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Posts posted by Juzt

  1. Justin wasn't too sure exactly how he should strike next, considering that he was now at the disadvantage. Fortunately, he wouldn't have to really put much thought into it since his answer would quickly arrive. Unfortunately, it would only arrive so quickly because the snake would decide that answer for him. In a matter of seconds, the snake had slithered all the way up to the player and struck out with its fangs, leaving a few slivers of red data as he took a direct blow. It didn't deal much damage, but it bothered Justin that he had so clumsily made the mistake of not landing that first strike, "Yeah, that's right. Stay right there!" He struck out at the creature after it had dislodged its fangs, hoping that his spear could make contact before the head of the snake hadn't pulled too far back, but he was a tad too slow in doing so. The snake had reared its head back to a safe distance and had become a little more wary of precisely what Justin was going for, retreating a few more meters back for good measure. Justin didn't want to be the idiot to run wildly towards the enemy so he beckoned forth, "Come on, get over here!"



    [Dice Roll] 19336 || 3 || 5 || 2 || 6


    [Juzt] 11/11

    [snake] 6/6


    [Juzt] misses [snake]!


    [snake] hits [Juzt]! +1 Damage!


    [Juzt] 10/11

    [snake] 6/6

  2. It was good to see that Dom hadn't completely lost Justin in whatever lucid state he was in, but was more eager to take a moment to pause even if running in this game didn't bring about exhaustion like it so easily could in the real world. It felt unreal how easy some activities were in this world, yet felt so life like in the feeling of it all; this could quite quickly become a reality that some people wanted, it sure beat the reality of no longer having a sports career after all of this. Taking a seat next to Dom on a rock, he finally got an answer and a half, "That's quite... odd. Why would her food supply be left out here in the weltering heat of the desert? Obviously, someone had to br-" Justin placed his head gently into the palm of his hand, shaking it as if he knew he was an idiot, "Hard to remember that these sorts of things don't have to follow the logic of real life, quite lame if you ask me." Regardless of his lacking compliance to the laws of games, he was quite glad to hear they were going to get a pretty sweet reward, "An increased max health sounds pretty good for something this easy, wonder if most of the other quests are this easy." While he was speaking, Dom had already gotten ready to move on, "Sure, meet you there." He let the other player run off while he leaned back and looked up at the sky, "This really is such a weird feeling, I could just imagine myself laying on the playing field right now warming up and seeing the same sky." After a few moments of contemplation, Justin hoisted himself up and kept a fast, solid pace with the intent on catching up to the second member of the duo.


    [Dice Roll] 19334 || 10 || 5 || 20 || 5


    [ssendom] 32/32

    [Juzt] 11/11


    CD of 5, no damage taken.


    [ssendom] 32/32

    [Juzt] 11/11

  3. Well, I would like to mention that this guild shouldn't be worried about high levels hunting them down. They can't attack you unless you come to a consensus, only PKer's can be attacked without a prior arrangement in OPs. Just wanted to put that on the table.

  4. Justin was quite disappointed to find out that something as simple as desert winds didn't have a way to overcome them, but he figured that they couldn't be too harmful if that was the case. If he found out that the wind was too damaging, the two could simply head back into town before they got into too critical of a situation. However, with the party of two departing the town. they both maintained a fast yet not overbearing pace to make it their both quickly and efficiently. Their goal was to have two periods of running, an hour and a half long, with a break for water and air. He said as he matched the volume, "Sounds like a good plan!" Justin wasn't too sure what sort of background Dom had, but it must have been a pretty athletic one to say the least. If he was able to maintain a speed this well, he must have had a background similar to his own; one filled with a variety of sports, track, or something a little more interesting like a militaristic career. Before they got too far, Justin was reminded of something he had meant to ask beforehand, "Do you happen to know what we're getting? I know she said it was some cargo, but what's the deal with it being in the middle of the desert?"


    [Dice Roll] 19148 || 7 || 7 || 6 || 6


    [ssendom] 32/32

    [Juzt] 11/11


    CD of 7, no damage taken.


