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Posts posted by Shinex

  1. Shinex walks around Starting City. "Jeez, people that was a low level yesterday are becoming my level now." Shinex pulled his mask down. "It's probably because I've been pretty lazy lately. I don't train as much as others. I should start again." It was true what Shinex has said. Sword Art Online made him lazy. He never got this much freedom in the real world. He continued walking until he heard voiced in the alleyway. He quickly ran up to the wall and leaned against it. He took a peek to notice a few people. Some new players? No wait, I know some of these guys.


    Stealth Rating: 13

  2. Shinex nodded. "Alright. I'll try come back another time then." Shinex said his goodbyes and walked off. How troublesome. I really needed some new gear since I'm planning on doing more difficult quests. I also wanted to explore the floors higher than 6. Oh well I may have to get used to it now. Shinex walked towards the teleportation pad. Once he reached his destination, he stepped on the pad and teleported to his designated floor.

  3. ID: 8405 BD: 4

    ID: 8406 MD: 1

    ID: 8407 BD: 8


    "I'm ending this!" Shinex charged The Gemini. His attack was easily evaded by sliding to the left. Shinex smiled. It felt like slow motion. The Gemini tried to hit Shinex, but was countered. Shinex blocked the attack with is sword and kicked The Gemini's stomach back. The Gemini stumbled back. "Unlucky!" Shinex sliced through The Gemini. He shattered, giving Shinex another victory.


    Shinex: 10/22

    The Gemini: 0/22 (-6)(+1)


    ID: 8408 LD: 10


    Shinex sheathed his sword. A menu popped up. Shinex god a skill for the reward. "I guess the reward was great." Shinex accepted the reward and walked off.

  4. ID: 8402 MD: 10

    ID: 8403 BD: 5(+1)

    ID: 8404 MD: 6(-1)


    Shinex walked over to finish off The Gemini. He was caught by surprised when The Gemini uppercut slashed him. H-he's fast! Shinex stumbled back. "I won't lose!" He charged and slashed his clone horizontally. He jumped back and held his blade on the flat side with his free hand. The Gemini charged and sliced downward. Shinex held the attack back and managed to push The Gemini off. I can't be reckless. This guy is my old self. I need to remember that. I need to use my equipment as an advantage as well.


    Shinex: 10/22 (-4)(+1)(-2)

    The Gemini: 5/22 (-6)(+1)

  5. ID: 8396 MD: 1

    ID: 8397 BD: 3

    ID: 8398 MD: 8

    ID: 8399 BD: 10


    The Gemini charged again. Wait, he's the old me. I wasn't as experienced back then. Shinex slid to his side and stuck his foot out. The Gemini tripped. Shinex ran and tried to swing downwards. The Gemini was quick. He turned around and blocked with his sword. What? It then kicked Shinex back then sliced horizontally. Shinex stumbled back breathing heavily. He was glaring. "There's no way in h*ll I'm losing to you!" He charged forward and punched The Gemini's face. He then sliced an X on the chest. He finished it off with a horizontal and vertical slash. The Gemini currently lies on the ground.


    Shinex: 15/22 (-4)(+1)

    The Gemini: 10/22 (-6)(+1)(-2)

  6. ID: 8394 MD: 9

    ID: 8395 BD: 3


    The Gemini grinned. Shinex was surprised. It was still like looking into a mirror for him. Shinex still had to focus to beat this abomination. This isn't like Sins from Calming the Soul. The Gemini will actually want to kill Shinex. The clone's next attack was brutal towards Shinex. He charged Shinex and headbutted him. W-what? The clone finished its attack by making an uppercut slice. Shinex stumbled back and tried to attack by swinging diagonally. He was too dizzy to land a hit. His attack was easily deflected.


    Shinex: 18/22 (-4)(+1)(-1)

    The Gemini: 17/22

  7. ID: 8392 MD: 2

    ID: 8393 BD: 7


    Shinex: 22/22

    The Gemini: 22/22


    Shinex motioned the Gemini. Shinex was basically saying "Come at me!" Unfortunately Shinex's clone fell for the trick. It charged Shinex with brute force. It swung diagonally just how Shinex swung. I knew it. He'll do what the old me did. Shinex jumped back and kicked the Gemini back. He the sliced two diagonal slashes which caused an X on the mob's chest. Shinex grinned. So I guess this guy's equipment isn't the same as mine. He does have my Light Armor skill. That's why he's absorbing the damage better than I though.


