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Posts posted by Hakiro

  1. Hakiro, recovering from his injuries, hurried up to the boar and began his assault. Much to his dissapointment, the boar again identified his attack and prepared to swing at Hakiro. Hakiro not wanting be hit by the boar again, sidestepped the boars attack instead of initiating his own and assumed a defensive stance. "Why cant I hit this thing???" Hakiro pondered with a frustrated look.


    ID 3041

    BD 2 (fail)

    MD3 (fail)


    Item: Sharp Spear

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enchantments: +1 accuracy

    Where Obtained: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/5223-sp-f2-building-from-the-ground-up-earning-a-living/

    Description: A spear with an unmistakingly sharp edge and straight shaft, increasing its accuracy.

    ID: 2997



    Name: Pursuers Armor

    Rarity: Rare

    Enchatnments: +2 Accuracy

    Description: The armor of a pursuer, one who strikes his prey true and whos attacks never miss. This armor gives the user the concentration and will required to hit marked enemy

    Where Obtained: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/5240-shop-f2-hakiros-metalworks-closed/

    ID: 3066

  3. Hakiro admired the man's tenacity and strived to become as strong a fighter as he. Hakiro rushed to his aid and aimed to grab the attention of the boar. However, as he rushed up, the boar quickly turned -- Hakiro surprised that the beast could do such a thing, and swung at Hakiro, who was unable to dodge the quick attack; grazing his torso and knocking him back.


    ID 3001

    BD 3 (fail)

    MD 6 (hit)

    Damage 1


    Hakiro 10/11

    Liam 8/9

    Boar 6/9

  4. Realizing the Kobold wasnt sharing the same sense of humor as he, Hakiro became EXTREMELY UPSET and got up and swore to teach the Kobold a lesson. Hakiro yelled some nonsense gibberish battlecry as he charged towards the Kobold, who just happened to slip on the ledge again this time. Remembering exactly how the Kobold fell last time, Hakiro plunged his spear towards the area and pierced through the Kobold's chest. Hakiro did not stop stabbing the area with his spear until the Kobold disintigrated and even stabbed the former location of the Kobold a few more times to make sure it stayed put where he wanted it to be. Hakiro was rewarded with some rare gear that the Kobold dropped and was instantly satisfied with the previously dissapointing encounter. Because of that day, Hakiro had lost some of his sanity. All because he really wanted to open a shop and make a living. Remember folks: those who take risks are both rewarded and punished based on how high the risk.


    ID 2997

    BD 10 (crit)

    Damage 4 (+1 1H Assault Spear, +2 from crit)

    MD 1 (fail)

    LD 19

    + Mat

    + Uncommon item - Sharp Spear (+1 to accuracy)

  5. Again, the two tried to exchange blows, however both really couldnt foccus on the battle and instead were focussing on how they went wrong -- well, if AI could do that then it would. Most likely what happened was Hakiro made a really lame attack that completely missed the Kobold but the Kobold also missed because Hakiro fell over in laughter before the Kobold's attack could land.


    ID 2995

    BD 3


    Hakiro 7/11

    Kobold 4/8


    Hakiro still laughing on the floor didnt even bother making an attempt to attack the monster and instead cried to himself and cursed his own life. Due to Hakiro being an immobile target, the Kobold took advantage and struck Hakiro -- barely hitting as Hakiro was rolling around in an unpredictable fasion.


    ID 2996

    BD 1

    MD 7

    Damage 1

    Hakiro 6/11

    Kobold 4/8

  6. Still laughing his face off from the previous attempt, Hakiro made a halfhearted attempt to attack the Kobold but missed as he again, also slipped on the ledge; not falling but missing the Kobold altogether. The Kobold made an extremely lame attack towards Hakiro, still suffering from his embarassment and not really ready to attack with full force. The attack fell short of Hakiro and instead slashed the air in front of him. To nearby bystanders, the fight would have seemed more like a couple doing the funky chicken with the two running around, flailing and falling. Fortunately, there were no observers nearby and the incident could be kept hidden as a secret. Hopefully.


    ID 2994

    BD 3

    MD 3


    Hakiro 7/11

    Kobold 4/8

  7. Hakiro again charged at the Kobold, this time aware of his surroundings. Hakiro slowly advanced this time however, almost certain he was going to hand his blow, however, before he could make contact, the Kobold nimbly dodged his attack -- using the grace and finesse to fall flat on its face. Recalling what just happened moments ago, Hakiro realized the Kobold had just tripped on the same ledge he did just a few moments beforehand. He had mixed emotions as he was certain that was why he missed his strike but was definitely amused as the AI managed to trip on the terrain.


