able to jump and reach ledges and other means of climbing.


    â–º Night Vision:
    Cost: 6 - No Ranks
    Effect: Ignores any penalties from low light or darkness, as well as negating others stealth bonuses from it.
    Description: allows players to see normally in low light conditions
    Note Visibility rules: From now on any actions being performed in low light or dark conditions will suffer a -1 to all dice rolls. Expect future content to mention visibility details. Also watch out for monsters who may dwell in the darkness! Some may not suffer from these penalties. A portable light source of some kind will provide light for your immediate vicinity. 


    â–º Extended weight limit: Rank 0: Unskilled [0/30]
    5 Ranks
    Effect: Players start out with an inventory with 6 available slots, and gain one extra slot per Skill Level invested in the Extended Weight Limit skill.
    Description: Investing in the Extended Weight Limit skill enables a player to carry more gear into the field, be it weapons, armor, or usable items



    â–º Battle Healing: Rank 0: Unskilled [0/30]

    5 Ranks
    Effect: Recover X health on natural CD rolls of 10+ (X=Rank Level)
    Description: Recover small amounts of health in battle. The amount recovered is equal to your Battle Healing skill rank.



    Weapon Skills demonstrate how proficient a character is with a specific weapon, and directly affects how much damage a skilled player is capable of inflicting upon an enemy. While some players might choose to focus their abilities on a single weapon to maximize how much damage they can do, other players might choose to invest points in more than one weapon type to have multiple weapon options available.

    Weapon Skills modify damage done with specific weapon types. For each Skill level invested in a specific Weapon Skill, a player will do an additional 1 damage. There are a variety of different weapon types to chose from:


    â–ºOne-Handed Curved Sword: Rank 1; Novice [2/30]
    5 Ranks
    The effectiveness with which a player can use one handed slashing swords. (Example: Scimitar, Kilij)



    â–ºHeavy Armor: Rank 1: Novice [2/30]

    5 Ranks
    Effect: The effectiveness with which a player can use Heavy Armor. For each skill point invested in the Heavy Armor skill, incoming damage is reduced by 1 damage point. (Must have heavy armor equipped to take advantage of this benefit)



    â–º Martial Arts: Rank 1: Novice [2/30]

    5 Ranks
    The effectiveness with which a player can use unarmed combat. Unlocked after completion of the quest

    Quest: <Breaking the Unbreakable.>




    4815 Col



    200 Col

    400 Col

    425 Col Business Transaction from Mari

    600 Col

    800 Col

    1190 Col Business Transaction from Kazuya

    1190 Col Business Transaction from MacGrath

    1200 Col Business Transaction from Zeke



    250 Col Story plot wise, clothing bought for disciple

    1190 Col Taken from me by Kazuya



    6 Materials

    5 White-Osmium Ores

    1 Adamantite ore


    <<Inventory Weapons/Tools>>

    Acquired Gear


    Item name:
    Lance de Longinus

    Item Rarity:


    Loot Drop

    Weapon Type
    Two Handed Assault Spear

    +1 Damage

    Item Description
    The Lance de Longinus, resembles a long, red bident, its structure is inherently double-helical, with the majority of its length being straight and composed of two strands which are tightly interwoven. At one end, the two strands unwind and form two massive tines. The entire length of the spear from blade tips to shaft pummel is approximetly 3.048 Meters or 10 Feet in length, the blade tips are roughly 0.9144 Meters, or 3 Feet as the rest of the spear is 2.1336 Meters or 7 Feet in length.








    Forge of the Ancient Blood

    Item Description
    Fenris is a large one handed curve blade, crafted by the Bloodsmith of the Crimson Inquisition, this sword is made of heave iron, and has a serenaded edge to it. Extending out wand in a wave type form, the guard is intricately design, as it houses a hand guard of some formation, as it has many sections in it, that it ends ins a swirl motion. As well as that it is a mysterious & unique blade, it is named after the Norse Mythology of a monstrous wolf, it makes an unusual sound as it passes through the air a almost howling sound as if this is the weapon form of the legendary Fenris. The Emerald eye gem in the center of the handle can almost stare into your soul, as it is roughly the size of a large long sword, reaching a length of 54 inches, and the blades thickness is 5 centimeters.



    Item name: 

    Magnus Tower Shield

    Item Rarity:

    Forge of the Ancient Blood

    Item Type
    Tower Shield (HME) 

    Thorn: Opponent takes 1 point of damage on BD roll of 6-8 when attacking the wearer of this item.

    Item Description
    The Lesser Grand Tower Shield is a enormous Tower Shield that reaches 5'8 feet in height as is essentially a assault shield. This shield took a rather usual turn in the craft, as the iron has turned gold colour. It has a rather hideous beast like face on it that resembles a demons face, even though a Uncommon, it is rather, intricately design, the shield is extremely heavy and hand be wielded if given the training to use it, as Moartea can use it to some degree, its actual weight is close to 65 lbs. It has a parallel handle that runs along the body of the shield, and has a adjustable arm strap, this shield is meant to be wielded with the arm, as it can be moved with the players arm.    




    *The Beginners Pack 

    8 bread,

    14 water,

    1 Basic Weapon:



    Cloth clothing.

