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Posts posted by Lee

  1. "Something like it but it was a holiday event. It was fun and I made a friend which was always the end goal so everything worked out for the better." He would comment about the old game of which they played. She would then speak that he would do what he wished in which he would simply nod his head as it was a simple fact that he would have done it either way, regardless of what another would say. As their pace quickened to her words, Lee would actually fall just a bit behind due to his size and current set of equipment but not enough for it to worry him. As she spoke about aiming for the best but expecting the worst, he shook his head "The hell. If I don't want it, it isn't gonna happen, ya hear?"

    Once they reached the cave, she spoke of its darkness and how she wished there was a skill of some sort that let her see in the darkness. He would raise a hand up to his chin and rub it in thought "Hmmm, a skill or ability that lets you have vision at night. I think it is called...night-vision but I could be completely wrong though that is highly unlikely because, I mean, it's me." She would then speak of him going first to which he would ready his shield and draw his sword as he walked in with little other word. It did not take long for the darkness to surround them and he would speak "Just make sure you keep close cuz we don't know wha-" 

    At that moment, a screech would pierce the cave to indicate they were not alone and the distant shifting of something beating in the air like a pair of wings which would cause Lee to raise his shield and stop moving as he tried to see through the darkness with no avail.

    Lee: 19/19

    PIera: 27/27

    Giant Bat: 30/30

  2. Lee would glance down at Piera as she wished to know just what game he was speaking of and to which he would respond "Zeh Warldo." He said in an interesting tone of voice. She would then speak about his opinion of the gender of the child to his eagerness toward the quest to which he would raise his shoulders and shake his head "That has yet to be determined and till we cross the bridge, I can do what I want!" He would bring his arms up and cross them over his chest and turn his head in the other direction. He would listen as she would begin to speak about the child and the chance of them being dead and then turning into a monster and then she fell silent and spoke about wishing to hurry up in which he would snicker "Yeah, you put those thoughts in your head, not me."

    As she gave her opinion on the matter she would throw it into a rather darker area to which he would simply look down at her with a stare "What the hell is wrong with you? Positive, think positive woman." He would shake his head as he would place a hand against the side of his head. As they would continue out into the field, he would make sure to keep an eye out for a cave or the quest marker. Both of which were actually easy enough to spot as the cave was along side a mountain and was both large in size and dark. "That is dark as hell yo." He would scratch the back of his head as he would tilt his head to the side as he looked into the dark cave.

  3. Lee would nod his head in agreement to Piera speaking of playing the hero for a bit in order to keep up appearances to which he would reply "Well yeah, I have to do something to offset things from time to time and it reminds me of another game we used to play." He would then turn his attention to the woman as Piera spoke of the damsel to which she would reply "She was in a cave playing with a friend of hers! It is just outside of town, not to far, I'll mark it on your map." It was then that a quest marker appeared on their map to which Lee would place his hand on the NPC's shoulder "Fear not, we'll have your child back in no time without a scratch." He would then turn to Piera and nod his head off in a direction of no particular importance.

    Once they were actually moved away from the NPC, he would smile widely "I am simply too cool but in all seriousness, we need to get this kid." He would then continue walking and speaking "I just really hope this is actually a legit thing and not one of those things where its a trap and a fake kid-monster." He would then pull up his map and begin to head in the direction of the marker "So, what are your opinions on the matter?"

  4. Lee was standing in the midst of the small town on the second floor in an almost unfazed manner. His attentions were elsewhere in his own mind as he looked around at the miscellaneous ongoing's of those that passed by. He held his arms crossed over his plated chest as he let Piera do what it was she wanted, not really having any say so in what she was doing. It was amidst this that a woman was frantic in her motions, seemingly moving from person to person, wrecked with worry till she came to Lee. His eyes looked down upon her as she began to speak to him in an overly worried tone. "Please! Please, you have to help me! My daughter! You have to save my daughter!" Lee was a little taken back by the sudden appearance of...his eyes would follow up to above the woman's head to find absolutely nothing.

