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Atticus Smyth

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Posts posted by Atticus Smyth

  1. I'm a new member to this forum so I apologize if this has been suggested before. Reading over the current avaible quests I was looking for something with lots of opportunity for dialog and interaction. That's when I came up with the idea of a murder mystery quest.

    The quest would start out with the player randomly receiving an invitation to a strange dinner party. Shortly upon arrival to the party one of the guests will be murdered. In a detailed 21 posts or more, the player will have to search the house, and talk to the other guests to try and figure out who the murder is. The player will use the basic loot rules already implemented to determine their succsus in looking for various clues, 1-14 fail, 15+ succsus. For the purpose of the quest the players BD will determine their succsus when questioning the party guests. 1-5 fail, 6-10 succsus, all buffs to the BD will be negated for this quest.

    In order to finish the quest the player must call all the party quests together and present their case. In order for them to be successful the player must determine a motivation for the murder, the true manor in which the victim was killed, and provided two additional pieces of evidence that would point to their suspect being the murderer. Once the murderer has been called out, they will attack the player(the murder will have the same amount of health as the highest lvl player in the party). Once the player has defeated the murderer the quest will end.

    I'm not sure what the rewards would be, but I think it would be cool if the player was granted a title like detective or investigator in addition to any other rewards.

    Feedback is always appreciated! Let me know what you think!

  2. Returning a day later, Atticus walked into the forge to check on the progress of his new equipment. Admiring the items he saw around the shop, Atticus was confident that he made the right choice in coming here. Armed with his new equipment, Atticus had determined that he would venture up to the next floor and hunt the field boss he had herd other players talking about. Wondering over to the counter, Atticus waited to be helped.

  3. Determined not to give up that easily, Atticus stayed focused on the search. As he traveled along the bank he came to a cave along the rivers edge that the water flowed into. Deciding that this was as good of place as any to look, he entered the cave. The dim light of the cave made it hard for Atticus to see anything. Traversing deeper and deeper, Atticus began to doubt whether he was going to find anything at all. Deciding he had wasted enough time in the cave, Atticus turned around and headed for the exit. Exiting the cave, and to his amazement, laid the plant a few feet in front of the mouth of the cave. Atticus determined that while he was inside, the plant must of spawned. Atticus quickly picked it up and headed off to the grasslands.

    ID:11540 LD:20

    River Weed-2/2

    Red Berry-0/3

    Green Herb-0/3

  4. Continuing up river, Atticus diligently checked every nook and cranny of the riverbank trying hard to find the second River Weed that he needed for the quest. Thinking that maybe the weed only grew in the shadows, Atticus made sure to take special care in checking behind every rock and Boulder as he want. "Damn" he thought to himself, this plant must be a lot more rare then he had originally expected.

    ID: 11538 LD: 12

    River Weed-1/2

    Red Berry-0/3

    Green Herb-0/3

  5. Standing up, Atticus began searching around the area nearby to see if he could locate any others. After searching for several long minutes with no succsus. Atticus returned to rock his shirt was drying on. Picking up his shirt and throwing it back on, Atticus decided he would continue the search farther up river.

    ID:11536 LD:12

    River Weed-1/2

    Red Berry-0/3

    Green Herb-0/3

  6. Drudging out of the water, now completely soaked, Atticus began to become frustrated with the situation. Yanking his shirt off over his head, he walked over to a boulder near the bank to lay it out to dry in the sun. Circling the Boulder, Atticus just happened to notice a small plant growing in the shadow of the rock. Bending down to get a closer look at, Atticus came to the conclusion that this had to be what he was looking for and snatched it up out of the ground and added it to his inventory.

    ID: 11531 LD: 18

    River Weed-1/2

    Red Berry-0/3

    Green Herb-0/3

  7. He continued searching high and low as he traversed down the riverbank. After awhile he decided that maybe the herb was actually in the water. Deciding that there was no time like the present, Atticus dove into the water and began searching the bottom of the river for the river weed. Staying down as long as he could hold is breath, Atticus had no luck locating it and returned to the surface.

    ID:11530 LD:2

    River Weed-0/2

    Green Herb-0/3

    Red Berriers-0/3

  8. Walking along the river Atticus wondered how he was going to go about finding the River Weed. A green herb, or a red berry is self explanatory as to what your looking for. But "River Weed, what in the bloody hell would that look like?" Atticus thought to himself. Deciding, that this being a beginner quest, it couldn't be to hard to find. Atticus decided he would know it when he saw it and began searching the banks of the river high and low, but with no luck.