    [ssendom] 32/32

    [Juzt] 11/11

  5. He followed after the snake, keeping a safe distance between him and the very tip of the lengthy tail, daring not to creep closer until he was at the point in which the grassy forest scape wouldn't render him less than fully capable of fighting. After a bit of tracking and a few hiding spots, just in case this monster of a reptile was going to attack him on site, it finally got to a small clearing near a river giving him the perfect opportunity to strike. It took a moment until it had quieted down, finding itself a nice relaxing spot to soak in the artificial sun rays before Justin crept up with his javelin in hand. Taking one final gulp, Justin let out a hefty grunt while jabbing the spear towards the snake, but pulls downward on the spear just a bit too soon causing him to miss. The snake hissed in anger, wriggling in its own terrorized fear as it was awoken mid-slumber by some incoherent scoundrel looking to ruin its serene life. Justin, on the other hand, was still quite packed with adrenaline as he created some distance between the snake and himself. While it was obviously a bad move on his part to separate himself from striking distance, all he could think was, "Holy censored, I actually attacked that thing. It's going to wrap me and pop my eyeballs out."


    [Dice Roll] 18918 || 4 || 8 || 4 || 10


    [Juzt] 11/11

    [snake] 6/6


    [Juzt] misses [snake]!


    [Juzt] 11/11

    [snake] 6/6

  6. He was pretty uncertain going in, even if he was pulling a poker face to those that he passed running towards the jungle. Some of them looked a little roughed up, but for the most part, the vast majority looked quite alright even if a little tired. Upon arriving, it took a few minutes of walking through tall grass and low hanging vines, struggling to chop what tangled mess truly occupied his path, "I knew I should have went with the typical sword, would have made this a bree-EEEAAAAYYAAHHH!" Just as he was clearing some tall grass to continue walking, he saw a large and fearsome snake nearly as tall as his kneecaps glide by with a hiss. The back was stained with a crimson red, hopefully not from the blood of its fallen victims, "What in the actual hell was tha- No way... That can not be the snake the old fart was talking about," he moaned as the realization struck him dead in the jaw. When the NPC had described the red scaled snake as 'big' and 'nasty,' the geezer wasn't lying or overcompensating in any shape or form. This... thing... was truly horrying, almost as if it was plucked right out of some poor child's nightmare and tossed into a game of life and death, "No snake should be two feet thick and twenty, no, thirty feet long."

  7. Justin snapped his fingers and pointed his index towards the older fellow, "You've got it, gramps. I'll be back in a flash, don't get stuck in a mob before I get back though. I expect you to be waiting right where you are, got it?" The NPC nodded, "No worries, lad, I've got all the time in the world!" While Justin exited the building, the old man shrugged down, "I wish all of us did, Betsy..." Without taking a second glance, Justin began to take a solid jogging speed to the west of the town in a hustle. The sooner that he was able to collect the variety of materials, the better, even if he wasn't quite certain about what kind of danger these creatures possessed to a player as new and powerless as himself. Sure, he had a spear, but it was a starting item, "What good can this beat up thing do? It's even got a rusted look to it." Regardless of the quality of his spear, he couldn't imagine a snake being too much of a threat to a man with a lengthy spear. If they were anything like the real world, they only attacked when they got at a close distance, which didn't matter since Justin chose to specialize in spears, "Lucky me, I guess."

  8. Justin looked across the variety of videos available, slightly amused by the fact that the man had lived quite a diverse life over his programmed days, debating over which particular profession would offer him the better opportunity. After a while of weighing the options, the old man grunted angrily as if his days were numbered, "Okay, I think I've decided." The NPC waited a moment while waiting for the player to announce his official decision, "I believe I'll take the route of an Alchemist, ought to fare me well with my plans." He knew he needed an arsenal of weaponry and armor, which would be far too easily acquired if he was able to make it on his own. He wasn't too sure what the running rates of decent pieces of armor or individual weapons were, but with such a huge influx of players in the game and having only been a few weeks in... It gave him a slight chill at how expensive some of the equipment could be, whereas this newcomer had absolutely nothing more than digital pocket lint to his name. However, he'd only need a few pieces of armor, but he'd probably go through dozens of alchemical items. The older man clapped happily, taking away the visual cues, "That's splendid, now down to business. First thing's first, I need the venom of a redback snake - a big nasty thing it is. It's in the jungle to the west, catch that thing, and I'll trust you're really committed to this deal."

