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About Takneil

  • Birthday 08/25/1997

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  • Location
    Lincoln ME
  • Interests
    Roleplaying has been a factor in my life for a very long time but doing so over the internet is a new found addiction of mine I don't plan on getting rid of anytime soon...

    Gaming is in my blood though I don't consider my self...what was it now...'MLG'? I don't know whatever that was I am not a part of. I am more along the lines of a classic gamer enjoying the simple sidescrollers or 2D RPGs though I still love playing the new generation games but I always seem to fall back onto previous generations.

    I can go on and on when it comes TCGs but there is one particular card game I have put a small fortune into collecting...Magic The Gathering, in my own opinion it's not about the price of the card it's about how it is important to you...though I wouldn't mind getting my hands on a Black Lotus haha.

    Every once in a while I spar with my friends in sword fighting, it's fun finding out the skills of the ones close to me and developing my own skills.

    I enjoy discovering new things and finding new friends...if anybody wants to just chat send me a message in the form of a PM and we can just talk or just Mini RP for fun :)

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  1. YAY! Three more people die for no reason. Congrats Tea. Leaves site because of BS.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Shirien


      A room full of people on low hitpoints and possibly energy, exhausted mentally at the least from the fear of death and finally lowering their guard to create openings that were not present before...

      Nope, can't imagine why someone would pick that venue for some axe murder. I mean, it's tragic and stuff, but if you are evenly matched with the people up there or even just have a teleport crystal, it's a damn easy way to assassinate someone.

      Then on the other hand doing it in public is also a surefire way to have your name and face known and plastered everywhere for a lynching. Pros and cons.

    3. Takao


      If you're a mental case whose only interest is killing and you can't think of the repercussions then yeah, I can understand why it might be a tempting venue for it. Otherwise though, like you said, I think the cons greatly outweigh the pros. Getting caught was dangerous, especially when you're in a room full of the strongest players in the game.

      also i like how PKing in SAO-RPG is cruise control for character development. its top lols

    4. Shirien


      I can agree with that, I personally wouldn't start a career in murder where the most influential people are.

      I'd personally put on a mask and full-body covering equipment with maybe some padding to hide my body shape. Unless you are tracking them by name then you wouldn't be able to see who they are unless they willingly joined your party.

      And yeah, it's pretty cool to watch~!


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