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Sir Alonne

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Posts posted by Sir Alonne

  1. Alonne nodded, "It's nothing really, I'm fine, so your here to meet someone, who is it if I may ask?" He wondered who she could be meeting, a boyfriend perhaps, if so is was a good idea he didn't start hitting on her, as that would be bad. And still, he wouldn't on Destiny, not like last time, he didn't need her passing out on him, and he didn't want her to do that either as he looked at her feet, seeing them shuffle about and he had a curious look in his head, "What's up?" "Your feet are moving on their own, that shows symptoms of nervousness and anxiety, who ever your meeting must make you nervous." He said to her, as he turned his head, to avoid eye contact and then he spoke, "Listen, about the last time we met, sorry about that, I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable, so sorry." He said to her, keeping his face turned away from her, as he let his Emerald green left eye gaze at her, then he quickly swirled his head back away from her, acting abit more aloof now. 

  2. Alonne looked at the figure to find it being Destiny and he backed away, "Oh hi... it's you." He said in a more uneasy tone of voice as he kept his distance, he didn't want Destiny to feel uncomfortable like the last time they met. "Nothing much, just,,, its not important actually, what are you doing here?" He asked her, as his business was never really important, ever, and he didn't want to bore Destiny with it, as he wanted to know what she was doing here in the first place. As his Emerald green eyes stayed locked on her brown ones, he made sure his flirtatious desires stayed tucked in, as Destiny was the person that made him realize the horrible power his compliments and flirting can do to a woman, and he didn't want that to happen again.

  3. Another day for Sir Alonne, he was upon the fourth floor this time as he was sitting in the main plaza area, the cold wind coming upon his clothing, as he sat there. Not caring about the wind or the fact that is was cold outside, not many players were outside due to this factor. Yet that didn't stop him from coming into the fridged weather, as he sat there, the snow coming down, and the flakes landing on his coat, the wind was blowing his hair about, the red color that could be seen from a mile away, and the Emerald eyes he had. Gazed at the players walking about, though there were a few female players walking, he did look at them, he was rather not in the mood to flirt this day. He just felt ever since his encounter with Destiny, his way was abit too forward and strong. So he was going to be somewhat aloof and less direct with his intentions, as his eyes looked up and he decided to stand up and begin his walking again, as walked for sometime and then felt a presence (Destiny) in front of him and he bumped into it. "Oh pardon me." He said, his voice as angelic like as ever, as he gave a bow and looked back up at the figure in front if him.

  4. Alonne rubbed his chin, "Hmm... could be possible, but if you think about it, we technically can't die of hunger here, our bodies in the real world are being feed through tubes and such." "I think in here, it just effects you stats and not HP, but I could be wrong, you never know, but I digress, lets get some food." He said as he walked to the Tavern and opened the door up letting Aedan in and then himself as he found a seat in the back and took a seat letting his pal do the same. As the waitress came up and he spoke, "Steak, rare please, potatoes wedges on the side with Rosemary, and green bean with lemon pepper, as well as a glass of Sweet tea." He said as the NP nodded and then looked at Aedan waiting for his order, while Alonne stared at the pretty NPC, she had blonde hair, and blues eyes, which he kinda liked. His own Emerald green ones locked onto her, as he gazed at her beauty, *Wonderful, Kayaba you are a genius, this world....it's so real.* He thought to himself as he listened on to Aedan.

  5. *A profession, a job, hmm... well to be frank Alchemist seems nice but...* Alonne was looking over the mission he heard about, as a few players told him about it, as Alonne did want to help players in anyway possible. Alchemist dealed with medicine, which was part of his major, but there were other Professions to pick, and he didn't want to try something everyone was doing. There were plenty of Blacksmiths, and other ones, then there was one he looked at, *Hmm... Artisan, wait... how many Artisans are there?* Alonne smiled as he looked up the Shop info's, there practically was none, only a few were in the world of Aincrad, and he chuckled, "Well I know what I am going to be." He said and then got up, thinking about what the players told him, the NPC and the Profession he wanted to take up, and he had a wonderful time to get this profession as he wandered the floor as he looked for a Artisan NPC.


    -Flash Back-


    -Player 1-

    "Yeah there's a mission that you take to get a job, its called a profession in SAO, just find a NPC and talk to them and they'll give you the down low man.