    Black Denim Jacket with white T-shirt

    Black Denim Jeans

    Black Leather Boots


    *Acquired outfit

    Aristocratic suit-A royal purple calf length leather coat, with gold trim along the outline of his coat, mapping even to the collar and the shoulders. it had two silver buttons located opposite of each shoulder, each one in the position of the shoulder meeting the chest, as the coat had a slight pink section near the outline of his coat, with a silver belt, having many fine details and intricate designs built into the layout. The coat having a built in vest shirt, consisting of a grey frame, with two rows of five silver grey buttons reaching to the base of the vest, lined with black coloring as his coat has two built in leather strips connected to the silver belt that wrap around to the back of his coat, a pair of black leather pants, and a pair of metal like boots reaching up to his knees, that have a pink outline with two sets of two white dots on each boot.




    * (SP-F1) Living starts with a single step. The road to Blacksmithing (Complete) (+1 Point)

    [PP-F4] Something to do? (Moartea & Mari) (+1 point) (+6 Materials)
    ~ In Progress

    * (PP-F1)Beginning of all Journey's

    * (PP-F1) Pepper pepper in your hair.

    * [PP-F4] Snowy Day (Moartea & Kohaku)

    * [PP-F4 & F5] The Gathering of Osmium (Moartea & Life) 

    * [CI-F5] Guild Material OP #1 (Moartea, Life, Akumu, & Kazuya)

    * [PP-F1] Her Story Begins (Ream & Moartea)

    [PP-F4] A Slate of grey meets a Flash of red (Moartea & Kitty)


    [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle

    [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)


    <<Skill Points>>



    Each Skill represents six stages of proficiency in a single area.
    0 - Unskilled
    1 - Novice
    2 - Journeyman
    3 - Expert
    4 - Master

    5 - Grandmaster

    Form Rank 0 – 1 = 2
    From Rank 1 – 2 = 4
    From Rank 2 – 3 = 6
    From Rank 3 – 4 = 8
    From Rank 4 – 5 = 10


    ~ Start Off Point Amount: 2


    "Skill Points"


    »Gained [5]

    * (SP-F1) Living starts with a single step. The road to Blacksmithing (Complete) (+1 Point)

    [PP-F4] Something to do? (Moartea & Mari) (+1 point)

    * PP: F4 'Come out to Play' [Mari + Moartea] (+1 point)


    »Current [1]


    »Spent [6]


    » "Heavy Metal Equipment"

    >> "2 Points: Rank 0 > 1: Novice" 

    > "Additional Points Paid here"


    » "One-Handed Curved Sword"

    >> "2 Points: Rank 0 > 1: Novice"

    > "Additional Points Paid here"


    » "Martial Arts"

    >> "2 Points: Rank 0 > 1: Novice"

    > "Additional Points Paided here"


    » "Skill Name Here"

    >> "Amount Paided Here"

    > "Additional Points Paided here"


    »Aquired Points


    (SP-F1) Living starts with a single step. The road to Blacksmithing (Complete)

    <One Point Gained>


    (PP-F2) Fist of Steel that Break the Stone (Moartea & Lessa) (Completed)

    <One Point Gained>


    PP-F3 Bump in the night [COMPLETE]

    <One Point Gained>


    [PP-F4] Something to do? (Moartea & Mari) (Complete)

    <One point Gained>


    PP: F4 'Come out to Play' [Mari + Moartea]

    <One point Gained>


    "Topic Name Here"

    <"Point Gained Here">



    Close Relationships

    Mari: Close Friend

    ​Ream: Disciple

    L "Life": Close Friend, possible Blood Brother 

    Argumail: Guild Member and close ally.



    Lessa: Acquaintance

    Kazuya: Guild Member

    Ethereal: Acquaintance and Guild Member



    Rebekah: Unknown 

    Raining.Rose: Unknown

    Akumu: Unknown, and Guild Member


    <<Story Thus Far (optional)>>

    Moartea entered SAO like all players, new and unfamiliar with the whole game, after his regression to video games to escape his fears in the real world, he found SAO, bought a secure sever and entered it, only to find it was a Death Game. As he trained Solo once, and found it rather unpleasant, he meet a woman named Lessa, a usual blonde haired warrior, she seemed rather odd to him, and when he made her scared of him, he avoided her. Not wanting to drag a person down with fear, and or hate, after his mission he unlocked the <<Martial Art>> extra skill and never saw her again, may never again, he later  met up with a woman named Rose, he still is understanding her (Not finished mission). Afterward, he went on another solo mission and unlocked his Blacksmithing profession, and shortly joined the Crimson Inquisition, Aincrads current largest guild, as he was not only the Bloodsmith, the title he has, but also was promoted to the leader of the Crafting Division, and is the one who deals with all profession type problems. 


    Moartea currently is still overlooking Ethereal, a member of the CI, who is the Alchemist (Another mission I have yet to finish), he met up with several other members of the guild, many came to his shop located on floor four, and he is hosting a Material OP for the guild (Unfinished mission). As well as a material hunt with a man named Life, one man he has yet ti learn about. as well as much time passed and he crafted many items, some better than others, he bumped into a young woman named Mari, who he found a pleasant connection to, and finds to be a lot of fun to be with. Afterward he ran into another female, this one rather more timid than any other person he met in Aincrad, he quickly found her pleasant as well, but he became her Sensei in only moments of meeting her. He is going to train her to be a strong person, and one that can survive in SAO for the duration of her life. [Edit when more to come]


    » Moartea's Themes

    * Main Theme

    Battle Theme (I do not own this song)

    * When Alone 1

    When Alone 2

    * Never Giving up Theme 1

    * Never Giving up Theme 2

    * Insanity Finally Shattered Theme

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