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Posts posted by Sasayakaze

  1. He looked at her, and she kept acting like she had did since they two of them met. He noticed how she kept yawning over and over again, so he made the conclusion that she was tired which was reasonable as it was rather late already when she first found him and well, it's not like time stops.


    Suddenly she suggested that he could sleep, which he found very funny as she had been the one yawning, sleeping with a rude player like this which also were red, felt like a bad idea. He did not think that she consider killing him though, as she could already have done that a longtime ago, but still.


    He then heard her say something, which did upset him quite abit. "maybe you could dream of that field thing of yours.Kept echoing in his head over and over again. She clearly had no clue why he had been working there, thus it's not strange as he haven't told her, but he still got irritated since she just assumed it to be something good.


    He layed down with the blanket over himself and closed his eyes.


    "Not that you care, but it wasn't a choice to work there." he said rather quiet, as the words almost got stuck in his throat as he said it. Thinking back to before the game was not a pleasant thing, especially since he had gotten used to live in here.


    He then fell, asleep.

  2. Sayakaze noticed how another guy also came up to see if the girl was alright, and he also got a similar response that himself had gotten from the girl. He nodded towards the new guy which had showed up named Clarence, and he then looked back towards the girl with a small.


    "It could be worse, i mean you could have fallen and being clumsy like that in combat, which would have resulted in a lots worse way!" He said with a smile on his lips. Sayakaze ALWAYS try to stay positive, cause even in the most dark times, the light will sip through, atleast he makes it out to be so.


    "I know this might come out as hasty our weird, but would you guys wanna go and like, sit down somewhere? Instead of standing here."


    he then looked at the girl again, which was soaked. He couldn't help himself but to laugh some and then smiled towards her again.


    "And not everyone is dry here so i think that she should warm up or she might get some negative stats out of it!" He said as he looked around for somewhere to go, but with no results. 

  3. Sayakaze was walking around in the area of floor 4, which he had never been on. Not so strange though if you consider his own level, which is level 2.  suddenly he heard a big "SPLASH" from the fountain area, and to his surprise, a girl was climbing out of it, fumbling for something that she seemed to have lost during the fall into the fountain.


    Sayakaze rushed towards the fountain while he smiled at the girl, he smiled so much that it was almost to the point of starting to laugh. when he finally arrived to the fountain, he stopped a couple of meters from the girl and did a wave gesture.  


    "I am sorry, i just heard a splash, and i was just coming to see if you're alright?" He said with a big smile on his lips.


    He then reached out his hand for the girl.


    "My name in here is Sayakaze, but you can call me Sasa!

  4. Sayakaze couldn't help himself but to smile abit towards the girl. He thought her to be kind afterall, even though she seemed abit rough around the edges, she had a heart like everyone else in this world. Many people became like her when they got stuck in this and for many different reasons also, but in the end, everyone is most likely caring, they just have to find that side of themself.


    Without really know how to act anymore or what to say, he just kept staring at the fire, but from times to times, he couldn't help himself but to look at the pink haired girl. It never was his intention to actually make her hate him like he had did somehow, he was just trying to converse  with her, and brighten the mood in the boring cave they were stuck in.


    "So, before all this started, what were you doing? You don't have to reply if you feel like it's to personal, you just got me on the spot were frankly, i don't know what to say" he said as he let out a small "Heh".


    Sayakaze was usually never found in this situation, where he had nothing to say, so this was rather new to him and he felt awkward about it, almost to the point where he blushed cause he felt like she was mocking him, even though she most likely never did.


    "I was working before i got here anyway, out on a field."


    He then looked down again.


    "stupid stupid stupid, why would she care, now she's just going to hate you more"

  5. Sayakaze blankly stared at the girl, who sat down at the same table even though she had insulted him just seconds ago. He looked at her and instantly noticed that she have yellow eyes, which Sayakaze had never seen before in his entire life. She seemed to not even bother to give to craps about the insults she had said to him just moments ago, which kinda bothered him some, as he considered it to be, not necessary.


