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Posts posted by Dellis

  1. Dellis yawned again.

    "Well, I don't really know if Elyth wants to get to the city at all, but if you want to help us, I'm not one to refuse." He stated. He put his back to the tree again.

    "Ah... if I could at least sleep a bit..." He said, sadly. "I'm really tired. Searching for materials is exhausting." He concluded.

  2. Welcome, Sonata! A pleasure to meet you.

    If you've got any doubts, or questions, about the game, feel free to drop me a PM. I've taken it upon myself to help new users understand how all the rules work, so if you need anything, i'll be happy to help you^^

    See you in game!^^

    BTW, asking me not to bite is like asking a sheep not to eat the wolf. Useless, and not gonna happen anyway xD

  3. Dellis watched as Takuto lost his balance in flight due to the dragon's gust of wind, and fell to the ground.

    "Oh, thank God you're alive!" He said, relieved, but in doing so he distracted himself.

    No more than seconds later, the Dragon went off into the darkness.

    "Did he go away? He surrendered?" He asked himself.

    That thought almost cost him his head.

    The Dragon went sweeping back over the Island, the sound of his wings the only warning.

    He hit him directly on the head, and he fell face first to the earth, the taste of blood on his mouth.

    And yet, when he came back, he was ready.

    Behind his shield, he planted his legs in the island's rocks, trying to hurt him with his own speed, when he would clash onto him.

    -----OOC: Will edit after dice roll.

    He missed completely, the dragon flying past him and towards the darkness, where this time, he remained.

    "He's toying with us, Takuto." He said to the young man, looking up to find him.

    "You've got any Ideas?" He asked.

    Takuto: 10/11

    Dellis: 13/15

    Dragon: 16/18

    NEXT TURN: Takuto!

  4. And yet, the appraisal window gave him terrible news. He had failed horribly once again.

    "Oh well, with time we'll get there." He said to Dan.

    "It normally takes me four tries to craft an item like yours." He concluded.

    "Well, this is the last attempt for today. I've used up all my crafting attempts. Let's hope this works!" He said with a smile.

    He stood up, and took the other Dreamsteel Ingot.

    He went away for a second to fetch a new barrel of water, and moments later he was plunging yet again the Dreamsteel in the cold water. Slowly but surely, it began to coalesce.

    "Okay, here we are again. You know the drill, Dan." He said, asking her to put her hands on the table, near the steel.

    It began to take the right form...

    And trying to time his hits right, he hit once again all four formed pieces of the armor.

    Second Crafting Attempt of the day: Armor

    Rank 1: Starting rank and 2 Crafts a day

    1=Epic fail 1 EXP (lose mats if crafting)

    2-4=fails 1 EXP (lose mats if crafting)

    5-7=bad Item 1 EXP (50% chance to salvage mat's in repeat quest)

    8-9=Good Item 2 EXP

    10=Uncommon Item 3 EXP (GM approval for enhancements)

    11=Rare Item 5 EXP (GM approval for enhancements)

    12= Perfect Item 8 EXP (GM approval for enhancements)

    RARE ITEM CRAFTED, an Armor named

    Dreamsteel Armor

    This black steel armor is made from Dreamsteel. It is very hard, especially when hit by metal, and yet very lightweight. Its scales seem to ripple, and adapt to every movement of its wearer. Even if it is a metal armor, the user can move very fast in it, and dodging and jumping is not an issue. When the wearer uses its powers, for a short duration the Dreamsteel becomes almost liquid, rippling faster than before. This seems to enhance the wearer's agility, which becomes very difficult to hit.

    "Hmm..." said Dellis opening the appraisal window.

    "You've been very lucky, Dan. I've got it at the second try. It's a rare Item. It'll take me a bit to figure out its powers, though." He said.

    "Feel free to sit there while you wait, and help yourself to some croissants!" He said, pointing to a stool.

    *Blip*... a window blipped softly to his right.

    *What is that?* thought Dellis, curiously opening it.

    An UI window popped up, with big, bold letters, readable from everywhere in the store, stating

    Crafting Rank Up - Rank 2

    He smiled, and went back to examining the armor, humming happily.


    Crafting Attempts Exhausted for the day: materials remaining, 0. +5 crafting xp, total xp 20. Crafting Rank Level Up. Results, one Bad quality armor, failed salvage of Bad quality armor, Rare quality armor named Dreamsteel Armor.

