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Posts posted by Tyger

  1. Tyger watched the wolf explode into the shimmering shards next to her face as she landed on the ground. Baldur had struck while she'd knocked the wolf off course, which meant that they'd defeated the strongest opponent they'd seen yet. It was nice, and a bit of a confidence booster for sure. Standing up, she brushed herself off and turned to Baldur when he started speaking. 


    "I guess so, eh? We're just good that way."


    She grinned, watching as he got his new item and loot. 


    "Look at us, getting all fancy."


    Her laughter was genuine, and comforting as well. Tyger walked to Baldur's side, examining his new sword before putting her head against his shoulder. With no wolves in sight, and the field flooded with players, she nodded her head towards the forest they'd seen the wolves coming from as they skirted across the border of it.


    "Maybe we should look for some experience in there?"


    She suggested, checking her own stats. It wasn't that she wasn't paying attention, but in the fights she never really paid attention to her levels and what not.


    "Oh sweet! Yeah, ding."



    • Rolled a 1 on the d10 (battle) dice.
    • Rolled a 1 on the d10 (mob) dice.
    • Rolled a 3 on the d12 (craft) dice.
    • Rolled a 19 on the d20 (loot) dice.


    The large wolf snarled, tail lashing as it's dark eyes watched it's two opponents. Fur bristled at the sight of enemies, and his hackles were tight, ready to spring at a moments notice. He'd already been hurt, and with on HP left, the last thing it wanted was to die to these two. Tyger whirled her sword around, catching the beast's attention, but it couldn't stop focusing on Baldur. It almost knocked him out in one hit, and that Hate generated was real.


    The wolf charged forward at the same time as Tyger. She raised her sword, but missed her mark, crashing into the wolf instead for no damage. However, this threw the beast off of his track, missing his bite on Baldur. it was almost as if nothing had truly happened, and the beast stared at Baldur, waiting for him to make his move in an attempt to read and dodge.


    Tyger sent Baldur a cross look, rolling her eyes. Silly thing thought he was the alpha. How funny.


    <<Baldur>> 6/7 HP 

    <<Tyger>> 6/7 HP Missed an attack on Wolf 5

    <<Wolf #5>> 1/5 HP Missed an attack on Baldur

  3. Baldur and the wolf had an exchange, thankfully rather one sided. The wolf snarled, nursing it's wounds before turning to face Tyger, who quickly dispatched it with a quick jab. It disappeared, only to be replaced with a large, black wolf. As it sauntered out of the woods, it let out a low growl from deep within it's throat. Jaws snapping, it lunged at Tyger, biting at her free arm as she raised it to protect her face. She let out a cry of pain, but it didn't mess with her as bad as the boar had earlier. 


    "We need to be careful! This one seems like a big brute. Maybe it's one of the stronger ones?"


    She murmured, watching to make sure there were no more wolves around them. People were starting to creep into their little area, so hopefully the extra spawns would be picked up by the others, leaving this big one to them.


    "The others should be preoccupied with the steady flow of players. Let's take this one down, shall we? I'll try to keep it's hate, but I don't know many wolf insults..."



    <<Baldur>> 6/7 HP 

    <<Tyger>> 6/7 HP Dealt 3 damage to <<Wolf #4>>

    <<Wolf #4>> 0/4 HP

    <<Wolf #5>> 5/5 HP Dealt 1 damage to <<Tyger>>


    Rolled a 6 on the d10 (battle) dice.

    Rolled a 8 on the d10 (mob) dice.

    Rolled a 4 on the d12 (craft) dice.

    Rolled a 3 on the d20 (loot) dice.


    Wolf drops 1 mat

  4. "Sounds like a plan!"


    Watching and making sure that the turn order put them on the flipside was working out for them. Once they got a good handle on the enemies, be it boars or wolves, they would kill them in one turn with a crit (Tyger could probably one shot boars now...) or kill them with two well placed attacks. As they fought, their level would grow too, which would only help in their trek for the top floor. Baldur's suggestion was fine, so Tyger jogged to catch up and stand beside him while they walked. 


    "Ya know, This isn't so bad right now. I'm having fun, you're having fun, and we're getting stuff done. As long as we're careful, I think we can still make this a good experience."