    He looked abit surprised and had no real clue of how he should act in a situation like this. he sipped some of his coffee, and then opened his mouth to say something, but no words came out.  After a few moments he scratched his head again and look down at the table.


    "Ermh, i'm glad that you wanted to sit with me" he said as happy as he could.


    "No need to insult me like that though" He said as he gave out a small laugh to try and brighten the mood between them.


    He only tried to do a friendly gesture and it came across as being creepy. "Well well, atleast i'm not alone" he thought to himself as he once again looked at the girl waiting for her next action.

  6. Sayakaze saw this girl which entered the café that he had placed himself in, and it seemed rather strange that she did so as he was usually the only one who bothered to walk to this place, not cause it was shabby or anyone alike, bit there is lots of more popular places to hangout at. But he was more happy about it, since some people in this place which he believed to be awesome, was just great! He kept following her while she walked up to the counter, and ordered some beverage which he couldn't hear what it was. She then seemed to look around for somewhere to sit.


    Sayakaze smiled towards the girl. "You can sit here if you'd like, i always enjoy some company" he said while he realized how awkward and creepy it might be for someone to just tell them to sit down with you. he instantly got a straight face, which was easily perceived as being embarrassed .


    "I never meant to like.... Be weird or anything, i simply don't see people here often" he said as he tried to force on a smile to the girl again.


    "Well at least i took initiative" he thought to himself as he kept awkwardly smiling towards her.

  7. "Hyaaa" Echoed out as Sayakaze did a final blow to the boar he was fighting on floor one. He had been on this floor the entire morning, grinding boars and yet he never seemed to level up as fast as the rest. He gave out a small sigh and smiled towards the clouds in the sky as he thought about it.


    "I have been here for some time now, and i'm still the lowest possible level. I am really a rank 1 noob anyway!" he said as he kept smiling. It never really bothered Sayakaze that he was behind many other players, or that he didn't have the fancy equipment as many of the other players had. Sayakaze was a very naive guy, which was just happy that he still had his life, which was a very easy thing to loose in a world like this one.


    After a while, he realized that he had been standing on the plains there, just looking up in the sky for awhile like a lunatic. He quickly looked around to see if someone had noticed him, and was relieved that he couldn't see anyone else. Sayakaze started walked back towards the town, and when he got closer, he shrugged abit due to the enormous shadows swallowing him. When you get close to the huge walls this city had, it's almost like you're a little garden gnome.


    In the city he had found a small in which i enjoyed, so he walked there with haste, and found himself a table. Finally at the table he waved an NPC over, which he bought a Coffee from, moments later the NPC came back with the order he had made, he smiled at the npc which seconds later walked away again.


    He was sitting almost at the door, next to a window where he could look on the people going on with their daily lifes.


    "This is not so bad after all" He quietly said as he leaned back and sipped on his coffee.

  8. ((OCC: on my phone, autocorrects is mean, and efit feature is not here" ima fix it tomorow! Sowry :<))

    As Sayakaze played around with her reactions, he started to notice her irritation towards him, which he considered was fine due to how he had acted. He looked at her with some sort of sad eyes, but still with a rather happy look overall.

    "I am sorry if i offended you, it was not my intention to do so." He Said as he switched focus to the fire instead of the girl. He scratched the back of his head as he smiled down towards the ground.

    "I am very thankful that i met you here, even though you may not think the same, i enjoy some company."

    He then looked at her with a rather conserned face, almost as he was thinking about something unpleasant.

    "But if you really do dislike me this much, why do you let me stay?" He Said as his thoughts started to wander of.

  9. Sayakaze gave a small smile as the girl kept acting tough, i mean it was something he was used to, people usually don't go around acting like weakling.


    "You can act like that all you want, it's not like it bothers me." He said while he kept looking very happy about himself. He noticed how she started to scoof away from her current position, and she just a few seconds lately that she minded being close to people, or just him perhaps. He looked at her as she did this, but he just kept smiling towards her.


