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Posts posted by Piers

  1. Piers allowed Clarence to attempt and pat down his hair. It was funny since Piers had tried to do the same thing before.


    "It always stays up. Sorry about that." 


    The butler enjoyed when the boy brushed his hair back. The gesture felt... nice. He hummed contently while rocking back and forth on his feet.


    "Oh, my job is the best I've ever had. I do all sorts of things, but that should probably remain private for various reasons."


    He tilted his head and twirled a piece of his hair.


    "Anyone good? How about perfect. That'd be you, of course."


    Piers reached his hand out he'd been using to mess with his hair and did the same to Clarence's.


    "I hope you don't mind me coming into contact with you so much. It's hard to resist."

  2. "You're being serious? Couldn't tell. Say, how about you take some acting classes... I offer them you know. I could be your teacher. You'd be such a fun student to teach." 


    Piers tapped Kiru's nose and smiled, flashing pointy teeth. Her expression was amusing, and Piers's emerald orbs proved just how entertaining he thought this whole encounter was. She was actually beautiful, but now Piers had a new objective for the younger woman. Annoy, or tease, both were practically the same.


    "What's wrong with a little friendly contact? I just wanted to prove to you that I was worthy of making your acquaintance. I'm oh so hurt that you'd just push me away without even meeting me."

  3. "Nyle is his name. I work for a boy younger than both of us. He is fairly annoying but far more intelligent than anyone I've ever met. We're close there's no doubting that, he trusts me with his life and we both owe each other a debt greater than our souls. It's my job to protect him, he's had a rough life. So have I. I'm sure he's grateful to have me around. If I were to get close to someone it would distract me from my duties as his butler. My job is far more difficult than the average butler's. You would take my attention away from everything else."


    Piers paused before speaking again so his words wouldn't seem rushed or confusing.


     "For reasons unknown Nyle wanted me to join him in this game. I never knew we'd get stuck in it. I was unconscious for a long time, only a few days ago I woke up. He's gone now and I can't find him. So... I guess that means I have a temporary vacation. There's a possibility I might get attached to you. Who knows."


    The butler shrugged and ran a hand through his raven hair. 


    "Playing for the other team? That's an interesting way to put it. I believe that if you have feelings for someone, it doesn't matter what gender they are. Some just don't get that. Or they're extremely religious."


    Piers laughed at his own joke and shook his head, hoping he didn't offend Clarence. He wouldn't want to cause the kid to run away to quickly. Though, he did accept all the close and loving gestures so far, that was always a good sign.

  4. "You're lonely I assume? It's a shame whoever your talking about isn't around anymore. That's something we have in common, people lost, missing, I'm going to guess and say you already understand what I'm saying."


    Piers loosened the tight grip of the scarf around his neck and cleared his throat. Talking about his beloved master did cause the butler to expose unnecessary emotions. 


    "You prefer males? Even better. Most probably find you attractive but choose not to say anything. I, for one, do myself. My job requires me not to get too close to anyone other than my boss though. A shame, really. Like I said before: I've taken a great interest in you Clarence."


    The butler smirked after his words. He put a hand under Clarence's chin and lifted it slightly. Piers offered him a friendly nod of the head and small smile before reluctantly removing the hand. All the while his green eyes flashed with amusement. 


    "You're brave for admitting that to me, you know. People... aren't willing to do so most of the time."

  5. "My name?" 


    Piers repeated Clarence's question aloud and frowned.


    "Vincent. Yes, that sounds correct."


    The butler couldn't believe he almost forgot his first name. It'd been only a year or so when he'd switched and started using his middle name. For some strange reason he trusted Clarence with such information. At the question about his eyes Piers adjusted his glasses quickly, orbs returning to fully green.


    "My eyes are normal as normal can get... Perhaps maybe I've just taken an interest in you. I don't mind all of the questions, it's quite fun conversing with you. So far you've ceased from pulling on any of my nerves."


    He leaned forward, face nearing Clarence's, and squinted. Piers fixed his glasses again before pulling away. 


    "Now your eyes, your eyes are something different. Lovely indeed. You must pull in the females easily, hmm?" 