    With no cursor, that could only mean that it was an NPC. He would nod his head lightly to himself as he would speak "Ma'am...you've nothing to fear!" It was then that a box would appear before him stating if he would like to accept the quest and seemingly without a second thought, accepted it. As the box disappeared, the woman's face became overflowing with hope as she was finally able to get someone's attention on such a dire matter. Lee himself had always had a soft spot for NPC's and to help a child, real or no did not shoot too far from something he would help with. Now, he would turn his attention toward Piera to which he had left out of the equation till about that moment.

  5. Lee was enjoying the beach weather which was something he had not done in some time so this all was a plus for him. He turned his attentions to Jomei as he spoke out to Lee personally and waved, speaking about his appearance to which Lee would raise his hands out and then let them flow downward over himself as if to present his attire "I try my hardest to please the public to the overwhelming demands~" He would then move his hands down to hold onto his bare hips as he turned his eyes in the direction of a player whom would introduce himself as Calrex to which Lee would raise a single hand up and with a light move of his wrist, give a light wave to Calrex as Piera introduced them.

    "Yo, well met!" He would then turn to see a few other people taking a gander in his direction. He would seen Lowenthal greet Piera with a hug and introduce her to his boyfriend Clarence. Lee would nod in a greeting to Lowenthal as he would smile widely as he would clap his hands together "This is already turning out to be a real party. Just need to get some games and watch everything unfold." He would then turn his attention to Clarence and extend his hand in a greeting "The birthday boy's man. Couldn't have a true party without ya!" He would then look to Piera as she brought about what Lowenthal would like to do to which he would nod his head in agreement. 

  6. Arriving at the floor was as easy as traveling to any other floor which which made him wonder if it was always this easy and how it would scare someone of a real lower level to suddenly appear in front of a creature of monster, it would be a horrifying sight. Lee himself, while he wasn't completely ignorant to the fact, was actually relatively calm with his armor donned and defense intact. He would turn his attention to Piera as she would begin to fret about the distance of the beach to which he would pat her on the back "Calm yourself little patawon." He would then follow suit after her her as they began their little trip to the beach front.

    Once they had actually found the waterfront, Piera was relieved while Lee would sigh under his breath. He personally wasn't a beach-going individual but he wasn't above enjoying time with others because of the notion. He would turn his attentions toward Piera as she would change into a more water friendly outfit which would cause him to raise his hands up and give a slow clap. He took in a deep breath and pulled up his menu and shifted through his inventory and after just a bit of scrolling, he would come to a stop on his outfit of choice as he would unequip his own bulky armor to favor his seaworthy attire.

    The swimwear was something of an understatement in terms of his original attire as it seemed more like two long straps wishing to hold his crotch at bay. Though, his face seemed pleased at the sight of the ocean and the one's that had gathered in front of it and listened as Piera spoke her wishes of happy days to Lowenthal to which he would let his right arm shoot up into the air "Yeah, Happy Birthday home skillet and what an awesome place to have it!"

  7. Lee continued to look around on the ground for more items of interest as he listened to the compliment from Mordred about knowledge. When he spoke about being okay to die, this brought Lee's head up and looking around in the direction of the white haired man quizzically. He would then turn his attentions over toward Lancelot as she spoke her peace about the words and Mordred saying that it was not his intent to make himself sound suicidal and as Lee found another material, he would speak "You win some, you lose some but what matters is what you do afterwards in my personal opinion."


    [25380] LD: 18(1)

    Material: 5

  8. [25377] BD: 3


    Lee quickly would turn his attention back to the other monster snowmen as they aimed to strike him and this was when Lowenthal jumped into the mix. Lee then took a strike from one of the snow creatures but to his pleasant surprise, it was little more than nudge worthy. He was more than sure that if he wore his normal clothes that it would have surely been far more hurtful. Lee would then bring his attention to the unharmed snowman and swing his sword but in his haste, he wouldn't accurately judge just how far the snowman was and as a result, the blade would cut right through the air and hit nothing at all. 


    Lee would laugh hesitantly "Guess I shouldn't get ahead of myself."