    -Player 2-

    "Yeah, me and Nathan here got our shop open I work on leather works and he makes he armor and weapons, were perfect together, you should really try to find one you want though, bye bye mister.


  6. Alonne turned as he looked at Destiny, seeing her eyes and her blowing him a kiss, as she left him alone, he smiled and fell asleep, trying to get the rest he needed. As he finally did, he woke up 30 minutes later like he planed and got out of the bed, nice and slowly, and equipped his gear. Taking the key, and walking out the door, he grabbed a piece of string and place the key on the end of it and hung it on the door nob. With that he left the building and into the streets as he walked the opposite direction of the Inn and into the Alleyways, as he then slide against the wall, and stayed there, as he made a new friend, but at what cost? He sighed and kept himself hidden and fell asleep again in the Alley, this time, he was under a few boxes as he made a fort for himself, knowing there were no other rooms, and he would rather give Destiny her time alone from him.



    *What we get?*

    400 Col per completed page: 1 Page:400 Col

    Col divided between us: 2 [sir Alonne & Destiny]

    We got 200 Col

    Sir Alonne & Destiny got one skill point.


  7. Alonne looked at the man, "Really, those are your standard, well clothes are clothes I suppose, and to answer your question I am not just looking at the women here." "I am also looking at a young man in front of me, a building, a cloud, I am looking at all things, but most of all, I am looking for my future here." He said to the young man before him, as he used his mind games trick he uses n his patients back at Harvard and spoke again, "The names Sir Alonne, but Alonne is fine." He said as he stood up, being only 5'10 wasn't too good for him, but he held out his hand and looked at the man before him, waiting for him to shake his had.

  8. Alonne found Destiny to be even more beautiful when she was truthful and when she was on top of him, and she was looking in his eyes and he smiled, "Well Destiny, I think you win this round, you seemed to be better at this than I thought." He said, as she threw him for a loop and he laid there, as she stood up, "I think your right, you should go and have your fun, I will be gone by the time you come back." He said to her and then turned, "See you around sometime then Destiny, go on and have your fun." He said as he pulled the covers over him and tried to fall asleep as Destiny should go and have her fun, all he was doing was holding her back, and she didn't need baggage now.

  9. Alonne smiled as he heard Aedans stomach growl, "Yes, it is, but I think your friend there has other plans other than looking up at the sky." He said pointing at his belly and then stood up, "How bout we grab a steak in the Tavern, it should help us with our progression in the game if we feed our in game hunger." He said holding out a hand to help Aedan up, "Come on pally, lets get a move on." He said to him awaiting for him to take the helping hand and he could get something to eat as his own stomach made the same sound but was rather more louder than Aedans.

  10. Alonne looked at Destiny, and liked this side of her, "Actually i am free til tomorrow, and plus I would like to spend time with you, even if it interrupted my plans." He said as she now kissed his hand and he smiled, grasping hold of hers and pulling her down next to him, "Until you leave for your run, lay here with me." He said as he gave her soft sleepy eyes, meaning he was in is what most ladies called it, his smexy eyes mode, his Emerald green eyes getting big as he nudged her arm. He was wanting to feel her next to him, and he didn't mind it at all, as he did have plans but Destiny was more important than the plans he had, as his red hair danced in his face, and his voice soft and angelic like again.

  11. Alonne smiled as he spoke, "Don't lets looks fool you, I may look young, but thats because I my genetics are so." He said to Aedan and then looked up to the sky, as he then looked back at Aedan and spoke, "Don't be jealous of what others have, just be grateful for what you have, Envy is something you don't want on your system." He said to Aedan, as he knew jealousy and Envy were nothing more than the same thing, just broken down into a different category of the topic.

  12. Alonne looked at Destiny and smiled as she brought him to the bed, "Thanks Destiny, but it's not from that, I have a balance disorder, one that can't be cured, as it only happens when I stand up too quickly or I am tired, I guess I did both today." He said as he felt her skin and he liked the warmth and he laid down, as he turned his head and laid on his back as he held out his hand, "You know its about 5 oclock now right, its going to get dark soon, where are you going to sleep when it becomes time, all the other rooms are filled other than this one." "You can share this one with me Destiny, I mean I can sleep on the floor if you don't like that idea." He said to her, as he lightly grabbed her hand and gave her his gentle eyes as even his grasp was gentle yet strong and he was rather weak right now, from his disorder and all.