  9. The old man's grin peaked from ear to ear as if enticed with neverending joy, "Oh, there's no catch, no catch at all! I would throw in my old lady too, if she hadn't already kicked the bucket!" He laughed, then paused for a moment, revealing a small whisper of despair, "I miss the annoying coon, she always kept the store clean and stocked for the customers..." He looked back up at his guest, whom hardly raised an eyebrow at the NPC venting his frustrations of his dearly departed piece of cybernetic data, "Oh, right. There's only three things you need to find before I'm willing to pass the key on to you, lad. However, there is one ca-" Justin sighed as if this wasn't his first rodeo, "I knew there was a-" The NPC interrupted him just as nonchalantly, "Abubuuub, let me finish, if you will. Before I can offer you the details, I must ask what profession you're looking into?" He pulled up a few screens with video of him performing different activities, pointing to them one at a time, "You could choose the life of a Blacksmith or Tailor, creating armor and weapons for players to enhance their training. You could live the more heated life as a Chef or Performer, striving to bring a sense of calm and community to the world. Perhaps you're a bit more complicated and would like to become a Merchant or Fisherman? Your call!"

  10. Justin perked his head a bit further upwards at the mention of starting up a business, something that would offer him a personal building, source of income, and available opportunity to chat with some people that had a few things in common. There were far too many pasty white children speaking in some foreign leetspeak tongues about how sophisticated the mechanics of this place was and... "Oh, damn. It's starting to give me a headache just thinking about those hardcore nerds." Upon coming out of the short-lived daydream, the NPC had just finished describing what all the pros and cons were of running a business much like he did as he moved on to what it took to start up, "It doesn't take much to kickstart the whole business scheme, in fact, I'll give you a helping hand!" He closed the distance between him and Justin, lowering his tone once he stopped shuffling around, "I've got a few pieces of prime real estate that I don't really need, I'd be more than willing to give you one if you can show me you're the real deal!" He laughed as if it was some sort of endless joke he's told a thousand times, but Justin latched on to the opportunity in case the older gentleman considered taking it back, "Okay, I -am- the real deal. What's the catch?"

  11. The older guy, probably somewhere in his late forties to early fifties seemed a bit choked up on words as he wiped the sweat off his forehead, "I don't know what to tell ya kiddo, these players all hoard around me the moment I tell 'em about my quest!" The man threw his hands up into the air, "I try to help out every single one, I do, but I am unable to handle so many ruffians at once!" Justin let out a small smirk, interested in hearing more about why this particular NPC was so important to such a number of people, "Go ahead, tell me about it. Take it nice and easy, give me all the juicy details." He lifted one foot up against the door, both arms crossing over in anticipation for what lucky find he happened to come across. The NPC gladly obliged, taking one of the nearby chairs to rest his tired self, "Well, I'm sure this might come across as a surprise, but this is... well, what was... my shop." Along the walls, counter, and a few locations spread about the floor were empty, dusty display cases, "I was the greatest salesman of the game before everyone started pouring in here, now I've decided to retire and teach all these guppies how to grow into flourishing entrepreneurs."