  9. Lee would let his head drop down in a slump as he was fairly disappointed in his kill as he actually wasn't actually aiming for it. Lee would turn his attentions over toward Xion as he would pat him on the back to show that he didn't do anything bad "Yeah but you would have earned it." He would then look to see a friends request appear before him to which he would accept and send his own. Lee would then look to Golden as he spoke of it being time to head on back to which he would nod in agreement, sheathing his sword. 


    Xion would agree as well as he too was going to be heading back home and Lee would nod his head and raise his hand in a wave farewell "See you guys around and I'm sure you'll be the bane of all boars in no time Xion." He would watch as they walked away and he would place his hands at his sides and make his way back to the town as well. 

  10. Lee felt a bit of pride swelling up as Lowenthal complimented his appearance to which he would laugh hesitantly "Thank ya kindly." Lee would follow him out of the inn as they made there way to the outer area where the monsters would await them. Once there, he would insist that Lee make the first move so as to draw attention to himself. This of course was something that he was more than willing to do as he would have to get the practice in eventually so with a nod of agreement, Lee would draw his sword and raise his shield as he would attack a single snowman and in turn, draw the attention of the others.
    To his great pleasure, the sword would not only find its mark bout would follow through with an even more powerful damage spike and also sparking with an electrical surge that would lash out across the area struck on the monster "Holy crap this is awesome!"
    [24464] BD:

    01 Caliburn = Sword (BLED+2; PAR+1) Activated on a roll of 8-10. Removes 2 more points of damage for 2 turns for the enemy/mob; Removed enemy action for 1 turn afterwards on a roll of 9-10

    01 Pridwen = Shield (PAR+1; THRNS+2) Removed enemy action for 1 turn afterwards on a roll of 9-10; Deals 2 damage when Mob die/Enemy BD is a 6-8

    01 Plate Armor = Armor (MIT+3) A set of full plate mail armor. Nearly covers the entire body in a nice, thick layer of metal. Quite Heavy.

    Heavy Armor = The effectiveness with which a player can use Heavy Armor. For each skill point invested in the Heavy Armor skill, incoming damage is reduced by 1 damage point. (Must have heavy armor equipped to take advantage of this benefit)

    Block = Opponents suffer -X to BD rolls against you. (X=Rank Level). Does not stack with evasion. Requires an equipped shield.
    Description: Defend with your shield, deflecting an opponents attack.

  11. ID: 24427 BD: 10(4DMG)


    Lee was pleasantly surprised that his comment happened to further the lightening of the mood. Lee would then take note that Golden was letting them have their way with the boar. Lee would watch as Xion would land a strike on the boar and then ask Lee if he wanted the loot. He would shake his head and speak "Nah, I'll just take another swing at it and you can get the last hit." He would raise his shield up and place his sword at its side and then charge at the boar and draw his sword back and aimed to strike at the boar in a regular fashion which should leave it barely alive.


    At least, that would have been the case if he had not went a little overboard. His sword strike would actually carry far more power than he originally anticipated as the strike would burst into the boar with a fierceness that he did not intend and only a single word would come from his lips. "Crap."

  12. Lee continued to look around, aiming to look for something that stood out but currently, nothing actually bared much fruit. He would raise his head to look back to Mordred as he spoke with quite the regal tone and spoke of never actually picking up a video game prior to this. He would scratch the back of his head "Sorry for the crappy first introduction to the gaming scene. It is usually way funner than this but glad that something good is coming out of this for ya. Knowledge is power!" He would then continue his search and head toward a small spot as Lancelot spoke.


    She actually spoke of the worlds having more in common than people were willing to admit. He reached down and took hold of an object and retrieved a material as he would turn his attention toward her. Lee would shake his head and raise a thumb up in her direction "Hell naw. That is a refreshing thing to hear! Preachin to the virtual choir." He would then glance around as if he dropped something in search of more materials. 