  13. Alonne at this time had fallen to sleep as he had waited a few hours for Destiny to wake up, and he fell over and out of his chair and slammed his head on the floor, as that snapped his eyes open and he quickly got up. "Ugh, wait, oh that's right, gotta to see if Destiny is awake." he mumbled to himself and turned his body seeing her awake, "Well, glad to see you only fainted, was going to be scared if it was a brain condition or something like that, how you feeling Destiny, I mean you gave me a scare out there." He said trying to get up and lost his balance, "Oh please not this again." He said as he had finally lost his equilibrium and could not stand up, "Destiny I can't stand up correctly, please excuse me Destiny." He said as he grabbed the chair and tried getting up and used it as his leverage to stand up, and he sat down and placed his head on the table, "Oh dear god, I am tired,, this isn't good." He said as he rubbed his head and stayed there at the table.

  14. Alonne looked at Destiny as she had fainted, he grabbed at her hand and called out to her, "Destiny, wake up please." He asked her, and sighed, as he opened his HUD and formed his shirt putting around her and then picking her up and walked her to the town. With her in his arms he kept her close to him and walked the fields finally taking her into the town and towards the Inn, as he entered the building shortly after coming into the town and he grabbed the key and walked up to the room he got and entered it with some ease. As he closed the door with his foot and laid Destiny on the bed, he went to the door and locked it, as he pulled up a chair and sat in it, as he formed his pants and looked out the window, "Destiny, please wake up." He said to himself as he kept his eyes on her and yet averted his eyes away when he didn't need to look at her.

  15. Alonne bent over Destiny as she laid on her back, his emerald eyes gazing down at her, "Well if you want me to give you it in layman's, I did it because the technology dealed with the human brain as me and my father both are Neurologists, we found the technology to be rather interesting, the way the device reads the electrical impulses of the human spine." "De-crypts it, and re-writes it to allow the NerveGear to understand those impulses in ones and zeros." He said to her and he was now over her, "But most of all, I think what got me here was to find something more with my life, try something new, something I never had done before, and well guess what."


    "Your the first thing I have never had in my life, someone this close to me before, I mean most women find me too strong and too forward, but you seem to allow me to get this close to you, and it makes me feel like someone like me can be as close to someone like you without being pushed away, I was thinking, maybe we can go on more dates like this, what do ya say, will you go out with me?" He asked her, as he smiled, "I'm not saying to love me instantly, all I' saying is, will you give me a chance?" He asked her, his eyes gleaming as his voice was soothing and angelic like, while his red hair danced in his face.

  16. Alonne looked up, "To be honest, I was trying to escape into the wonders of nature, my mind loves this view, and seeing the sights really helps me whine down a lot." "How bout you miss athlete, what about you there?" He asked her, as his Emerald eyes locked onto her Brown ones and he stood up and stared at her, "May I ask you the same question?" He asked her, his voice rather curious about her being out here as well.

  17. "Si, I did, and at the age of 17 I graduated from my High School in Japan and moved to the US for a a few years and went to the same University as my father, and I am still taking the same courses he took." "Neurology, Cardiology, and I am a registered Therapist, just like him, and yes I am young looking, I'm 21." He said to Aedan as he entered the town and smiled, "It's not that hard, my grandfather is a professor there so I got in with some help from my family, was hard work but I am an Associate in those two courses and I am still taking more as we speak... well I was before I got stuck in here." He explained to Aedan as he sat down and looked at him, "Come sit down." He sat patting the fountain area where they first met and he gave off a grin to him.

  18. Alonne looked up to hear a voice as he had his bread in his mouth and pulled it out, "Ciao amico, rather well in fact, how is yours good sir?" He asked the man, as his Italian accent came through, and his auto translator translating the to words he spoke, Ciao and amico to the default language as Ciao was hello and amico was friend. The bubble above his head saying the original language was Italian and Alonne looked at the young mans clothing before him and smiled, "You seem to be in your relaxation clothing, well today is rather nice to relax." He said as his voice was light and yet still masculant, as his vivid red hair danced in the wind, and his Emerald green eyes stared at this young man before him.

