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Posts posted by Alyss

  1. She had just followed the guy behind her as she kept on eying the kids as she did move her gaze back to the guy

    "Yeah we better hurry, cause its saddening to see the kids being trapped in this world" she said the two kept on moving towards the edge of town to get out into the fields.

    As he soon responded to her question about tips for fighting "So tip one is don't die, and tip two is stab the enemy until its dead?" she said and laughed softly.

    "I like your tips but those two seems quite obvious even without you saying em, so this is one of your first?, i been playing quite a few since i write game reviews as a part time job" she said a little proud about it.


    The two soon came to the other edge of town as she could see some boars out on the fields.

    "I'm up for the challenge and hopefully none of us get killed here"

  2. Alyss smiled at the guy and sad down beside him and then introduced her self "I'm Alyss, and Yeah its quite the curse that parents should buy the game for there kids, cause it is gonna hurt em quite a lot i'm sure, not to say everyone else also, but at least they stopped thinking about being trapped in here since they got each other to play with, some of them is all the way down to 7 years old" she looked towards the kids with a smile as she said "Yeah kids are quite lovely, aren't they as long as they are not your own" she then waved towards them most of them already knowing her quite well.


    "Its hard for them to be here, so someone have to take care of them after all"

  3. Alyss had been playing around in the garden with the younger players most of the day, cause there were some who was under 10 in the game, and Alyss had taken upon her self to nurse em as if were they her own kids.

    But it could not keep going forever, cause she needed some action it was a game after all, and she needed to write a good review of it when she was done so she needed to test out all aspects of the game, she soon noticed some guy laying under a tree as she smiled to her self and sent the kids off with one of the others who took care of em.


    And as she got over to the spot were the guy was laying she was standing in front of him so her shadow would cover his view as the black haired lady said "I don't think i seen you around here before, and did i hear you say something about kittens?" she said and giggled standing there in her almost pitch black outfit.

  4. Alyss heard Olivia say her name and smiled "Happy to meet you Olivia, and sounds like a good idea since it is quite windy out here" she said and walked over beside Olivia to get in between her and the brat as he finally said his name X as she wondered what kind of name that was.


    "Yeah lets get moving X, lead the way" as she followed X down the streets as he soon started doing all his stuns it did look quite scary, and some of em even stupid, and finally it appears to him stopping trying to impress the two girls,

    then he just started talking instead something about him being a performer and pretty girls after the shows as he was eying Olivia. "Olivia watch out near that guy, he already soaked you once, and i almost feel like it was on purpose he did it just to get to meet actual girls instead of those in his imagination" she said to Olivia as the three kept on walking one on his hands the other two soaked and walking on there legs.

  5. Alyss did see Rolland do his little dance and was almost about to fall back over when he hit the ground with his large sword, it was quite impressive that the boar could avoide that hit yet it had done it with what looked like ease.

    She had heard every word of what the Warrior had just said "I'm Alyss and i do my best to try take one down by my self" she said and did draw her Khukiri which was basically a curved dagger as she looked towards the guy and then starts heading towards the other boar that Rolland did not have aggro on yet all he had was the pull aggro.


    Alyss still being new to this world and knew from other games that the one who made the pull did get some aggro from that as she held her blade in her right hand and rushed towards the boar to try and cut it down the site with her blade.


    (I'm totally lost on how to battle yet, but i think the rolls are

    • Rolled a 1 on the d4 dice.
    • Rolled a 2 on the d6 dice.
    • Rolled a 4 on the d8 dice.
    • Rolled a 3 on the d10 (battle) dice.
    • Rolled a 5 on the d10 (mob) dice.
    • Rolled a 2 on the d12 (craft) dice.
    • Rolled a 1 on the d20 (loot) dice.

    If i'm not totally wrong so what do i do with em?)

  6. Alyss giggled as he told her about his shop. "So your that horrible at alchemy?, i my self don't yet have a profession but i had in mind of maybe becoming a jeweler" She said and looked around at the kids playing.

    "Your right they all are orphans in a way right now, and that will be changed at some point, hopefully before they get too old so they don't spend all there life in here, for me this is quite new to be playing a game for this long" she said and as the guy asked if she was ready to take on her first monster she got up and smiled.


    "So your gonna try teach me how to fight?, i have played quite a bunch of games so if its just a little like other games then it should be quite easy" or at least thats what she hoped for as she got up from the pond's side and opened her inventory to equip her Khukiri as she followed the guy "So anything you have in mind?, cause you seem a bit higher level then me so you must have some tricks up your sleeves"

  7. Alyss looks at the guy as he did talk about how he had made her wet again, and even this time he did still say it in a wrong way as she smiled

    "You still owe me brat, for soaking my cloth, but the free coffee is a start to make it all better" she said as she heard the voice of some young girl.

