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Zephyr L

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Posts posted by Zephyr L

  1. Zephyr's clear view of the sky was suddenly blocked by a shadow followed by a female voice asking him what was perfect. He looked up at the shadowy figure blinking a few times and wondering how someone had managed to be that quiet and actually sneak up on somone in the snow. "Err... umm.. well this is embarassing.." he said in a clearly embarassed and confused tone of voice which was much different from his usually cheery disposition. He slowly climbed to his feet slightly blushing still but it could of easily been played off as wind rash as he brushed him self off he found himself staring face to face with a female of equal height of himself not to mention she was a one-two punch,but he would keep that little bit to himself to the time being as it was alreadly awkward enough that someone overheard him speaking. "Sorry for what?" he asked inquistively as he cocked his head to the side seemingly confused as the lady bowed infront of him and introduced her self. "Meokka eh? Thats a unique and pretty name." he said smiling slightly, before speaking again " As for being lost ... its my first time on this floor so I could not tell you where we are at." he said in happy go lucky manner " Anyways my names Zephyr," he said cheerfully. He cracked he neck laying on the on cold ground had given him a stiff neck which was something he was not used to " So what brings you out here?" he asked curiously as he looked up into the moonlit sky his red eyes seemingly glowing in the moon light as he awaited a response.







  2. Zephyr had decied to enter the land of ice and snow while scouting for possible date locations cause what better way to get close to someone other then a cold enviroment where cuddeling is a luxury. He laughed at the thought of actually scoping out possible dating spots in a video where people were dropping like flys all around him and here hes more worried about potential dating spots . He jsut walked on shaking his head with the same smile he usually had on his face walking from spot to spot but not finding anything of substance. None of the spots he had visited had awed him in any shape fashion or form they all seemed rather ordinary in their own right, but he was looking for something that set above the rest of the spots he had visited. He continued he cold trudge through the snow until he came upon a lake surrounded by woods except for the small opening he had came through. The place looked pristine and untouched and rarely visited "This is perfect." he said aloud as he made a mental note of the location, Everything in the surrounding area came together quite perfectly setting a very romantic tone to the entire area. He was quite happy with his accomplisment that he fell back into the snow looking up at the stary sky "if only I was not trapped in this game this would be perfect." he said aloud yet again letting his thoughts roll freely off his tongue and out his mouth as surely no one could of heard him at this point.

  3. He could tell the Emma was getting more and more confused by the second this forced a small smirk on his face as he had seemingly broken down the walls she had constructed to keep peopple out. "Who says you cant read books and socialize at the same time." he said in pretty much the same happy manner he had been speaking. He had noticed her cheeks tense up as though she were keeping something from escaping her mouth."Oh? cat go your tounge?" hes asked in a teasing manner  "Stalking is listening and watching while someone does not know you're doing it." he said flatly "Well jealousy is when per say you like a guy and other girls are hitting on him." he paused before continuing " As for the emotion itself its usually closely related with love and usually the nasty side of love." he said  in a rather odd tone of voice like it made him uncomfortable to talk about this subject. He facepalmed when she said she did not get the point of covering ones back if they already had clothes for that. "What I meant was a partner someone who has your back if things get FUBAR." he said as he shook his head slightly confused as to how anyone could be this sheltered. He laughed at the face she made when he poked her nose again it was one of annoyance and confusion so it was quite amusing. " No I dont have someone to watch my back sadly... unless you happen to be volunteering?" he asked inquisitvely as he looked her face over in a curious manner awaiting a response.



  4. Zephyr could see a look of confusion vexed her face not only that but he had noticed that she seemed highly vulnerable at this point . it seemed she was having issue brushing off his compliments and teasing now when before she was completely unaffected by them but now she was blushing and stumbeling on her words. "The more you talk the cuter you get." he said in a teasing manner " You're mannerisms have went from being stoic to very girly and cute." he said flicking a raindrop at her that happened to be resting on the tip of his finger " How could you have better things to do then be social?" he asked pausing for effect " And watching people? You're not the stalker type are ya ?" he asked in a teasing manner " Not gonna have to worry about you hiding behind corners and getting jealous am I?" he proceded to tease in a harmless happy go lucky manner. "Well you should not bother with people like that, they're not worth your time." he said smiling " People worth your time are people who genuinely care about you and have your back when you need it covered." he said feeling water drip off his hair and run down the bridge of his nose to the end of it where it dripped on to his some what wet clothing. " As for why i keep calling you cute... well for one its completely true you're cute and adorable, and lastly its so fun to see you're reactions to being called cute." he said with a smile as he poked her nose playfully for the second time.









  5. He waved it off trying to forget about it "The past is the past just please place more value you in yourself.." he said as he paused " Besides a pretty girl like you should have plenty of confidence in herself." he said teasing her. She had a cute almost frail sense about she also seemed to be rather innocent minded like she had been pretty sheltered most her life. Zephyr doubted she had ever had a guy be this friendly with her or that shed ever dated anyone and this intrgued him a great deal to the point that a soft smile spread across his face. He had noticed her pull the flowers up to her face to cover her blushing perhaps causing a slight chuckle "You're just too cute." he said figuring that only made her blushing worse since she appeared to be rather vulnerable at this point. " And why did you never see the point in just talking with someone?" he asked in a questioning manner " As a matter of fact no I have not I mostly enjoy the company of other people, especially cute girls like yourself."  he said in a flirtatious manner yet again hoping to illict and even cuter response from her.