  19. Alonne felt Destiny shaking in his arms and he realized it, and he calmly pulled her to the shore and set her there and he sat abit from her, "Destiny... are you okay?" He asked her, not sure if it was him doing this or something else, but all he knew distance was the best for now, as he was now in his more professional mood. Seeing how his touch made her shake and he looked at her, "Was it because of me?" He asked her, his calming voice speaking to her as he scooted just abit closer, and placed his hand on hers, his whole mood now different, more mysterious and aloof, as he looked at her with his emerald green eyes. "Destiny if there is something wrong you can tell me." He said wrapping his hand around hers, now him being more than flirting with her, he was trying to figure out what went wrong with his embrace of her.

  20. Sir Alonne looked at the player who was mentally attacking the one named Mari, and he spoke, "And what your doing isn't helping, she is most likely suffering from mental and emotional trauma, and your adding to the fire." "But from what I can tell I am no help here at all, and I say arrivederci." As he said that, he got up, and began walking away from the group, not wanting to take the chance of getting killed before he can help anyone here out, as his Emerald green eyes stared forwards he walked to the gate and shouted, "Floor 4, gate!" And disappeared.


    -Sir Alonne Leaves the Topic.-

    -OCC: Sorry guys but I got work in 15 minutes, and I don't want to not be able to post so I am leaving to topic now, sorry I was no help and a nuisance. Arrivederci.-

  21. Alonne saw what was happening and when he saw so many people entering the area, he thought to himself, *Oh dear this is terrible.*, when the female player asked him to leave and how she acted around the others, he knew this was a mistake and looked at the woman. "I don't know what has happened to you mam, but this isn't the way things need to be, my name is Doctor Augustino Hikaru, im and an Associate in Neurology and Psychology." "It seems you've suffered mental trauma, and I think I can help you, but from what I can see, you don't want it, at least not right now." He said to her as he kept his distance from her, as he looked at the others seeing how so many people were getying so close to this woman named Mari, and he spoke to them. "Everyone, please keep your distance, can you not see she doesn't like people in her personal space." He said to them all and took at seat on one of the posts in the bridge and crosses his arms looking at the one called Mari. "Please miss Mari, I don't think your a monster, just someone who is misunderstood, and I am one who wishes to understand your situation." He said to her as his voice was more soothing now, as he as trying to use his time at Harvard to solve this situation at hand.


    Edit: I made a mistake, forgot to as the n't ti is I will underline the area I mean.

  22. I was thinking hard about this, how bout something like Dot.Hack, but here's the thing, it takes place in a realm like ALO, and has a few different mechanics. For starters, there are wings, but they are not like the Fairy wings, there all sorts of them, ranging from Angelic, to Demonic like, but you have to buy them for your character in game with the currency there is. That is if you want to fly, have there be races like Humans, and the Lima's, which are animal like people, ranging from Canine, to Feline and even Reptilian. There are even hybrids of the two called Sub-Humans, but most of all its like SAO, same fighting style, swords, axes, lances, and has magic like in ALO, with the wings and all as well as Bow & arrows and even crossbows. Think of it like this, it is a mixture of SAO, ALO, and Dot.Hack all in one, having magic, melee combat, and even having the flying capability if a person wants it, and theres a import system like in the Anime, after the World Seed is planted. Tell me your idea guys, 

  23. A flash of red, and a gaze of green, a well dressed young man was walking upon the third floor, his weapons not equipped as he had no reason to have it out, and his clothing rather nice. His crimson colored red hair blazing through the the air, his eyes cool and calm as he walked through the streets, using his normal walking pace as he gazed up at the sky, as he saw the same thing every day. He then looked ahead and began walking again, a men's fashion blue blazer, a pair of midnight blue dress pants, and is favorite pair of black leather combat boots were what he wore. as he looked out to the pier he saw someone, and he began walking towards the person, seeing it was a woman, and he spoke, "Madam, hello. is there something wrong?" He looked at her and saw her state and he stopped a few feet, not wanting to be an intruder to her, but still wanting to help her. "Madam, are you hurt?" He said to her his Emerald eyes gazing at the woman in front of him as he kept a good distance from her, to be sure he was minding this womens personal space.



    Chest: Men's Fashion Blazer (Blue) 

    Legs: Men's Fashion Pants (Midnight Blue) 

    Feet: Men's Combat Boots (Black Leather)

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