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Posts posted by Xanatos

  1. Its funny to think that even in this messed up game, there are still some things that can make us feel as human as ever. Was this intended? Did the Dev really want to make us feel at home in this world? Well if he did, he sure hit the nail on the head with the number of suffering people.


    I wandered past the market to find a fountain...This is where I met Majyenta...it seems so quiet now. No more crying kids, shouting players panicking about not being able to log out.


    The fountain was somehow lit from inside itself...its oddly metaphoric...a thing of beauty that requires nothing other than itself to be...beautiful....


    Im starting to really feel..tired...not just tired physically (not that I'm not still feeling some soreness from todays bout with the boar), but mentally. Iv'e only been here one day and i can already feel like I'm slipping back into my old life.

  2. I nearly cried at the sound of her voice, a voice singing lyrics reminding me of all the lives forgotten, all the lives that will be left behind in the shadows of history.


    When she finished her song, she bowed shyly. I blushed a bright red when I realized I was the only one to stop and hear her song.


    "Thank you my lady" I spoke as i leaned in to give her a few col for her talent.


    "No, thank you kind sir, you stopped and listened when no one else would, and that's payment enough for me :)" she said.


    She smiled at me and dissappeared into the crowd..."Was that even an NPC? What am I saying, of course it is!....isn't it?!" I thought to myself.

  3. I see a large clump of light a few blocks down the road. A festival? A market? 


    I hurried down the street to find a collection of what appeared to be NPCs. Artists, crafters, dancers lined the streets. It made me feel...happy somehow...


    I listened to a singer on the corner...she was gorgeous...wearing a blue silk dress singing an oddly familiar tune....


    "Hold me fast, Hold me fast cause I'm a hopeless wanderer....And i will learn to love the skies I'm under" her voice softly sang as i sat down and listened

  4. As i exited the glitch I found myself reflecting more and more on my past...about those so called "golden years of childhood". Those kids in Vagrants Hollow have no one to care for them....Why?


    Because everyone either cant or wont do anything about it....its not fair but that's life, virtual or not.


    I wander the city further, the street lamps light my way but i still feel like I'm lost in this massive place


    Majyenta was maybe a glimpse of what I could call a friend in here...maybe with more like him we can start to help kids and even older people like Grevas and the kids of Vagrants Hollow

  5. "Don't worry my friend, i wont tell a soul, trust me I've been in this exact situation...I only wish i could help in some significant way"


    "Well if I were you, I'd just make sure people knew that there are some even in this game that are way worse off than them...thats all i ask" Grevas implored.


    "Wise kid...wiser than I was at that age" I thought to myself.


    "Well ill keep that in mind" I reassured Grivas. "pats Grivas on his head"


    "Good luck kid" I smiled.

  6. Damn...so many children left behind in the chaotic scramble to make sense of our situation...


    Sadly, I've seen this kind of thing before...children piling up on each other, fighting and scraping for life.


    "Honestly, id prefer that you not tell people about this place, we've learned that PK protection doesn't work down here.....the hard way..." Grevas explains

  7. "Well I'm not much of a leader! But Im not afraid of you either!" a young voice from the crowds boomed.


    A young man looking about 13 or 14 runs up to me.


    "I'm Grevas! And this my tall intruder is Vagrants Hollow! A bit of a glitch in the game, you see this is technically a tunnel under the city, but this entrance is a false wall!


    "A glitch? I wonder how many of these there are in SAO?" I thought to myself.


    All of SAO's forgotten and orphaned kids end up here at some point, looking for food or col to keep them going." Grevas explained 

  8. I stumble in to find a room mobbed by small kids! These guys and girls couldn't have been above the age of 12!


    The kids began to gasp and scatter at the sight of me, they were clearly scared and cautious of older players.


    "Is there a leader among you? Someone that i can talk to?" I shouted

  9. I sprinted to the alley, following the shadow wherever i could go. A soft laughter, almost a giggle.


    After rounding a corner, I find myself at a dead end!