    She looked to her side and saw the young girl also soaked and giggled softly.

    "So this brat also made you get soaked?" she said looked at her

    Luckily for Alyss her weapon was not equipped since she was in town it was not needed there so it had not got any water on it.


    "I'm Alyss by the way, happy to meet both of you should we let this guy lead us to the cafe and find us some blankets so we dont get sick, while he explain why he jumped into the pond in the first place"

  8. Alyss had ended up in what looked like people about to step of the train from how many people walked back and forth here, it was insane the crowd Alyss was what appeared to be only around 20 but she was actually almost 30, she was above average height for a female and had long black hair that went below her behind, she did not really mind all the people bumping into her, she was used to it from her real life where she took the train daily to work. and she did never really like it much but she had gotten used to it since it was the cheapest and easiest way to get from work and home again.


    soon someone bumped into her and actually talked to her as if she was sorry about it Alyss looked towards the girl and smiled as the second question came Alyss just smiled and said "Hmm Sure, could use some fresh air, so lead the way miss, you got a bigger chance of finding out of this crowd then i do" she said and took your hand

  9. Alyss had heard the steps that was out of pace from the others since it was rare for anything new to happen, so she had heard some weird noise but not sure it came from as was just looking up at the sky.

    And to her own surprise being soaked from top to toe the next second as some brat came out of the pond as she looked at him with a smile "Your a witty one mister, but why jump into the pond in the first place?" she said not angry, more curious about why he had jumped into the pond since she had not seen where he jumped from.


    "You owe me for soaking my cloth" she said looking at him and giggles softly not really minding kids since this world basically would be one big playground for them if they did just stay inside of towns so the monsters would not attack them.

    The young looking black haired woman was just standing there soaked from top to toe in her crappy starter gear, at least her cloth was black and not white that would have been a mess.

  10. Alyss did not mind the guys questions and loved his answers as she looked around and said "I can see what you think, and yeah i'm a rookie player, i been helping out the orphans and those who's scared around the town, so haven't had much time to start my travels yet, even tho i'm not sure if i even want to start it, cause i feel sorry for the young onces stuck here in this world" she said and looked around seeing the other players and npcs walk by some looked happy others looked sad, it was like it was all real and not a game due to what they had been told.


    "So you said you have a shop?, what kind of shop do you have?, maybe i could come by and help you sometimes, maybe run errants for you since it does not look like im going anywhere any time soon, even tho i would love to try fighting just once cause i seen some of the people that come to town wear some quite amazing gear, not just these saggy cloth and starter weapon that i got" she said sounding a mix of happy and depressed, and then looked back up at the sky and smiled happily. "It Truely is a good weather today"

  11. Alyss was had walked around the town of beginners most of the day, she had helped out the orphans and some of the shops as she had noticed someone at the pond every time she walked by, and was not quite sure why a guy like him was in this town, but she kept on walking from store to store keeping an eye on the guy as she kept throwing her black hair over her shoulder to have better view towards the guy.


    After quite some time she noticed the guy got up standing and decided to follow him, maybe this guy could be her way out of this town and he could teach her the basics of combat so she could start fighting for her self, as the guy started jogging out of town, The older woman quickly opened her inventory page and equipped her Khukuri and started following the guy, they soon got to the grassy fields and she did soon feel the grass under her feet, she was wearing what looked like a black leather corset that had straps of leather covering her legs and a pair of knee high socks, as she tried her best to keep up with the guy as he rushed towards some animals in the distance, but lucky for her he soon stopped.


    She then saw the mans weapon up close and it looked magnificent compared to her own little curved dagger, she heard him talk to the beast as she smirked and as she got up beside the guy and said "Do you mind if i join you?" she said not even haven drawn her Khukuri yet, but had her hand on it ready to draw it if the guy was not just a typical monster hunter.




  12. Alyss had been sitting at the pond for some time when hearing people rush back and forth around her as if they was in a hurry, but she just looked up at the skies as she heard a voice and smiled and looked over towards the guy and smiled.

    She heard the guy say his name as she said "Nah i was not daydreaming Azide, but i was looking at the skies, it reminds me of home, i'm Alyss by the way" she said looking at the guy who did not look all that old.

    She did feel a little sorry when she did see young people stuck in this world, she did almost start feeling bad inside when she did see em, cause it kept reminding her of they were trapped in this game.


    "If your not in a hurry, there is enough space for you to sit down and look also, Do you work here in town?" she said still looking at the guy having taken in every aspect of his apperances trying to figure if this guy was actually higher level then herself, not that it was hard since she basically was a totally rookie at this game. and as she was talking people kept walking by stepping in the puddles as water did get throw from side to side from the rushing people.

  13. Alyss was still quite new around Sao and had not even left the starting area as of yet, it had been some time since they arrived, but she been walking around town helping out the young and scared.

