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Posts posted by Ferrah

  1. It's a pleasure to meet you Wolfy. And of course you may called me Lost. I can certainly see where you have would have trouble understanding the rules, for I am a little confused by them myself. But as time goes on I am sure that I'll figure it out. Anyways, thanks for the warm welcoming! Hope to see you around at some point. :)

  2. Greetings everyone,

    First off, I just want to say that this site is spectacularly well done. I've looked into other SAORPG's and they don't seem to quite measure up to this one. Especially with the way things are done here. Like leveling up, or the dice rolls. All very clever ideas. Plus, it was easy to find and sign up.

    Anyway's on to the more important stuff, like talking about me. (jk)

    I have had a lot of nicknames, but Lost has always been one of the more common ones. This is due to the fact that I get lost, a lot. Even though that is the case most of the time, it has taken me on some interesting adventures. And scary ones. I attend a university and am currently a sophomore. My major is Social Work. One of my passions is reading (although it's getting harder and harder to do with all the reading homework) and I play tennis. So yeah, that's about it.

    Kay' bye!

  3. AgnegravesObligefull1324516_zpsf3152eb2.


    » Username: Ferrah

    » Real name: Mya Kobayashi

    » Age: 17

    » Gender: Female

    »Height: 5' 6"

    »Apperence Mya has two warm brown orbs that would put chocolate to shame. Just one glace and it feels like they can see into your most inner soul. Like every secret you ever had was now on display for the world to see. Her face is framed by sleek chestnut brown hair. It reaches down to her lower back and is usually let loose. But sometimes when doing taskes she tie it up in a lower ponytail to get it out of her face. The bow as something to add for some decoration. Her skin is a lightly tanned, or kissed by the sun. There is a long vertical scar on the back of her knee from when a dog attacked her. Other than that it appears to be flawless. Like that of a doll.

    »About: Mya grew up in a normal middle-class household. Her mother and father worked all the time so it was mainly her older brother, Vincent, who would watch over her. Together, the duo would get into all kinds of trouble. As Vincent got older though, he mellowed out. Vera on the the other hand got worse. It wasn't long till she was talking back to teachers in school and getting after school detention. When she got suspended in high-school due to her third fist fight, her parents sent her to a school for troubled teens. Going to that school changed her. Sure, she was still rebellious, but she learned to hold back. In order to vent some of her rebelliousness nature Mya took up online gaming, where she could do want she wanted.

    Since Vincent did so well in college he automatically got a job offered. It concluded him going halfway across the world to meet the owner of a massive company. Mya, at that time, was on break from college and was asked by him to house sit. During that time SAO was also released. With the money he saved for years Vincent ended up buying it. Unfortunately, work called and he had to leave. Being the nice brother he was, Vincent allowed Mya to play the game while he was gone. Only hours after he left she fired it up. Little did she know what was going to happen.

    » Virtues:

    -Loyalty:: is fiercely loyal to those that she considers friends/family. She would never turn her back on them and would go the the ends of the earth and back if they needed her too.

    -Analytical: is logical and observant. Perceptive, about both people and situations.

    -Self-sufficient: can take care of herself. One of her pet-peeves is people worrying about her.

    » Flaws:

    Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html

    -Audacious: Hates Rules. And authority.

    -Unlucky: sometime, it really feels like Lady Luck is against her.

    -Stubborn: once her mind is made up, there is no changing it. It would take a lot of reasoning for her to even consider a change. Or pure force.









    Weapon skills :






    » [sP-F1] In the Beginning--in progress

    » [sP-F1] Feeding the Beast--in progress

    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

    Relationships (optional)


    Story Thus Far (optional)


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