    Piers looked forward to seeing Clarence's reaction and listening to his answers. People "like him" were rather interesting, too interesting to ignore.

  6. Piers stepped back and put a hand over his chest, expression as if he were in shock. Though in reality the reaction of the stranger was hilarious. Oh if only every woman could respond the same way.


    "My apologies. I couldn't help myself. You're hair... It's just so gorgeous.


    The butler's voice sounded light and fluffy until the gorgeous part. With that word he dropped his voice low and made it so he seemed like he was mocking her. Which he was. Why not? It was fun to mess with people sometimes. Especially with one's like Kiru. Feisty, dangerous, it only made arguing with her far more fun than it was with anyone else. Of course Piers would only go so far. It was too early in the game to be killed.

  7. Piers had searched every corner of floor 1 and floor 4, why he was back, who knew. The butler found himself lost and confused for once without Nyle commanding and leading him every which way. It was rather lonely. NPC's were boring and almost every female was as young as 15. No wonder his master wanted to play the game. Piers inhaled and exhaled loudly, like his young master would ever open up or try anything on a girl.


    His eyes scanned every older woman around until his eyes stopped at the sight of a beauty with two-toned hair. He adjusted his glasses before smirking. Piers licked his lips while straightening his suit and tie. The butler headed in her direction and approached directly from behind. He leaned over her stature and grabbed a lock of white hair, twirling it around in his fingers.


    "Beautiful, simply beautiful." 


    He whispered, accent trailing behind. He took his free gloved hand and placed it upon her shoulder gently. 

  8. "Nonsense. But if you believe so than I won't fight you."


    Piers ran a hand through his locks and sighed. 


    "Mmm... Clarence."


    The butler rubbed his chin and glared at Clarence before nodding. He shoved his hands in the pockets of his pants.


    "I like that. Piers is just a pet name, but thank you I suppose."


    Piers didn't mind the close contact or small space in between the two. He lifted his hands to Clarence's cheeks and squeezed them both gently before taking them away from the boy's face. The butler loved when people blushed.


    "I'm here searching for someone... special. Not that it matters much. Mind telling me what you're doing here on a cold floor? I do hope you aren't alone. That'd be no fun. No fun at all."


    He adjusted the scarf wrapped around his neck and adjusted his glasses so a glare hid only one eye behind the lens. Piers simply curled his lips lazily, hiding his sharp teeth once again. The butler crossed his arms and stared at Clarence's purple orbs. He thought Clarence was okay so far, not a trait Piers often found in teens. The handshake wasn't weak, quite strong in fact. The innocence and appearance of Clarence made Piers hungry but he had to ignore the feeling and try extra hard to get the red out of his green eyes. Nyle was the only one for him... but he wasn't here... 

  9. Piers had finally gotten away from his first group after a bit of grinding... The only pest being the immature teenager who'd taken every word to his heart like a grown baby. Pathetic. Disgusting. Nothing like his dear master. If Piers was strong enough he'd beat the kid to teach him a lesson. Right now his eyes glowed crimson as his blood boiled. It didn't help that the holiday happened to be Valentines day. Piers could be with any woman he wanted right now, but finding his master while becoming stronger came first. Damn...


    Something solid pushed into Pier's body and bounced back. The tall man only stepped back once, not taking as much from the collision as whoever bumped into him had. Piers glanced down and tilted his head at the boy, raven hair falling to the side as his bangs fell in his face. Piers adjusted his glasses and eyes turned emerald. 


    "No, no. My apologies I didn't jump away from a boy heading somewhere so quickly."


    A smirk appeared on his face, flashing a few pointy teeth. He shook his head after speaking and chuckled very lowly.


    "I'm only joking. I do hope you forgive me. I'm Piers pleased to make your acquaintance."


    The butler bowed while holding a gloved hand over his heart. When he stood back to his full height he fixed his suit before holding out the same gloved hand to the boy. It was "cute" the way the stranger stuttered awkwardly to such a formal man. Piers made sure to seem warm and welcoming. Whoever it was seemed... much more mature than X, and far more easy to tolerate. Let's hope he is.

  10. "Of course, Ariel." 