  12. Justin was pretty pleased to know that Dom wasn't such a tough-skinned stickler as many other guys he stumbled across on the first floor, it was amazing just how much a small jest like that could make to a bunch of young men. The newfound pal took a moment to run grab a potion, leaving Justin nodding his head in an excited manner, "I could get used to this, reminds me of a few of the cool guys I knew on the team." Upon Dom's return, Justin opened up his trading menu as he followed along the quick steps in doing so, "I'm surprised it strikes through armor though, is there such an gear that would prevent environmental effects such as that?" He could easily imagine other floors with poisonous, freezing, burning, or worse effects that would require a lot more protection than some measly desert winds, but it was a simple guess at best. He deposited the potion within his inventory and exited the trading menu, then watched as the other got into a casual running track position. Justin aligned himself perpendicular to Dom and held his hand up, keeping only the thumb, index, and middle fingers outstretched, "Got it, on my mark. Ready, set, BANG!" He clicked in his thumb, indicating the start of the (what at first looked like to spectators) race through the desert, before following the fellow towards the quest destination.

    +1 Health Potion (Heals 5HP per post for one post.)

  13. I must be brief since I'm on my phone, but it provides a simple and favorable solution of focusing on certain aspects. Rather than becoming SSJ where the numbers hardly matter, it keeps all players within a respective range. It also promotes more activity on the site since equipment isn't the major point of focus late-game (at least for now, who knows what'll happen once the next ten floors are open), skills are. On the other hand, pretty much any MMO I know of has a limit on how many pieces of armor, gear, spells, etc. you can have on person / in effect at any given time. It's a very popular occurrence for a very good reason, it works!

  14. Justin wasn't too concerned about the possibilities of monsters on the trail, but it was primarily due to his lack of knowledge on just how dangerous the entire situation could be. He looked over to his partner in crime, "Not at all, haven't a clue what's on any floor besides the first and a bit on the third." There wasn't more than a handful of monsters that he encountered, generally from a safe distance or while other players were grinding away at the lower levels. It was quite likely that he would be joining their ranks soon as he needed a little bit of emphasis placed on his training, rather than walking around and losing his chance at overtaking this game as a whole. He could imagine becoming a saviour, a king, or something greater in this world; though it would take a lot more work than he was putting in now if he ever imagined getting to that point. For now, he had a quest to do - one step at a time. He gave Dom an inquisitive look as he not only disarmed himself, but dequipped his armor and further removed his shirt, "Calm down, Dom, this is no love quest." He kept it a lighthearted jab, hoping that the newfound friend would have a likable sense of humor, "Yeah, I'm all good to go, though I wouldn't mind a potion to be on the safe side." No reason to turn down an item that could mean life or death, especially when the death portion was entirely real.

  15. Justin was pretty pleased to see the guy wasn't too caught off guard by the fist pound, most made the mistake of trying to shake, then making an awfully embarassing transition into a fist that winded up in a sloppy pound. This one had a bit of spunk to it, just what Justin was hoping for, "I don't mind the chit chat, no reason in trying to justify your doing so. Pretty much how anyone gets to know each other, be it here or in the real world." His eye caught a hold of an individual that fit the perfect description that was given to him down on the first floor, "Yeah, Dom sounds good. Haven't had the chance to try out the combat with groups before though, didn't think anything of that when choosing a name." Coming from playing games that were pretty much straightforward combat between one player and the other, he had only heard a bit about raids and bosses in massively multiplayer online games. Easy callouts to other players, especially when they have a short enough name to use as the callout, could come out to help in an incredibly simple way, "Kay, just a sec." He hopped over to the NPC and spoke with here, "Oh, kind sir. Would you be ever so kind to an old..." He chatted her up and accepted the quest, "Be careful, sir! There be tales of dangerous conditions out in the desert, the ones you don't walk away from unscathed." He blew it off, waving his hand downwards, "Whatevs, we'll take it from here." He pulled up his menu and invited Ssendom to his party, "Ready, Dom?"