    She was a little over average in height and quite slender for her height, she had not yet told anyone her real age, cause she was scared that it would scare away people.

    Cause after all she was quite old to be playing video games, but she was a game reviwer after all so she did get payed for it not much but a little was also money.

    But this game had already showed her that it was not just a normal game, the first day they arrived ended up getting her stuck in this game with a bunch of others, where she felt like she needed to take care of the young onces. Alyss was taking a rest at the pond in the city of beginners and was looking towards the sky, seeing the rainbows dance over the skies it was as if this world was actually real and not just a game.


    She came to the pond almost same time everyday cause it seemed as if there was always a rainbow on the sky at this time, and yet she had not seen a single other person notice it yet, it was maybe cause the other was way to busy fighting and trying to rush to there death, she had still not been out fighting a single time, it did make her a little scared knowing that there was someone that could kill her if she did not beat it first.


    So she had been in the city all this time trying to meet people and get some friends to go on adventure with so she would not be alone out there her first time.

  14. Alyss was still quite new around Sao and had not even left the starting area as of yet, it had been some time since they arrived, but she been walking around town helping out the young and scared.

    She was a little over average in height and quite slender for her height, she had not yet told anyone her real age, cause she was scared that it would scare away people.

    Cause after all she was quite old to be playing video games, but she was a game reviwer after all so she did get payed for it not much but a little was also money.

    But this game had already showed her that it was not just a normal game, the first day they arrived ended up getting her stuck in this game with a bunch of others, where she felt like she needed to take care of the young onces. Alyss was taking a rest at the pond in the city of beginners and was looking towards the sky, seeing the rainbows dance over the skies it was as if this world was actually real and not just a game.


    She came to the pond almost same time everyday cause it seemed as if there was always a rainbow on the sky at this time, and yet she had not seen a single other person notice it yet, it was maybe cause the other was way to busy fighting and trying to rush to there death, she had still not been out fighting a single time, it did make her a little scared knowing that there was someone that could kill her if she did not beat it first.


    So she had been in the city all this time trying to meet people and get some friends to go on adventure with so she would not be alone out there her first time.

  15. «Alyss» The Swift




    » Username: Alyss
    » Real name: Megan Maura
    » Age: 20
    » Gender: Female
    » Height: 172Cm (5 ft 7)

    » Hair Color: Green

    » Eye Color: Bluish with a hint of black.

    » Face Claim: Sinon (SSO Season II)

    » About: History/personality


    Megan was born in Europe and was a Free-Lance game tester, and when not testing games she was a Business Woman or actually just a sales person at a electronic store , she was selling all kinds of things but mostly electronics. She had heard about this game Sword Arts Online for some time now, and due to being know for a review of games she got a copy of the game sent to her so she could write a review of the game. She was a rather tall lady and had long black hair, and mostly you did see her wearing a suit and tie, or a dress it was rare to see her wear anything other then that.


    It was the day before the opening of the servers for SAO and she had already called in sick for the next day at work to be ready to start it up as soon as the servers started, And soon she got stuck inside of the game with all the other people, from what she could see there were all ages in here, and she could resist but feeling sorry for the young onces that had gotten stuck in there, as the first days did pass inside of the game she did figure out that people was dying left and right, both kids and teenagers alike some people did quickly rush up in level as others did not even leave the town where they had started, But Alyss was not like that she wanted to be on the front so she could help as many people out of this game as possible. Cause if she did get stronger she could protect the weak and help complete the game.


    » Virtues:

    Megan does not mind waiting for something she really want, if she just know she will get it at some point, be it a Job or a drop from a mob in a game. She been a Farmer in many of the games she played farming materials and selling em to the one who needed em. She's able to wait for hours without complaining. Megan is not the person to take on an Escort quest solo, even tho she likes waiting she prefer company over standing looking by herself, cause thats what she been doing most of her work carrier.

    Good with others and Motherly.

    Megan is a warm hearted person and is friendly towards most people as long as she don't feel angered or threaten by there presence, she care for those younger then her as if were they her own kids, Due to the way she acts, cause she cares for people and even offers them food when in need, they might be stronger then her but that does not make her scared she still wanna help em if they need a shoulder to cry on or a lap to rest in. She be there for anyone who needed it be it male, female, Boys and girls.


    Confident in her own strength.

    Megan got called weak by many people but that have not broken her spirit, she believes in her own strength and does not really take much of what people say to mind, she think it over for a few seconds and then let it go pass since it will only hurt to think that she's weak and that way she never get out of this game. Megan played plenty of games over the years and always been at the top of the high score board in most of the games, but this time in SAO she would rather be higher level then needed before going to the next stage since its her life on the line this time.