    ID 2993

    BD 5

    MD 1


    Hakiro 7/11

    Kobold 4/8

  8. Hakiro charged at the kobold ahead of him, aiming his spear dead center to his face. However, he did not notice the ledge before him and lost his footing before he reached the Kobold. The Kobold returned witih a blow of his own which landed on the dazed Hakiro before he could recover from his fall. Again learning new things, Hakiro was now inclined to observe his surroundings before he engaged the Kobold.

    ID 2992

    BD 4

    MD 6

    Damage 1


    Hakiro 7/11

    Kobold 4/8

  9. Hakiro now knew NEVER to underestimate mobs ever again as it was proven that every time he did, he was rewarded with lots of damage and suffering. He calmed his mind and only thought about the problem ahead of him; a somewhat angry Kobold wielding a sword. Hakiro focused on his target and with a clean strike, knocked the Kobold back while avoiding the incoming attack. Hakiro again readied himself for when the Kobold was to attack him again.


    ID 2991

    BD 6

    Damage 2

    MD 3


    Hakiro 8/11

    Kobold 4/8

  10. Hakiro, who was overconfident in his fighting prowress again went for the Kobold but was caught in surprise as his spear was also caught - in the Kobold's grip. Hakiro, who had underestimated the intelligence of the creature and forgot that it had opposable thumbs which it could use to grab onto things was rewarded with a sharp slash across his chest from the counterattacking Kobold.


    ID 2990

    BD 1

    MD 10

    Damage 3 (+2 from crit)


    Hakiro 8/11

    Kobold 6/8

  11. However, as Hakiro was about to leave the mines, he was stopped on his tracks by a large seemingly upset Kobold that blocked the exit of the mine. The Kobold was clearly upset that Hakiro ran about his home yelling and screaming at the rocks, interrupting the Kobolds afternoon nap and leaving him in a bad mood. Hakiro, still oblivious to the fact that he was yelling and screaming within the mines thought that this was a part of the quest where he had to fight a final creature before he could exist the mines readied his spear and charged towards the Kobold.


    It was the first time Hakiro was fighting against a humanoid figure, giving Hakiro shivers as he imagined that other players would be attacked this way. Hakiro, using the normal skills he acquired (charging up and poking stuff) again charged up and thrust his spear at the Kobold. The kobold quickly retaliated but as he was a humanoid enemy, Hakiro easily read his movements and avoided the attack quite readily.


    ID 2989

    BD 6

    Damage 2 (+1 from 1H AS)

    MD 4


    Hakiro (11/11)

    Kobold (6/8)

  12. Ok. So it seemed as if Aincrad really didnt want Hakiro to slay another wolf out of rage. Shortly after finding ore, Hakiro found even more in the area, overcome by joy that his luck was starting to change. He continued mining merilly while still having his malicious intents for that unsuspecting wolf out there.


    ID 2983

    LD 20 (success)

    +1 Smithing Mat


    Hakiro hoped his mining spree would continue and thus he continued to mine. However Hakiro did not recieve another ore as Aincrad probably couldnt sense his fury anymore. Dissapointed, Hakiro moved on to mine elsewhere, with his intent building up.


    ID 2987

    LD 5 (fail)


    Again, as if the game realized it, Hakiro soon found more ore to soothe the raging man and Hakiro was well off and satisfied again.


    ID 2988

    LD 19 (success)

    +1 Smithing Mat


    Seeing his inventory filled with a hefty 5 smithing materials, Hakiro was satisfied and decided to return to town.

  13. "Well he sure is a man of action" Hakiro thought to himself, seeing the tall figure already dashing towards the boar and cleaving the boar. Hakiro charged the boar with his spear, delivering a clean blow to his flanks. The boar snorted, steaming from his snout and charged towards Hakiro. From his past encounter, Hakiro knew well of the boar's movements and easily dodged the incoming attack.


    ID 2984

    BD 8 (hit)

    Damage 2 (+1 from 1H Spear)

    MD 4 (fail)


    Hakiro 11/11

    Liam 9/9

    Boar 6/9

  14. Much to his dissapointment, his hopeful and positive thoughts did not help him much in mining and Hakiro only found a pile of pebbles. "If this keeps up I'm gonna have to first vent my anger at a mob" Hakiro thought to himself, rage building up again in his system.


    ID 2981

    LD 6 (fail)


    As if the game really didnt want to lose anymore creatures to reckless adventurers, Hakiro recieved another ore from mining. "I'll slay you one day, unsuspecting mob! One day!!!" Hakiro screamed at the nonexhistent wolf he had in his mind that he wanted to slay. Little did Hakiro know that he was almost insane from the repetitive mining.


    ID 2982

    LD 20 (Success)

    +1 Smithing Mat

  15. Hakiro continued his crafting adventures, looking even more depressed than before because of his sudden realization of how long he would be stuck down here in the mines. Hakiro swung again at some rocks but to much avail, failed miserably and was rewarded only with a pile of pebbles.