  6. "On your toes eh? " he questioned as a mysitified look appeared on her face as he poked her nose and then she said something that changed the entire mood. He mention of if she died she died made him frown wiping the smile clear off his face.... " You should not take your life for granted.. it is a precious gift that you only get one of." he said pausing he voice cracking sllightly in a sorrowful tone. He could of been crying at this point but one could never tell because it was raining too hard. " My little brother had the same attitude.... as you do now and he paid with his life for it during the first week of this game." he said somberly " So please place more value on your life then a simple oh well." he said flatly noticing at this point she had scooted away abit putting more space in between them. Trying to lighten the mood some he flashed a half smile and said " Nah, the rain in real life is slightly acidic this is just like some one turned on a rain machine." he said softly " Also, why are you no used to social interaction?" he asked inquisitively some what perplexed by her behaviour. As he now wondered if he was coming off as creepy as she had move away from him and had become strangely defensive with her mannerism and speech noticing she had picked up more flowers. He had accomplished making her blush if only for a moment with something he previously said to her which was slightly adorable but had made her put walls up in an attempt to keep him out.









  7. Zephyr smirked as she seemed to take the compliment he gave her which meant she was just shy or she really was not used to this sort of social interaction " Yes, it was this evil rain one second it wants you to sleep and the very next it's pelting you on the face telling you to wake up." he said with a laugh as he cracked his neck before lookiing back at her " Ya know exploring all by yourself is kinda dangerous." he said as he lightly and playfullly poked her on the nose "So you should be doing it with a party." he said half chiding her half teasing "As for me I was just sitting under this tree hoping for something exciting to happen and it starts raining and a pretty young lady showed up." he said smiling still trying to be a flirt but perhaps he was laying it on a bit too heavy. He had noticed that she had been fixated on him since he sat down and not in a creepy way, but more in the way that he perplexed and confused her. She also appeared to be nervous as she was making braclets while staring at him which indicated it might be a nervous habit. " Are you nervous?" he inquired motioning towards the flower braclet she was making as the rain storm did not seem like it was gonna let up any time soon the rain came down in large drops now it would of been fair to call it a downpour.










  8. Zephyr was miffed and some what shocked as he sat there slightly embarassed he was not used to his charm getting a blank response. It was unsual for him to feel discouraged, but at that exact point and time that was exactly what he felt. He was not gonna let it get him down though he would just have to try harder "Esmerelda, that's a pretty name for a beautiful girl." he said flirtaitously even cracking a smile as he said it " Also it was not you that woke me up it was the damn rain.. It put me to sleep an woke me up." he said with a chuckle as he felt a rain drop land on his nose causing him to crinklle it from the sensation it made as it rolled off the tip of his nose. "So why are you out here all alone?" he asked rather inquisitively in hopes to make some headway in flirting with her. He figured if he softened her up with small talk she would be more susceptible to his flirtaitious charm. He rain his fingers through his hair attempting to fix it back into it's usually style but it was to no avail it  was too wet out and his hair just did not want too cooperate at all. He knew he had to atleast peak her interest its not very often you see an albino humam much less have one sitting next to them under a tree while it was raining out.Thoughts werer racing through his head at this point mostly as to why she seemed unresponsive to him flirting with her and it irked him that he could not make rhyme or reason of the situation or her at this point.

  9. Zephyr crinkled his nose lightly as the rain began to drip off the leaves above his head landing on his face stirring him from the light doze the soud of the rain had lulled him into. It could not of been more then a few minutes he was a sleep but his hair was all dishelved and messy looking revealing both of his eyes per the one only being visible. He stood up yawning lazily and stretching somewhat as he had been sitting there for quiet some time, he walked around the tree yawning and rubbing the back of his neck when out of the corner of his eye he saw a young lady sitting on the ground. It startled him enough that he took a step back and tripped falling on his rear "Ow." he said some what loudly he shook his head before standing up and dusting himself off noticing that the rain storm had intensified some what as the rain was coming down harder as if it was missing the leaves entirely.. He sighed softly as he walked over to the young lady offering a flashy smile "Hey there, you're very pretty." he said in a flirtaitous manner " My names Zephyr, what's yours?" he inquired with a smile as he sat down next to her leaving enough room inbetween them so it was not exceedingly awkward.

