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Posts posted by Celesmeh

  1. Celes Walked into the shop. She looked around. She had heard a few people talking about a shop opening up, and she desperately needed something past her beginner stuff. "ey there..."  she looked around at the commotion in the shop. suddenly wondering if she was interrupting something...


    She glared at Tyrius, seeing him slip something up his sleeve

  2. Celes thought it was sweet that Tristan ran to the centre of the boars to keep her safe, he was  a good tank. She laughed as bojangles missed him completely, opting instead to bull rush past him (Rolled a 1 on the d10 (mob) dice) Bobby on the other hand seemed angry, rushing toward Tristan and crashing into him (Rolled a 7 on the d10 (mob) dice.)DMG 0. He seemed to almost bounce off of Tristans armor. This seemed to enrage his even more... Billy opted to go for Celes, he smashed her side (Rolled a 6 on the d10 (mob) dice) DMG 1


    Celes stumbled backwards, and used her staff to steady herself, Bojangles was injured but Billy was closer now. She charged forward and stabbed at him with her spear (Rolled a 8 on the d10 (battle) dice.) DMG 1+1=2 pushing him away. 


    "Are you ok?! She shouted at Tristan, wanting to see how he was doing. 


    Tristan 19/19

    Celes 7/8


    Bojangles the boar 2/4

    Bobby the Boar 4/4

    Billy the boar 2/4

  3. Celes leaned into his hand, she enjoyed the contact, and had gotten virtually none since arriving, she welcomed the feeling. "Maybe this is our reality now?  I mean, we wont be getting out anytime soon, so why not just... enjoy this?"  she looked around and smiled to Tristan. "So, wanna fight some more boars? I betcha i can keep up with you a bit better now...  also.. if youd like... want to be added to my friends list? i mean, like if you want, and stuff, its ok, whatever, ok, yeah, um... yeah..." 


    She casually looked everywhere but at tristan, trying to spot sony more boars. To her luck se found another pack running just past some trees "Oh look! some more boars! lets go!" 


    She grabbed tristans arm and pulled him off in their direction


    Tristan 19/19

    Celes 5/5


    Bojangles the boar 4/4

    Bobby the Boar 4/4

    Billy the boar 4/4


    Celes targeted Bojangles and focused her spear. Letting otu an excited cry she slashed at him, jumping forward with confidence she should have probably hidden. Oh well.


    Rolled a 6 on the d10 (battle) dice


    She slashes with her new spear and hits the boar's side. Jumping back to position. She looks at Tristan and laughs "Come on!" :D 

  4. Celes looked at the small widow that popped up before her 


    Loot dice rolls ( I am on mobile so I can't just copy paste the rolls for some reason) 14, 19, 2


    "Well, that was interesting, im sorry if this is too easy for you!" She laughed heartily, she was truly enjoying herself. 


    She he looked at the items in her inventory  A new spear with +1 damage, 60 col, and some basic mats from the boars... niiiiiiice she though looking at it she turned to Tristan. " I got some mats and col, and a new spear! Would you, um, like stuff? I know that some people ask for stuff in exchange for helping someone train, I don't want to offend you.... Also DID YOU SEE THAT I hit it!!! I.... I liked it! I... I liked it..." 


    She he realized for a moment, she had forgotten she was trapped in this world. She turned to Tristan "do you ever just... Forget? Forget that you're trapped?" 

    • Rolled a 6 on the d10 (battle) dice.

    Celes had watched in amazement as tristan too the boar's attack like it was nothing, she was really impressed. Suddenly she noticed the boar charge at her. She set her spear and braced for the attack... only to see him fly by her. 


    She quickly turned to face him, Yelling out as she swung her spear once more, feeling the sword skill start up she followed through with the movements, letting her body do the rest. She hit him, DMG 1



    She stood in amazement, staring at where the boar had been, before fracturing into hundreds of little pieces. She was amazed that she had managed to do anything at all, let alone that she was unscathed. she took a moment to revel in the adrenaline rush before turning back to Tristan. That last boar was still there, and even in a battle like this, she should keep focused. She sighed think ˆat least they made the boars look ugly, that helps... 