    [24418] LD: 18(1)

    Material: 4

  13. ID: 24299 BD: 5(miss)


    Lee would watch as the boar would be struck and then turn his attention to Xion as he gave his praise to which he would nod his head pleasantly "Thank ya kindly." But as this happened, the boar seemed more than put off by the offensive strike and would turn its attentions toward Lee himself and attack. Lee was able to bring up his buckler but was still slammed into but the flames from the shield would burn the boar upon the attack. Lee would quickly shake the attack off as he would hold his ground and slash downward at the boar but would find it to miss its target. "It's okay, I'm alright. I've got to get used to this at some point. Under this manly physique lies a delicate flower. A manly armored flower."


    ((Thorns: Deals 1 damage when Mob die/Enemy BD is a 6-8))

  14. Lee was just a little more than taken back from the actual transaction as he knew that these items were more than a little bit rare. The 'perfect' in the item descriptions as he looked them over made him simply stare a bit in awe. As Lowenthal began to explain his reasoning for giving him the items, it seemed more than a little bit skeptical but at the same time, what would be the evil behind giving him these things? He decided to give Lowenthal the benefit of the doubt. Lowenthal then asked if Lee wished to test out these new items and it was at that point that Lee would nod his head and then hold his hand up "Yes but can you give me just ooonnnneeee moment." 


    He would turn and quickly make his way to a spot behind the stairs as he would then un-equip his cloth clothing and materialize his basic shield. He would then drop them right in front of himself and then equip the new armor, shield and sword. The shield of the sword was located on the back of the shield which he was quite happy with as he would then come back out in the plated armor as he would nod his head in agreement "The heat of battle awaits us!"

  15. Lee was pleased that everyone was as forward with their introductions as he had met a few people that were what he would deem loners in their own right. He didn't particularly like those types of individuals. He turned his attention to Mordred as he would reply in kind to his greeting and a smile would come across his lips as he let a smug look cross over his lips "I'mma ser." He would then bring his attention to Lancelot as she clarified the rules just a bit more and spoke of herself in the lead so far but it was a game so it things could change. As she spoke of the game starting, Lee would quickly begin to look around himself and move to some rocks seemingly piled atop one another and moved them out of the way and was able to find something there.


    As he continued to look for more, he would begin speaking whilst shuffling through some grass "So, small talk. How is everyone joying the game so far? Pushing the whole 'death' but to the back-burner I mean." He would pull another material out of a small patch of flowers as he moved just a bit further up the hill.


    [24241]LD: 13

    [24242]LD: 09

    [24243]LD: 05

    [24244]LD: 16 (1)

    [24245]LD: 20 (1)

    Material: 3

  16. ID: 24235  BD: 10


    Lee turned his attention to Golden as he spoke of starting the battle once more and took to the boar. Lee would tighten his grip on his sword as he would raise his buckler as it began to burn. He would nod in approval as Golden was able to land a successful strike upon the boar "Kudos, kudos." He would then turn his attention over toward Xion as it was his turn to go after the creature. He would take off after it and would dig his sword straight into...a rock. Lee raised his shield arm up to cover his mouth as he shook his head to Xion's comment of his current lack of aim and boars. 


    Lee would shake his head "No, no. We all have those moments from time to time and we are all better for it, it lightens the mood." Lee would then raise his sword and place it on top of his buckler and than then rush forward at the boar, pulling the sword back and then jousting it forward. The flames from the shield seemed to make the scene more than it was but the strike itself was still strong for the usually defensive man. After striking the boar, Lee would take a few steps back with his shield still raised in a defensive posture.

  17. ID: 24232  BD: 10  MOB:  5


    Lee turned his attention to Piera as she began to bob her head to the music and he would nod his head in a small victory as he pointed his sword tip in her direction "That song will now be stuck in your head for the rest of the day~" He figured that even if it was a bug, it wasn't anything that he had to worry about as even if it did give all it had, it was still a lower leveled monster that just wasn't coded to do over a certain amount of damage. He would then look back at the bug as he attacked at him once more and he heard her say something about kill stealing the monster if he did not do it. He would dodge out of the way of the monster and turn his attention toward her


    "Like hell you will!" He would then spin around and bring his sword down at an arc and let its tip dig into the ground, passing straight through the bug in a clean slice. Lee would pull his sword out and spin the sword in his hand and slam it into the sheath at his side as the bug would shatter in defeat. "Kill secured."