    "Where the hell did it go?" i asked myself as i wandered closer to the wall.


    "There's no way they could just walk through walls....could they?"


    I place my hand on the wall only to have it phase straight through!

  10. The pitter patter of footsteps echoing down an alley every now and then. Through life I've learned two things for sure: 1. people follow with a purpose. and 2. that purpose Isn't always positive.


    I turned around to the sound to try to spot my apparent night stalker.


    "hmph...nothing" i muttered to myself.


    "Are you sure?" a mysterious whisper uttered.


    I looked around frantically, barely catching the glimpse of a shadow in an alleyway.

  11. After arriving at the Inn, Majyenta and I parted ways...for now. I began walking through the streets of the city, looking for something interesting!

    A singer, an artist, any night life that would bring about some feeling of humanity in me.

    Walking on and on the streets seem strangely empty, but i kept feeling as if i was being followed.

  12. "Sounds good to me! I hope your friends are all right :( there are PKers out there that like to prey on players like us." I warned. "In my opinion, Pkers that are still killing others after learning that they will die IRL too disgust me...murderers..." I added.


    "Heads to the inn with Maj"


    "Hmmm this guy seems alright, I hope there are more people like him in the world, these are the people that give hope"  I thought to myself. With this new friendship formed I hope to find more


    of those like me in SAO, ready to become stronger and stronger til we defeat this evil!

  13. "Looks down" "Ah! I see now hehe...aren't I a ditz? XD I'm sure this will come in handy later!"


    "Hands Maj the ore"


    Well its getting dark, how about we head to town for the night? As much as I love the outdoors, I don't think it would be safe to camp out here considering our levels." I said. Not to mention the PKers that may like to go


    hunting at night to catch the stragglers coming in form hunting mobs. I feel for those who find themselves at the mercy of those who actually like to play the bad guys.

  14. "Pockets the col" Haha, so it seems! Well, I hope that this heals soon, I hate being on the ground. Makes me feel like I lost a fight! But hey where are the crafting mats?"


    "searches for materials"


    "it should have dropped a common material though right? That's what the game manual says. "Dear lord i hope its not a glitch, they are very unpredictable sometimes in the way they affect the overall game mechanics" I pondered.

  15. "Yeah it doesn't tickle!" I grunt hard as i sit down in the field. "Takes out bread and water" This should help me out a bit!"


    "Eats bread and water as we recap our first experience in combat" "I was surprised that you weren't harmed! Maybe you should go harder in the paint ;D" I chided. Although he didn't take any damage, his adaptability to


    the boars attacks was impressive. Most fighters just charge and get themselves hurt the moment something goes wrong, but this guy, he adapted very quickly.

  16. Haha! Nice try my friend! "Damn he cant hit anything today, i wonder whats got him so distracted? Could it be about his friends we kept waiting for? Or maybe something else?" I thought to myself.


    Feeling ready to end this I slash fast across its side!






    I slash deep into its side! The boar, enraged, writhes around hard striking me hard in the chest with its tusks! ARGH! I can feel its tusk bury into my chest. "Reminds me of that time i fought that Russian guy in an alley for food back in the real world, he pummeled my chest with is skull. Damn that hurt.


    Boar: 0/6= 1+1 (skill dmg)=2

    Xanatos: 3/7 (boar crit=3)


    The Boar dies with my blade in its side!

  17. With the boar disoriented I seize my chance and stab at its eye! Maybe i could blind it and make suffer a penalty so Maj and I are in less danger of being hit!






    Success! My rapier finds its mark straight into the boars eye! slightly blinding it! (-1 to Boars BD roll) Hey! that was my first really good move, it felt great! The success payed off because that boar is only a few hp away from finally dying!


    Boar 2/6 =1+ skill dmg (1)=2dmg

  18. These boars are no the most intelligent, but they sure do put up a damn good struggle! With the boar on the ground i lunge at its exposed belly! "This may be a bit too easy when they are on the ground like this" I shouted.