    • Rolled a 10 on the d10 (battle) dice.
    • Rolled a 5 on the d10 (mob) dice.
    • Rolled a 11 on the d12 (craft) dice.
    • Rolled a 12 on the d20 (loot) dice


    She looked at the ugly boars and quickly targeted one. she let her body fall into the known movements of attacking, she began to cherge, feeling her sword skill activate she lunged with her spear




    Critical Hit  Dmg= 3



    she followed through the movement, ending up on the other side of the boar dand turning back to is as quick as she could.

  5. "oh man that sounds... exciting..." she looked at her spear and readied herself... "Ok! lets go!!"  Celes looked out into the field surrounding the <<Starting Village> It was breathtaking.  She found it difficult at times to realize that this had been created by the same maniac that was keeping them. "Dont you think its terrifyingly lovely?" She looked at Tristan sadly as if she could see into him "Some of us had nothing in the real world, while others had everything. But now, now all we have is lost potential and  the need to survive...." 


    she looked into the field again, trying to spot some boars "Come on then, lets survive!" 

  6. "Youre perfect!" she muttered silently to herself. Realizing after a moment tat it was weird she looked up at tristan. He had the look of someone who knew what was up, not only that he seemed to almost be enjoying his time here. Perfect indeed. "Well um, yes, sorry, ohgosh, ok um" she stammered fo ra moment trying to think of what to say, suddenly she stood straight and tall, her eyes sinins slightly as she said "I am going to need your help. I don't intend on dying anytime soon, but I also know i'd be too weak to even make it to the second town, et alone another floor. So i want to party with someone, please!"  she bowed with the last please. 


    She knew it was silly to be so formal, but this game was now life or death... maybe both


    "I'm Celes" She added with a smile 

  7. Her mind buzzed with information. the realization of what had happened the day before consumed her, She was at an inn, she knew that much. She had gotten enough Col the day before... before... 


    She checked her inventory, still, some bread and basic items. She equipped her gear and headed out. She was going to need to train, she was going to need to get items, and she was going to need to figure stuff out. Alright  she thought grimly  I'll need to make a party, i can't do this alone just yet. 


     She wandered around the <<Starting Village>> trying to see if anyone caught her eye, someone who looked like they wanted company....


    I'll ignore all of the sad and depressed people, if i get like that i'll be too useless, mayb- Oh my god does that person have a familiar!?!?!  Wait, no focus, who is around... gosh that is a cute familia- no no. FOCUS.

  8. «Celesmeh» Jack of all trades.



    » Username: Celesmeh
    » Real name: Helena Barrios
    » Age: 22
    » Gender: F
    » Height: 5'6''



    Born far far from japan her parents moved a lot for military reasons. She never had a chance to make Etoo many friends since she was moving around, so she has many online friends. She made sure she was one of the first to buy a VR headset while in school and waited eagerly for SAO to come out. Her roommate at the time was a bit of a news junkie, so she assumes that is why the Headset wasnt removed, and she was one of the first to 'lose time' being transferred to a hospital. She loves information and tries to gather as much info as she can about the game. While she wants to get out of the game in SAO she feels she can be more free. She struggles irl with her looks and sexuality, never really knowing what she wanted to express, here in SAO she feels freedom that she didnt have before. She misses her family and sometimes tat can make her incredibly sad but she hasnt given up hope of making it out yet. Her personal symbol is an octopus.