    After all, their set up at home was simple. They had two couches, Icarus's cage, a coffee table, and next to their kitchen were two desks. One facing one wall, the other opposite. They'd game back to back, even if they weren't necessarily playing the same games. Gaming was something they did together, and this only seemed to add to it. Time hadn't passed too quick before another lone wolf had spawned. Tyger's eyes traced Baldur as he ran forward, rushing the creature. As they lept into the air and struck their blows, Tyger was there to spear the creature when it landed. Her sword stuck out from it's back before it disappeared into the shards. 


    However, before Tyger could come up with a witty comment, another wolf had joined the fray, leaping at Tyger's back. Instinctively, she ducked and rolled to the side, out of the way. Tiger's Fang skittered to the side, and she fumbled to pick it back up, holding it out in front of her. She growled out a warning.


    "Be careful, I don't know how many more will follow! If it's just this one, we're okay."


    <<Baldur>> 6/7 HP 

    <<Wolf #3>> 0/4 HP (drops 1 mat)

    <<Tyger>> 7/7 HP dealt 3 damage (2 base + 1 skill) to <<Wolf #3>>

    <<Wolf #4>> 4/4 HP - Missed an attack on Tyger


    Rolled a 6 on the d10 (battle) dice.

    Rolled a 4 on the d10 (mob) dice.

    Rolled a 7 on the d12 (craft) dice.

    Rolled a 1 on the d20 (loot) dice.

  5. "Wasn't so bad, eh? Your face said otherwise."


    She teased, kissing his cheek while he dusted himself off. He'd gotten himself into a pickle, being chased by that wolf. Either way, they'd taken down their first wolf. Tiger's Fang sat snug against her hip, glittering black in the sunlight as it had when she'd equipped it. Now she could put it to good use, right? Baldur didn't waste much time after getting himself back into working order before he'd approached more of the wolves. Instead of pelting it with a rock, he'd gotten closer, and when he did that, the creature howled. 


    "Crap! Get out of there!"


    Tyger called out, running to meet Baldur halfway this time. However, the second wolf came out of the woodwork (almost literally) and she had to reevaluate. Running in too quick would startle the second wolf, possibly causing it to howl. Instead, she watched as Baldur looked her way, trying to line up the wolves the same way they were trying to flank him. Tiger's Fang was out in a flash, ready to make some fur fly. The first canine made it's move, jumping towards Baldur. When he couldn't get out of the way, Tyger watched the blue lines cut into his chest. The wolf was killed quickly, but that didn't mean he wasn't still in danger. 


    "Look out!"


    Tyger flew forward towards Baldur's back. He was facing where he'd been damaged, and where the wolf had exploded into the digital shards. The second wolf prowled behind him, looking for an opening. Tyger filled it, pointing Tiger's Fang at it. 


    "Nope, sorry. Can't letcha do that."


    Tiger's Fang sliced a colorful line down the wolf's face, instantly turning it into shards. 


    "Heh, felines reign supreme."


    Did 4 Damage (3 and 1 crit damage)


    Wolf (0/0)



    • Rolled a 9 on the d10 (battle) dice.
    • Rolled a 3 on the d10 (mob) dice.
    • Rolled a 4 on the d12 (craft) dice.
    • Rolled a 15 on the d20 (loot) dice.


    Will earn: 20 Col, 1 mat

    • Rolled a 8 on the d10 (battle) dice.
    • Rolled a 2 on the d10 (mob) dice.
    • Rolled a 6 on the d20 (loot) dice.


    So it looked liked Wolves were on the menu, afterall. Despite her little scare earlier, the only thing she could really do was keep moving forward. Baldur had a plan to lure one wolf away, so they could get a taste for what they would be going after next. Once they figured out how strong the wolves were, then they could gauge how many they could take on at once. Wolves traveled in packs, after all. Tyger watched Baldur carefully, reading his movements with careful concentration. He was trying to find a way to pick up the aggro, and then lead it over so they could fight it without the pack.


    Tyger had to admit, it was definitely amusing, to say the least. Watching Baldur skill shot the wolf with the rock almost made her feel bad for the creature. However, war was war. Baldur came bounding back to her, wolf in tow. Thankfully the wolf didn't damage him when they tumbled, leaving her fella completely unscathed. 


    "I will say, you do know how to make an entrance."


    She teased, sword out in front of her instinctively. However, a little message box kept flashing in the corner of her sight. She'd ignored it, but now it was beginning to get annoying. Annoyed, she willed it open and watched as it indicated she had a new item in her inventory. Did she pick up that item from before? She wasn't sure if it was actually a thing, or... Geeze. Game mechanics. Either way, pressing yes would equip her new item. Curiously, the yes box was illuminated and she prodded it. Once she did, her current scimitar glew in her hands, changing into a different item all together. It was a little longer, different colors, and a bit more serrated. The black and maroon sword shone in the sunlight, and she whirled it in her hands a few times. 


