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Posts posted by Zelrius

  1. Walking the other direction, Zelrius was on his way to go level up a bit and work on sword skills, With his newly obtained wolf, Miles, accompanying him, when he bumped into someone in such a hurry

    Gah! Watch where you're going! I wouldn't be near as mad if you were headed the right direction. Do you realize what is going on?!

  2. As Clarence killed the last of the wolves Zelrius turned to see red crystals getting increasingly closer. Now he heard a loud and annoying laugh from behind and turned to see Night knocked over.

    Knowing him He'll be fine. However, This guy and I might not be so lucky...

    QUickly he opened up his menu and sent Clarence a party invite then told him

    Accept it and let's move!

    He turned to Night

    Need help there?

  3. Oh you know. Just always striving to ascertain faster speeds to the point my own brain can't even react to my own movements. What about you? On floor 2 You're all the Information Brokers talk about. You're wanted dead by alot of people.

    He says trying to warn him of the events without directly giving it away.

  4. Just then the food arrived. Zelrius pulled up the Charter and paid, 300 Cred. Which to him is nothing since he rarely spends money on Expensive things or going out to eat. His main expense is The Inn which, isn't that much after all.

    He thanks the server and begans eating right away. Not caring what the others have to say anymore since it's been awhile since he ate out.

  5. He grinned at the strange person apologizing to a Monster in a Video game.

    You realize the apology was unnecessary? Even if they could hear or understand you, They can live without it since they don't have programed needs an-

    He stopped realizing he apologized out of habit, as if this was thee real world.

    Things and people are sesttling in...

  6. Zelrius finished off the boars then sat back crouching to read his messages. The first one he laughed at.

    I was thinking the same exact thing

    The next one seemed rather odd. In the forest? Okay but. why? He got up from his position when his health bar regened and noticed someone trying to climb a tree and walked over to him

  7. Off in the distance Zelrius is trying to level up a bit off of boars. His movements and attacks making too much noise for his liking. Still he continues on; trying to ,as always, to Increase his speed and agility. He doesn't normally hunt at night as to him there was no reason But as of lately He's been thinking of how much faster he could be and has begun to work on that all possible hours.

    If only I could actually react as fast as I want to move!

    He thought over attacking the boars

  8. Zelrius stopped and Eyed the random boy charging in

    Then ran back to help him as a pack of wolves alone is dangerous for many people.'

    He yelled back at his companions Hey wait up! That guy needs our help!

    Quickly reaching the pack he begna fighting his way through wolves too.

  9. Hope so. I haven't been in an actual dungeon for a month now, Only grinding the monsters out in the wild.

    He finds this rather odd. Going with some random people into a dungeon

    What if they're PKers trying to lure in some new feed... His expression changed into worry and concentration as he thought this

  10. Zelrius walked outsside noticing that The Boy he'd just met was standing a little distance away, He kept walking to meet up with him.

    We going now?

    Then he noticed the Third name that he hadn't noticed before

    Who's this? He said pointing to what other people would see as air but to him it where the third name was.

  11. Profile
    » Username: Zelrius
    » Real name: Doesn't matter
    » Age: 19 [As of Oct 8th 2015]
    » Gender: Male
    » Height: 5'9

    » About: In the real world Zelrius is someone with few friends. He does okay in the few sports he plays and Is too intelligent for his peers. This leads him to do many hours of gaming. Though a natural born 'talker', He is very fluent in conversation and often jokes, trying to always have a good time. He values speed above all other skills as he believes speed can help win and escape sticky situations, as it did so many times in the real world. When he heard about the Nervegear and SAO He couldn't comprehend it. A Place where he could use his intelligence AND be athletic along with it being a video game? Impossible. Them mega fast internetz As of late in game, Zelrius has been pushed further from all those he found close to him, thinking at this point that everyone either wants to kill him and take his Unique items, or simply use him to their own gain. As of now, he distrusts even his closest friends.

    » Virtues: Humility,
    . Charismatic - The sort of personality that just gives him a sociable personality, yet something not terribly talkative. His mannerisms and pattern of speech gives him that of something you would see from a cheesy aristocrat character in most video games. 

    . Cleanliness - Zelrius tends to keep himself and the area around pretty much clean and tidy. Rarely leaving a mess or creating one, Zelrius often spends his time checking his own appearance and attempting to make sure everything is up to par and he looks presentable.

