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Baily b

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Posts posted by Baily b

  1. I want to be a beast tamer so we need to find a system that works. The familiar can't be too strong or all players will be a beast tamer(unlike the canon) but like not to weak either. Anyone got any good ideas? (If your just posting here for level, get out of here)

  2. Baily's eyes opened immediediatly when he heard the sword clang against the rocks on the floor. The first thing Baily looked at was the gleaming red sword. Then he saw the boy and noticed he was talking aboutqome PKer's finding a way to kill you while your sleeping in a safe zone. "Huh? What?" But then he realized it looked like the guy on the pamphet. "Hey, your Draterion, aren't you?" Baily stood up and then asked, "Ready to get going man?"

  3. Built waited silently. There was a man offering to go out on a party with anyone who had sat in the Towns of Floor 1 doing absolutely nothing. Draterion pamphlet and personal Message both strictly said no PKer's.

    Built had to think of what that meant.

    Pker's......Pker's.... Pker's..... On, yah, Player killers!

    That was mostly the reason he stayed in town. It wasn't because some monster was gonna kill him, it was because some player may kill him. Built was bored so he began to lay down with his eyes closed, being he had told Draterion what he looked like.

  4. Indigo Bright

    » Username:Baily
    » Real name:Baily Betita
    » Age:14
    » Gender:Male
    » Height: Small

    » About: History:
    Baily Betita was born in France where he grew up for three years. His parents seemed better job so they moved to the U.S.A. Built liked the move because he got more toys and was spoiled as he grew up. He enjoyed America his parents enjoyed America, everyone enjoyed America!

    Until the accident happened. Built was driving to school with his dad when he was seven. A stupid drunkie crashed into them. His mother and the police were to far away to get there quickly. They had to wait a total of twenty minutes for anyone to show up.

    Built was the one that survived it while his dad died lying in the hospital. They moved to Kyoko, Japan and lived happily ever after.

    Rather headstrong. Black haired wears shorts most of the time.

    » Virtues:
    (Martial Arts). In real life Built had done many classes for martial arts, earning belt to belt to belt without stop. He had a pretty high belt he seems to tell everyone, but he never seems to say the for of belt... Suspicious....

    (Intellectual). A very smart individual, Baily is very smart and was an all A student every year in elementary and secondary(Japanese middle school) school.

    (Battle Strategy). Built has done a lot of practice his life for this moment when this game came out. He had seen the premiere and studied it, then began creating strategies.

    » Flaws:
    Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html
    (Headstrong). Baily is rather arrogant and likes to argue and such, and always gets into situations that are hard to get out of. When in battle, he does his own thing.

    (Cationist). Always takes caution in who he befriends, making it harder to join parties and then more of a chance of dying. Aso shy and scared of making friends anyways.

    (Heavy Weaponry). Baily can not handle heavy weaponry and that is the reason he chose the curve sword for his starting weapon. For example, if Baily were to try to hit someone with a heavy war hammer or axe, he would most likely drop it on his toes and hurt himself.

    None yet.




    Weapon skills:
    »1-hand curved sword-rank one[0/4](5 points used)

    Total skill points used-5
    Total skill points unused-0
    Total skill points-5


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