    "You're wrong though, considering this to be a game, is just foolish. Or i mean, the only one losing on that kind if thinking is yourself" he said as he ate some of the food that he had been given. he also noticed how she had started laughing when he asked who she was, which was just considered Sayakaze in the way that she had put up a barricade. 


    "Being like this will be your own downfall, and now that you're introduced yourself and opened up yourself for me, telling all your secrets and such. I can't let that happen." He said as he gave away a small smirk towards the girl


    "Since you know, BFF's don't let that happen" Sayakaze said as he gave out a small laughter waiting for Mari's reaction.

  10. Sayakaze got kind of surprised with how Mari acted next, where she seemed to be angry at him being cold, she then proceeded to throw him a blanket which he nodded for as a thank you. He did not quite understand how it could bother her that he was freezing, not in the way that you'd become angry anyway, but the gesture was kind and he quickly wrapped himself into the blanket and smiled at her.


    She started to toast some food, but he couldn't keep the eyes of her, as she began to speak about something which seemed much more important than the food, and as she kept talking, Sayakazes face turned from a smile into concern, not for himself, but for the girl that spoke, she seemed to had given up life in some way that noone could even explain, not even herself.


    He couldn't get himself to say anything while she was speaking, it's almost like he had frozen to place, which would have been a possibility unless Mari would have helped him.


    "I wont ask why you are red, it is not something of my concern." oh then facepalmed himself  and quietly muttered something which couldn't be heard.


    "what i meant was it's not my businesses to intrude your life."  he said as he kept looking at her to see if she was offended by the way he had spoken to her. but even how she kept talking about people being murderes, he was not afraid of it, he was rather happy that this girl have found him. She may have said his life, which is something that Sayakaze always would appreciate.


    After a short while, she suddenly spoke up again and informed him how she was going to call him "Rabbit", which he found weird, but it's not like it bothered him in anyway.


    "a bunny huh, well they are cute... and like carrots. Perhaps she thinks i am cute and also like carrots." he said to himself as he drifted away in thought of why she could have called him that name, since it just came very suddenly and it's not like the usual name you would get, especially not meeting someone for the first time.



    She then told him that he shouldn't give his name like that, as it could cause danger. Sayakaze did not agree on this, he just thinks of it as something that you can shout when you need him, and whatever that name might be its nothing of importance. 


    She then said something that Sayakaze couldn't hear, as she mumbled very quietly.


    Even though he was close to dropping the food, he manged to catch it. He nodded towards the girl.


    "Thank you, Mari. You know, i may not know what you've been through and seen, but i do know that you are the person that you are in real life, you just need to find yourself again.


    He then stood up, and walked and sat down next to the girl instead.


    "If you wouldn't mind, i prefer sitting close to the person i am speaking to, you know so i can hear them, and not loose their words in mumbling." he said as he watched the fire the entire time.


    "Isn't it nice to just meet a stranger, which don't know you, to meet someone that you can say whatever you want to?" he said while a smile showed up on his face, he then turned his face to Mari.


    "So, tell me about yourself."


  11. Sayakaze gave out a small sigh as she asked about the teleport crystal. He hadn't even thought about the existence of those, and as it was his first time not on floor 1 he decided to not fight back at her, as he believed it to be no good, she had also lowered her guard which relieved him some.


    "Atleast she hasn't tried to kill me yet" he thought when suddenly she was grabbed and dragged along, while the girl had implied that he should be afraid of her. Sayakaze had no clue what is was to actually be afraid of, since she just seemed to put up a big barricade in front of the real her to avoid emotions, but then again, this was just speculations from Sayakaze's side.


    He managed to keep up with the girl dragging him alone, only tripping a few times but managed to recover without any hassle, and suddenly they were in another part of the cave, which seemed to have been so much better prepared for a cold night like this one. 


    After she managed to spark some life into that fire, Sayakaze quickly sat down next to it while reaching out his hands to warm them.


    "Firstly, i cannot say if i'm an idiot or since that is a matter of opinion regarding a person, but if you believe me to be one, so be it. And i think that you will be much better company than the monsters out there, atleast you've spoken to me more than they ever done." He said with a small smile, which quickly faded again due to the cold getting to him once more.