    Piers nodded his head in the direction of Lancer and motioned for her to continue speaking. As she did, X struck conversation with Piers. He smirked at X's reply.


    "Oh what a delightful response. I'm no pervert, mind you. My lips were dry because of the wind. Don't jump to conclusions, it may get you killed one day." 


    The butler rolled his emerald eyes and placed both hands back into the pockets of his pants. 


    "I never did say you weren't strong. Actually, you are stronger than me. It was only an encouraging pat on the back. I'm quite envious of your annoying yet fairly enjoyable attitude believe it or not." 


    Piers turned his head to Lancer and stared the man straight in the eyes, his own emerald orbs showing no emotions. 


    "I have no idea where I came from but I'm positive London is my home."


    Piers remembered waking up in the hospital with no memory. It bothered him but only deep down. The butler could barely feel the pain banging at his heart anymore like he once had when he was still a teenager. He began chewing on a pointy black finger, a signal he was interested, when he spotted two boars in the distance.


    "How about you go chase that field boss of your's X?"


    He chuckled very lowly.


    "Lancer would you mind taking on the animals with me? And, Ariel, could you watch us so we don't lose our lives? I believe this will be fair as Lancer and I are lower levels and need experience. Any comments or suggestions to my offer?" 


    The butler removed the fingernail from his mouth and winked at Ariel once again while speaking to her. He stepped back so all four could turn and talk together in a circle to discuss the matters at hand. He ran a hand through his raven hair and adjusted the scarf on his neck so he could remain comfortable once again. Once fixed he crossed his arms and waited for the others to speak. Piers felt the desire to kill burn inside of him as his eyes glowed an even brighter red. His suit jacket flew back from the winds that had managed to pick up speed, as well as his hair that he'd just fixed, along with the scarf. Wind was annoying, geez, what kind of game had wind blowing so hard anyhow?


    "Of course, you can come along too X if you decide to stick with us."


    Her glared at the boy for a second before shifting his gaze back upon the three group members.

  11. To be honest I don't think you should level up with quality of posts... nor does it matter how good your writing is. If I can understand it then good job. Some people have different ways and styles of writing thus some posts may be longer than others. I don't like 2 liners but if someone can only write that much then I won't criticize them. Bios are quite hard to write and come up with. How much effort you put into something is up to you.


    Back to the point: Lancer is sexy, a gentleman and can speak different languages. I'd tap that.

  12. "Field boss? I'd rather take on easy targets since I'm such a low level but I'd love to sit back and watch you take on such a beast."


    Piers smirked mockingly and shook his head before following the child. Oh how he missed teasing immature people. Good thing there was one standing before him right now. The butler tapped the end of his sword ready to fight, eyes threatening to turn red. With his experience this should be easy, though he was used to fighting hand-to-hand combat, he was still skilled with any other type of weapon.


    "You do know you'll always be stuck here if you avoid the 'boring' task of grinding? For a familiar... that 'dog' seems rather lazy."


    He teased X further while glaring down at him, and patted X's back. When he said dog a hint of disgust rung in his usually calm voice.


    "Ah~ Ariel. Such a lovely name... for a warrior princess. Hmm, I do believe I've never met a woman like you. Most are pathetic and think beauty is everything. I'm glad you're different."


    Piers ran a hand through his hair again, eyes switching from red-green to full crimson. He licked his lips (like the perv he is) but covered the action by holding a hand over his mouth while doing so (meaning nobody saw). Instantly he forgot the creature he despised and focused on Ariel before switching his gaze to Lancer. 


    "I say Lancer, you are a true gentlemen and I wouldn't mind becoming your friend. That'd make you one of the very few I have."


    The butler meant what he said. He opened his inventory to rid of his glasses as grass began crunching under his dress shoes, signaling that they were nearing the exit of the safe zone and coming upon a field where players were no longer protected by the game but in danger. Hills rolled in front and behind each other. Trees were set in the background, the tops of the green plants cut off by the light blue sky rising above everything else. Clouds lazily hung around in the sky, moving too slowly for the eye to notice. A bright sun shone its rays on Aincrad, though a breeze made it fairly cold to anyone just standing around.