    Lee: 13/15 


    Beetle: 0/5 (-4)

  18. Lee would come to a stop a short distance away from Lowenthal as he spoke of himself being a little bit less than great but hopefully more than depressing. Though, the thing that caught his attention the most was the following statement of making Lee's day which put a questionable look upon his face. As Lowenthal propositioned Lee to follow him into the inn, Lee would see no reason not to follow. As they entered, Lee would come to a stop across from Lowenthal as he would begin by bringing up Piera and her involvement in The Velvet Room guild and how he wished for Lee to join it as well. 


    Lee would place a hand onto his hip and the other rubbing the back of his neck with a light laugh. He then glanced down at a trade request that would appear before him. He would move a hand down and selected the accept button to and then blinked several times and then pointed down at the list of items he had just acquired. "Okay, I understand that it is not a bribe but hot d@mn. Are you sure you actually gave me the right things? These seem...good. Like, ungodly levels of good. Like good is a base word that I can't really break away from saying because everything else would sound to cliche'."

  19. Lee had placed himself inside a small inn on the floor, finding himself a nice spot standing near a wall and out of everyone's way. He wasn't willing to pay the few Col to take a room and at that very same time, he didn't want one. He just felt that being inside would be preferable from the weather of the current outside floor. He would blink several times as a message appeared before shortly after he had sent his own. "That was quick." He would open the message with a press of the accept button and then read over the message. "Coolness." He would turn to leave but paused as he looked back to the message. He didn't mention anything about the guild but hey, that was perfect, it didn't have to be brought up in awkwardness.


    He would close the message and leave the inn and make his way outside, moving his hands into his pockets and look around. He figured that he should make his way to the teleporter and meet Lowenthal there. It didn't take him long to actually make it there and to his pleasant surprise, Lowenthal was already there to which Lee would raise a hand high as to stand out from his surroundings. "Yo! Lowenthal! What is good mine brethren?"

  20. The fourth floor wasn't much different from the rest of the areas around Aincrad or for the most part, part of the starting floors. Lee himself wasn't all to gung-ho on solo fighting or fighting in general. It was just one of the few things he had resigned himself to at the start of the game and unlike most other games, he wanted to keep alive and in doing so, keep others alive or at least the one's that he wanted to keep living. But in order to do so, he was not going to be able to do it alone as what he had assigned himself as wouldn't allow it. 


    And while Piera was going the more damage route, he couldn't call on her all the time and put her in the path of danger. He also wasn't sure about the guild that she had joined but he wasn't going to dictate her decisions or how she went about doing what she really wanted. She was a team player and usually had to join some sort of guild in any game that had them. Though, he had sent a message to Lowenthal to see about a few things, also keeping in mind that he actually had some questions for himself as well.


    unnamed_zpsuglsg8ns.pngTO: Lowenthal


    Yo, Lowen. Was just wondering what you were up to and if you were free to chill for a bit on floor four if you weren't too busy?

    He me back home skilet.


    SENDER: Lee

  21. ID: 23949 BD: 8 MOB: 6(-1)=5


    Lee let himself regain his posture as he would be pleased with the attention his question merited. He would turn his attention to Piera as the damage from the bug was something he expected, even with a strike that landed in the critical area. He would then begin to open his mouth to speak the words that came to mind of the song "No, No honey I'm good I could have another but I probably should not~" He would swing his sword in the air haphazardly and almost dance about as the bug aimed to attack him once more but was quickly smacked by his shield and then slashed with his sword as he would dance a bit back.


    HP List:

    Piera: 14/15 (+1)

    Lee: 13/15 


    Beetle: 2/5 (-2)

  22. Lee was actually feeling pretty good with how things were going. He figured that the boar had one more hit left before being taken down and Lee would simply draw his shield up and aim to let Xion take the final strike for a moral boost of his own. At least, that was seemingly his own idea as Golden took the initiative and took the kill which put a questionable look onto his face. He quickly brushed it off and kept to himself as to keep the overall mood going in a positive direction. 


    When Xion pointed out another boar off to the side, Lee would look it up and down "I think we can take it, no virtual sweat."

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