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Posts posted by Reusririasuir

  1. I realize that making a change wasn't your original intention but I have to agree with Draterion, it seems like a very good opportunity to introduce it as a skill. It certainly sounds like it could be a very useful skill for large party raids too. Perhaps as an Extra Skill for knife users? (Right now with all weapons being equal, it's hard to justify limiting it as an Extra Skill though). 


    It would also introduce another consumable which has the benefit of promoting both economic and resource management.


    One thing that comes to mind though is the limitation on three wearable enhanced items, would picks be considered one? That would be a major draw-back.

  2. One thing I noticed while reading through the guides, is that Low Light and Darkness are treated the same but really, darkness should present a greater visibility penalty. -1 for Low Light seems right, but Darkness should be -2 or maybe even -3 depending on how it plays in testing.


    By the same logic Sneak and Hide should grant Low Light +2 stealth as it does now, and Darkness a +3 or +4.

  3. Character Name: Reusririasuir
    » Username: Reusririasuir 
    » Real name: Forest Bondurant
    » Age: 25.
    » Gender: Male 
    » Height: 5'9
    » About: History/personality

    Forest was American, and former military, though you wouldn't know it by looking at him. Yes he kept his hair short, yes he kept his face clean-shaven, but his dress and mannerisms couldn't have been further from most early twenty year-olds in the military. He didn't like to party, instead preferring to stay in and read or binge movies rather than get sloshed at the bar. At times it created tension with those he served with but for the most part they came to understand that he treated the military like a job; he became highly proficient, dependable, punctual, and yet could still relax or slack when their was time to do so. Anything less than completing the mission was unacceptable, by digging deep and shifting things around he always found a way to get things accomplished. It's that fact that he was promoted to a leadership position six months early, and then picked up the next leadership position a year earlier. Those two things he was proud of, the killing, now he was not so proud of that, but it came with 'the job'. On the other hand, so did protecting those he served with. 
    When he was coming up through the ranks, being screamed at was a regular part of training. Even after the initial training, you would still see people being screamed at for failures. Forest was lucky, if he had a leader who screamed at him he would have Judo tossed him to oblivion, but lucky for Artemis's military career, and his leader, Forest ended up with the one or two squad leaders who also didn't enjoy yelling at their subordinates. It later had a major impact on Forest's leadership style, he could see the differences in the abilities of those who spent the past three years being screamed at, and those who spent the past three years learning. When he became a squad leader it was clear, he would mentor those around him focusing on their learning from their mistakes, not being ridiculed for making them.
    Now it's been a little over six years since he first joined, despite a promising career a few months ago he actually decided to get out at his six year mark(for all the reasons you get out of the military), and has decided to find out what he 'wants to do with his life'. Maybe writing, maybe engineering, but probably Mixed Martial Arts, he's always had a talent for fighting with his hands, appreciating the technical skill and training it requires.
    Luckily he has some money saved up and has decided to spend time in Japan studying at the Kodokan and training in the area. He paid his rent for a year, with intentions of training, taking online college courses, and just enjoying not having to worry about IED's, demo ranges, disciplinary issues, or being the 'acting NCO in charge'; he's finally ready to not be constantly ready to deploy. This really is his first 'vacation' in six years. 
    Having heard about a great new game coming out, Sword Art Online, that will be using what's spouted as 2nd Generation FullDive Technology, Forest couldn't resist taking a chance at playing from Day 1. He has always been a bit of an obsessive when it comes to competition and this was no different. As he ran through the setup menu and chose a name, picked a face, he could feel excitement in the back of his mind. THIS was going to be something. He was always a bit excitable as a Platoon Sergeant, especially before a big 'op'. Now he could feel his excitement meshing with his competitive edge. This is going to be good he thought, as he laid down with the NerveGear he heard faintly; "LINK START!!"