    It was truly amazing to Piers how real everything seemed. He almost forget that it was just a game created by a lunatic with plenty of time on his hands. His hair blew behind him and continued to get in his face no matter how hard Piers tried. The butler sighed and let the hair fly wherever it wanted, there was no fixing the raven mass now the wind had taken control of it.



    -Unequipped Glasses-

  13. Piers stared nonchalantly ahead while the rest of the group conversed. He turned his head to the female and accepted the offer of the scarf, opening his inventory to equip it. It fell gently around his neck. Piers sighed and wrapped it around, letting a piece fall back behind him. It was short, completely throwing off his formal look, but if it meant becoming stronger then... what the hell.


    His eyes traveled to the lion, and his mind became blank. Piers's orbs slightly glowed a crimson color but only for a few seconds. His mouth hung open barely.


    "So beautiful... Such lovely ears." 


    The butler whispered to himself. He was referring to the lion. Piers resisted the urge to bend down and stroke the familiar, and instead focused on something in the distance to keep his mind at ease instead. 


    "I'll make sure to drop by often, my lady."


    Piers glanced back at the woman and flashed his pointy teeth at Kayla before shoving both hands into the pockets of his pants. It was a bit embarrassing receiving help from a player younger than his own age, but Piers reminded himself this was only a game. It didn't matter who was who or what they did, it only mattered if in the game they succeeded. The butler fixed his glasses, a glare making it impossible to show either of his eyes.


    "Wherever you all head, I shall follow and fight along your sides." 


    His voice remained flat, accent trailing every word. Piers kept his expression, besides the wink and fake smiles he offered, in a calm frown that made him seem like he was bored. Perhaps he was bored without Nyle by his side wrecking things and causing havoc or chaos. Piers would be able to gain amusement by these things as well but it was no fun in a game where he could die by simply insulting the wrong person. Wrecking a "real" life was much, much more fun. The butler cleared his throat and fixed his tie before speaking again.


    "I'm Piers. Pleased to make your acquaintances. I don't plan to stick around for too long as I have more important matters at hand... For the meantime, however, I'd like to have a few other players out in the field with me to ensure my safety. My master wouldn't be pleased if I died. Neither would I."


    As he introduced himself, Piers bowed and placed his right gloved hand over his heart while doing so. His hair became messy and fell around his face, which he fixed with the flick of his head. The mass of strands seemed to fall perfectly back into place. Piers fixed his glasses again and once more you could see his bright green eyes.


    -Received Scarf of Randomness from Ariel-

    -Equipped Scarf of Randomness-

  14. Piers traveled Floor 1 in search of... of that brat he continued to love unconditionally despite the circumstances. His head turned left to right, looking for a group to possibly join. In real life he was always the strongest. It felt strange being so weak. Piers sighed as his emerald orbs inspected every person but the butler's luck wasn't in his favor today.


    He stopped, smirk growing on his face, a slight hint of his sharp teeth peeking out. Three players stood speaking to one another. 


    "They seem... perfect."


    Piers muttered before running a hand through his raven hair. His bangs fell back into his face afterwards. The butler pushed his glasses up and straightened his suit out before reluctantly striding confidently over to the players. A muscular woman with gorgeous blonde hair stood with a familiar by her side. A child had approached her, or at least he looked rather young to Piers, and was unusually tall for his age. He too had a familiar. Then there was a man. Good. Probably someone Piers could at least have a decent conversation with along with the lady. They were similar in height except Piers was a bit taller. 


    "Excuse me. I couldn't help but overhear your conversation and see you lack a number of members. If you're going to fight I'd like to accompany you."


    The butler winked at the blonde before reverting his gaze back to the other man of the group.


    (Piers is 186.42 cm or 6'1 in height. A picture of him is in my signature and spoiler. Instead of starting clothes he sports a suit cause he's sexy like that.)