    ID:11529 LD: 11

    River Weed-0/2

    Green Herb-0/3

    Red Berriers-0/3

  9. Walking back out into the street, Atticus thought about where to go first. He had already ventured into the grasslands and woods and was sure finding the items he needed there would be pretty simple. Knowing that there was a river near the outside of town a lot players fished, he decided to head there first. His mind made up, Atticus once again began the long walk through town to the city exit.

    River Weed-0/2

    Green Herb-0/3

    Red Berriers-0/3

  10. As Atticus left the forge, he noticed a npc potion shop across the street. Atticus had heard how much of a difference maker potions could be in combat, so he strolled accross the street and entered the shop. Looking around the shop, he began to take a look at the prices. Pausing for a moment to open his inventory, he took a look at his Col. Although he had 1200 Col now, this would be just enough to cover the cost of his new equipment. Knowing that he couldn't afford anything in the shop, Atticus closed his inventory and began walking sluggishly towards the door.

    "Out of money are you?" Chuckled a short roundish man appearing out of the back of the shop. "Yeah" Atticus replied, "I don't see why that would be funny to you though". "Everything is always funny to me boy, it's the way I was programmed" the short fat man chuckled. "Putting my programming aside, I believe I have a solution to your money problem, that is if you have an interest in alchemy." Atticus thought about it for a minute and replied "How would alchemy solve my problem?"Taking a serious tone for once, the NPC replied "You see I'm a quest NPC and I have the power to teach you the fine art of alchemy. Once you've completed my quest you will be able to craft your own potions and crystals." Atticus thought about the prospect of learning a profession, not only would he be able to save money by crafting his own potions, he could probably make a little money on the side selling his extras to other players.

    "Well then" Atticus replied, "I guess I'll have to go ahead and accept your quest chuckles." Beginning to laugh so hard atticus thought he might break a rib the npc replied "Fantabulous, now first things first your going to have to go out and gather ingredients for your first potion." Peering down at a list he had pulled from his pocket the npc continued to talk. "Let's see here, you will need to acquire an eye from a dragon, the heart from an Ice Colossal, and...." At that point Atticus cut off the npc " AN EYE OF A DRAGON, AND HEART OF AN ICE COLOSSAL!?!? JUST HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GET THOSE?!?!" Chuckling loudly the npc replied "On second thought I may have grabbed the wrong list." The npc began digging in his pocket again and pulled out another list."Ah, here we go, you will need 3 green herbs from the grasslands, 3 red berries found in the woods, and 2 blue river weeds found along any body of water."

    Thinking this would be a cake walk Atticus replied "got it", and with out further hesitation walked out of the shop.

  11. Well rested from his first real adventure within the game. Atticus set out the next morning with the intent of upgrading his gear. As Atticus walked the streets of the city however, he was unimpressed by what he saw. Determined not to give up, he continued his search until he came upon a player run forge. Pleaed with the idea of having the opportunity to have something custom made, Atticus walked inside to have a look around.

    Not sure if anyone was around or not, Atticus picked up an order form from the desk and began filling it out.

    Name of Item: World Breaker

    Type: Two-Handed spear

    Rarity: Rare

    Modifier: +2 damage

    Description: A heavy but incredibly balanced war spear. At one end is a sharp pointed tip, on the other is a counter balance which could be used to bludgeon an enemy.

    Name of item: Thunder Forged Gauntlets

    Type: Gauntlets

    Rarity: Rare

    Modifier: +2 Mitigation

    Description: Gaunlets crafted for use by a heavy spear user with a lightning bolt engraved on the top of each hand.

  12. Feeling his temper continue to rise, Atticus once again charged head on at the boar. In the same fashion as before, the boar charged aswell. Only this time as the boar leaped into the air, it tore the wound left by Atticus only successful attack further open. Slamming to the ground and wimpering, the boar ceased to continue moving. "Finally" Atticus said aloud. Although it wasn't the prettiest ending to the fight, Atticus was releaved to be rid of the pesky boar and make his way back to town.

    ID: 11341 BD:5 MD: 1

    Atticus- attack misses

    Boar- critical failure, deals 1 damage to self


    Boar-3/3(drops no loot)

    As Atticus entered back into town he made a b-line for the inn. Exhausted from his night spent out in the woods and his seemingly never ending battle with the boar. Nothing could possibly feel better to him at the moment then the comfort of his own safe bed. Reminded again of who he really was out in the woods, Atticus decided he would put training aside for now, and set his eyes on the completion of his first quest.

    Total Loot- 3 mats, 400 col

  13. Much like he did with the wolf, Atticus approached the injured boar and once again raised his spear into the air. Only this time as he thrust his spear downwards, the animal managed to scamper backwards just in the nic of time in order to dodge the attack. Frustrated as all get out, Atticus wanted nothing more than to finish this fight.

