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Status Updates posted by Rusty

  1. Welcome back..

  2. Nobody post in Floor 1-10. Wait 9 minutes. I want my post to have been there for a hours.

  3. DON'T LOSE YOUR WAY.... *loses her way almost every single time*

  4. Just realized I hit 200 posts some time ago..

  5. And the op has been set up, the name is glacial exploration if anyone wants to join in.

  6. I'm going to get Rusty a familiar so he'll stop be a sarcastic prick.

  7. *floats in limbo silently*

  8. Good night everyone! Enjoy these words from our sponsers.

  9. Good night world.

  10. No college for you Koko! I'm banning you! You're banning me? I ban thee! You ban me? I'm Banri.

  11. Gonna set up an op, any takers?

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