    He looked at the girl, which had pink hair and noticeable short compared to many other people he had seen, maybe she was around his age, she also seemed to wear much better armor then Sayakaze, so it was safe to assume that she was higher level, and alot stronger than himself.


    "I am afraid i got nothing to give but my gratitude for this gesture of yours; Thank you."  he said as he tried to smile towards her once again. 


    He then realized he hadn't even given her his name, he felt abit shameful for not have done it already to someone which had helped him when he needed it.


    "My ingame tag is Sayakaze, but you may call me Sasa which is my real life name if you would prefer that, i don't see why people should use their tag anymore as this is the life we are living" he said as he blankly stared out towards nothingness.

  12. Sayakaze quickly hoped up back to standing position in a hasty move as he heard a voice from someone which he assumed to be a female. As his brain got the figure of the person which had asked him the question, and also looked rather defensive, he saw that she held a dagger in her hand, and was also a red player. He had heard about players who killed just for the sake of it, and not for a particular reason, was this one of them?


    "The only reason i'm here is cause my own foolishness, with other words, i got lost and figured it was best to seek shelter for the night." he said as he kept shivering from the cold. 


    He then looked at the girl realizing she was also hiding in a cave, he assumed it to be since she was a red player and that they weren't allowed inside of town, but this was nothing he was completely sure on, maybe this girl just really liked caves he thought to himself. Then he once again realized she was a red player, perhaps he once again had put himself in a dangerous position.


    He looked at her with a very serious face indicating that he was not joking around.


    "Should i be afraid of you, i mean since the indicator above your head" he said as he quickly nodded towards the red arrow above her.

  13. Sayakaze was just out in the woods, taking a nice relaxing walk as he needed to get away from the hectic life of sao, where everything always evolves around completing the game. It was a beautiful day with no clouds to be seen in the sky and the sun was gazing on him as he kept walking without any sense of direction or goal.


    If the truth is to be told, Sayakaze has never actually left the first floor, which he never actually knew why. It's not like he decided to stay at floor one since he was scared or because of some other unreasonable thing like most player came up with, he had just been stuck there helping out other people with their daily lifes, not necessarily  with fighting or leveling but more on a personal level. If there is one thing Sayakaze have trouble with, it's watching other people in pain, so even though he has important things to do which he knows about, he just can't come around to ignore someones  need for help.


    After a couple of hours walking, it started to get darker, as his journey had started quite late on the day already. This was not something Sayakaze had planned in, as it put him in alot more dangerous situation since he couldn't see aswell, and seeing he was only level 1 he had to act carefully so he wouldn't waste his life in something foolish like this.


    "why did i decide to do this so late, i have no god damn clue of where i might be"  he thought to himself as he started to walked at a higher tempo.


    Not knowing where he was, he decided that he should take shelter for the night instead of going deeper into the wilderness and get more lost. After a few more minutes, he had found himself into a small cave, which seemed to be empty where he decided to stay.


    As it got closer to midnight, the weather setting started to get more and more chilly every minute, causing Sayakaze to freeze.


    "I should have brought warmer cloths, but i suppose i never meant to get stuck in a forest..."


    he muttered quiet to himself as he sat down leaning towards the cave wall shaking due to freezing.

  14. «Sasa Yakaze» 



    » Username: Sayakaze

    » Real name: Sasa Yakaze

    » Age: 19

    » Gender: Male

    » Height: 1,76 M

    » Looks:

    Sasa is a "normal" sized guy at 19 years old. He has white hair which is medium/short length. he has a rather fit body due to all the laboring he have done in his life cause of poverty, not cause of actual training of some sort, so not fit in that kind of way. He also have light blue eyes.


    » About:


    Sasa grew up in a poor district, with a poor family. In his family there were 3 members, himself, his mother and also his dad. Growing up in poverty is something which isn't an easy task. Even though he has a rough life with this, he consider himself to be lucky as this also gained him some good treats which most people forget about in their daily life.