    "It's so light!"


    She smiled, almost completely forgetting there was an angry wolf across the way from her. Baldur already had his turn pelting the wolf, it was hers now. Time to test out her new toy, indeed. She took no time charging forward, slashing the wolf into 2 pieces as it exploded into the shimmering shards. Impressed and shocked, her eyes wandered to Baldur. 


    "I guess this makes up for earlier,eh?"


    She chuckled, sheathing the sword casually.


    Damage done: 3


    Wolf: 0/0

    Dropped 1 mat.

  6. She stood there quietly, allowing her time to get her breathing back to normal. She let Baldur wrap his arms around her, and she pressed her cheek against his chest affectionately.


    "Yeah... I'm fine.."


    They held the pose for a while before Baldur realized they'd dinged to level 2. A feat, indeed, but Tyger didn't feel too much joy in it. Her high on the boars had gotten the better of her, and for a few seconds she'd forgotten it was a death game. She'd stripped herself of the ominous thoughts and had fun with it, only to lose a few bits of HP in the process. She didn't like it.


    "Sounds like you got a bit scared earlier, yelling out my name like that. I got pretty scared too. Thanks for being there, as always."


    Baldur's hand caressed her cheek, and she pushed her face against it before backing off, hanging her head slightly. The last thing she wanted to do was back off, watch Baldur's back as he took the things head on, and possibly watch him get hurt. But, he was right. She needed to regenerate some health, so letting Baldur lead wouldn't be too much of a blow to her confidence.


    "Yes dear."


    It showed her discontent, but her willingness to go along with his plan, at least. As bad of a mood as she was in, the bee comment got a laugh out of her immediately.


    "Hah! Yeah, I agree. No bees, please."


    Wolves were another matter though. They were an aggressive mob, so if they ended up walking into an area where a lot spawned at once, it could get ugly really quick. She could see a few prowling around, their names highlighted in an aggressive color to catch attention. She liked that game mechanic, at least. It was a warning. Non aggressive mobs were easy to maneuver around, but seeing aggressive ones helped maneuver around them. Or, in their case, possibly seek them out.

    • Rolled a 2 on the d4 dice.
    • Rolled a 5 on the d6 dice.
    • Rolled a 1 on the d8 dice.
    • Rolled a 9 on the d10 (battle) dice.
    • Rolled a 6 on the d10 (mob) dice.
    • Rolled a 5 on the d12 (craft) dice.
    • Rolled a 5 on the d20 (loot) dice.


    She had expected there to be more... pain, she assumed. If she were in the real world, the blood from the marks would have spurted blood for quite some time. She'd be in serious condition, and her face would probably scar from such a head on blow. But no, she was fine apparently, aside from her hit points dropping so low. It took a good chunk out of her HP, and that worried her. She didn't feel weaker, but she knew that if she didn't take it easy, she could be out of this game before they even got far.


    "Be careful!"


    Tyger watched Baldur take a swing at the boar. It wasn't dead yet, but she would change that soon. She gripped her sword carefully, following up after Baldur. He had yelled earlier, using her real name. He must have been scared, to react in such a way. She didn't blame him. More than likely, the roles would be reversed soon and she'd probably react the same way.


    "Stupid boar!"


    Her blade slashed through the boar, causing it to explode into pixels once again. One could get used to that, almost like a release. One more creature down, and it's death only made one even stronger. Next to Baldur, Tyger leaned against him and placed her head between his neck and shoulder. 


    "Yeah I didn't like that, just saying."


    BOAR: 0/0


    Drops 1 mat

  7. Where Baldur had missed, she'd made sure to make up for. The last thing they wanted was any damage, right? Rhoan knew that she needed to be careful, but after a few successful bouts with these boar, it was making her feel better about the whole experience. 


    "Yeah, I feel like i'm getting better at this, too!"


    She grinned, bumping into Baldur's hip.


    "We can hit the quests later. In a little bit, that is. Let's get a level or two, yeah?"


    As if on cue, another boar had spawned in their particular area. Not many people were around, so they had the thing to themselves. Rhoan pulled her sword out and grinned, getting into an offensive stance. With two battles under her belt, she was ready for the next one. Her feet were planted firmly on the ground as the boar looked at her, calculating if she was going to charge. It wouldn't turn hostile until she attacked it though. It gave her an edge. Maybe she'd hit another one of those criticals from earlier, eh?


