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Posts posted by tom1030

  1. While i was randomly swinging my sword around i heard a voice calling out clear over crowds of players passing by someone was shouting to some guy who looked confused so i stopped to look around and couldn't see anyone looking confused, and then it dawned on me everyone else was going about their business and here i am swinging a sword around like a fool when i should be looking for away to get started.

    "Yea hey the person shouting if your refering to me then yea i could use a little help" i shouted back unsure how to proceed while i shouted this i slowly inched my way towards the npc guard again just to be safe while i waited for the voices owner to reveal themselves

  2. As i walked through the west gate of the city of beginnings i walked over to left and stood next to an npc gate guard and watched as players were walking in and out of the gate. I tried to get my bearings by bringing up the map interface and checking my position. Without proper equipment i was going to need help but it can't just be anyone player killers will be all over the place and I'm not exactly equiped for so major battles ahead but who should i start with? I scanned the players walking past not one of them grabbed my intrest so i decided to test out my sword i unsheathed it and began swinging it around just to get the feel for it all the while keeping close to guard for protection. The weight of the sword felt comfy and having had atleast basic training with such a thing gave me a little advantage over the common new player still it can't hurt to practice.

  3. Profile » Username:Tom: » Real name:Tomoya Kirigawa » Age:16 » Gender:Male » Height:5ft 8inch

    » About: Tomoya lives in Tokyo repeating his last year in school, he lives with his two friends who unfortunately were unable to obtain a nerve gear on launch day. He moved to tokyo to escape his parents and siblings to take a break from the chaos of his family and to find himself. Tomoya is courageous and loyal although stubborn and sometimes childish and a bit of a loner when he got his hands on sword art online he knew right away he was going to be a solo player but can't help but help out those in need

    » Virtues: Courageous: Has been in a life threatening situation and was able to make the right desisions in the face of danger to tackle the opponents head on and come out alive.

    Loyal: Those who get close to tomoya have never been let down he would willingly go to the end of the earth to help his friends in need.

    Level headed: Able to assess any stressful situation without losing his cool and make a sensible decision.

    » Flaws: Childish: Despite being level headed and courageous Tomoya is easily pleased and amused with trivial things and sometimes just acts silly with friends or at appropriate times

    Stubborn: Many see Tomoya's stubborn to be his worst flaw due to his childish tendencies he can be stubborn over the most trivial of things such as being adamant that the glass of milk is his and his alone.

    Loner: Although he has a few friends outside of SAO Tomoya isn't easily trusting and it takes a lot for him to warm up to those around him.

    Profession: Blacksmith XP 31 (Rank 2)

    Skills Non-combat: » Sprint and Acrobatics (+1 Evasion)

    Passive: »

    Combat: »

    Weapon skills: » 1-Handed sword - rank 1

    0 unspent skill point

    Inventory Weapons/Tools: » 9 bread, 13 water

    The Golems Bane (equipped) 3 damage

    Black coat of midnight (equipped) +2 evasion

    Switcheroo Potion (switches the players gender for one topic)


    850 Col

    Materials: 0

    Last 5 Crafts:
    1) The golems Bane
    2) Shield of Azureth


    Number of crafting fails 7

    roleplays » Private : http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/5147-pp-f4-playing-in-the-snow-draterion-tom/#entry351524

    Private: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/5120-pp-f1-learning-the-basics-azureth-draterion-tom/page-4#entry351501

    Open: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/5116-op-f1-beginning-a-new-life/#entry351367

    Relationships (optional) » Open

    Story Thus Far (optional) TBC

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