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Baily b

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Everything posted by Baily b

  1. I am doing the same as Alex wish me good luck.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Baily b

      Baily b

      It was cross country.


    3. Koumori


      Ehh same difference (sorry haha don't mean to be rude or anything. I just usually use the term for both, even though that's wrong)

    4. Baily b
  2. Indigo Bright Profile » Username:Baily » Real name:Baily Betita » Age:14 » Gender:Male » Height: Small » About: History: Baily Betita was born in France where he grew up for three years. His parents seemed better job so they moved to the U.S.A. Built liked the move because he got more toys and was spoiled as he grew up. He enjoyed America his parents enjoyed America, everyone enjoyed America! Until the accident happened. Built was driving to school with his dad when he was seven. A stupid drunkie crashed into them. His mother and the police were to far away to get there quickly. They had to
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