  5. Dellis breathed heavily, as he opened the appraisal window of the armor he had made.

    "Hmm..." he muttered.

    He shook his head. "Sorry Dan, this' not up to par. Luckily, I can try to salvage. It won't take long, Dreamsteel is actually pretty quick to salvage... not easy, though."

    He took the various pieces, and put them in the furnace.

    "They'll melt right away into liquid Dreamsteel, if they're heated right away after being used." He explained.

    "The difficult part..." he said, moving with haste... "Is doing so fast enough." He concluded.

    Seconds later, he was collecting liquid dreamsteel from the furnace.

    "Let's see if it's still pure enough to craft with..." he said, opening the appraisal window.

    SALVAGE ATTEMPT --- 1-6 fail, 7-12 success.

  6. He smiled at the girl. "Sure, I'll definetely send you a message when I will make my first attempt at crafting your sword. Don't worry, I'm always happy to work with someone around."

    He watched her exit the shop. "You too, feel free to come back anytime!" He shouted behind her.

    He got back to the materials cabinet. "Right, speaking of work, I was about to get my first attempt at your armor done, Dan. Now, where did I put those Dreamsteel Ingots..."

    He took out of the cabinet two strange ingots of a deep black colour, whose metal seemed to ripple almost as if liquid, with every movement he made.

    Calling them ingots was, actually, wrong - their form was everchanging, and the surface never completely stopped rippling. They seemed more liquid and solid, and yet Dellis seemed to pick them up easily. They coiled in his hands, forming the image of a Dragon, for a split second.

    "These are quite perfect for what you had in mind." He addressed Dan. "They make for great armors, since they're very hard, and yet..." he said, lifting one - "They're as light as a feather. They have almost no weight. I've traded two of my Gems of Zaerek for these." He said.

    He smiled. "Now, all that's left to do is try. Shall we?" He asked, waiting a moment after picking up the ingots again.

    The crafting process for these were a little different. Crafting armors was a lot more difficult than crafting swords, since some parts were made of different materials than the main metal. Plus, it was more like crafting separately every piece of the armor, and then join it, so it could become a single item.

    He took a basin of water, and plunged the Dreamsteel in.

    "Dreamsteel is already too malleable as it is. It's not a matter of heating it so you can shape it, like normal metals, it's more like cooling it down, so it can take a more... stable form." He said.

    Slowly, the Dreamsteel began taking a more solid form. While before it was just like a very thick liquid, which seemed to coalesce every now and then when Dellis picked it up, now it was actually resembling fused metal.

    He used a little bowl to collect the Dreamsteel, which floated lazily in the water.

    He went to the table, and poured it into four separate little pools on the table.

    "Here we are." He said.

    "Well, please place your hands near the ingot, and stay very still. It's better that the new owner is near, when Dreamsteel is used, since it attunes to you, but I fear hurting you, so be very careful." He warned.

    Immediately, as Dan put her hands near the steel, it began to take the form of the armour she wanted, complete with every particular.

    *I hate this part... I'd hate to hit her accidentally, yet with Dreamsteel, there's no other choice. Ok, here goes nothing.* He thought.

    He tried to remember what the beta guide said about Dreamsteel Ingots.

    *Hitting them with the blacksmith hammer - or any normal steel, for that matter - when they're in this state freezes them. They assume that form, and will not change it again.*

    "Stay very still..." he recommended...

    He swung the hammer, hitting them one after the other with force.

    First Crafting Attempt of the day: Armor

    Rank 1: Starting rank and 2 Crafts a day

    1=Epic fail 1 EXP (lose mats if crafting)

    2-4=fails 1 EXP (lose mats if crafting)

    5-7=bad Item 1 EXP (50% chance to salvage mat's in repeat quest)

    8-9=Good Item 2 EXP

    10=Uncommon Item 3 EXP (GM approval for enhancements)

    11=Rare Item 5 EXP (GM approval for enhancements)

    12= Perfect Item 8 EXP (GM approval for enhancements)

    EDIT: Bad Item created - salvageable 1 Material remaining +1xp, 15 total crafting XP

  7. Dragon's Turn

    The dragon looked around with his serpentine like eyes, amidst the smoke and destruction.

    "Hmhmhmh... It seems your friend is dead, little man. He fell into the fiery depths of my lair..." said the dragon, in a melliflous voice.

    Dellis was filled with dread. Takuto was still nowhere to be seen...

