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Lily Heartbreaker

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Posts posted by Lily Heartbreaker

  1. ID:16339 BD:10 MD:7

    Lily moved forward at the boar with quick speed. As he launched the spear at the boar and it made direct contact with its neck. It health was just in the yellow. The boar attacked her and it hit her causing for her health to go down a bit. Lily needed to get the meat. She will not go all the way for nothing. She could see it now how happy Mallory would be. Lily pushed the boar back a bit to keep it from attacking again. Damon she had never fought alone before. It was hard going solo. Maybe she should have called a friend like Aramail or perhaps even Greg.

    Lily 10/11

    Boar 4/7

  2. Lily knew first off she need to be able to feed this furry little new friend of hers. Dogs liked meat. Any kind of it really. It would be fairly easy to just go hunt some boars and try to get some meat. Lily proceeded to grabbing her spear and leaving the safe zone. It was just another day out here. Lily held her spear looking at boars to see if she wanted to attack them or not. She finally picked one and readied her spear.

    Lily 11/11

    Boar 7/7

  3. Lily woke up in her soft comfy bed in the inn. It was around eight in the morning so she got up. Lily knew Mallory had to still be sleeping but today she didn't want to wake her up. She wanted to surprise her instead. According to other players and some weird woman you could get a pet aka familiar. Lily had always wanted a dog. Dogs could easily help anywhere. They could help you in combat, or heal your wounds. They also could help you find things hidden for on your view. Lily also think it could help out Mallory. Lily walked out the door. There was areas in the plains they had wolves everywhere. Some were more special then others.

  4. Lily thought again. Maybe she was being a little reckless and she needed to slow down a bit. Their health bars were reduced to half. They needed to train a bit longer or take a rest on it. The wild was dangerous. Who knew what was in store. I guess that would be an intelligent idea. What would like to do in the wait. Just sit here and things attack us? Mallory moved so that she was behind Lily. Sweet little Mallory had already been in danger more than once. But hadn't they all?

  5. Lily followed At Aramail into the cavern deeper. There still was no escape as the eye can see. Then Lily heard strangle should. Like a couple of bones rattling. Lily grabbed her spear. "Bring it!" Lily felt that it was an unfai fight because bbc.co it was dark in this dungeon. Carp she thought.

    ID:16333 BD:10 MD:10

    Lily stabbed forward at the second and felt her spear make its mark. This was going to be a dangerous fight. The skeleton took damage but gave it back tremendously. It sliced a huge red line across her body. Lily backed up. It was strong this Skelton was.

    Lily 8/11

    Aramail 13/13

    Skeleton 17/20 2 base damage

  6. Lily woke up in the morning. It was still fairly early in the morning and Lily really had no col left. She had kept running out because she had to pay the inn keeper, feed her and Mallory and other stuff. She needed a job. That she could work in and make a profit. She needed a job that was in heavy demand. She left a note on the table for when Mallory woke and headed out the door. She looked around town and finally she had an idea by looking at a shop. The Gurando Foij. The Grand Forge. She would be a blacksmith. She walked into the door and looked around the weapon filled shop. She walked up to the owner and asked him, Would you help me?

  7. Lily sighed and smiled at Aramail. She put her spear back to her back and the rain became fierce again blowing Lily's hair everywhere. Lily felt like she needed to get out of the rain. She seen a dungeon entrance and seen that it had a roof as all dungeons do and she whisked Aramail and Mallory into it. Okay we're out of the rain. Now let's hope we can find something in here. It is almost impossible to see. Lily held her spear ready for any attack. She heard lightning strike again and then a boom. She looked behind her and seen there was no going back. censored [censored] [/Censored]! Now we have to find another way out of here. There ha got to be another way out of this mess.

  8. ID: 16302 BD:6 MD:8

    Lily observed as Aramail cleaved the boar in two sending it ablaze in a brilliant blue light. Lily attacked with her spear stabbing the boar damaging it but not killing it. The boar charged her again and hit knocking her back some. Her life bar was nearing yellow quickly. The boar was in red though. The rain calmed down a little and turned to a steady pour instead of fierce rain.

    Lily 6/7

    Aramail 9/9

    Boar B 1/5

  9. ID: 16287 BD:6 MD:7 LD:7

    OOC: Greg next time add your loot dice roll to see if you got loot. I went bavk and looked you did but put the loot dice.

    Lily attacked the last boar stabbing it and it exploded into brilliant blue shards. Lily put her spear away. She sighed and said, "Wow, good qoek guys. I think were ready to clear a easy dungeon. We had great teamwork. We stick together and we can't die. Lily pointed at a dungeon entrance and began to walk to it. She had never been in a dungeon before.... Mallory walked closely to Lily and whimpered. , You'll be okay Mallory. The rest of us are here. Ready everyone?