    "Watch and learn, baby."


    She winked at Baldur, and charged forward. However, her slash was off target due to a root in the way. Her foot got caught under it, sending her tumbling to the ground with a loud thud. When the dirt and dust cleared, Tyger was face to face with the boar, snorting angrily. It took a step back and rushed forward, charging it's head into hers. The tusks cut her cheeks, leaving a small mark in her digital face. Tyger let out a cry, staggering to her feet. 


    "That... I don't... that was..."



    ID 6307

    Rolled a 1 on the d10 (battle) dice

    Rolled a on the d10 (mob) dice

    Rolled a 18 on the d20 (loot) dice


  8. #6304 Battle - 5 Craft - 9  Loot - 20 MOB - 5    Tyger Msg_hover2.png 2015-01-06 17:18:37 (I don't like this way T.T)



    "Damn straight!"


    She grinned, returning his high five. However, she went a step above his one armed hug and kissed his cheek again. When Baldur mentioned moving, Tyger agreed. Moving location seemed wise. Tyger started to feel like the little meadow was beginning to get a bit crowded with all the hustle and bustle. Many people had gotten over their fear of the game, and had started to wander, whether in determination or disbelief. Even after their two slain boars, it was enough time for more people to start dotting the landscape. So, she followed Baldur to the next little hill. There weren't as many spawn points, but because of that, there weren't many people over here.


    Thankfully, they didn't have to wait too long before another boar appeared. It looked similar to the two they'd slain, so it couldn't be much stronger. At this rate, getting these creatures under their belts was the right way to go. And, of course, that meant they'd be ahead of the crowd. Uh, hopefully. Baldur launched his attack, but the boar had turned it's head, connecting it's tusk to Baldur's sword. The sound wasn't as horrible as she'd expected, being it wasn't metal on metal. Still, it was a miss. Tyger gritted her teeth and her grip on her sword in hand tightened. Her lip curled, ready for her more feral form of fighting. Baldur made it look easy with his moves, parries and training. Rhoan was just good at slashing.


    "You forgot about me!"


    She snarled, slashing at the boar with her scimitar. The cut didn't make it explode this time, but it was a start. 




    Boar (1/3)

  9. Baldur immediately jumped at the boar she'd pointed out, and for good reason. Her surveys yielded the same things Baldur had come up with. There were quite a few people here fighting the boars, having the same idea she and Baldur had. The boars were grappling with others, and there weren't any others open. She had confidence in Baldur though. She'd seen him fight in real life, and it was a lucky talent to bring over. None of these boars would need a medical examination, so what good was she right now? Either way, after Baldur struck a good, strong blow, there was an explosion of pixels as the boar was exterminated. 


    "Good job! Great shot!"


    She yelled, pumping her fist into the air. When she did, something happened between her and her companion. The air seemed to distort around something, and the vision around the boar rippled as it spawned. Rhoan's hand immediately fumbled for her sword at her side, gripping at it while she watched the boar sniff around. She could tell Baldur was watching her, and she held up a finger at him, telling him to stay out of it while she fought this. Baldur didn't necessarily give her much time to watch how he fought, but it couldn't be helped. Her sword made a metallic sound as it was pulled from it's sheath, and she held it out in front of her, charging forward when the boar wasn't paying attention. This is the beginning... If I can't make it here, then good grief, I won't be able to do anything in this world, let alone survive.


    Her sword pierced the hide of the boar that had spawned, immediately causing it to explode into the shimmering pixels. Instinctively, her hand batted around her face, worried the pixels would get in her face. Oh, video games. Wait no... there WAS something that had appeared that she HAD in fact, seen! An item!


    Rolled a 9 on the d10 (battle) dice.

    Rolled a 7 on the d10 (mob) dice.

    Rolled a 6 on the d12 (craft) dice.

    Rolled a 20 on the d20 (loot) dice. (Hope I did this right)








    Health (0/3)

    Status Herp Derp Ow

    Damage Dealt 0

    Damage Recieved 3



    Health (5/5)

    Status Badass

    Damage Dealt 3 (2 Skill DMG + 1 CRIT DMG)

    Damage Recieved 0


    BOAR dropped: The Tiger's Fang (Scimitar)

    1 mat

  10. "I love you too."