    "Oh, but don't be so sad, child of the men. You'll be joining him very soon..." He added, with a hint of amusement in his voice.

    And in that moment, as if he had summoned him, Takuto emerged from the dust, flying towards the Dragon.

    The Dragon roared in displeasure, and took off.

    *I cannot let these children attack me at the same time. Their fire is weak, but they are two. I must give flight, for the moment.* Thought the dragon, disappearing with a gust of wind into the darkness of the cavern.

    For a moment, everything was still. Then Dellis and Takuto felt something pass over their heads, like a wind blown by death itself. Two razor sharp claws aimed for Dellis, and tried to the decapitate him on the spot. He tried to duck, but the claws hit him directly. He fell to the ground, the taste of blood swelling in his mouth.

    The Dragon disappeared again into the Darkness, its location only betrayed by the noise of his flapping wings.

    -----OOC will edit after Dice Roll: 7, Hit, 1 DMG

    Takuto 10/11

    Dellis 13/15

    Red Dragon 16/18

    NEXT TURN: Dellis

  8. Dellis strained himself to hear the words of her customer. She was a really timid girl... but it was to be expected, from a girl her age.

    "W-Well...I'll prefer if the armor increases the speed of the user...b-but I don't mind anything else...." She muttered.

    He smiled. "Don't worry, I'll try to get exactly what you want. I can't guarantee the powers it will have, unfortunately... but I'll try my best."

    In that moment, another girl came in, and left a flyer with a quick sketch. She didn't say a word.

    "Hi, welcome." He told her with a smile nonetheless, as he took up the flyer.

    "Uhm... this is doable, but you'll have to wait until my other orders are done. Dan here came before you, so I'm afraid you'll have to wait a bit. I apologize deeply! By the way, remember I can't rig it to have the particula enhancement you asked. I can try, but I can't guarantee it will enhance your damage. Still, it's worth trying." He smiled.

    As he set off to try his luck at crafting, the bell rang once again.

    Another girl had arrived in the stall. She browsed for a moment the various goods he had on display... then she seemed satisfacted, and greeted him.

    "Excuse me sire.. I need a specific weapon made, and I heard you might be able to do it." She started rummaging through her pockets, and presented him with a piece of paper. "Please if you can... I would desperatly need this item or one as close to it as you could make."

    *Well, she has really good manners. I think she's the first one who's addressed me so nicely in this game. I appreciate that.*

    He smiled to the girl. "Pleased to meet you. It's very nice to have customers like you here. Thanks for having trusted me with this job." He started.

    "Of course I will, I'll try to get your order done as soon as I can."

    He stopped, smiling to the young girl.

    "As you can see though, i've got a bit of customers waiting for their orders to be done too, and they've all requested enhancements to their weapons and armors, so it may take a bit. I deeply apologize for that." He said, bowing. She deserved that he treated her as nicely as she did with him."

    He paused for a second.

    "Well, I guess I now need to craft that armor for you, don't I, Dan?" He smiled, going off to the materials closet and picking up the hammer. "If you're lucky, it'll work right now." He concluded.

  9. (no, that was fine, Dan^^)

    Many things had happened around Dellis, whose reaction time wasn't that... reactive, at the time.

    A wolf appeared behind Elyth. He immediately tried to rise, warning her about the danger, but another hooded girl came running up from the forest.

    "Watch out!" She shouted, attacking the wolf in a blue flash before he could even speak.

    The wolf, wounded, stumbled sideways, growling lowly, only to be pierced by the sword of a man who seemed to have appeared from nowhere.

    "Gomen'ne." He said, as blue shards flew to the sky and disappeared slowly in the breeze.

    He sighed. "That was close." He neared Elyth. "Are you okay? I hope it didn't hit you." He asked, worried.

    He turned to the girl with the hood. There was only one girl which could be so shy as to wear a hood, and yet jump without second thoughts to help complete strangers. "Good to see you again... Dan." He smiled.

  10. Dellis listened to the young girl's proposal, and thought about it for a while.

    "Hmm... splitting up... I've never tried that, but I guess that actually boosts our chances of finding the right monster. Well... once one of us has found it, he can just give a shout to the other two, so that they reach him. We're not going to be very far one from the other, i guess."

    "You know, if it makes you feel uncomfortable, you could just say so, I'll be more than happy to go with you." Said the young girl to Haine, pulling down her hood, letting her hair flow before putting them in a ponytail.