    . Ambition, - His aims go great and far. Often times his goals may seemed far fetched, But thus he has yet to fail something he was attempting at. As of now, this only helps boost his ego along to a point of annoyance for most people, But as long as he keeps aiming and getting higher, Zelrius cares not for their opinion. 

    » Flaws:

    . Quick to Judge - Zelrius takes his past experience with other people and their personalities and often times puts a label on people just for the way their speech sounds or the way they present themselves in a pattern of walking, generally small unreasonable things to that sort.

    . Smart-alecky - Often times, Zelrius gets easily annoyed with those around him and begins dropping his elegant speech for a more irritated (And irritating to most) pattern of speech that often resembles that of a small spoiled child who got denied something. This can give way to a rage within Zelrius.

    . Stubborn - Due to his egotistical personality, Zelrius thinks his own ideas are the best and that often there is no better way. This leads him to make a decisions or agree to one, and not able to switch ideas, regardless of how bad it may or may not fail. It matters not the importance of the choice either, only he matters in his own mind.

    Arrogant  - Eternally caught up with his own self, Zelrius often times disregards all those around him and continues on whatever it was he was doing, regardless of the opinions or ideas of anyone he interacts with. Up to this point being undefeated has left Zelrius to be more steadfast and headstrong, fueled by his ego.


    5 Dual Blades
    5 Charge
    5 Curved Sword
    5 S&D


    Blade of Michael - 16 Holy Damage
    Blade of Lucifer - 8 Fallen 2 Accuracy
    Commandant's Pendant - 2 Accuracy 2 Evasion

    Hands of Midas - +3 LD
    Blackfyre Cloak - Vanity


    Transaction Logs
    -1,000 for Season bet payments

    +5,000 from Boss Fight Floor 9

    +800 from Tyger Pays

    -5,000 Canceling out a Bounty Board.

    Bought Dragon Bane -1000
    Bought Blood Buccaneer's Sash -1500
    Bought The Azure Tenet -1200
    Bought Sange -1250
    Zauis Purchased Ring and Necklace +4000

    Lost Bet -1000

    Paid 10,000 to Mari for Bounty

    Won CoB +15,000

    -10,000 COL For Arena Prize Pool

    +820 from Betting losses


    1 [sP-F3] Vigilante Justice- Complete 1 SP
    2 [PP-Floor 2] And then...- Complete? (Too short. Doesn't count in benchmark)
    3 (OP-F2)The Wanted List- Complete 1 SP
    4 [Floor 1] Unexpected Interactions- Complete 1 SP
    5 [Floor 1 Dungeon] Zelrius (Complete) 1 SP
    6 (OP-F1) Treasure Hunter (Posters went inactive. Complete) 1 SP
    7 OP-Floor 1 A New Meeting (Complete) 1 SP
    8 The Moving Party Floor 7 (IN Progress) 1 SP
    9 (OP-F3) Numb (In progress) 1 SP
    10 [PP-F7] The Moving Party Exploring Floor 6 (Complete) 1 SP
    11 http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/7450-pp-f1-more-and-more-interactions/(Complete) +1 SP
    12 http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/7398-pp-f8-only-the-best/(complete) +1 Sp

    89 http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/632-sp-f567-just-for-kicks-complete/(Complete) 1sp + 5,200 Col (And Counting)

    (So many of these Update on another date.)

    Relationships (optional)


    Kiru - Used to be an egotistical challenge, Now is a close friend of Zelrius's after the loss of a mutual friend, Keith Yudai. One of the few Zelrius trusts left.

    Tristan - Zelrius regards him as a close friend and one of the few replacements for his old Brigadiers. One of the few people Zelrius trusts.

    X - A rather distant friend, almost reaching acquaintance as Zelrius tends to avoid him due to his personality not really be up to par.

    Rebekah - An acqutaince of Zelrius, whom is one of the few people Zelrius trust, despite him not really considering her a friend in the sense that they talk often.

    Miaki - An Ex-commandant of the Azure Brigade, Zelrius feels as though Miaki, along with the other Commandants, had become selfish and abandoned Aincrad to live for themselves.

    Shanok - Ex Commandant of the Azure Brigade, He disappeared with Miaki into nothing

    Keith - Ex commandant of the Azure Brigade, was never reported to appear at the sight of the Commandants get away, and therefore is presumed dead.

    Ssendom - Friend and Business partner in the S&Z Tournament, Brigadier of the Azure Brigade. 

    Oikawa - An acquaintance of Zelrius and a Commandant of the Azure Brigade. One of 4 people Zelrius trusts left.

    Story Thus Far (optional)


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