    » Virtues:
    Conviction. It matters not what decision is made, even when it may be the wrong one, what matters is the amount of conviction you pursue your decision with once you have made up your mind.
    Love. Inspired by deep loyalty to the cause of protecting those around him. In Reu's eyes an attack on someone he loves would be equivalent to an attack on himself.
    Charisma - Sociable, kind, pleasant-to-be-around; by having spent time in several different parts of the world, and with the rich and the poor Reu has become more then capable of interacting openly with those of varied backgrounds whether it's in a ball-room or a back-alley.
    Good Temper - The virtue of self-control regarding anger. Calm. Reu isn't 18, or 19 anymore. He's older, been in places and situations he wishes most people would never see, through these experiences he has gained a calmness of inner self, especially during what would normally be stressful situations.

    » Flaws:

    Obstinacy - stubbornly adhering to an opinion, purpose, or course. Driven by his cause to clear the game, little else matters in the long run. Going back to his strong sense of conviction, once a decision is made; it takes time to re-think a decision, in Reu's mind, time spent thinking and re-thinking decisions is wasted; he feels it's better to make up your mind and pursue that goal with intensity. Reflection on your decisions should be performed much later, after the mission has been completed.
    Recklessness - May lack thought about immediate danger. Despite being a meticulous pre-planner, if a sudden change is presented during the course of a mission, Reu prefers action to deliberation. One of his favorite sayings is "Sometimes you just have to make a hasty, risky decision, diving in feet first."
    Overprotective - Driven by a desire to clear the game and protect others, at times this desire is overwhelming emotionally. Carrying the world on ones shoulders can be very burdensome, and Reu has carried the world on his shoulder in both Virtual Life and Real Life for the past several years.
    Rebellious- Defying or resisting some established authority, government, or tradition; inclined to rebel. He's seen organizations that have pursued their own ambitions at the expense of others, he's seen people be burned by governments pursuing profit, he no longer believes in trusting these institutions. He may work with these institutions as long as he sees a mutual goal, but trust is hard earned, and even within an organization, it's one thing to work with a group of people, it's another thing entirely to work with specific individuals. If an individual is pushing their own motives over the mutual goal, Reu may just 'push back' against that individual. He also has a slight twinge against being ordered around, it's one thing to ask, or to show why working together may be beneficial, it's another thing entirely to issue an order.
    Profession: Fisherman / Source
    Total SP : 18
    SP Unused : 0
    SP Spent : 18
    - Search & Detect Rank 2 (6 / 30)
    - Battle Healing Rank 1 (2 / 30)
    - Sprint & Acrobatics
    Weapon skills:
    Extra skills:
    - Concentration
    Current Col: 7768
    Col Transaction History:

    +1200 Col / Source
    +100 Col / Source
    +2590 Col / Source
    +1130 Col / Source
    +400 Col / Source
    +400 Col / Source
    -750 Col / Source
    + 600 Col / Source
    - 800 Col Straw-Kiwi Cheesecake x2 / Source
    - 1100 Col Teleport Crystal / Source
    - 200 Col Gummy Swords / Source
    + 990 Col / Source
    + 400 Col / Source
    - 1000 Col Lucky Trinket / Source
    - 1200 Col Light Armor / Source
    + 3000 Col / Source
    + 400 Col / Source
    + 440 Col / Source
    + 133 Col / Source
    + 935 Col / Source
    - 400 Healing Crystal / Source
    + 400 Reward / [Blades of Dreams Quest]
    Starting Balance: 0
    Battle Inventory: (limit 6 spaces)
    » Apotheosis Unto Mars, One-Handed Long Sword (+3 Damage)
       Rarity: Perfect / Source
    » Shakespearean Vanguard Vestīmentum, Light Armor (+2 Evasion, +1 Savvy)
       Rarity: Perfect / Source
    » Reu's Dog Tags, Lucky Charm (+2 LD, +1 Accuracy)
       Rarity: Perfect / Source
    » 1 5HP Healing Potion / Source
    » 1 Teleport Crystal / Source
    » 1 Matriarchs Stinger Potion / Source
    Storage Inventory:
    » Cloth clothing
    » 1 Snowfrost Potion / Source
    » 1 Frozen Cheesecake / Source
    » 1 Winters Wrath Crystal / Source
    Inventory Transaction History:

    - 1 Straw-Kiwi Cheesecake / Source
    + 1 Snowfrost Potion / Source
    + 1 Frozen Cheesecake / Source
    + 1 Winters Wrath Crystal / Source
    + 1 Matriarchs Stinger Potion / Source
    - 1 Straw-Kiwi Cheesecake / Source
    + 2 Straw-Kiwi Cheesecake / Source
    + 1 Teleport Crystal / Source
    + 1 5HP Healing Potion / Source

    Current Materials: 0 Materials
    Material Transaction History:
    - 15 Materials for Shop
    - 10 Materials for Shop
    + 18 Materials / Source
    + 6 Materials / Source
    + 1 Materials / Source
    - 1 Materials for Shop
    - 6 Materials for Shop
    + 5 Materials / Source
    + 1 Material / Source
    - 3 Materials for Roleplay
    - 8 Materials for Purchase
    - 10 Materials for Shop
    + 21 Materials Reward / [Earning a Living Quest]
    - 6 Materials for Purchase
    + 5 Materials Reward / [Exploring the 2nd Floor]
    + 2 Materials Reward / [Blades of Dreams Quest]
    Starting Materials: 0

    Roleplays || [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress

    » [benchmark] [Private] Grab them Mats - in progress
    » [solo] Breaking the Unbreakable - in progress
    » [benchmark] [Open] Tropic Thunder - in progress
    » [benchmark] [Open] Exploring the 8th Floor - Waiting on GM Approval
    » [solo] Avalanche - Complete (2590 Col, 3 SP (Night Vision), 18 Mats, 1 Potion, 1 Cheesecake, 1 Crystal)
    » [benchmark] [Open] Supah Fighto! - Complete (400 Col, 1 SP (Night Vision))
    » [benchmark] [solo] Frozen Teardrop - in progress
    » [benchmark] [Open] A Trip to the Hot Springs - in progress
    » [solo] Long Live The Queen - Complete (1130 Col, 3 SP (Search & Detect), 6 Mats, 1 Potion)
    » [benchmark] [Private] Some Company is Always Welcome - in progress
    » [Private] The Gemini [The Gemini Quest] - Complete (400 Col, 3 SP (Sprint & Acrobatics), 1 Mats)
    » [Private] You Can Work Or You Can Fish [Earning a Living Quest] - Complete (440 Col, 2 SP (Sprint & Acrobatics), 21 Mats)
    » [benchmark] [solo] Elven Interactions - Complete (990 Col, 1 SP (Sprint & Acrobatics), 5 Mats)
    » [benchmark] [solo] Exploring the 2nd Floor - Complete (935 Col, 1 SP (Search & Detect), 5 Mats)
    » [benchmark] [Open] The Road to Horunka - Complete (400 Col, 1 SP (Night Vision), 1 Mats)
    » [solo] [Blades of Dreams] - Complete (400 col, 2 SP (Battle Healing & Search & Detect), Ragnarok Enduring One-Handed Sword, 2 Mats)
    » [benchmark] [Open] Moonlight Relaxation - Complete (133 Col, 1 SP (Night Vision))

    Relationships (optional)
    Story Thus Far (optional)
    » "This ends the tutorial for the official Sword Art Online Launch. Good luck, players." and with that the red-hooded man disappeared from the town square, and the sky returned to its' normal shades of blue.
    Reusririasuir pulled up his touch-menu and confirmed for himself, there really was no logout option. It looks like the only way to get out of this game is to beat it, and if I'm going to do that I need to start by getting a lot stronger. Reu turned from the square and moved back into town. On his way out, he could already begin hearing other players attempting to keep order and establish a hierarchy among themselves. Order & possibly a guild will be necessary later, for now, forging my own strength is going to be most important. Reu could see other players moving towards the outskirts of town. Heh, they all know the truth; that the early levels and getting ahead quickly are going to be the most important. Well I guess I can't complain too loudly, I did after all, want a game where I could lose myself and become someone else. It's time to get serious now, there are going to be people in that square who can't fight, and even in the early levels, those people will need your help Reu. Not by offering direct help, but by becoming stronger you can help to clear this game. His fingers edging the hilt of his sword Reu steeled his resolve. I CAN clear this game, and I WILL survive. Now...I'm going to need a sharper sword; and...if I find one, an even sharper partner...
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