  15. «Piers» His Butler


    » Username: Piers

    » Real name: Vincent Piers Stewart
    » Age: 23
    » Gender: Male
    » Height: 6"1

    » About:

    Age 19
    Vincent is heading for his second year in college, planning to become a doctor. His grades were the highest possible and everyone recognized him around school. He stayed with his mother, father, and brother because he was too shy to stay in a dorm and too afraid to rent a house/apartment by himself. Vincent loved school and learning. Girls flocked around him 24/7 but he could barely socialize let alone flirt. The same year the teen was forced to wear glasses because of late nights spent staring at a bright monitor in a dim room. They were used only for reading and while on the computer. He loved his glasses and often wore them more than he actually needed to. One night he was walking to an evening class and found it strange there were no parties going on or other students walking around. It seemed time itself froze, and it probably did, because Vincent saw a leaf falling very slowly to the ground, much much slower than deemed normal. He stared at his reflection in a puddle and noticed it had changed. The teen was dressed in a suit, his eyes turned crimson, smirk flashing pointy teeth. A little boy stood by his side. Vincent got scared and the reflection returned to regular, tripped over the curb separating the sidewalk and street he'd forgotten was there, and hit his head on a tree. Ouch, damned trees always in the way.

    Afterwards Vincent woke up in a hospital bed with no memory. The police came in to tell him about the horrible incident with his family. All brutally murdered shortly after he hit his head. No clues were left behind, not even a fingerprint or speck of dust. Only blood and guts spread around his house along with a symbol of two hands connecting inside of a circle written in blood. Vincent stared at photographs of his family trying very hard to remember those of his kin but found it impossible to even remember their names or faces.

    He received a lot of money, along with the cash he already had from working. Vincent changed. The smart, over-achieving kid was now a slacker who wanted something more in the world other than studying. After he was allowed out of the hospital, the doctors and nurses in awe that he'd healed much quicker than a regular human, Vincent left London in search of a new life.

    Age 21
    ~Two years since leaving London~ Brazil, Alaska, L.A, you name it and Vincent had already been there. Prostitutes and drinking became Vincent's addiction. He was pleased with the way he was living now but there was still something in his heart that longed for a person he hadn't met. Not one woman had satisfied his needs yet. This was also about the time when he noticed his eyes started glowing red with certain emotions like lust or amusement. His teeth were pointier than normal and fingernails as well. Along with his personality Vincent changed his look and style. He cut his long hair and started wearing suits all the time.

    Age 22
    An odd day back in London, his home, Vincent found his mind foggy and feet carrying to somewhere unknown. His heart beat faster and emerald eyes glowing brighter and a darker red than what he was used to. Eventually when Vincent stopped and he became aware of what was happening again, he was standing outside of a burning house. A little boy called for help and Vincent rescued him, the rest of the boy's family dead. The young adult kept him safe for the night and the next morning the boy told him he wanted revenge on whoever did this. Vincent nodded and smiled happily. The feeling in his heart was filled at last, the one person he needed to find was a young child. He was, however, very intelligent and had Vincent's attention captured instantly. The young adult found out about the boy's past, he was that of royalty. Vincent sought out to restore Nyle's home. Nyle insisted he become his butler and named him Piers. In no time Nyle was back up on his feet and his mansion was rebuilt exactly how it was before. Vincent, now Piers, hired other maids and servants with incredible talent to protect the home while pretending to be innocent because he could easily take care of the household tasks by himself.

    » Appearance:

    Vincent has raven hair. It reaches the point where the head meets neck. Usually it's very neat but tends to become shaggy and messy, giving off an unkempt look. A piece of hair in the top middle of his head sometimes sticks up. His eyes are an emerald green but glow a crimson red when he's angry, filled with lust, amused, or in combat. Vincent has glasses, but they're not always worn. The butler is rather tall and pale, his build being that of an average man that works out. Though his abs are so hard you could tap dance on them. Usually he has on a formal suit because of his job. He's rarely seen without it, but when even when he isn't wearing a suit, he still looks sexy as hell. Always keeps his right hand gloved, and has black painted fingernails.

    » Combat

    After leaving the hospital, Vincent discovered his increased strength and quick speed. There wasn't anybody he couldn't beat in combat. Hand-to-hand and with weapons. It seemed the whole world moved in slow motion when he fought. Add these to his intelligence and you got a super-soldier better than Captain America. He chose a sword for the game because that seemed like the simplest weapon available to use. That, and he knew how sexy he'd look with one.


