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Posts posted by Kino117

  1. Kino walks out of the walls of the Starting City, making his way towards the grassy plains. From his distance, two female players are farming materials, killing as many boars as they could. He looks around the area, it seemed so real, yet virtual. This will be the highlight of his life. He feels better here, rather than facing the pressures of life in reality. Governmental corruptions, terrorism, people who proved themselves to be stupid at doing things, the world is practically turning to trash. He lost faith in humanity every now and then.


    Brushing off these thoughts, he walks along the fields, thinking of possible amounts of loot and gold that he would obtain. He draws out his arming sword as he makes his way towards a field inhabited by boars and wolves, both seemingly powerful for a newbie. 


    He is ready to make his first kills. 

  2. HP: 53/53                Energy: 12/12
    » Username: Kino117
    » Real name: Toru Tsukino
    » Age: 16
    » Gender: Male
    » Height: 168

    » About: Kino is just a normal teenager, however his silent personality is what makes himself a little odd in his life. His beloved mother died when he was young, she left her money to him so he could survive and at least make a living. He purchased his own house and so far his life was ok, however he is still delusional as he had an imaginary friend, a monstrous rabbit under the name Frank. When SAO was officially released, he knew that this would be his new, permanent means to escape from reality, although he would never detach himself from it forever. As he puts on his Nerve Gear for the first time, little did he know that it will be the world where he changed, and oddly, where he would stay rather than craving for his original homeland. 

    » Virtues:
    Helpful: He helps those who are in trouble at a life threatening situation or a task they wish to accomplish. Usually this virtue will trigger if the players who need assistance are at the line of his sight. 

    Patience: He is patient to whatever situation he will face, such as being chewed out by a player unless he or she offends him in a way he does not like to hear. He would remain calm and wait for his chances, because he believes that success will always come to him no matter what he does or how long does he wait to achieve it. 

    Caring: He cares about his friends or the person he loves so much. He would risk his life to save them whenever it is necessary. He hates losing friends for they are the cure to his loneliness. 

    » Flaws:

    Loneliness: The source of his constant depression in his life. He did not bother to approach anyone due to his nervousness and not being good around acquaintances until he would be used to it. The only 'best friend' he is used to so far is his imaginary friend, Frank, whom he believed to be able to enter the game as well and helping him, though he isn't sure if this fact is true. 

    Violence: If things get out of hand between him and those who assault him, he would try to settle things calmly. If it never works, his berserker persona will trigger, knowing that there is no other way to settle his differences with the person. He would either threaten them or simply kill them without remorse. But that is not all. His bloodthirst is the source of his violent behavior, and whenever he is in combat he would just swing his sword or do anything else he can to kill his target. 


    Silence: He is known to be a silent character, he would give body signals to approve or disapprove a player's answers, requests, etc. He never talks unless he feels like he wants, or needs to. Even if he speaks, his voice are often quiet, sometimes almost inaudible to hear. He is silent due to his nervousness. 


    » Extended Weight Limit

    » Heavy Armor, Athletics (+1 DMG, +5 HP), Sprints and Acrobatics (+1 Evasion)

    » Block

    Weapon skills:
    » One Handed Straight Sword +2 DMG [Rank 2]

    » Kite Shield [Equipped] 

    The Silver Bullet +1 DMG [Equipped]

    Renaissance Plate Armor [Equipped, for now] (+4 DMG Mitigtion)

    1 Material






    Currency: 2,485 Col




    Skill Points: 2



    Number Of Completed Quests

    6 Solo Quests

    Relationships (optional)
    » Single

    Story Thus Far (optional)


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