  16. Justin peered to his left as a man roughly his age and size captured his attention, asking if he happened to be looking for the start of The Traveler quest, "Yeah, I guess that's what it's called." Recalling on what the young player had told him earlier, he didn't mention that it was specifically a quest nor that it had a name, but it seemed about right. Traveling in the desert and whatnot, "Looking for some sort of dark robed NPC, but she doesn't want to come out and play with me though." Sir Talksalot seemed to be more into getting to know Justin though, rather than helping him figure this dilemna out, "Not too sure, dude. Haven't done enough to give you a clear answer on that." Justin wasn't about to say he was having it rough considering he wasn't, but if he was, he'd likely never admit it. However, the stranger happened to be pretty open with his own feelings, explaining that he hadn't done much himself since he's been here. At least he had actually done something though, in comparison to the man that had lounged around and enjoyed the change of pace during his stay here. Getting back on track with the matter at hand, Justin was pretty eager to take on the opportunity to get some aide with the quest, "Sure thing, man. The name's Juzt, by the way," he extended his closed fist towards the talkative individual for a quick pound, "Let's get it on."


    The Traveler, <> Extra Skill
    This quest is only available on the 5th floor.

    A mysterious NPC wearing a thick cloak that wraps around her entire body, including her face, approaches and explains that she has precious cargo in the depths of the deserts, hidden beneath the sand. She has become weak with sickness, and must rest. However, the goods must be recovered within two days. It’s up to you to find it.

    The trip into the desert will take a day and a night, so you must be prepared to survive. Once in the desert, you lose a point of health every time you roll a 1 on your crafting die due to the wind and the sand. If you manage to survive this quest and find the cargo, you will be gifted with the <> extra skill.

    This skill will give you the ability to survive harsh areas. Also, for every 3 turns OUT of combat, you regain five points of health.

    This RP will not count in the benchmark.

    Requirement: RP must be at least 1-2 pages.   (22 or more posts)

    You will be gifted with the extra skill <>.
    You will gain 1 Skill Point

    PP are welcome, and all party members participating can earn the skill.



    After having spent a few days getting to know the world better, Justin hadn't made any true progression in the game itself. He hadn't performed any particular feats in leveling up or learning the types of monsters of this game, he had mostly slacked off and explored what there was to offer. It was only on a whim that he happened upon a player that was going around telling players about a quest on the fifth floor that offered a pretty good reward for newbies, which Justin just so happened to qualify as at this point. He struck up conversation with the player and found out a few of the more important details as to where it was, then made his way up the next four floors. When he had arrived on the fifth floor, Justin made his way towards the center of town, looking for shady lady NPC that the boy had described, "The twerp said she'd be here, where is she?"

  18. He had noticed a small crowd formed around a player, all in a frenzy of shouting and yelling over one another. He made his way over, wondering what could cause such a ruckus in a fairly quiet town, but it wouldn't be clear to him at first. The player that had been surrounded was trying to answer everyone's question one at a time, though he way having trouble in doing so due to the consistent interruptions. Justin pushed his way into the middle of the bunch, knocking a few down to the ground as he did so, "Get out of my way, assholes. Give the man some space." He grabbed the arm of the geezer getting harassed and pulled him away from the group, finding a nearby shop and blocking the door, "What's the fuss? Why are they giving you such a hard time?"



    <<Earning a Living>>

    This quest takes place on Floor 1
    This quest is repeatable

    This RP will not count in the benchmark

    Description: Every player, to survive in this death game, must make some form of Col. For some, they just hunt mobs. For others, they may earn a living and take up a profession. may meet During your search for a profession you meet a friendly NPC who will train you with your profession. You will have to material hunt and craft your item, or receive a free basic item from the NPC (such as an instrument or fishing rod for performers or fishermen.) Profession options and guides can be found here




    -At least two [2] Pages (21 or more posts)

    -RP can be PP or SP

    -You may have assistance, however only one player may gain their profession

    -Repeatable for Materials only


    1. A title relating to your profession
    2. The ability to open up a shop
    3. 1 extra Skill Point
    4. Extra materials (rolled by GM with Loot Die upon topic completion)

    EXTRA: Until 2/27/15, you have the option to SWITCH your profession by retaking the Earning a Living quest. However, if you switch professions, you lose all progress in your former profession and tools you may have used (such as a crafting needle if you were a tailor) are rendered useless to you.


    All items formerly for sale in your shop related to said profession (such as smith materials if you're becoming a performer) must be sold before the switch is made (either in your old shop or to a merchant). If you had the items that you crafted as part of your personal inventory, you may keep them.