    Dellis smiled, relieved. It was clear she was a quite shy girl, from the way she spoke and behaved, so it was a good sign that she was willing to reveal her face. That meant she felt a bit more comfortable, now that they had spoken a bit.

    "Well, I'm okay with splitting and not splitting, there's no real difference for me. But if we do, let's try not to get too much away one from shout hearing distance. I haven't got that good a tracking skill, so I may end up losing you two." He laughed.

  11. Thanks for the fun today guys! I had a lot of fun.

    I feel a bit like the idiot child of the group, since sometimes I don't understand and people have to ask me twice, or I don't understand questions like "Do you like Icecream" and I answer "YES, I REALLY LIKE CATS!" and people are like - uuuuh, ooo..kay? - But that's bearable. Hope you had fun too with my stupidness.

    See you next week!

    Here's some Gelato for you. http://www.mammemarchigiane.it/wordpres ... 450SXC.jpg

  12. Dellis yawned, and decided she was right. He sat down near her, back to the tree.

    "Well, I guess you're right. You seem to be an expert on being stranded somewhere. I guess I'll be like that too, in a few months." he stopped. "Well, actually, you could sell those maps. People like me would pay dearly." He put the lizard down next to him. She seemed to be sleeping already.

    "So? What are we gonna do? Kill everything in the radius of ten meters, or just drop here dead till tomorrow morning?" He yawned, once again. He really should have brought some coffee with him too.

  13. I'm pretty sure you already know I stalk your RP's. I thirst for your crafting knowledge, after all.

    Apologies again about how long the RP has been put off- er, well not that long, but moderatly long. I've just been busy with working out details for other plots, as well as life issues.

    My goal is for us to start tomorr- *see's its 4:47AM* ah, start today!

    Ahah, don't worry Shard. I stalk your RPs too, so I guess we're even on that xD. I've seen you write very well. Your posts are usually of a dark mood, very in theme with the game setting. I like it a lot!

    I normally try to make my posts look comical or funny, so that the reader can have a good laugh reading them, but as you can see in the opening post of our RP, I usually try to adapt to the other player's styles so that they feel comfortable playing.

    As for the delay in RPing, don't worry! To RP with a good player like you, i'd wait even a month if necessary. Plus, it hasn't passed that long since I opened it, so no need to rush yourself, take it easy!^^

  14. Dellis was snoring softly, when the young girl entered the store.

    "U-Um...excuse me, but would it be okay for you to make me a light metal chestplate and light metal shinguards?" She muttered, holding out the crafting form.

    Dellis woke up suddendly, stood up sending Izzy flying around the stall, and said "Wha! Who! What's happening? Did I do something wrong? It wasn't my fault!" He shouted, still partly sleeping.

    He recollected himself, and noticed the form.

    "Ah... you're a customer!" He said. "I'm deeply sorry about this. It was very unprofessional of me." He muttered, in an apologizing tone. "Please accept my apologies!" He said, bowing deeply.

    He took the crafting flyer, smiling, and scanned it quickly.

    It read

    Customer Name : DandelionWings

    Item Type :Armor

    Item Description :Black, light metal.

    Powers/Enhancements :Yes.

    "Hmmm... it's all in order, it seems. You might want to elaborate a bit on the description, though. The powers are tied to the description, so it would be in your best interests to describe it a bit more. Tell me in what it is different from normal armors." He stated.

    "For instance, a good description would be"

    this black armor is made of metal scales. It feels smooth to the touch, and the metal seems to almost ripple, when the wearer moves. It is very hard, and yet very lightweight. It seems almost like it enhances the wearer's agility, when the wearer uses its powers, he becomes very agile, and it gets very hard to hit him.

    "A description like this tells me exactly what the armor does different from the others: it enhances the user's agility. It probably would give you the power to get more difficult to hit." He concluded, hoping she had understood. It was hard to explain crafting to other people.

    "Well, if you've got no preference over the power, I can always make up a description myself, and relieve you of the need to do that. Your choice!" He smiled.

  15. Dellis opened the notification window, and touched the little circle beside the party invitation.

    Soon, they were in party together. He smiled to the young girl.

    "Well, let's wait for Haine to accept, and then we can go and try to complete the quest."

    He had a thoughtful stare. "Hmm... it could be hard to find the little nerpent, which drops the ovule, though, between all those nerpents..."