    As sasa were poor he could never afford any sort of education thuss leading him to a disadvantage in social events that happend from times to times, this caused Sasa to avoid people at first as he didn't wanted to be considered as dumb.


    After he got abit older, his father got sick with something they couldn't afford to treat, and this eventually lead to his fathers death. His fathers death were more than just grief and sorrow from the death itself, it led that Sasa had to work harder, and get a proper job with a real salary to help his mother in keeping their house they lived in.


    Due to this Sasa never got to experience the childhood that most kids due, which is playing with each other and going to school and such, he consider this to be a privilege and this can also cause anger in him for people that do not appreciate what they have gotten.


    After a while of working, his mother had saved up for the so called "nervegear" which she later gave Sasa as a pressent, and this was the first present he had never




    » Virtues:




    Everyone has though times, and bad days. There is always someone who have it worse to you. May it be just for a day, or for an eternity, it doesn't matter. Sasas mother always persuade that the way of being happy is to see other people happy, and wanted always to help people in her surroundings.


    Giving away your own food for someone more hungry than you is something that sasa has done countless times and this is nothing he regrets as seing the joy and happiness on someones eyes due to your action is so satisfying and gives strength to carry on with helping people.


    Sasa never wan't to see anyone suffering, as it rips him apart.




    The meaning of life is fulfilling what you want out of life. What sasa means by this is that reaching your goals if the key to happiness and the key of fulfilling the meaning of your life. The meaning of life is what you decide it to be.


    As sasa believe in this, he always strive to improve and to reach his goals no matter what the obstacle might be.


    "Better die trying, as if i don't even try, i can just give up on life" is something his father told sasa before he passed away, and this is something that sasa always will carry with him.




    Need someone to trust, someone who won't let down their promises, well the Sasa is your guy. Altough he may not always give out promises to anyone and at all times but when he do so, he will not let that down. Letting people down is something Sasa don't wanna do, since causing someone pain when he could have done something against it goes against his moral standards.


    Sasa always follows his own moral and won't go against his own beliefs, but aslong as people respect that and treat him in the way anyone should be treated, they can be sure that they can always trust him.


    » Flaws:




    Growing up, sasa and his family were poor, and it did not help that his father got sick also, Due to the fact that they were very poor, Sasa never got a proper education, with that being said, he can't read nor write especially good.


    And this was at an early stage of his life, where the other kids had just started to read and write properly, but if that wasn't enough, his father died in the disease which forced Sasa into early life of working to earn money for his family, which was only his mother now.


    This is not only a handicap for Sasa as alot of the game revolves around being able to read, it's also a hit to his self-esteem. This is one of the few things that actually make sasa have secound thoughts about himself.





    Most of the times when you're planning to do something, fight something or just casually speak to someone, a good thing to do beforehand is to think through your action. Well this is a skill that sasa has never acquired. Putting himself into danger due to not thinking through his action has happened more than once, and it has also causes him trouble in real life with friends and people in his surroundings.


    Being reckless can from times to times be a good thing, as you make decisions really fast, and get to action before most people even considered doing what you're about to do. This was something that naturally came of being poor, and it was important to don't hesitate when an opportunity is given.


    Hopefully that opportunity is a good one, and wont cause any trouble as sasa haven't thought through what might happen.





    One of the most important things to succeed with the goal that you wanna reach, is to have the right mindset, at least that's what Sasa always have believed in. Due to the poor living condition he had, it has been an important trait to have for him to not go insane of feel pity for himself, one of the things that this might cause is disturbance around people, and often discerning the reality into something better than it might actually be, which could put him or others in danger due to not seeing the important part of something.


    But well, i guess there's always something bad withing something good, and the other way around if you so would like. Oh look, a cup half filled with water, how nice!














    Weapon skills:

    »One-Handed Straight Sword: Rank 1

    5 Ranks
    The effectiveness with which a player can use one-handed longsword-like swords. (Example: Arming sword, Longsword)





    » Starting sword and a (cosmetic) Shield.




    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle

    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress

    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

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