    It didn't feel any different, stepping out of the safe zone. There wasn't any warning, there wasn't a strange feeling, or an uneasy feeling in her stomach either. She did, in fact, join the game for this very thing. Combat, at least. Although, the gamebox didn't mention the whole 'death' thing. Maybe it was the rusty Japanese...


    "I will admit, I uh... didn't read the manual."


    She scratched the back of her neck nervously. She never really read the manuals, due to the standard tutorials for most games. However, she assumed because the game was this way, there wouldn't be any tutorials. 


    "I'm going to let you lead so I can learn the combat system."


    Better for Baldur, who knew what he was doing, to lead for now. Tyger enjoyed leading and she wasn't usually bad at it, but she couldn't be her usual stubborn self until she knew what she was doing.


    "I'll follow you."


    She smiled, pointing to a lone boar to their right.

  11. Tyger thought about it for a moment. Defense or Attack? For right now it didn't necessarily matter. With no visible defense items in her price range, even if she was going to have a shield. 


    "You mean like a DPS and a Tank?"


    She preferred DPS, but knowing Baldur's talent with a katana in the real world, he was probably better suited for swinging it around. She didn't like having both hands on her weapon, so using a shield would be better. 


    "It doesn't necessarily come into play just yet, until we have a little money to get a shield. Unless we find one, at least. I don't mind using the shield, if we need a tank. I'm pretty fond of bashing faces in with them."


    In her other games she played, she used them as an offensive weapon. But, hey, she could probably tank, right? She wasn't sure what Baldur was heading for. 


    "Let's get a few levels under our belt, and we can window shop here or in the next town for some more equipment."

  12. Flashes of memory took Tyger back to her days doing stage combat with her friends in the various jobs she took back in America. She wasn't trying to hurt anyone, and there was always choreography involved. The scimitar in her hand curved slightly, and reflected the sunlight despite the dreary news they'd received. This would be her bread and butter now, no more X-rays for a while. 


    "We definitely lucked out in that aspect."


    She smiled a bit, sheathing the blade at her side. She knew Baldur could wield his sword as well. A shield would probably come in handy, though. In real life, Rhoan liked it use it as a bashing weapon, instead of something to protect. But, it could come in handy as either. 


    "It depends. Would we get more XP fighting, or from doing the quests? We could knock out a few enemies pretty quick between the two of us, unless doing the quests would yield us more. I guess it wouldn't hurt to try it. In any case, if it isn't as high as just slaughtering monsters, then we can just return to that."


    Her suggestion seemed to match his, although hers was a bit more concerned on the XP and time consumed with the quests. Either way, they couldn't stay. She stood a little straighter as well, and walked to his side, bumping her hip against his playfully. 


    "I guess I have nothing better to do..."


    She teased. Her eyes leveled with his.


    "Honestly though... I'm glad that i'm stuck here with you. I don't know what either of us would have done if only one of us were trapped in the game. Knowing me, I probably would have come in after you..."


    She planted a kiss on his cheek, and then turned to face the path. 


    "I'm ready.

  13. As much as she hated to admit it, Baldur was right. Worrying about their bodies in the real world wasn't something they could focus on. Instead, she just listened to her breathing as it slowed. And to Baldur, too. Clearing the game seemed to be the only way out, if the creator of the game was correct. Which, unfortunately, she felt was the case. Tyger could practically see the gears turning in Baldur's head, something she envied in both real life and in the game. The mental puzzle pieces were starting to come together. He'd more than likely be the brains of the operation for now, until Tyger could get a foothold on everything.


    "Yeah, that makes sense. Either here, or progressing."


    Did this game have the limited monsters, like others? Or was this a true MMO, with an unlimited number of 'boars' for everyone with the same idea?


    "The last thing I want to do is stay here. There's no telling how long this could take, considering there are so many floors. I don't want to just sit for that amount of time twiddling my thumbs. If something does happen... I'd much rather know that I tried, instead of did nothing."


    A semi-selfish opinion, that could possibly get her killed. But, it was Rhoan's either way. When Baldur turned to her, wondering what she was thinking, she gave him a quick nod. Getting out of here was a good idea.


    "As long as we take it easy. We've been exploring, but we haven't had a fight yet. It was something I kinda looked forward to, but now... I guess it can't really be helped."


    When death was hung over your head, the idea of combat didn't seem as fun. But with that experience came a different fuel. Determination could outweigh fear.

  14. She missed the little fuzzy creature, and found it funny that he was the first thing she thought of when it came to their trapped situation. 


