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Everything posted by Maximillion

  1. I think it would be as simple as awarding XP for each Quest (I could make a Spreadsheet with a User-Friendly XP Award calculator for Staff), based upon it's Difficulty Rank (E->S), and setting up XP for levels as follows: Level 1: 0/10xp Level 2: 0/20xp Level 3: 0/30xp Level 4: 0/40xp Level 5: 0/50xp Level 6: 0/60xp Level 7: 0/70xp Level 8: 0/80xp Level 9:0/90xp Level 10: 0/100xp The higher in level you get, the higher the requirements for gaining your next level, and it's corresponding stats. The XP you have to gain to go up to the next level is: (Current Level x10 = Require
  2. I could design a Spreadsheet that automatically calculates stats based upon the Class the player has chosen, how many posts they have made as the character (which could be searched using an implanted "Keyword" exclusive to that character ranked through to S So, let's say, upon joining, I distributed 5pts to Stat #1, 3pts to Stat #2 (and so on).... and I picked a Shadowblade (random class title).... well, my random stats would be added to my Class Stats to form my TOTAL Stats, and I would use them as a general marker for progress in the game. Additionally, my sheet (for Maximillion) would
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