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Everything posted by CobaltsDream

  1. Beatha watched as she observed him, seeing his reaction to what he saw above them change completely. She narrowed her eyes, “What?†soon looking up for herself to see the familiar looking red berries and leaves handing above the two. She blushed a dark red and looked away, not saying anything.
  2. She panted lightly as he eventually stopped underneath an arch. Beatha squeezed his hand back slightly with a soft smile. “You don’t have to run that fast. We’ll get there.†She reassured him and squeezed his hand again.
  3. The heavy snow didn’t really bother her, it made her mood brighten at the sight but giggled under her breath as he took her hand. “O-Okay!†She chuckled and ran with him, speeding just ahead of him slightly. “The snow isn’t that bad.â€
  4. “How about the Millerwing Diner?†She spoke up quietly after taking a moment to think about the two choices that she had. “I think it’d be great for right now. Just to relax.â€
  5. She shrugged lightly with a soft smile, forgetting about the recent game that they had just played… which neither of them were lucky at. “What else is there to do?†She slid her hands in her pockets as she stood a bit closer to him.
  6. Beatha groaned when she heard the merchant’s voice, soon reaching in after Garou to pick out her last card. ABOUT TIME TO REMIND YOU HOW YOU’RE A LOSER. “Ugh.†She groaned out and tossed the card back at the bag in defeat. “I guess this game isn’t for us huh?â€
  7. She frowned and watched him, kind of bummed that neither of them were getting a good card. She snorted at the merchant and reached in the bag again, it reading: FLAT OUT LOSER. NO DOUBT THERE. She grumbled and crushed the card in her hand with a soft grunt, then looking at Garou. “Your turn.â€
  8. She blinked and stepped forward, reaching into the bag and pulled out a card which read: LUCKY DRAW. TOO BAD YOU’RE NO BETTER THAN A LOSER. Beatha rolled her eyes and looked at Yon. “Give it another try.â€
  9. She shook her head and gently nudged him, “You can go first.†Beatha smiled softly and slid her free hand into her pocket. “I want to see how it’s done first.â€
  10. She giggled quietly under her breath, “Alright. I guess we’ll see when we get there huh?†She smiled at him. She squeezed his hand again, kind of leaning against him as they walked up to the stall.
  11. “Uh.. Sure.†She smiled and nodded, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. “How do we play it?†She realized that she didn’t exactly know how to play. She never heard of it either. Thinking about it got her confused.
  12. Beatha bit her lip as she held back a giggle that nearly couldn’t be contained when he looked away. She allowed him to walk off with her, letting him choose the spot that they were going to go to. The games and activities weren’t much for her, but just hanging around with Yon made her feel content and happy.
  13. Pretty? He thought she was pretty? She managed to smile at the thought, glancing away with a slight blush. “You think that I’m pretty?†She stood up beside him and held out her hand, offering to hold his
  14. “If you say so.†She murmured quietly with a soft smile, watching how much he was blushing around her. “You don’t have to be shy around me.†Her shoulders rolled back lightly as she relaxed against the bench. She shifted her seat a bit, making her scoot slightly closer to him.
  15. She watched him walked off, smiling when he brought back the chocolates and bear for her. “I can’t forget what happened.†She sighed softly, the smile not wavering from her face. “But they do make me feel better.†Beatha reached over and pulled him into a gentle but tight hug, “Thanks, Garou.â€
  16. “Don’t be sorry.†The girl muttered quietly as she adjusted her shirt over the scar again. “You didn’t do anything wrong.†Her eyes wandered over to his, smiling a bit sadly. “If it weren’t for my Da, my brother would have done more than just givein’ him a good skelpin’.†She sighed softly and looked at the ground. “Everything just went downhill after that…â€
  17. She chuckled softly and nodded, her fingers trailing down to the bottom of her shirt and began to play with it to keep her hands busy. “You’re right. I had a boyfriend.†Beatha let out an uneasy sigh, remembering all the events with Andrew like it was yesterday. “I loved Scotland. I wish I stayed. But he was part of the reason that I… We left.†She reached up and brushed the fabric of her shirt over to reveal a scar on her right shoulder. The scarred tissue wasn’t jagged but a clean line, which could have been done with a dull knife. “Andrew… He…†She couldn’t put her
  18. “No you didn’t.†Beatha looked back up at Garou with a soft smile. “I just feel different around you.†She muttered quietly with a soft sigh, leaning back against the bench. “ I’ve never really been alone with a guy in a while… Especially one who’s actually nice to me..â€
  19. Beatha allowed him to pull her close to his body. She tensed up, not being used to anybody really pulling her close but soon relaxed with a soft and quiet sigh. “I understand.†She murmured quietly, looking down at her hands like something important was there. She felt different around him… she wasn’t able to describe it.
  20. “Garou?†She asked when he didn’t respond. Did she say something wrong to him? She hoped she didn’t. Her eyes wandered down to the delicate snow on the ground, wondering what to say. “Did I say something wrong?â€
  21. She paused and shook her head, walking over with him and sat down beside him. “I’m not a social person.†Beatha sighed softly and tugged her feet up on the bench, letting them rest underneath her in an Indian like style. “I don’t think I’d date anybody I don’t know.†She muttered quietly.
  22. She blinked and watched him, kind of startled on how he had acted. She took in a deep breath and let it out slowly with a slight headshake. “Calm down… You didn’t say anything wrong.†She managed to put on a small smile. “I was in a relationship before I came to America. Before that I was interested in anybody.†She smiled. “But I’m single now.â€
  23. Beatha felt his nervousness, not really bothering to push him any farther because of it. She knew how he felt at one point. “I was the same way.†She sighed softly and reached up unconsciously and began to mess with her black hair. “I was… before I came to America.â€
  24. She watched and laughed at the sight with a slight headache. The melting of the snow made her boost her confidence around him. She took his hand on her right side and walked closer to him. “So ah… Have you been in a relationship before?â€
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