    Recommended Level: 2



    Justin wasn't too sure of where to start, having only played a few games of this genre before. This certainly wasn't as straight-forward as some of the classical fighting games he excelled or one of his favorite single player roleplaying games from decades ago. There was a bit more complexity of where to start, though it turned out most people had hopped straight into combat, something that seemed quite hazardous. If this really was a game in which people would lose their life in the real world when they hit game over, why would they put themselves on such a flimsy front? Surely, they'd want to be a bit more prepared, but to each their own. Justin shrugged his shoulders, "Their loss, my gain."

  20. Skills

    SP: 4/9

    » [Unskilled] Battle Healing

    » » 0 of 50 SP

    » » A passive skill that allows the user to recover small amounts of health in battle. The amount recovered is (6 x Rank Level) % of your max HP rounded down on natural CD rolls of 6+.

    » [Unskilled] Block

    » » 0 of 50 SP

    » » A passive skill that increases mitigation to match the amount of SP invested into it, thus at max rank giving 50 mitigation. Reduces evasion to be always 0. Requires an equipped shield.

    » [Unskilled] Charge

    » » 0 of 50 SP
    » » A post action that deals a bonus DMG of +1 per rank of the Charge Skill. To use this skill, you must charge towards an opponent that is currently out of your melee range and only if it is possible via roleplay. This can only be performed once per opponent.

    » [Unskilled] Extended Weight Limit

    » » 0 of 50 SP
    » » A passive skill that increases the player's ability to carry more equipment by +1 slot per rank of the Extended Weight Limit Skill. Players naturally start out with an available inventory of six inventory slots without this skill. Note that this does not allow the player to wield more items than the standard three at any given time.

    » [Unskilled] Fighting Spirit

    » » 0 of 10 SP

    » » A post action skill that increases hate generated by 1 per post. Thus, attacks generate 1 more than normal and Howl would incur 4 hate.

    » [Unskilled] Heavy Armor

    » » 0 of 50 SP

    » » The effectiveness with which a player can use Heavy Armor Equipment. For each skill point invested in the Heavy Armor Skill, incoming damage is reduced by 1 damage point. (Must have heavy armor equipped to take advantage of this benefit)

    » [Unskilled] Howl

    » » 0 of 10 SP

    » » A post action that adds 3 Hate to all opponents.

    » [Novice] One Handed Assault Spear

    » » 5 of 50 SP

    » » A passive skill that deals a bonus DMG of +1 per rank of the One Handed Assault Spear Skill while using a weapon that falls under this category, such as a javelin or iklwa.

    » [Unskilled] Parry

    » » 0 of 10 SP
    » » A post action skill that allows the player to prepare a parry against the enemies' next attack, reducing damage received by half and prevents being stunned or paralyzed. This can be used on, at most, 4 enemies attacking against you in one turn and costs 2*(# of enemies) energy.

    » [Bonus] Survival

    » » 0 of 0 SP

    » » Increases the health you regenerate per post to 6 when out of combat. Survival also gives immunity to damage dealing environment effects.



    Sword Arts

    One-Handed Assault Spear (13 Arts)

    » [Unlocked] Rank 1

    » » Focused Strike - 1x1 - (1 Energy) - A basic starter skill which thrusts at an opponent.

    » » Snake Bite - 2x1 - (2 Energy) - Two high speed thrusts aimed at the neck.

    » [Locked] Rank 2

    » » Triple Barrage - 3x1 - Stun - (6 Energy) - A mid-tier sword art that targets the opponent's vitals.

    » » Maiming Blow - 4x1 - (4 Energy) - A skill that targets the user's legs with two consecutive thrusts.

    » » Hurricane - 4x1 - AoE - (8 Energy) - Twirls the pole-arm and slices four times across a wide area.

    » [Locked] Rank 3

    » » Soul Pierce - 1x5 - (5 Energy) - A heavy-hitting sword art that strikes at the opponent's heart.