    » Virtues:

    Polite: Piers is respectful to and of others and speaks and acts in a nice manner to everybody he meets. He mostly uses/has this trait because he's a butler and finds that because he has such a job that he should have a personality that fits it and is deemed acceptable by his master's peers.

    Loyal: Piers is devoted to serving Nyle and following every order no matter what he has to do or who he has to take down in order to achieve it. He may hurt or kill anyone in his way or embarrass himself but will go through with it anyway. Piers would never betray Nyle although sometimes if it's for his master's best he may not follow the order but go against it or stop him. (e.x. If Nyle is sick Piers won't let him leave the house)

    Attractive: To many people Piers is attractive, handsome, good-looking, etc. He knows himself that he is a man of fine features and attracts women easily and sometimes take this to his advantage. Piers is never one to brag though and honestly could care less about appearances, though he does like it if a woman is pleasing to the eyes.

    Ailuromania: Vincent has an odd obsession for cats. He loves them, and when around the animals, can't help himself. He gets distracted by them and IRL keeps at least 12 in his closet hidden from Nyle who hates and is allergic to them. At night he takes the cats out and cuddles with them in his bed. Secretly, he wants to be a neko and dreams about it all the time. Sometimes he pets himself and pretends he's a kitty. And obviously he hates dogs.

    » Flaws:

    Sadistic: Piers finds happiness in humiliating others; especially Nyle whenever he can. He thinks it's funny when he wins and knows Nyle has no way to respond. Piers also, like stated above, enjoys attracting women then exploiting their weaknesses before breaking them in the end.

    Heartless: One reason Piers likes the lifestyle of a butler is because of the acts his master commands him to carry out. Being the cold, unfeeling person Piers is he doesn't mind ruining a few lives or two and finds it pleasurable. He doesn't consider the feelings of others and finds it rather funny when others suffer because of what he does. Thus, his heartless trait.

    Sarcastic: Piers uses irony to mock others and gives off a little smirk when doing so. He especially loves mocking Nyle who dislikes it and the two will argue back and forth until one wins.

    Ruthless: When attacking Piers shows no pity or compassion to those he is hurting. In fact, he feels nothing when hurting other people if it is someone he wants to hurt or someone his master wants his to attack even if they are completely innocent.

    Profession: N/A





    Weapon skills:

    » One-handed Straight Sword [Rank: 1 = +1 DMG]

    ~4 COL

    ~7 MATs

    ~2 used SPs

    ~3 SPs




    Starter Pack (Vanity Item)
    » Black jacket, white collared shirt, black tie, black belt, dress shoes, brown glove, glasses(Vanity Items, Starter Clothes)
    » Scarf of Randomness (gift from Ariel) [+2 EVA = -2 MD]

    » x2 Healing potions (Takes 1 post, heals 5 HP)



    Basic Arming Sword

    Relationships (optional)
    » Nyle James Norville - Master
    » Clarence - Friend/Person of interest
    » Kiru - ??
    » X - Mutual hatred
    » Ariel - Acquaintance
    » Anima - ??
    » Aeternum - Friend/Princess
    » Shinex - ??

    » Reu - Acquaintance/Ally

    » Elise - Acquaintance/Ally

    Story Thus Far (optional)

    » Extras

    Contract Symbol binding Nyle and Vincent's souls


    Photo Gallery

    Age 19 and 20, with long hair
    Long hair again~
    Sexy GIF cause sexiness

    Yet Another GIF


    Character Stuff & Thangs

    Favorite Color: Black
    Species: Human... possibly something more
    Nickname: Piers, Black, His Butler, Vin-chan/Vin-san
    Birth Date: A damned long time ago
    Birth Place: London (Capital of England)
    Age: He looks young, his license says 23, but is that actually his real age?
    Accent: Cockney British. Vicent's voice is monotone and lovely to the ears. Born to be a narrator.
    Person Used/Face Claim: Nobuchika Ginoza from Psycho-Pass
    Sex Preference/Sexuality: Bisexual

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