    "I told a few friends that I was going to be playing. They were so jealous. If I don't answer their Skype messages, they'll just think that i'm playing the game. I hope you're right though."


    She wondered if they were being tracked down now, after being one of the first groups to have the NerveGear, aside from the beta testers. 


    "I'd like to be a gaming shut in professionally, please."


    At least this joke was easier to crack. Who wanted to work, when they could play video games all day? This experience probably changed everything though. When Baldur leaned over, she put her hand on his back in a gesture of support. Or maybe she was making herself feel better. Being in the medical field, and IV drip made sense. Maybe food pumps, even. Some sort of sustenance to keep the brain active.


    "That would make sense. He said that taking the headset off killed you, but killing the power for a few hours while moving you wouldn't be a problem, I hope. If that's the case, nobody is beating this game."


    She was trying to stay as level headed as possible. Three days was a long time out in the real world, it would be even longer in this world. Video games were a time killer, but now the tables had turned. How ironic. 

  15. Shaking her head, as if to rid it of the horrible thoughts she was having, she felt Baldur take her hand and start running as soon as the barrier lifted. She was going to suggest to do the same, so she quietly followed, letting go of his hand so she could balance herself as she ran.


    "Good old mob mentality, right?"


    The pathetic joke hung in the air like a stagnant smell that just wouldn't go away no matter how hard you tried. It was her best attempt at humor, where she would normally turn to when she needed to cope with something, but now it just wasn't hanging right. Her scimitar bounced against her leg as she ran. She hadn't gotten quite used to it being there, but she was going to need to soon. What had started as a game, something she could passively grind at had turned into something that needed to be honed, or she would die. 


    Her chest hurt, but thankfully Baldur had stopped so she leaned up against one of the walls of the player housing. Her hands shook, so she crossed her arms and held onto her forearms while they rested. 


    "Maybe this is a ploy! Or like, a plot thing. Anyone can fake a news report, right?"


    Her denial was probably shared by many, but the ominous missing spot where 'Log Out' was supposed to be wasn't making her feel like it was a plot. 


    "We're... We're really stuck here, aren't we? What about Icarus? What.. What about our jobs?"


    At this point, she was just whispering to herself. She didn't have kids, but she had a pet. Pets needed food. Nobody knew them, being that they just moved. Would anyone even know if they were locked in this, or even care?

  16. The presence of the spectresque figure that loomed over the gathered players made her uneasy, but not as uneasy as the foreboding news it carried. The creator of this game, the sole focus of Rhoan and Jason's saved funds, their excuse to order in pizza instead of cook food, and the stress relief from their jobs... was a death-ridden shell of what they thought it would be. Rhoan had imagined herself slicing and dicing enemies, befriending wild creatures, or finding dragons to loot, not this... Not this. The mirror in Rhoan's hand shook as she peered into it. The face that she first saw after character creation was there. A feral, confident woman. But when she blinked, that woman went away, with Rhoan's real face taking it's place.


    The mirror dropped, shattering. She turned when she heard Baldur, Jason, mutter his disbelief. She stared up at the looming reaper. A fitting image, indeed. 


    "No way!"


    Her Japanese was rusty, but the shocked mutterings around her were easily translated. Everyone was scared. The way they shouted, cried out, and rammed themselves against the barrier keeping them in here with the spirit. And to make matters worse, people have already died. Literally. While they were standing here, in this plaza. She almost felt herself reach up towards her own helmet in disbelief. But, she didn't want that number to be 214. She leaned into Baldur quietly. 


    "What kind of mess did we just get into?"

  17. «Tyger»


    » Username: Tyger
    » Real name: Rhoan Xavia
    » Age: 21
    » Gender: Female
    » Height: 5'6"