    » » Furious Spike - 1x6 - (6 Energy) - A quick thrust sword art that splits through armor.

    » » Tribal Fury - 3x2 - AoE - (12 Energy) - The spear is wildly swung around in a wide area, seemingly uncontrollably to the opponents.

    » [Locked] Rank 4

    » » Forceful Attack - 1x7 - AoE - (14 Energy) - A powerful mid-tier thrusting attack aimed for the enemies chest.

    » » Dragonfly Cutter - Stun - 4x2 - (11 Energy) - A multiple-hit sword art that chains together four consecutive thrusts.

    » [Locked] Rank 5

    » » Arahabaki - 1x10 - (11 Energy) - A high-end sword art that sweeps through an enemy with one powerful swing.

    » » (MA) Gungnir - 1x11 - (12 Energy) - Uses Martial Arts to kick yourself high into the sky, then throw the weapon at an extreme speed towards an opponent. The force of the attack causes a shock wave upon impact.

    » » Merciless Flurry - 12x1 - (13 Energy) - A high-end sword art that strikes the target with a flurry of rapid thrusts.

  21. General Info
    Username: Juzt
    Real name: Justin Brutus
    Title: The Aincrad Gladiator
    Age: 21
    Gender: Male
    Height: 6'4"
    Profession: Alchemist (Bartender)
    Shop: The Drunken Moogle


    About Me

    Justin was blessed as a sports enthusiast throughout his education, quite literally calling the locker rooms his home away from home. Having started out in middle school as a center midfield on the school's soccer team, which won once and ranked in the top five for his district over the three years that he was a member, he quickly gained attention from his peers. His name might have sparked on the field, but school was where his popularity truly began to bloom. He would break from what was once his usual crowd, a bunch of no names that enjoyed playing board games and watching cartoon marathons on the weekends. He would slowly lose the "innocence" that his mother and father had so lovingly instilled into him, emerging from such with a rather narcissistic demeanor. He began to see himself as better than others; more handsome, skilled, and well off than everyone else. It only got worse as he went into high school, where he took center stage on the field and shared none of the glory with his team. He was the V.I.P. and the only reason they stood a chance or so he claimed, though they didn't argue with the fact he was good. However, his attitude and respect towards the rest of his team was utterly shitty. It had been no more than six weeks before a teammate, one of his childhood friends, had scored the winning goal and Justin totally shot him down. The kid had broken completely down, not showing his face all week in school, until the principle had directly intervened. Justin was banned from the soccer team, suspended from school for a week himself, and was made the joke of the school for the next month. A nickname even spread around, "Just Brutal," one that he hated with a passion.


    To say the least, Justin was pissed. All this time, he thought that he had carried the team, made them what they were, the superstars of the district. Now, he had no source of power, simply what popularity he maintained after the case of bullying that the majority of the school had heard about. His freshman year of highschool had been crushed, simply a time in which he skipped school and watched those around him live on like Justin was a name of a legend that once was - a hasbeen... a one hit wonder. He barely made it through the school year with passing grades, having to make a few of the classes up during summer break, but he had a plan. Surely, he wasn't meant to lose everything here. He was far greater than that, he was a legend. He brought his grades back up, peaking over that 2.5 GPA that was required by the majority of sports teams. Sophomore year hit and signups for clubs and sports were opened up, though this year, the words escaping every student's mouth wasn't that of the soccer team. No, it was when he approached the football table that a collective gasp was heard. Flames rose high as students informed their teachers and parents, a well-known bully that had been banned from the soccer team had once again tried to join a sports team. Social media was cluttered with raging adults, humored students, and a variety of trolls. When it came down to the first week of practice, the principle finally made a decision, stating that, "I have no reason to enact a punishment upon this student; he's served his suspension, is not going to be joining the soccer team, and with a sincere heart, hope that he's changed paths. If he displays any form of harassment upon my students again, he will undergo an ultimatum. Until such an event occurs, let the kids play."


