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Posts posted by Miriko

  1. Profile:

    Username: Miriko
    Real name: Charlotte Meier
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Height: 5'6


    Charlotte wasn't always shy. At the age of ten, she was the class clown and loved to greet others. However a month before her 12th birthday, Charlotte, Her younger sister miki and parents were traveling on the highway when a car that was speeding, launched into their car. Charlotte awoke 2 months later in hospital, to discover that her family died in the accident. Charlotte was tramatized. She was soon given to her foster parents who didnt have any children. They were nice and treated Charlotte like thier own child. Charlotte was happy But something wasnt right with this set up family life. through out the years, She would barely eat and tried to starve herself to death once. She barely spoke, acting like a ghost. She went to a private school however was bullied for having a huge scar down her arm from the accident. Everything was going downhill for Charlotte. However on her 15th birthday, Her foster parents, who were very rich, brought Charlotte the new nervegear and sword art online. Charlotte decided her user name, "Miriko" In remembrance to her dead sister miki. In SAO, Charlotte, now known as Miriko, was not shocked at being trapped in the game. To her it was the best thing that has happened to her in along time, ever since she whispered, "Link start"



    Careful: Due to being very clumsy and not having someone care for her, Charlotte is very careful around others. She often has to take things slowly and carefully to understand better. If she ever does hurt someone, its an accident or they deserve it. Charlotte is cautious if someone is not careful and she will think about the consequences that might happen. Charlotte cringes everytime someone does something crazy and not careful.

    Calm: Charlotte keeps calm most of the time. The car accident made her calm and visual what happens around her. When Charlotte found out that she was stuck in S.A.O, she kept calm and made a plan of what to do to survive and level up. Charlotte also has a calming effect on others and can calm the most agitated person. Because of her calmness, she is very good with animals and doesnt scare them.


    Loyal: If someone is loyal to Charlotte, She will be loyal to them. To her, being loyal is very important. It shows a bond more than friendship. She has been betrayed by many people in the real world so being loyal to others means a lot to Charlotte. Even if a friend is far away, Charlotte will be loyal no matter what. Loyalty is a very big thing in Charlotte's life and SAO. Respect that loyalty.

    Late: Charlotte is usually late to things but don't worry she will always turn up. Charlotte is late because she doesn't have a sense of time and can be found eating breakfast around lunch time. Charlotte hates being late and finds that she needs to learn how to read time. Due to poor education, Charlotte can not read time.


    Slow: Charlotte usually has to take things slowly to understand. She never had good education so learning new things is hard. During battle, Charlotte is very fast and can work things out faster but when she is out of battle she can be slow and needs to ask again and again to understand better.


    Greedy: Charlotte can actually be very greedy, Due to living with rich foster parents. For example if there is one piece of pizza left, Charlotte would take it. If someone needs something, She would give that person what they need but if its not important she would keep it for herself. Charlotte trys not to be greedy.







    Weapon skills:

    Basic Long Sword -none


    8 - unused


    10 bread, 15 water,  Cloth clothing, 1500col



    One Long Basic Sword


    A New Beginning (Uncompleted

    The Run Away (Uncompleted)

    Windy Days (Uncompleted)

    Rain, Rain, Rain (Uncompleted)

    Exploring The Fields (Uncompleted)

    A Familiar Face (Uncompleted)

    The Library (Uncompleted)

    A Sleeping Dragon Meets A Shy Princess (Completed)  +1 sp & 600 col

    Colors Of The Skies (Uncompleted)

    Windy Days (Uncompleted)

    Earning A Living (Completed) +2 sp & 200 col

    The Untold Tale Of The Dragon And Princess (Completed) +1 sp & 400 col

    Another Random Day (InProgress)

    A Double Date?! (Uncompleted)

    The Ways Of A Cook (InProgress)

    A Night Of Freedom (InProgress) 

    Miriko Recruit Training - The Crimson Blades (InProgress)

    Going On A Boar Hunt (InProgress)

    Farming Up Boars (InProgress)


    Boyfriend: Vasth

    Bestfriend: Aika

    Story Thus Far:

    Charlotte who is now called Miriko has began her journey in SAO

    Yay, Thanks for reading my journal, Now have an amazing day! :3

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