    » About


    Rhoan is a wily tigress of a lass, standing shoulder-height to adversity. At work, she always has to keep her hair up in a pony-tail, and away from the grabbing hands of patients afraid of their X-rays. Always neat in appearance, and tidy to a T. However, at home, her hair is let down and shaken out like a partial lion's mane (especially when she wakes up) and her common wardrobe is a pair of Jason's sleeping pants (Green plaid, of course) and a T-shirt or Tank top. She isn't one to honestly care for appearance, unless she can look badass. Then you should always choose badass. She wears glasses, but has a pair of contacts she keeps with her just in case something happens. She's athletic, and does her best to stay in shape, although with the recent fantastic game releases in Japan, it's been harder. She lives with Jason Weaver, who traveled with her to Japan for her job. She loves travelling, and absolutely adores animals. Her current pet, Icarus, is a special needs sugar glider that can only live by itself, instead ofa  colony like a normal glider would. However, Tyger just likes to think that she's spoiled him enough to the point he doesn't want to share her love with another glider. Favorite foods include any kind of meat, especially steak, although she has an allergy to anything with tomato. Video games are a passion, and when she and Jason grabbed their NerveGears, it was an immersive fantasy made real. She likes to make references to video games of the past that she enjoyed, even though it might go over some of the kid's heads nowadays. After playing the game, Rhoan didn't even realize they couldn't log out until it had been blatantly stated in the plaza on the first level. However, being one to play video games until the wee hours of the morn, as well as hours before work, she practically lived in games anyway. She's determined to get out eventually, but there's no point in hating it in the process. Besides, she and Baldur make a great team, in game and in real life.

    » Virtues

    • Protective - A strong will and something to protect can get you rather far. Rhoan will put herself into troublesome situations to help a friend, or lover, out. She's protective of those she considers friends, and is a loyal wall to lean on when needed. 
    • Aggressive - Not necessarily a bad trait when used in the correct way. Rhoan is not afraid to show her claws when the time is needed. If there is a fight to be had, and a fight to be won, Rhoan won't necessarily step down when the adversary is in the wrong. She is capable of striking a blow instead of shying away from the combat or situation.
    • Loyal - Not easily manipulated, she is incredibly loyal to those she loves, resulting in a strong bond of trust with those she opens up to. Or those that take the time to open up to her. A stalwart presence in any fight or conversation.

    » Flaws

    • Headstrong - Rhoan could argue the horns off a billy goat, or at least that's what her family would say. She's very defensive of her beliefs, and very unwilling to back down from her opinions. This can get her into the occasional bout of trouble, considering her stubborn nature.
    • Gruff - Rhoan will tell someone what she feels, which can be a bad thing at times. She has a 'filter' but only uses it when it's necessary. If she doesn't like you, she'll more than likely tell you. She can come off cold to those who don't know her very well. She's a wolf protecting sheep, but all wolves have fangs.
    • Withdrawn - While she is very protective of her friends, they can sometimes be few and far between. A self proclaimed 'Introvert,' Rhoan needs time outside of large crowds or large gatherings (which can be few and far between with a large population trapped within a video game) before becoming withdrawn, irritable, and drained. Her depression will flare up from time to time, considering she's not taking her medication daily.

    Profession: Blacksmith


    Tyger's Rank: 6

    EXP: 420



    • Skill Points: (Unused) 5
    • Skill Points: (Used) 38
    • Skill Points in Total: 43



    » Athletics

    • +1 Damage, +5 HP

    » Night Vision

    • Ignore's penalties in low-light conditions

    » Battle Healing - Rank I

    • Recover X (1) health in battle for Craft Dice Roll of 10+

    » Concentration

    • +1 to BD on turn used, 5 turn Cooldown

    » Howl

    • Adds 3 Hate to all Opponents

    » Block - Rank II

    • -X (2) MD Roll

    » Charge - Rank I

    • +X (1) Damage per Enemy, can only use once per opponent, and on opponents outside of melee range


    » Heavy Armor Skill - Rank II

    • +X (2) Damage Mitigation when Heavy Armor is Equipped

    Weapon skills:

    » One-handed Curved Sword - Rank II

    • +X (2) Damage with a One-handed Curved Sword


    Familiar Name: Icarus

    Species: Magma Dragon

    Size - Large Housecat

    Description - A Small breed of Magma Dragon. His exterior hide is made out of a charcoalesque substance which rubs off on anything that he touches. His claws and feet are padded with the same substance, which may leave footprints. Magma trails in veins down his body, encased inside the charcoal. The brighter the veins, the hotter the fire and magma produced in an attack. Favorite snacks include coal. But the super burnt pieces are the best.

    Effect - +1 Accuracy



    Icarus Vanity Items

    Name: The Dragon's Tag

    Crafted byTyger, Catfish Forge

    Armor Type: Accessory Vanity Item

    Rarity: Good

    Description: A scalemaille collar for a dragon, to match his color scheme.