    I miss narrowly as the boars tusk scrapes my arm. "Damn it!....Well that didnt work out the way i wanted to!" I yelped. I look down to see a pretty decent cut in my arm, it was not very deep but man it stung! Ow!




    Xanatos: 6/7




  19. "If we don't learn from the past my friend, we are doomed to repeat it in the future" I spoke firmly. I got the feeling instantly that something troubled Majyenta, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I was usually very good at reading people.


    In this case, Majyenta was hiding something he did not yet want to share, a question he hasn't had answered. Maybe when we are better acquainted I could ask him about his life outside this world, but for now, we fight!


    I ready myself to battle the boar. It's hulking body was intimidating at first, but I knew between the two of us that we could handle it!


    "I get the sense that you like to fight." I shouted at Majyenta. "Lets see if you've got the guts to charge it!" I goaded.

  20. "Well, on the outside I was much like her. a drifter. Alone and hungry. I watched little kids just like her all over the world starve to death. But feeding them didn't help, I only got results when I got to the source of their


    poverty. The bigwigs up top that care nothing for the lower classes. Crime bosses, big time CEOs, spoiled rich kids, they all look down on them. Destroying their hopes and dreams...


    We reached the gates of the city as i finished my little speech.


    "Now we face the same problem here. A madman bent on holding us here, like guinea pigs."

  21. Mayenta, Look.


    As Maj turns to me he sees the little girl being harassed and tackled by an older boy scrounging for food.


    "I know your intent was good, but in poverty, raising one above another in the wrong setting can attract dissent and aggression towards the one helped"


    I look away and start to walk towards the meadow again. "Well at least he didn't yell in her face to leave her alone, I guess that's a plus." I thought to myself "Maybe there is hope for people in this game, shown by this


    young man".

  22. As we are walking outside the city I feel something tugging in my pocket!


    "Hey! what th-" A little girl, looked to be about 9 or ten, was trying to pickpocket me! I grabbed her hand. "Hey, you don't need to be doing that little one. Besides i have nothing for you to take, sadly." I spoke softly


    The girl looked to Majyenta, a sad, desperate look in her eyes. "Anything Mister? Anything would help." she spoke in a soft stressed voice. I couldn't help but feel my heartstrings tugged at by her pleas, but I knew better


    than to give her food in the middle of all this commotion.

  23. As Majyenta and I arrived at the inn we realized it was just as crowded as the town square! It surprised me just how many people could fit into such a relatively small inn. But it was like a can of sardines for sure.


    "hmmmm...maybe we should try to find a meeting place that isn't swamped by people!" I inferred to Maj. "Maybe the meadow outside the city would be suitable!" I added.


    "I want to see if this guy is alright in the head, he seems pretty calm for a guy trapped in a deadly struggle for his life." I thought to myself.

