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Posts posted by lightfiyr

  1. Aria was walking around the city on floor two looking in the stores, falling alseep on the benches around the city geting yelled at by people that want the game completed she would just look at them and say "then why don't you do it" give them a look. Aria walked to the safe zone limit griping the swords hilt that wasn't there her last sword was destroyed when she fell to floor one " I need a new weapon...but what I've tried rapiers, curved blades and long swords but nothing has felt right yet..." She thought to her self

  2. Aria was walking around floor two and saw a bunch of players around the dungeon entrance get closer she saw there was a really big boulder blocking the entrance and the players we're all trying to break it with there swords which were all breaking "DAMN IT" one of them yell "come on guys let's go this is hopeless" weird aria thought as she walked up to it picking up one of the Broken blade and scratching the stone with it but the blade broken when it touched the stone really werid....

  3. your hurt aria said bluntly as she stood up moving rages hand and pull his arm out straight and stared at it its broken and your shoulders popped out she said force his shoulder back into place with a loud "POP" and us herr other hand and griping the broken part of rages arm tighting her grip intill a same green light started glowing healing the broken arm there aria said leavening the carter and walking in to the field

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