    ID 2976

    LD 5 (fail)


    Hakiro continued to mine, and continued his dissapointment. Again screaming at the rocks. As if the rocks answered, he was rewarded with some more ore. "Maybe my luck is improving afterall" he thought. "Hopeful thoughts, I need to think hopefull thoughts" Hakiro said as he knew he still had to mine some more before he was done in the mine.


    ID 2980

    LD 20 (success)

    +1 Smithing Mat

  16. "A leader I see..." Hakiro trailed off, amazed that the man that stood before him had such ambitions. "Well I'm slaying some boars right now!" Hakiro exclaimed while regaining his sense of space. "You want to join me?". Hakiro pointed to the field of boars behind him with a proud grin. He wanted to show the man his newly acquired skills in the art of boar slaying.

  17. Determined to find ore and tears welling up on his face, Hakiro set out to mine some more. He swung ferociously at the rock, as if it was the direct problem to his life. Well, it truly did seem like the main problem in his life. Little did he know, he was also screaming his lungs out at the rock telling it to drop some ore. After chipping away the exterior, Hakiro dropped onto his knees and cried. For he had finally found some ore. After a painstakingly long time, Hakiro finally managed to find some ore. Hakiro silently wept as he knew he needed more than one ore to start a proper business and that if he had to repeat this process for at least 20 more times, he would seriously hurt himself, dissapointed as he moved on to mine some more.


    ID 2973

    LD 18 (success)

    +1 smithing Mat

  18. Hakiro continued to mine, thinking harder as he mined harder, thinking and mining and thinking and mining until the world around him started to spin and increase in spinning. He smashed the rock pile in front of him until it became an unrecognizable heap of pebbles. Hakiro cried on the inside. as he still was unable to find any ore.


    ID 2968

    LD 7 (fail)

    Hakiro kept on mining and thinking, so deep in thought that he forgot he was mining. Unfortunately for him, he also forgot to change a location to mine and just simply smashed the pile of pebbles into fine sand. Hakiro looked at his masterpiece and sniffled. Who knew that gathering would be such a chore.


    ID 2969

    LD 2 (fail)

    Hakiro moved on to another rock foundation, dragging his feet and pickaxe as he moved along. He randomly chose a less beaten area in hopes of finding ore, furiously smashing the rock to bits. Again the world around him spun as he thought as hard as he could (if it that were ever possible). But to much avail, he was unsuccessful and silently cursed the mechanics of the game.


    LD 2969

    LD 8 (fail)

  19. Hakiro again swung his pickaxe at a rock. Hakiro again thought about how he might get blisters. Hakiro kept on thinking and thinking as he smashed into the rock. If it were possible to think hard then Hakiro was definitely doing it. Smashing into the rock several more times until the rock had been smashed up to bits. "Still no luck" Hakiro thought as he frowned to himself, staring at the pile of rubble he created.


    ID 2964

    LD 11 (fail)

  20. Hakiro finally reached the mine, pickaxe in hand, he set out to gather ore. Recalling the basic tutorial he skimped through on how to collect ore, Hakiro set forth into the mine and began to mine. The pick grinded against his hands. Hakiro hoped blisters did not exhist in this game, as the first few attempts at gathering ore were sure to leave him with some in real life, recalling the numerous blisters he received from the laborous tasks his friends requested aid with. "Huh, I wonder how my friends are doing" Hakiro pondered as he continued breaking rocks in hopes of finding ore.

    After a few failed attempts, Hakiro was unsuccessful in finding ore, deciding to move onto a new area to mine. "Maybe I'm doing this wrong" he thought to himself, looking a tad dissapointed at his progress.


    ID 2963

    LD 11 (fail)

  21. Hakiro, determined to slay the wolf, Hakiro again charged straight on towards the wolf, launching his spear as if he meant to throw it straight into the wolfs face. The wolf did not give in and leaped straight at Hakiro, who stood in awe, only to be saved by the wolf finally shattering into a million peices. "I guess I'll need to train against wolves next" Hakiro muttered underbreath, dissapointed at his lack of skill.


    ID: 2960

    BD: 9 (Crit)

    Damage: 3 (+1 from 1H spear, +1 from crit)

    MD: 9 (crit)

    Damage 2 0 (eliminated)

    LD: 15

    Hakiro (7/9)

    Wolf (0/6)


    +1 Mat

    +30 Col

  22. This time Hakiro readied his spear, knowing that the wolf was much faster than the boar and thus had to strike earlier. As the wolf initiated his attack on him, Hakiro carefully aimed at the wolf. His attack connected but Hakiro failed to avoid the wolfs attack as he had been too focused on his own, knocking him straight in the face.


    ID: 2958

    BD: 10 (Crit)

    Damage: 4 (+1 from 1H spear, +2 from crit)

    MD: 9 (crit)

    Damage 2 (+1 from crit)


    Hakiro (7/9)

    Wolf (2/6)

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