    » Flaws:

    Megan is a little overprotective of the young, and prefers not having to hide behind one even tho she knows well she's not the tank, she often fights with her self due to so many young players in the game. She tries to let as many of them protect them self as possible but its not possible all the time that she let em all protect them self. Megan is not much for staying at the back and let the young onces fight, she prefer standing in front of them, but never really wanted to become a tank even tho it would fit her better. She dislikes the heavy weight of a shield and lack of mobility it gives.


    Megan when she been around childish people for to young she starts to fall in and act like it her self, does not happen often but it does happen. She can act if was she a young girl again from time to time, or if she gets over excited then she might change into a completely different person from what people normally know her as. When she goes into her childish stage, her loves Candy of any sorts and other sweet stuffs, instead of alcohol she takes candy as her Addiction.



    When Megan was not in the game she tended to drink a Glass of Wine everyday, it was a way of relaxing herself and get calm, in the game world she can do with anything with a little alcohol in it, a glass a day is enough for her. Some people call her a alcoholic due to her drinking everyday even tho its just a single glass, but what people don't know is that sometimes when she's in a very good mood she just ends up eating candy instead. So in a way shes not your typical alcoholic or addict cause its not something she needs to survive but she does it for her own pleasure and joy, due to loving the taste of a good glass of wine, or just the sugar rush from the candy.




    Skill Points 7 / 15


    » ► Athletics:
    Cost: 6 - No Ranks
    Effect: +1 DMG, +5 HP
    Description: You can endure more, are quicker and stronger than average.



    Weapon skills:
    â–ºOne-Handed Curved Sword:
    1 / 5 Ranks
    The effectiveness with which a player can use one handed slashing swords. (Example: Scimitar, Kilij)


    Armor skills:



    »Starter One-Handed Curved Sword Type "Khukuri"

    Matriarch's Stinger (Reward from Long live the queen quest)


    Name of Item: Rainbow Colored Measuring Spoons

    Crafted by: Tyger, Catfish Forge

    Type: Crafting Item

    Rarity: Perfect

    Modifier: +1 CD

    Description: Measuring Spoon in different colors


    Yarj Weapon

    Name of Item: Yari

    Crafted by: Tyger, Catfish Forge

    Type: Cutlass - Curved Blade

    Rarity: Perfect

    Modifier: +3 Damage

    Description: A simple Cutlass, built without flash for the priority of battle.



    10 bread, 15 water,



    Starter Cloth clothing


    Item: Scarf of Temptation

    Item type : Scarf
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: +1 Acc +2 Bleed
    The Lion's Den
    Description : A long white scarf that falls down to the hips, with a thin black line running down the middle of it.


    Item: Temptation
    Item type : Light armor
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: +1 Acc +2 Lifesteal
    Shop: The Lion's Den

    Description : A metal-like fabric that runs around her back and covers her chest, leaving her waist and shoulders exposed.


    Item Name: Scarf of vengeance

    Item type: Light armor: Scarf
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancement: +1 Life Steal
    Shop: The Lion's Den
    Description: A black scarf that has the color of obsidian, it has a high density despite being very light.



    Familiar Name: Poo " Kong Fu Panda"

    Species: (Kong Fu Panda) Panda

    Size - Large Housecat

    Description - A Panda that learned Kong Fu from Master Splinter in the Amazon Village, His the most Fearsome Panda out there yet, he does not help in fights, but he does use other familiars as mounts if he feels lazy.

    Effect: +1 Accuracy





    in progress
    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)


    » [PP-F1] Dancing on Rainbows (Azide) - in progress

    » [PP-F1] Back to Floor 1 (Alyss) - Incomplete

    » [PP-F1] Let's Form A Party! (Alyss)- Incomplete

    » [PP-F1] Handing out Free treats for the Young. [Quinzel] - Incomplete

    » [sP-F5] The Traveler <<Quest>> "The Forgotten Cookie"


    Finished Threads / Quests

    » [sP-F1] <<Earning a Living>> Becomming a Master Chef!!

    » [sP-F1] <<Earning a Living>> A Simple Resupply (Repeat)

    » [OP-F1] Rainbows!!!!!! And New Friends

    » [sP-F6] «Feeding the Enemy» Lets go Hunting!!!

    » [sP-F1] <<Earning a Living>> One the way to become a Master Chef!!

    Relationships (optional)

    » Olivia Antheia ( Best Friend but Epic Slacker)
    » XWuZHeAR ( Meet once, Slacker )

    » Ariel - The Crowned Lion ( Friendly Lady, But a Slacker )

    » Baldur ( Okay guy, Friend )

    » Lyrith ( Not sure yet , Slacker)

    » Raeyliff ( Mad Alchemist , Slacker )

    » Azide ( Second Mad Alchemist, Slacker )

    Story Thus Far (optional)

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