    • Col: 12451 Col
    • Teleportation Crystal x1
    • Healing Potion x 6
    • Field Ration x1


    Col Tracker

    +1000 from Shop Purchase

    +1500 from Shop Purchase

    +1200 from Shop Purchase

    +565 from Hunting Floors

    -3,000 to Reusririasuir



    • 9 Bread
    • 10 Water




    NameThe Tiger's Claw

    Crafted byTyger, Catfish Forge

    Armor Type: Weapon

    Rarity: Perfect

    Description: An orange, deadly sword.

    Effect: +2 Damage, +1 Bleed





    NameThe Tiger's Hide

    Crafted byTyger, Catfish Forge

    Armor Type: Heavy Armor

    Rarity: Perfect

    Description: The Tiger's Hide.

    Effect: +2 Damage Mitigation, +1 Heavy Momentum



    Made By: Tyger, Catfish Forge

    Type: Shield

    Rarity: Perfect

    Modifier: +2 Thorns, +1 Damage Mitigation

    Description: A snarling, powerful shield. Who would want to mess with a feline?



    Vanity Items

    Name: Furred Cloak

    Shop: Catfish Sundries

    Type: Vanity Item

    Level: Good

    Description: A lightly colored fur cloak to compliment Tyger's armor.


    Name: The Owl's Reminder

    Rarity: Good

    Type: Necklace

    Shop: The Crimson Jeweller

    Description: A beautiful necklace with intertwining wood and metal. Consists of a linked silver chain with a pendant at the centre in the shape of an owl. The owl is crafted from wood, it's eyes are made from rose quartz and its wings lined with ruby, emerald and sapphire.





    -A Brave New World (Earned 678 Col & 6 Mats + 1 Uncommon Item, 1 Skill Point) -Completed/Locked

    Eye of the Tyger (Earned Blacksmith profession, 425 Col & 3 mats + 1 Uncommon Item, 1 Skill Point) -Completed/Locked

    Secret Medicine of the Forest - (300 Col, 2 SP, 4 Mats)

    -Smithy Shenanigans (Earned 200 Col & 7 mats (gifted from Baldur) 1 Skill Point) - Completed/Locked

    -Shadowland (Earned 485 Col & 8 Mats, 1 Skill Point) - Completed/Locked

    -Gearing Up (Earned 15 Mats (Gifted from Baldur) 1 Skill Point) - Completed/ Locked

    I'm a Gemini, He's a Gemini? We're All Gemini! (Earned 400 Col, Concentration Skill, 4 Skill Points) -Completed/Locked

    Long Live The Queen (575 Col, 11 mats, 4 Skill Points) Completed/Locked

    It's Burr Outside <Avalanche> (608 Col, 4 Skill Points, 5 Mats) Completed/Locked

    Quest for the Hoya - (257 Col, 2 Mats, 3 Skill Points) Completed/Locked

    Soothing the Tiger - Soothing the Soul - (400 Col, 3 Mats, 2 Skill Points, Meditation Skill) - Completed/Locked

    -Materials, Mobs and Mystery, Oh My! - (255 Col, +3 Mats, 1 Skill Point) - Completed/Locked

    Mats come Hither! - (570 Col, +12? Mats, 1 Skill Point) Completed/Locked

    -Hunting the Upper Floors - (208 Col, 1 Skill Point) Completed/Locked

    Feeding the Enemy, or Feeding the Soul? - (890 Col, 3 Mats, 2 Skill Points, Familiar Obtained) - Completed/Locked

    The Traveller - Seach for Dead Sea Tupperware - (200 Col, 2 Skill Points, Survivor Skill) - Completed/Locked

    -Dig a Tunna, Dig Dig a Tunna - (500 Col, 6 Mats, 1 Skill Point) Completed/Locked

    Blood in the Sand - Catfish vs Shark - (562 Col, 6 Mats, 4 SP and Sand Armor Potion) Completed/Locked

    -Pest Problems

    Saving Valentine -

    -Valentine's Festival - (1 Skill Point, 120 Col ) - Completed/Locked

    -Keeping a Friend - (630 Col, 3 Mats, 1 Skill Point) Completed/Locked

    -Hunting the Upper Floors Part II - (2 mats, 565 Col, 1 Skill Point)

    Rock Bottom isn't low enough - (625 Col, 1 Skill Point, 25 Mats) - Completed/Locked

    Guardian of Fire - Newbie Cook off

    Let there be Bats! Mats! Light! - (825 Col, 2 Skill Points, 2 Mats) - Completed/Locked

    -The Mountain's Secret - (1 mat, 1 SP) -Completed/Locked

    -Rocket Through -



    » In a romantic relationship with Jason Weaver in both Real Life and in SAO

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