    ID:11339 BD: 3 MD:4

    Both attacks miss



  14. Unfazed by his multiple failed attacks, Atticus prepared for the boars next attack and took a defense stance yet again. This time as the boar charged Atticus was able to side step the attack, like he had done many times before to other mobs, and land a slashing blow along the boars side. Finally being able to land an attack, Atticus spirits were renewed as he prepared to finish the beast off.

    ID:11337 BD:6 MD:3

    Atticus-hits for 1+1=2

    Boar- misses



  15. Growing angrier by the minute, Atticus charged head on at the boar. As the distance closed they both leaped and collided in mid air, canceling out each others attacks. As Atticus stared in disbelief, he didn't understand why couldn't manage to land a successful attack on the boar.

    ID: 11336 BD:4 MD:5

    Both attacks miss



  16. Taking the full force of the boars attack head on, Atticus was knocked back several feat. Winded from the blow, Atticus kept his distance and took a defensive stance. Charging to attack again the boar leaped into the air. This time however Atticus was able to dodge the incoming assault but failed to deliver a counter attack. Growing annoyed with the peskyness of the animal, Atticus was determined to hit with his next attack.

    ID:11334 BD:5 MD:2

    Both attacks miss



  17. Distracted by the pain, Atticus once again swung his spear around in an attempt to strike the boar only to miss again. "Damn" he thought, the encounter with the wolf, coupled with the long hike out of the woods most of taken more of a toll on him then he thought. As the boar dodged his attack, it quickly leaped forward headbutting him in the chest.

    ID:11333 BD: 1 MD: 8

    Atticus-attack misses

    Boar- hits for one



  18. As Atticus holstered his spear, he saw the familar flashing light in his HUD once again. Atticus opened his menu and read the message "LEVEL UP!". "Nice" he though to himself. As the sun began to rise over the treetops, he could now figure out the route he had to take and began walking. As he cleared the edge of the woods and emerged once again into the grasslands, he decided he would continue his training. Spotting a boar near by he entered its agro range and launched his attack. Missing his mark by a mile, the boar countered his attack and struck his leg with its tusk.

    ID: 11331 BD: 2 MD 9

    Atticus- attack misses

    Boar- deals 2 damage



  19. Standing over the beast, Atticus lifted his spear into the air and violently drove it into the wolfs head. With this final move Atticus not only defeated the wolf but his own fear. Staying true to the vow he made to himself before the battle, Atticus had stood his ground and managed to defeat the strongest mob he had yet to in counter and by doing so returned him to his former self. He was no longer afraid of the game, instead he felt supior to it and it's players. From this point on nothing would stand in his way.

    ID:11327 BD:6 CD:11 LD:9 MD:2

    Atticus- deals 1+1=2 damage

    Wolf- deals no damage


    Wolf-0/7(drops 1 mat)

    Total loot- 3 mats

  20. Now in the light, the mysterious beast turned out to be an abnormally large wolf. Not allowing himself to be distracted by the thought of what a high level mob like this was doing on the first floor, Atticus prepared for his next attack. As atticus studied the wolf, he felt like he could almost anticipate its next move. As the wolf once again lunged forward, Atticus swung his spear around on a horizontal plane slamming it into the beasts side, and tossing it into the ground.

    ID: 111321 BD: 8 MD:1

    Atticus- deals 1+1=2 damage

    Giant wolf- attack fails



  21. As Atticus maintained a visual on the set of eyes, a strange feeling came over him. Slowly his fear faded away and was replaced with an almost unsettling calm, unholstering his spear, Atticus felt like he had ice running through his veins. Unlike the encounter with the wasps in the grasslands the day prior, Atticus knew there was no chance of escape from this encounter. He would either emerge from this fight victorious, or die right here and now in the woods. This didn't scare Atticus however, in ernest it made him feel alive. This game had taken him out of his comfort zone and filled him with self doubt, but backed into a corner Atticus was finally reminded of who he was. At that moment Atticus made a vow to himself, no matter what the circumstances he would no longer allow fear to guide his hand, from this point on anything that stood in his way he would destroy or die trying.

    Electrified with adrenaline, Atticus began stepping forward towards the shadows in an attempt to draw the beast out. Now only a few feat away, whatever was in the shadows lunged forward in an attempted attack. Anticipating this move, Atticus quickly side stepped the attack and in the process swung his spear around in time to plung it into the beats side.

    ID: 11303 DB: 10 CD: 12 LD: 9 MD: 3

    Atticus- deals 3+1=4 damage

    Mysterious beast- attack misses


    Mysterious beast- 3/7

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