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About Takneil

  • Birthday 08/25/1997

Profile Information

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  • Location
    Lincoln ME
  • Interests
    Roleplaying has been a factor in my life for a very long time but doing so over the internet is a new found addiction of mine I don't plan on getting rid of anytime soon...

    Gaming is in my blood though I don't consider my self...what was it now...'MLG'? I don't know whatever that was I am not a part of. I am more along the lines of a classic gamer enjoying the simple sidescrollers or 2D RPGs though I still love playing the new generation games but I always seem to fall back onto previous generations.

    I can go on and on when it comes TCGs but there is one particular card game I have put a small fortune into collecting...Magic The Gathering, in my own opinion it's not about the price of the card it's about how it is important to you...though I wouldn't mind getting my hands on a Black Lotus haha.

    Every once in a while I spar with my friends in sword fighting, it's fun finding out the skills of the ones close to me and developing my own skills.

    I enjoy discovering new things and finding new friends...if anybody wants to just chat send me a message in the form of a PM and we can just talk or just Mini RP for fun :)

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  1. Does anyone have one of those magical equipment altering eggs from the Easter boss way back when I could purchase?.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Takneil


      It changes the weapon's form, so say a curved sword to a straight sword. 

    3. Rain


      I thought the the VIP Voucher does that.

    4. Aster


      Yeah, VIP Vouchers changed one perfect into any other perfect. But again, that's if anyone still has any of those o_o

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