    Shinex: 22/22

    The Gemini: 17/22 (-6)(+1)

  8. Shinex unsheathed his sword. The man then takes off his cloak. Shinex's eyes was filled with horror. The man previously did not have a name above him, but one did appear. It was The Gemini. The thing is, this Gemini was Shinex when he first started out. He wore Shinex's basic clothing and wielded a basic scimitar. This is like Calming The Soul. But this guy actually is me. Shinex knew this was a battle to the death. He didn't know if The Gemini had the same skills he did. But he did know he has an advantage because of his equipment. The Gemini could not copy that.

  9. Shinex was walking a path towards Amazon. He healed up all his HP so he didn't care if something came to attack. Now, something didn't necessary attack him. It, or should it be called he, challenged Shinex. A person in a cloak walked up to Shinex.


    "Would you like to battle? If you beat me I'll give you a reward." The person's voice was definitely a man's. It did sound familiar though. Shinex couldn't figure out why.


    "Uh sure. That's find with me."


    The figure sent Shinex a battle request. Shinex accepted it without a second though.

  10. Shinex wandered the floor for a bit. I should probably go buy a Perfect item from Ariel. I just don't want to put a whole lot of pressure on her though. Shinex sighed. I might as well give it a try. It'll be fine if she declines the offer.


    Shinex made his way to The Lion's Den. He opened the door. "Hey Ariel!" He looked around for Ariel until he found her. "Hey I'm back again. By the way, do you think you could make a Perfect item? It's fine if you don't. I know you're busy and all and I don't want you to be stressed out over one item."

    • Rolled a 10 on the d10 (battle) dice.

    It was obvious Shinex was p***ed. He raised his sword and his left hand barely touched the flat side of the blade. He charged in and sliced through. He then turned around and made an X mark by slicing twice. He finished the King off by slicing downwards.


    ID: 8373 LD: 6


    The snake collapsed and shattered. Shinex had no reward screen popped up which irritated him. "There should be a reward every time you kill something." He angrily said. He sheathed his sword in the scabbard on the back of his waist. He then walked off from the area.

    • Rolled a 6 on the d10 (battle) dice.
    • Rolled a 6 on the d10 (mob) dice.

    The King charged Shinex and used its tail to attack his legs. Shinex fell back and was vulnerable. The King then used the tail again to crush Shinex. Shinex tried to dodge, but his arm still took a hit. "Damn it!" Shinex was stuck. He gripped tightly onto his sword and kept slicing the King's tail until it moved it. Eventually it did due to a huge amount of pain Shinex inflicted. The two glared back at each other.


    Shinex: 19/22 (-3)

    King Cobra: 4/16 (-6)


    ID: 8332 MD: 7


    Shinex quickly got up. The King didn't want to allow that so it swung its tail once more. Shinex got smacked with it and hit a tree. "D-damn it."

  11. A King Cobra appears in front of Shinex's path. Yes! Maybe an actual challenge! Shinex got in his usual combat stance. Should I attack first? No. I gotta see its movements.


    Shinex: 22/22

    King Cobra: 16/16

    • Rolled a 4 on the d10 (mob) dice.
    • Rolled a 8 on the d10 (battle) dice.

    The King Cobra opened its mouth and slithered towards Shinex. The attack was evaded when Shinex rolled to his right. The King was open to Shinex. "Now's my chance!" Shinex sliced horizontally. The King slithered back ignoring its pain. "Well aren't you a tough one?"


    King Cobra: 10/16 (-6)

  12. Okay, so I was told to introduce myself. Well, I'd rather introduce my character Shinex at the moment. Okay to be honest I don't know if you want me to introduce my real self or SAO character. I'm sticking with SAO character. Shinex is pretty much an adopted orphan. His mother died before he graduated so he had to work to survive on his own. He was a very fit and healthy human being after graduating high school. He eventually became the roommate of one of his friends. He ended up getting SAO as a present. None of his friends had it so he was only able to enter SAO alone. He thank them and tried out the game. 