  24. «Name» Xanatos
    » Username: Xanatos
    » Real name: Connor Krivas
    » Age:19
    » Gender:Male
    » Height:6"2
    » About: Connor was a drifter lulling through life. He moved around a lot all over the world. Being homeless most of his life, It had some advantages. Meeting different people of different nationalities, he grew very open to new people and cultures. But living like as a drifter meant long nights in gutters and alleys, they weren't the most comfortable living space. One rainy night he was taking shelter under an overpass when a black Mercedes stopped in front of him. Connor hoped that the man was stopping to give him money so he walked up to it. The window rolled down to reveal an older gentleman with tired eyes and wire brimmed glasses. "Would you like a warm bed and a meal, my friend?", the man asked Connor. "All I ask in return is a favor", he added. Connor stood in the dark and wondered if he could trust this man. People often disappeared in these neighborhoods because of the street crime. Considering he had no money or food left he agreed. Connor entered the Mercedes and rode off to what he would soon find is his greatest adventure. While living with the man, he discovered that he was an inventor doing independent research of the technology of virtual reality gaming. He taught Connor to be civilized again and bring out his old talents and memories long forgotten. Connor was asked to participate in an experiment involving a new device of virtual reality gaming. The inventor called his modified version: "REACH" 
    Connor submitted, relishing at the thought of the new world he would be opened to. When Connor linked in to Sword Art Online for the first time he was in awe of the sight before him, the thousands of people and cultures represented from throughout the world. He was nearly overwhelmed at the scope of the new life he was about to lead. But then a red man appeared in the sky, he thought for a moment it was an Easter Egg from "Deadman Wonderland". The red man began to explain that we could not leave until the game had been cleared...and that any death we suffer in this game, we suffer in real life as well...
    Once again, Connor was adrift...alone...no one to care for him there....no inventor to save him this time...He looked around to see a sight that nearly broke his hardened heart, teens and younglings crying out for their parents. Now, no one had their family. Connor had been drifter almost all his life but these kids have just been thrown into the fire of loneliness. Connor swore then and there that he would give hope to those in SAO that had none. Show them that even in a world of death and chaos, there is still a light, and that light is freedom.
    » Virtues:
    Compassionate. Feels empathy for those around him less fortunate than he. Always looking for ways to help others in need.
    If one finds themselves alone and in need of a friend, look no further! Knowing the trials of starvation and homelessness he feels the pain of any orphan or player lost in the streets.
    Valiant. Excited to protect those that would threaten the ones he cares about. Will come to the aid of anyone he calls friend!
    The struggle to survive is a harsh one, he will do anything he can to defend hope, even if it involves violence. He feels any fight to protect hope is worth fighting tooth and nail for!
    Courteous. A gentleman at heart. He has learned throughout life that manners and a smile can go a very long way. Abhors when a man is rude to a woman, especially a beautiful one at that.
    Will almost never confront you with harsh words or aggression, unless you have done something to offend him.
    » Flaws:
    Naive: Can be fooled into thinking hes getting exactly what he wants, when in reality hes being played. Doesn't always see past the motives of those who are asking for help.
    Being overly compassionate can lead to overoptimism which leads to believing in something that truly isn't there.
    Cocky: A little too sure of himself at times. Can seem pretty arrogant to those who don't know him. Even if it's a fight he cant win, he will act as if it was never a challenge.
    His overconfidence gets him into trouble with those that clearly have the advantage.
    Lonely: Depends a little too much on others to make him happy. and yet it never really fullfills him. Looking in SAO for someone that makes him feel like he truly matters.
    His lack of family throughout his life makes him envious of those who have strong friendships and families in game.
    Profession: Performer! Rank 1
    Skills: Unspent points: 1
    Light Armor:  Rank 1
    Effect: The effectiveness with which a player can use Light Armor Equipment. 
    For each skill point invested in the Light Armor Skill, incoming damage is reduced by 1 damage point. (
    Must have light armor equipped to take advantage of this benefit)
    Athletics: Applied
    Effect: +1 DMG, +5 HP
    Description: You can endure more, are quicker and stronger than average.
    Precision- Applied
    Effect: +1 Accuracy (ACC)
    Description: Your strikes find their mark more often.
    Sprint & Acrobatics:Applied
    Effect: +1 Evasion
    Description: Able to perform complex jumps, flips, balancing acts, dance, tumbles, and somersaults as well as reach areas of the map that are outside of a normal player’s ability to reach via being able to jump and reach ledges and other means of climbing.
    Search & Detect- Rank 2

    Effect: +1 LD per rank.
    Description: Players investing in the search and detect Skill have a higher chance of finding hidden Treasure and Loot Chests as they explore Aincrad, as well as being able to detect hidden monsters and traps. For each Skill Level invested, a player gains +1 to their LD.