    Justin was benched for most of the practice games, obviously on the wrong side of the majority of players and especially the coach. He had played a few times as a wide receiver, showing that all of his soccer training had not gone to waste. He was a fast bastard, outrunning any of the other members of the team, but they had all shunned him. It wasn't until two weeks in that he got his big break, the wide receiver playing had taken a bad tackle by the cornerback, suffering an ACL tear that would take him out of the season. Justin could care less about the downed ally, it was his time to shine. He took to the field, giving the team one of the best WR that they could have asked for. While there was certainly no way that he could win back the hearts of most of those that had already made up their mind about him, he certainly would gain back his popularity as the all around talented jocks of the school. His popularity that he had missed from the middle school years was finally returning, something that he felt he had deserved all of last year. Those that "were" his friends until the incident last year began to approach him again, not feeling that hanging around him would bring shame upon their own name. By the end of the season, he was better off than he originally was, even if called out every now and then by an upset parent or student. Junior and Senior year flew by as he took on the role of Fullback, allowing himself and the team a bit more flexibility in their plays, including a district win his junior year. However, in the quarter finals of the district tourney, he got his just desserts as a bad tackle would take him off the field. Suffering from a fractured vertebrae, he was paralyzed from the waist down for eighteen months. Of course, he was offered the opportunity to continue schooling during his hospitalization and his temporary leave of absence from school, which he took in stride. He would graduate, attend graduation in a wheelchair pushed by his best friend, and would sign up for college the next year. A little into it, he began to make some great progress in his ability to walk, taking two months before he could walk again with a cane, but he made the most of it. Sure he didn't play into sports anymore, but the parties was where it was at. Well, that was before he called dibs on being the first to try out Sword Art Online at a friend's place. Now, he's in a world where nobody even knows his name, much less his legacy. How does one start out when they have nothing?




    » Practical
    » » He isn't much of an idealist, having faith in obtainable goals. He knows the impossible surely isn't possible and, if that is what one is trying to avoid, they'll never reach such a standard. Why, then he would ask, would anybody dare to struggle for such a pointless achievement? The only way to get anywhere is by doing something within reason? Shoot for the stars? No way in hell. First, get your ass off the chair and get your feet off the ground. Then, work your way up to the heavens. Just know you'll likely die getting there.


    » Team Oriented
    » » No man is as strong as ten men working together, a message that took Justin many years to learn. While he might have been reliable and better than the others, as he would make note of, he couldn't have defeated other teams on his own. It'd be nothing more than a miserable game of keep away and constant scoring, a shameful experience that he'd likely walk out on.


    » Reliable
    » » While he tends to stay in the spotlight, he knows that not everything is always about him. If someone is in distress, whether that means they're in trouble with an ex or in for a pounding for owing a dude some cash from a few weeks back, he'll jump in with little hesitation. He's learned the hard way that it's tough not having someone to be there for you and he much rather have someone that'll watch his own back, which means he usually has to hide his narcissism whenever he can.


    » Narcissist
    » » He's maintained some of his overbearing narcissism from his younger years, though he's mostly lost the rotten portion of it. While he doesn't actively point out why he's so much better than everyone else, he often thinks about these things. Very rarely will he make an audible note about it unless it's with a complete group of strangers or those that know Justin for how he actually is, but the lingering effect can be noticed if one is paying attention to the way he looks at others.


    » Arrogant
    » » He's certain of himself to a dangerous point, much too cocky for someone so young. While a large percentage of his self pride is born from his narcissism, a lot of it is due from good grace. He's excelled at the primary activities he devoted his time to in the real world, why wouldn't someone of his capability be a bit too proud about such superiority and skill? "Duh."


    » Fused
    » » Justin's got a fuse that isn't too short, but it certainly isn't long. If something isn't going his way or is blocking him from getting what he wants, he will spark like a match and explode like a stick of dynamite. It's highly suggested to keep out of his way during these times of ignition, whether you're on his good side or otherwise. While it didn't often last long in the real world and usually consisted of a multitude of insults or a few punches, he's equipped with a full arsenal in this virtual reality.

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