  10. Zephyr laid back lazily under a tree looking up at the white fluffy clouds that closely resembled cotton candy. He had been on the first floor since the start of the game not leaving since the death of his brother with in the first week of the game. He rubbed the back of his head wondering how much time had actually passed since he got trapped in this hell hole as days,weeks, and months all blurred together it was as if time had stood still and he was forever trapped here in a continous loop.He let loose a soft sight as he sat up leaning up against the tree his skin stil as delicate and pale as it was on the outside. Normally if this were real he would of been burnt to a crisp with in 30 mins of exposure to the sun but this game seemed not to have that hellish effect of sunburn.He picked a few rocks up off the ground and began to juggle them in attempt to pass his boredom granted he was not very good at it but it was amusing none the less to try and keep the 3 rocks constantly rotating in a clockwise manner with out dropping one of them. While messing with the rocks he felt the light wet tenderness of small raindrops grace his skin as the sky had grown dark and the heavens had opened up. He pulled his legs up under the tree to prevent them from getting wet as the soft sound of raindrops hitting leaves lulled him into a light doze.

  11. Dark_Kalin.png
    » Username:Zephyr
    » Real name:Zephyrius Lathilion
    » Age:26
    » Gender:Male    
    » Height:6'0

    » About:
    Personality: For Zephyr, respect is everything. He speaks to those he encounters with it, and he expects it in turn. For him, it shows character and discipline, and the first moments when you meet a person can tell you a lot about them. He likes to tap into peoples' minds, get a feel for them inside of their heads while he speaks to them in person. This is a precaution, of course, as one can never know who they can really trust. Not much one for friends, Zephyr keeps most people at an arm's length. He lets them know what they need to, but to let people in is to convey weaknesses and vulnerability, both of which are unacceptable and can do more harm than good. Because of this, he is often perceived as cruel or rude, though that is never his intention. Those who misconstrue his acts are those he will waste no time on.

    For a long time Zephyr lived at the "Ladies of the Angels" orphanarium.  it was here where he was abandoned only a short time after his birth, and here where he grew to the age of 8.  The nun's were nice enough, but Zephyr was always a wild child, forcing them to have to be strict with him.  One nun in particular, Sister Alice, saw that if he put his energy into a more productive output then he should be fine.  It was here that he started doing sports like gymnastics, swimming, and biking.  He was doing exceptionally well for a boy of his age, always doing well in his studies and with multiple extracurricular activities made him a very promising candidate for adoption.  But none came for a long time.

    When Zephyr was 12, he was finally taken in by a family who wanted an older brother figure for their son, Thomas.  They were very nice to Zephyr, and he fit into the family dynamic perfectly.  he lived peacefully with them for 3 years.  Suddenly things took a turn for the worse.  Both parents were killed in a car accident, leaving Zephyr to take care of his now orphaned younger brother of 12.  The sisters from his old orphanage were willing to take in Thomas, but Zephyr was too old.  So, instead of leaving his brother without any family, he decided that he would provide for the both of them.  It was hard, and required him to get several jobs, but they made it work.  They lived this way for 4 years together.

    Thomas had always been into video games, while Zephyr had been the athlete, venturing out into Parkour and the martial art Eskrima.  But when Zephyr saw the announcement for SAO, he decided that it would be the perfect thing to bring the two of them closer together.  It boasted better than life graphics and a physics system that would make Newton and Galileo blush.  He thought this was a game that they could both get into, and possibly beat together.  By pure luck, the release date was set for Thomas' birthday, and Zephyr camped out for 2 weeks to make sure he got a copy.  When he arrived home, it was the perfect surprise for Thomas, and they both plugged in as soon as the server's were up. Thomas died in the first week of play leaving Zephyr all alone inside this game of death.

    » Virtues:
    Ambitious: Zephyr always strives to a greater more ambitious goal as hes never happy or satiated with what hes currently done or currently has. Ambition gives him the the drive and ability required to go the distance and obtain that greater or somewhat out of reach goal. This also tends to leave him wanting better and better and things and being a orphan for most of his life has driven his ambition to new heights.

    Committed:Zephyr never backs down from a task no matter the size or difficulty. Zephyr refuses to admit defeat as well he will strive to complete something until the task its self is completed or the objective is accomplished. Now this also includes relationships he has a very strong sense of commitment to thoese he has let get to know him.

    Creative: Zephyr is very creative when it comes to dealing with problems or tasks that seem almost impossible for him to complete. He has no qualms using unorthodox means to complete a task as long as its works. His creativity is just not limited to tasks but hes also very creative when it comes to making things or food.

    » Flaws:
    Blunt: Zephyr can come off as very blunt speaking his mind regardless of the consequences for doing so. Most of the time this lands him in  hot water or a heap of trouble with other people or even friends. This is more evident when it comes to talking about things he feels strongly about he has a tendancy to speak with out thinking.

    Flirt:Zephyr has a sweet tooth for the ladies and often comes off as a huge flirt. Though he usually ends up taking it too far and getting slapped or ending up with a stalker or two.Though occasionally it ends up with a lot of girls wanting his head on a plater or there male counter parts end up seeking him out for due vengence

    Proud: Zephyr has a rather large sense of pride about him to the point that he will put others down just to maintain his pride. This usually ends up with people avoiding him or giving him the cold shoulder,but his sense of pride is a side effect of being a orphan and never wanting to feel like he is worthless ever again.





    Weapon skills:
    »One-Handed Straight Sword +1

    Food/water:10 bread, 15 water,

    »One Handed Short Sword
    »Cloth clothing

    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

    Relationships (optional)

    Story Thus Far (optional)

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