    Extended Weight Limit- Rank 1


    Effect: Players start out with an inventory with 6 available slots, and gain one extra slot per Skill Level invested in the Extended Weight Limit skill.
    Description: Investing in the Extended Weight Limit skill enables a player to carry more gear into the field, be it weapons, armor, or usable items

    Activated free - 5 post cooldown
    Effect: Gain +1 to the BD result for a single action.
    Quest: <The Gemini> Completed.
    5 Ranks- Rank 1
    Meditation allows the user to lessen negative effects such as paralysis and poison, this skill also allows one to regain lost HP (1 HP to begin and increases by skill rank, the max rank being 5), the negative effect healing is activated by rolling 7+ while the HP heal effect activates alongside the negative effect one when rolling a natural 10+ on the Crafting Dice.
    Quest <Calming The Soul> Completed


    Permanently increase your health by 5 points.
    Quest: The Traveler 

    Weapon skills: 
    One-Handed Rapier: Rank 3
    The effectiveness with which a player can use one hand thrusting type swords. (Example: Rapier, Epee)
    Familiar: Porthos, The Phoenix (No enhancements)
    2 Materials. [sand Armor Potion] This incredibly potent alchemical salve can be applied to a piece of armor, increasing damage mitigation/resistance by one point for one battle. (MIT +1)
    The Matriarchs Stinger (+1 DMG for one thread),Amulet of The Beast, Cloth clothing."Garanzia" a basic violin. "Immortal Fang +2 ACC +1 DMG" "Vladmir's Cuirass +3 DMG MIT"  "Cloak Of Righteous Justice +2 EVA +1 Savvy"  "Mouse Plushie +2 LD" 1 HP Potion
    »1150 col - 850 col from purchases made from Oikawa= 300 Col
    >>300 Col plus 400 from quest= 700 Col 
    >>+400 from quest=1100 Col
    >>+400 From RP=1500 Col
    >>+400 Col from RP=1900 Col
    >>+400 Col from "Cave of Harmonies"= 2300 Col
    >>+55 Col from "That Stinging Feeling"=2350
    >>-800 Col for "Mouse" from The Lion's Den=1550 Col
    >>-1200 Col for HP Potions from Catfish Sundries=350 Col
    >>+200 Col from RP=550 Col
    >>+400 Col from RP=950 Col
    >>+240 Col From RP=1190 Col
    Hopeless Wanderer (Complete) (+1 SP)
    One Of These Nights (Complete) (+1 SP)
    (Quest) A Worn Welcome (Complete) (+2 SP)
    (Quest) Gemini (Complete) (+4 SP)
    (Quest) Calming The Soul (Complete) (+2 SP)
    (Quest) Earning A Living (Complete) (+2 SP)
    (Quest) Search for the Hoya (Complete) (+3 SP)
    (Quest) Feeding the Enemy (Complete) (+2 SP)
    Moonlight Relaxation (Complete) (+1 SP)
    No Such Thing As Second Impressions (Complete) (+1 SP)
    Like A Knife Through Butter (Complete) (+1 SP)
    Cave of Harmonies (Complete) (+1 SP) 
    Part I: To Become Faint (Complete) (+1 SP)
    (Quest) Long Live The Queen "That Stinging Feeling" (Complete) (+4 SP)
    Reflecting On Recent Events (Complete) (+1 SP)
    (Quest) It'll Be A Cold Day In Hell <<Avalanche>> (+4 SP)
    Hunters (Square One) (Complete) (+1 SP)
    (Quest) The Desert Takes Everything From You (+4 SP)
    Reprise (+1 SP)
    (Quest) "Arabian Knights" <<The Traveler>> (+2 SP)
    "Daze Off" <<In Progress>>
    Relationships (optional)
    >> Aika (Friend)
    >> Oikawa (Guildmate and Friend)
    >> Calrex (Ally and Friend)
    >> Azide (Guild Leader and Friend)
    >> Noctis (Fellow Adventurer)
    Story Thus Far (optional)
    ARC 1: Arrival
    ARC 2: A New Life
    Arc 3: Friendship
    When the String Snaps <<In Progress>>
    With Friends Like These! <<In Progress>>
    Daze Off <<In Progress>>
    Prey (Square One) <<In Progress>>
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