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Posts posted by Asen

  1. Hearing his name being called, I let go of the branches and dropped ten feet until I landed on a branch. Then I dropped another ten and landed perfectly on my feet. My stomach growled when I landed and it made me chuckled.

    Yeah you're not the only one, last one to the village gets to pay the bill! I quickly said as I dashed out to the field heading for Houzi Village.

  2. I cracked a smile as I tuck them into my inventory.

    Now it'll be my turn to climb. I said as I jumped up to the lowest branch of a tree and gracefully started to climb it to the top. When I got up to the top, just like I thought there was two Atoli birds sleeping in their nest. One of them got woken up because of my appearance and was about to fly away until I presented the handful of Huckleberries. It sleepily hopped on my hand and starting to eat the berries. Seeing as I'm friendly, it hopped straight in between my coat collar and neck as it snuggled itself back to sleep.

  3. As they were fussing, he went to check out the hill with his sword gripped tightly in his hand. He didn't get within ten ft. when a big blonde hair man let out a battle cry and dashed out of the bushes with his mighty battle axe held in his hands. Night barely had time to parry the attack, but his feet got lifted off the ground and was knocked to the side a good bit. Then he immediately knew the guy, with the red cursor over his head and his battle axe in his strong hands, there's no doubt.

    Thirag? Is that you? He asked, and the attacker seized his movements. The PKer looked straight into Night's eyes.

    Kid? Still kicking I see! He boomed out a laugh as he sheathed his axe.

  4. I kind of fake laughed that one off.

    Ahh, is that so? I wonder who... I tried to play it off, but I was always a horrible liar. Then I took a deep breath.

    I guess I could explain why that is like that, but as what we're doing is that we're taking on the <> quest. Now as of what happened, I kind of wedged a big hole with a very bad crowd. I said bluntly, merely beating around the bush.

  5. I sheepishly grinned as he pouted. I looked to the tree and I could see multiple nests high in the branches.

    Actually believe it or not I didn't think about it until now, but there's still rats wandering around. It's just catching the little suckers is the problem, while an Atoli loves to eat Huckleberries. I explained mainly to myself, but loud enough for Zauis to hear. In the distance deeper inside the woods, I could hear a faint squeak in that direction...

  6. I chuckled under my breath.

    You got to give it's favorite food, only problem is that you have figure that one out. But if I had to guess, I would go with rats or mice. That's my suggestion as that is what they eat in real life. I calmly said despite of the humorous look on my face. He walked back a little and sat with his back against a tree that looked rather creepy.

  7. The Houzi village is as easy going as always as I walked across the plaza. The water fountain in the middle of the plaza was flowing like river. I stopped beside it and leaned over to see my reflection copy me.

    Guess I need a hair cut again. I said to myself as I had to brush my bangs away from my eyes.

  8. I looked back at Zauis and grinned. I pointed to the Forest.

    It's right there actually, look up to the tallest branch on a tree. They always build their nest like that to get a lookout for prey to wander by. If you're going, just be careful while you're in there. There's always a chance for a group of PKers around here. I warned.

    Judging how he and Cicilia are so close, it'll be best if I went with him just in case. I thought to myself. I looked back at Zel and sent him another message.

    Come find us in the Forest when you're done. After that me and Zauis entered the Forest. The forest was creepy and quiet almost like a haunted mansion. The leaves covered much of the moon's light, giving this place very low lighting.

  9. After listening to Zauis, I kind of had the same idea. The forest looms in sight as we walked closer to it. Not too far off on my left, I heard sounds of a blade cutting through something that screamed like a pig. I looked at that direction and recognized Zel cutting down boars with good speed and agility. A smile spread over my face.

    I don't think you're making enough noise. I messaged with a hint of tease into it.

  10. I heard him asked about the animals, and it was the only time I actually paid attention to them. I shrugged my shoulders.

    They won't attack if you keep your distance and if you don't draw your weapon they'll just run from you unless you approach them without meaning to kill them. I explained. Then I looked back at him over my shoulder.

    Or at least that's what I've gathered anyway. It's pretty handy if you don't want to fight and not risk of dying. I said with a bit of sarcasm to make it comfortable and to break the tension.

  11. I grinned as I knew the best place for a hawk, and for an Atoli as well. But I would feel bad if I got mine first...

    Alright, then we'll go into the Forest then. Again... I can still remember being in that stupid plant's mouth! Everytime I think about the Forest that pops in my head! I started for NW towards the Forest not really paying attention to the boars and wolves near me. They looked at my direction and surprisingly scurried off after they saw that I haven't drawn my sword. Then the moon came out once again from hiding and lit up our path.

  12. He unsheathed his sword and showed me his sword. it was indeed chipped, but it has been used a lot as well. I swiped my hand to open my inventory and took out my Silver Longsword that I made not too long ago. I handed him the hilt and sheath.

    Do you think this can be suitable? I asked with a smile.

  13. I stretched out my arms and got to my feet.

    Well, I was planning on going on the Feeding the Enemy quest and get a familiar. Only problem is that there's so many creatures out there that I can't decide which one. I complained as the moon hid behind a cloud, dimming the light around here.

    Do you mind if we hunt some wolves? Oh wait a minute, here. It'll make things easier. I said as I sent him a party invite.

  14. I lifted my head up and saw Zauis walking up towards me as I listened to his words. It took me a minute of where I saw him at, but I remembered the little quest that we went to with the other one.

    Your the one who was with uh... crap I've never asked her name, but with that girl with the shield and daggers right? I asked, just make sure and also to start up a conversation.

  15. The moon shined so brightly in the night's sky as I gaze at the stars underneath a jade green willow tree that danced in the soft breeze.

    You know, being out here than in the Inn isn't too bad after all. It would sure save me a lot of money. I thought to myself. My eyes were wide awake, and the same goes to my mind as well, but I've never been calm ever since I got into this game. When I received a quest about Feeding the Enemy, I thought it was a joke at first, but then after I read the description, there's no way I can pass this up!

    But then again... Which creature would I like to have as a Familiar? I asked myself.

  16. He smirked as he watches them from the corner of his eye.

    I have no idea what you are talking about. He lied as he bit the last of the apple and it shattered into a million particles of data. Using the same hand, he closed his hand into a fist as it glowed red.

    Nice try though. He commented as a Nepent sprang from a nearby bush to his direction.


    His glowing red hand sparked into a fiery crimson flame as it scorches his skin. He punched the Nepent right in the center, and it got swallowed by the flame and is now dead.


  17. I can't believe I never told my name! I scolded to myself in my head.

    The name's Night, and it's a pleasure to you two. He said in a rather formal fashion. With a swipe of his hand, he took out a green apple and took a bite into it. Even though his HP hasn't gone down one bit, he still loved the taste of the apple.

  18. He seemed a little confused at first, but the answer came to him as he remembered the last time he came here.

    For one, I like it here. Two, I couldn't just leave you two alone. And three, you do know that there's Man-Eating Plants monster wandering around here right? He asked. In truth he just wanted to help them out, and also protect them from danger if need be. Thankfully none of that happened, at least not yet anyway.

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