    • Intelligent/adaptable:
      She is very quick to think and connect, this has saved her a few times and kept her on her feet. She has always been a quick thinker, thats why she decided to study science, she enjoys seeing connections in the world. Once SAO started she realized she needed to adapt and fast. Her body went on automatic. She needed to work, to move and keep busy, at least until the initial shock wore off. Those first days she heard many rumours, she had to decide what was just that, where to go and who to trust. Her quick mind helped her keep balanced in the chaos
    • Charismatic:
      She is a fast talking, and has the ability to bond with people quickly. She likes people! well, sort of. She recognizes tat social connections are important and necessary for any human being. She uses this to her advantage whenever possible allowing her words to flow and body to relax, giving the impression of trust. sometimes if you cant catch them with vinegar you need to use honey...
    • Empathic:
      She listening and relates to those around her, kindness is a must and she does her best to understand other peoples point of view.
    • Obsessed with cute:
      In this world there are many cute things, not all of them safe. That doesn't stop her from being distracted to the point of danger... God she always wanted a puppy... or a kitten... or goshdarnit any damn cute pet ever. But her prents were strict and she was never allowed one. instead she had toys, keychains, plushies. whenever she could afford one she would go get one. Before being old enough to understand the internet toys and cute plushies were really the best friend she could hope for. this fostered in er an unfortunate weakness, anything cute is instantly loved and somewhat distracting. "oh man we have to fight that thing, man but your familiar is so cute i could just pet him all da- ow thats my back" or "Deadly monster? more like ADORABLE POTENTIAL FRIEND"
    • Stubborn:
      Once she decides to do things her way thats how she is doing it, the more others push the more she will resist. She inherits it from her mother, so her father says. She has to (because of the depression/anxiety flaw) overthink every decision. The only time this doesnt happen is when she is completely committed to a decision without thinking it over, like the decision to continue in the days after the announcement. Either way once decided she sticks to her decision, good? bad? No. Hers, her choice. In a world where everything is taken from her, her actions, her choices is all she has, so once its made the die is cast.
    • Depressive/anxious:
      Being empathic of others had its drawbacks. Sometime listening to what others are feeling or remembering her family with drive her to dangerous lows, she can be without food for days and be unable to act, even when someone needs her. She suffers from depression and anxiety in real life. She overtings every decision and has a small voice in her head that tells her all those negative things people think *all the time*. It is exhausting. After a while she needs to give in to her own mental exhaustion and rest. be down for a few days. sleep until late, avoid people. let her body be consumed by all of those negative thoughts, cry, barely eat, whatever. She doesnt know if they still give her antidepressants while sleeping, but she knows she is going to try to survive and not fully give in to the voice that sometimes tell her to just give up, and end it all...



    Skill points: 103 total

    • Skills: rank Sp cost: Sp remaining
      Two handed assault spear 5 50 0
      Martial Arts 2 13  
      Light Armour 1 5  
      Acrobatics 1 10  
      Precision 1 10  
      Athletics 1 10  
      Battle heal 1 5  
      Disguise 0 0  
      Survival 0 0  
      Charge 0 0  
    • Weapons/Tools:
      - Bread x7
      - Water x 6
      - Mats x 17


    ID: 1384

    Item: <Nullifying Shirt>

    Quality:  <rare>



    A special black cloth armor which is created from a special weaved textile which doesn't let any sharp object penetrate it(like a very resistant rubber) and also offers the user flexibility for combat maneuvers, thus the armor givving a +1 damage mitigation and a +1 accuracy.






    Item: <Cloak of Duality>

    Quality: <rare>

    This cloak is made from two tipes of textile which represent two sides that coexist. The blue one which is the outer side gives a +1 thorn(meaning that when the wearer of this is hit the attacker takes 1 damage) and the inside which is black gives +1 evasion.





    Item Type: Glaive (2h spear)
    Name: Celestial Blade
    Quality:: Perfect
    Description: It's an Dragonite glaive , Light Gray with Black stripes , +1 paralyze and +2 damage



    Found here


    Has a friend in game, but hasn't seen her as of yet and is scared to find she is dead, so hasnt really looked...
    Bff/bro: tristan

    Story Thus Far

    She was preparing for a test, but knew that she needed to at least try the game before the day was over. Generally she avoided diving when she was busy, but a game release is a special occasion. She has relived the moment so many times. Her roommate was sending her a bunch of messages but she ignored them to go play..... were they about the NerveGear? SAO? it was time to learn the basics of combat... she checked her beginners Pack and set out.


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