    So that's how he entered SAO. Personality wise, he tries to limit the amount of friends he has. It's hard for him to know if he actually trusts someone. He'll tell himself he does when he actually doesn't. He does do well when it comes to cooperating with others even if he doesn't like a teammate. During his time at SAO, he learned to be calm, but also lazy. He gained his calm trait after completing Calming the Soul. He gained his laziness after hanging  around SAO for a bit. In the real world, he was always hard working. In SAO, he doesn't really have a whole lot of responsibilities.


    That's basically it for Shinex at the moment. He will change as the time passes.

  13. Shinex accepted the party request. Once he reached his destination he went straight to lying down on a bench. He quickly closed his eyes and relaxed. He developed a new lazy personality ever since getting trapped in the game. He's always been the guy to work all the time in the real world. He's using his time in SAO to relax. It didn't take long, but he fell asleep. He didn't know if the two girls would get irritated by this. Normally he doesn't care.

  14. Shinex realized he had to go do something on the sixth floor. "Crap. Sorry fellas but I won't be available. I got some training to do. Good luck new guy." Shinex ran off towards the teleportation area. Stay alive you guys. Looks like I'm becoming more social as the days pass. Shinex stretched once he gotten onto the teleportation pad. He stepped on and teleported off.

  15. Shinex found his way towards Amazon and didn't even enter the inn. He was apparently too lazy to enter and climb up some stairs... He was fine with lying down on a bench and sleeping there. He didn't expect rain or snow to come down. Though the night was cool, Shinex didn't mind. He felt heated up due to his fight with two strong monsters. He dreamt of defeating more and more all on his own. Though, he knows he can't. Being a loner takes you so far. He feels like he'll need to join a guild soon. He still has trouble trusting people. He tells himself that he could trust people he meet, but he really can't fully trust them.

    • Rolled a 3 on the d10 (mob) dice.
    • Rolled a 4 on the d10 (battle) dice.

    Shinex charged in and made an uppercut slice. The snake slithered backwards then charged with its fangs out. Shinex jumped backwards then slid to his left. The snake past him.


    ID: 8241 BD: 5 (+1)

    ID: 8242 LD: 7


    "There!" Shinex sliced downwards on the snake's side. The snake collapsed immediately due to Shinex's strong attack. I'm starting to get too powerful. He shook his head. No. There are many players much better than me. I'm probably still considered a noob. It doesn't bother me though. I'm always ready to get stronger. The snake shattered. Unfortunately there was no reward screen. This caused Shinex to clench his free fist. Other players are lucky not to be around him. "WHAT!" He yelled as fire burns in his eyes. "NOT EVEN ONE COL AFTER ALL THAT! I MIGHT AS WELL KEEP KILLING OFF THESE REPTILIAN B*******!"

    • Rolled a 9 on the d10 (mob) dice.
    • Rolled a 4 on the d10 (battle) dice.

    The snake charged Shinex, but used its tail to knock Shinex down. "Crap!" Shinex was headbutted before he even touched the ground. He scraped the dirt as he rolled on his side. He quickly managed to get up and charged. He positioned his sword to his left side and sliced right. The snake quickly jumped back. What!? It's much faster! Did I really p**** it off that much? Shinex jumped back and raised his sword once again. I gotta hope the next attack won't be the same as this one. This snake is much better than I thought.


    Shinex: 15/22 (-3)

    • Rolled a 4 on the d10 (mob) dice.
    • Rolled a 8 on the d10 (battle) dice.

    The snake opened its mouth and charged Shinex. There was a smirk behind the player's mask as he jumped up and landed on the snakes head. He looked down and would slice as many times as he could before the snake would throw him off. He rolled backwards and got on his feet. "You're turn you cold blooded reptile." Shinex raised his sword and pointed it at the angered snake. The two glared at each other. It was the snake's move. Shinex can't get carried away now. He knows what'll happen because he's gotten carried away before. He still needs to be cautious no matter who the foe is.


    Snake: 6/12 (-6)

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