  16. The young girl put down the cup of coffee, and answered him.

    "Nope. There is no way I can find my way out of a department store, so how would I know? Besides, we're in a forest, and I'm going to fall asleep any second"

    That sounded familiar. She was exactly like him, no sense for directions.

    "Ah, I'm about to fall asleep too. It's been..." He counted the hours "... sixteen hours since I last slept."

    The girl reached into his purse, having probably noticed his hunger, and took out a loaf of bread.

    "Want one?"

    Dellis eyed the loaf of bread with the mouth watering.

    "uhm... I was gonna say no so as to be corteous, but... truth is i'm too hungry, so I'll take it."

    In that moment, another person approached. As he was coming nearer, he started to recognize his appearance.

    *... that isn't... is that...*

    "Kirito?" He thought.

    Yet, the stranger moved off into the distance. He thought he had recognized him he had helped him with his first quest, but since he went away, he guessed he'd never know for sure.

    OOC: Edited since Kirito wants to drop out of the topic, as he said in PM.

  17. Dellis had no clue where he was.

    No, actually, that wouldn't have sufficed to describe the situation.

    Dellis had absolutely, utterly, totally, no small, tiny, infinitesimal, idea, of where he was at the moment.

    *I told you we should have turned left at that split.* Thought the little lizard on his shoulder, munching idly on some cream croissants.

    "Shut up!" He shouted.

    Yes, on top of that all, he was speaking with his lizard.

    Several metres later he collapsed to the ground.

    "Ah, leave me here Izzy. Go on. I can't walk anymore. You transform in dragon and carry me."

    *As if I could do that. Plus, if I could right now, I'd transform to burn your clothes with my breath. That would serve you well.* Thought the little lizard.

    Seeing as the lizard had no intention of helping, he began stumbling towards a tree.

    It was at that moment, that he smelled the coffee.

    It took him a bit of time to elaborate that there was a human attached to the cup of coffee. Izzy had eaten all their last provisions, so he was tired, hungry, and sleepy. That asked for a different thought processing order than usual.

    Still, he had some manners, even if his stomach was rumbling audibly.

    He figured he should introduce himself to the young girl which was having coffee in the woods, her back to the mossy tree.

    "Pleased to meet you, I'm Dellis. I'm a Blacksmith Shopkeeper, here in starter town. Aaaaand..."

    He stopped for a second, unsure what to say.

    "... I'm stranded." He finally sighed, his arms limping a bit.

    "You know how to get back to the city?" He asked, full of hope.

  18. I... I don't actually know if it qualifies.

    The lyrics are for a wonderful love story... they're not that sad... and in fact it is a wonderful love story...

    yet it is the saddest i've ever read, or heard about.

    The song itself maybe isn't the best...

    But every time I see the cinematic I can't stop crying.

    Lao Shu Ai Da Mi - Just Like Mice Love Rice http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqgOWWXUMSI

    It's in chinese. I don't care. I'm still crying. Someone please stop me. I'm drowning the keyboard ç_ç

  19. He smiled as he saw the young girl succeed in her attempts.

    "Good job, Akua!" he muttered under his breath, so as not to scare Ai.

    *That's a wonderful name. I wonder why my lizard must be called Izzy.* He thought, idly.

    *Well, she fared far better than you did with me.* Thought the little lizard.

    "Hey, that would have been easier if you told me you were a Cave Dragon, wouldn't it?" He remarked to the little lizard.

    Hopefully, no one had seen that. What would have they thought if they had seen him speaking with a cave lizard?

    Izzy, in the meantime, made no response, and bit him on a finger for no other reason that wanting to do that.

  20. Sighing, the young blacksmith took up a pen, and some paper sheets.

    Smiling happily, and humming a little song, he went to the outside of the stall, and posted the various sheets of paper, placing them one beside the other.

    He lifted the pen, and in big, bold letters, wrote the words:


    He looked at the sign, started singing happily a little tune, and then sat on the stool in the stall.

  21. Dellis arrived at the stall. A lot of time had past since he last set out to gain materials from auburn mountain.

    "Well, it's good to be back!" He said to Izzy, which right away threw herself on the blacksmithing anvil, basking in the heat it had gained from absorbing sunlight.

    "Hey, get off of that, I need to craft! We're going to open for business in no time! Izzy!!!" Shouted the blacksmith.

    Izzy, the cave lizard, paid no heed.

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