  10. ID:16285 BD:8 MD:3

    Lily watched as Aramail finally was making his mark. Lily understood that it was her turn now. She moved forward stabbing at the boar. Lily felt resistance as the spear entered irs body. Its bar went down and Lily quickly backed up. The boar striked but missed her. Rain began to pelt them. Lightning crackled and the thunder boomed. Mallory screamed in fear. They had to finish this fight and get back to a dungeon to get out of the rain. Your turn Aramail. Move and attack... We have to finish this fight.

    Lily 7/7

    Aramail 9/9

    Boar A 3/5

    Boar B 3/5

  11. ID: 16264 BD:4 miss MD:1

    Lily watched as Aramail attacked the first boar. He seemed to miss vut so did the boar. Lily attacked surprising the boar. Lily stabbed at the boar but was a bit to high. She and Aramail both had missed. The boar let her back up some. Aramail, go again She held her spear in a defensive stance ready to ward off any attack that might come.

  12. OOC: No, the boar does not have any skills so it has one damage. If it had more than one base damage I would have clarified it in the beginning.

    ID:16262 BD:9 Critical LD:13

    Lily attacked the biggest boar. Boar A. She ran up and ran it tbrough with her spear. She watches as its health bar dropped to zero. It exploded into a million blue shards that seemed to float before her eyes. Lily jumped back to avoid getting hit again. Lily looked at Greg. Hey, at least you did not get hit. Pretty good dodger. That can come handy. Lily looked to Mallory who was sitting in a bush. Girls. Always wouldn't get thwir hands dirty.

    For killing Boar A 25 col gained 5x Mobs health =25

    Lily 5/7 +25 col

    Aramail 5/9

    Greg 7/7

    Boar B 1/3

    Boar C 1/1

  13. Ooh in ou personal messenger when i explained battle to you i forgot the red number is the mobs dice which th exact same as yours. The boar did two damage on you for a critical hit.

    Lily observed Aramail attack the boar and landed a very good clean hit bringing its life down to yellow. Good job! My turn Lily moved forward quickly she popped her spear in her hand and chucked it at the boar bringing its life into the red zone. Lily grabbed her spear out of the boars side but then was slammed into by the boar. Lily watched as her life bar depleted a little. She got up and looked at the raged boar she had just brought to one health. Lily motioned for Greg to move. This battle was alread going there way.

    16258 BD:6 hit 1 damage +1 Skill

    MD: 9 critical hit 2 damage

    Lily 5/7

    Aramail 7/9

    Greg 7/7

    Boar A 3/5

    Boar B 1/3

    Boar C 1/1

  14. OOC: Lily is spelt with 1 L

    Lily walked along the road until her foot landed in the soft grass. She looked around and listened. Then Aramail asked the most random question. "Mallory before SAO did you go to school?" Mallory laughed and answered "I used to go to 1st grade" Lily looked around and noticed two boars. Lily moved slowly ignoring her daughter and Aramail. Aramail, weapon ready She readied to attack. Mallory cringed as a loud boom cracked across the sky form the thunder. Rained poured down on them and the wind picked up.

    Lily 7/7

    Aramaic 9/9

    Boar A 5/5

    Boar B 5/5

  15. Lily seen Aramail and walked over to him. She smiled and then laughed. Most people don't mean "Rain or Shine" literally. It usually never rains. Lily equipped her spear and then looked over at the fields. Let's go fight some boars and the I suppose we could go and clear a dungeon. Death is already a chance everywhere. So why not take some risks? Anyone who has any other idea? Lily began to walk through the rain and out into the fields in search of some boars.

  16. Lily watched as the boy said he would tag along. He introduced himself as Aramail. Lily laughed and said, My name is Lily, and my daughter's name is Mallory. Lily nodded to his question about adding the other boy to their party. She accepted the invite and told Mallory to do the same. She watched as their life bars and their names swerve created under her name. Then Greg appeared under Mallory's name. Lily seen a few boars. They looked fairly easy. Lily smiled and then told Mallory to stick behind.

    Ooh: Mallory may not fight until I create her character which will be after I level I want Lily to be stronger than Mallory.

    Lily 7/7

    Aramaic 9/9

    Greg 7/7

    Boar A 5/5

    Boar B 3/3

    Boar C 1/1

  17. out of context: This is after the OP so Lily, Mallory, and Aramail all know each other. I hope I got the name right.

    Lily looked outside of the inn through the window. She knew it was morning but dark clouds covered the sky. Thunder crackles across the sky. Lily sighed. Today they were supposed to go hunt with Aramail but it was storming. The hunt must go on though. She was determined. She went into her room and took her jeans and long-sleeve shirt in her hands. She put them on and walked into Mallory's room. Mallory was not in her bed though. Lily's heart jumped and she shouted "Mallory!" She looked all around the room until she found her under the bed. C'mon Mallory the storm won't hurt you. Lily pulled the child out and put some clothes on her. Lily got out a jacket for the girl and put it on her. She walked her outside to find Aramail.

  18. Lily watched as she rounded the corner and ran into a boy. Lily fell backwards, her arms flailing backwards. Hey! Mallory looked at the man and then her mother. "Momma! Lily got up and looked at the boy. I am sorry, I did not mean to run into you... I am sorry if I offended you. We will just be heading to the fields... you may join us if you want I guess Lily looked around as she went around the man. She caught eye of another boy who seemed to be coming their way. Lily went into her inventory and equipped her spear. It materialized on her back and she stepped out of the safe zone. Equip your knife dear Mallory equipped her knife and they reached the fields where the boars roam.

  19. Lily looked outside of the inn and seen how bright the new day was. The sun was shining and the sky seemed a bright blue. Lily went into her bedroom and began to take her pajamas off. She sat a moment before putting on her denim jeans and cloth shirt. She brushed her hair and walked out of her room and looked at their small living room. She walked to the door on the other side of the hallway and seen her daughter was still in bed.

    "Mallory, get up its time to go sweetie" Lily watched as the seven year old got up and rubbed her eyes. "Do I have to?" Lily smiles and said, Yes, you can't sleep all day... She grabbed Mallory's hand and led her to the chair. She got out some clothes and threw her a shirt and some what people called short shorts. Put them on Lily walked out of room and poured Mallory some cereal. Lily then watched as Mallory came out of the room dressed. Lily grabbed her hair brush and began to brush Mallory's hair and then sat the child to her spot on the table. Mallory ate and then put on her shoes. Lily walked out the door behind Mallory and they began to walk toward the fields seeing hundreds of shops on the way.

  20. Lily Heartbreaker


    » Username: Lily

    » Real name:Liliana

    » Age:23

    » Gender:Female

    » Height:5'3


    » About: Lily was always the diffrent one from everyone. When she was little she always never talked to the other children. She was always far away doing her own little thing. She was never with her mom dad or sister. Now as a grown woman she is living alone in a house quitely. Then she decided it to be time to interact with others. She got a husband and they had a small little girl they had decided to name Mallory. She got in a fight with her husband and accidentally ended up throwing him off a bridge. He broke a few bones but after a quick hospital visit he was fine. But then for his somking habits he got cancer and died. She was so mad she had to get away so she got Sao for her and her daughter and then was trapped inside. She has chocolate brown hair and blue eyes.



    » Virtues:

    Kind: Lily has always been kind and patient with other people. She realizes that they must have problems and need some time. She understands others so she treats them with kindness and love. She will help amyome that she can help. This could help her make some more friends. It is possible that she will actually come to the part where people like her.

    Determined: Lily has always been determined to finish things. She has never not completed the job. She will finish the job. Non-stop. This will help her stay with the important job and not run away at all. She will stick to the fight no matter the charge.

    Smart: Lily has always been smarter than the average child or adult. She always know when someone is lying and can figure out a problem quickly. She kbows a lot from her life by being a straight A student all of her life. This can help her in dangerous situations avoid traps and other things to keep her and Mallory safe.

    Soft-spot: Lily has one little soft spot... children. She has a daughtet and the moternal instinct to help a child in nedd and be extra kind. She adores children to death.

    » Flaws:

    Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html

    Temper: She does not get mad often but when she does it can get dangerous. She will pretty much attack and rage and harm everything around her. Shhe threw her husband off a bridge she was so mad. This may put her into danger becausr she is meddling with a very strong group. Danger for herself and for her daughter.

    Desperate: She sometimes can get so desperate that she will do almost anything to protect her or her family. She wanted to give her daughter the most safe environment. She will kill anyone or thing that would get in her way. Thus putting her into the danger she has tried to keep herself off all of her life. She will do what she needs to do on the upside.

    Cold-hearted: She is trying to make new friends and such but she is still a cold hearted person. She will sometimes not mind her tounge and yell at someone who she thinks is not acting right. She will laugh at you in her misery if she is having a bad day act like she will leave you to die.

    She can be the rrudest person on earth, ruin your party, wreck your plans on anyday of the year.

    Gullible: Lily has a tendency to be kind a little too much when she will try to make the wrong friend. She can falk right into soneone elses trap and she'd be dead no one to protect poor little Mallory.

    Profession: Blacksmith

    Skill points left 0/2








    Weapon skills:

    »►One-Handed Assault Spear:

    Rank 1/5 +1 damage

    The effectiveness with which a player can use one-handed piercing Spear type weapons. (Example: Javelin, Iklwa)



    » Cloth clothes, starting spear,


    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle

    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress

    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

    Relationships (optional)

    » Mallory: Daughter

    Story Thus Far (optional)


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