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Posts posted by Jevi

  1. She listened as the man explained how water worked in this game to the other who had his head shoved into a fountain. When he pulled his head back out, she saw his head was completely dry.. and the man with a slightly surprised look on his face. A smirk formed on Jevi's face, accompanied by a slight scoff as she continued walking. She was not planning on meeting anyone new today, but just as she thought about walking straight past the two, she heard one of the men let an awkward 'hey' pass from his lips. Jevi stopped and looked at him with her yellow eyes. She then turned to the man who had just pulled his face out of a fountain, who seemed a little bit more comfortable with Jevi's appearance. She pushed some of her long purple bangs away from her slightly dark skinned face and took a fewer steps forward towards the players, ~"Hey." Be kind Alex.. you already know people here are better than in the real world... they're not out to get you..

  2. Jevi looked at her friend, puzzled. She tried to piece together what she was saying, ~"Consider. Me..?" Her eyes then widened a bit as her face became as red as it could for her dark skin. ~"W-wait you.. mean consider you.. a-as..?Jevi knew exactly what Shaya meant.. she just thought she would ask for clarification. Its not every day you meet some random girl who asks you these types of things just the next day. Then Shaya asked if she could kiss Jevi to be certain of how she felt. She quickly threw her hands to her face, her voice only sounding slightly muffled in her hands, ~"I-I don't know.. I.. mean I-I just met you and all.. b-but if itd make us-you.... er.. certain.. I-I dont know.." Jevi stuttered and spat out all of her words, making no sense to them at all. Why was she getting so bashful all of a sudden. Maybe she actually did want this and wanted her to kiss her.. but.. She still was not sure, so she sat there with her face in her hands, blushing and waiting to see how Shaya responded, whether it be words or action. 

  3. Jevi swallowed down the lump in her throat. She figured she could answer honestly, this was her friend after all. She took a deep breath before speaking, ~"I.. don't know. Which way I mean." She clenched her fists gently while talking, "I've honestly been through so much.. and through so little.. that I could not even give a straight answer to that question." She was looking down at her hands, but now she moved up to look at Shaya. ~"Sorry that was not really a good answer." She could tell from the look in Shaya's face she had not said everything just yet, "Is there something you wanted to say?"

  4. Jevi couldn't help but laugh at Shaya when she mentioned she was hammered, ~"Yeah I know you were, I was messing with you." She brought up her hand and opened up her menu as she finished laughing. She swiped over to open her inventory and pulled out a bottle of water. Her throat was feeling scratchy from drinking the night before, and she knew that Shaya must be feeling even worse. She began to drink from the bottle when Shaya asked about Jevi's sexual orientation.. to which she spit out some of the water and choked. ~"I-Im sorry what?" she said between coughs. The question completely took Jevi by surprise, and it must have taken Shaya by surprise too.. for her face was buried in the mattress next to Jevi. She opened her mouth to answer, but needed to take a moment to think about it. She had grown up being more of a tomboy her whole life.. but she wasn't sure if that really affected the way she felt about them or not.. or did it? She really never had any experiences to be able to tell. But she also knew from what she has been through that a lot of guys are just out to get girls.. She shook her head, ~"W-why do you ask? " She avoided answering for now, since she honestly was not sure any more. She looked at Shaya, who's face was still burried in the bed. She quickly looked away with a slight blush on her face. 

  5. Things were starting to look better for Jevi lately. She was feeling a lot more comfortable in this world than she did in the real one and much better spirits as well. She decided to go on a little stroll that day through The Town of Beginnings, since it was a nice day for it.. Did the weather even change in SAO? She had no idea.. never saw it happen. She looked up towards the blue sky and the white clouds and took a relaxing deep breath. She felt a sort of longing, however, to look at a different sky. Maybe she would eventually take a trip to one of the other floors some time soon. Maybe even then she would see a change of weather.


    Jevi found herself walking through a small square on the far side of the town, where there sat a fountain with many players in the area relaxing or talking with friends. Jevi walked with her hands gently grabbing onto her cloth belt around her waist, looking at all of the players in the area. Her eyes were drawn to one player as he knelt down before the fountain. She stopped walking and looked at him, wondering what he was doing. Maybe he was praying? She thought about how if SAO was opened worldwide.. all of the different types of people who would enter the game. It got her interested. Suddenly, the boy plunged his face into the water. A bead of sweat dropped from Jevi's cheek.. there went that idea. She continued to walk forward towards that player. 

  6. Jevi's look said it all. She didn't believe Shaya's story one bit. If he sheets smelt of coffee, she would have noticed it before. She sighed and shook her head. She watched as bundles of blanket shifted around frantically, with a girl eventually emerging from the sheets. All within the same motion, Shaya leapt onto Jevi's bed and wrapped an arm around her. Jevi slightly moved her head away from Shaya as she did this, to avoid getting head butted, and because her breath slightly smelt of the alcohol from last night. 

    ~"W-Well I had to get us a room somehow.." Jevi slightly blushed, thinking about what she did last night. She looked over at Shaya again, ~"But it must've been good enough to get you crawling into my bed too, huh?" she smiled mischievously and teasingly at her friend, again pushing at the topic of why the hell she was in her blankets.

  7. She felt a light breeze pass over her. When she opened her eyes, she was standing in the heart of a city. People walked around her and cars drove by.. but all the sounds they made were muffled. She slowly walked forward, looking around ad the blurs of people and lights.. not being able to make out anything. She looked down at herself and noticed she was not wearing her usual orange outfit, or the clothes she slept in. She was wearing a pair of jeans and a hoodie, which she believed was what she was wearing when she first put on the nerve gear. Was she no longer Jevi? Was she Alex again? She placed her hand on her head as she head a muffled roaring noise, she turned to see the blur of what looked like a large truck heading towards her. She tried to scream, but could not. Suddenly, from the sidewalk next to her, ran a familiar figure.. which was not blurred. She wore an orange shirt and black pants, with long purple hair. As her body collided with Alex's, she heard a crash, but not one a truck would make....


    Jevi shot up when she heard the thud noise, her eyes wide open. She looked down at her legs, which were slightly bent in front of her.. Then it hit her... where did the blanket go? Her eyes shifted to the side of the bed, where she saw a bundle of blanket with a leg sticking out of them, a slight groan emitting from the mess. ~"Er.. Shaya? What're you doing?" she rubbed her eye and yawned. She leaned over the side of the bed, moving some of the blanket out of the way to reveal Shaya's face.

  8. She raised an eyebrow as the man stammered his words. Then she shrugged, figuring some people are happier than others. Oh well, no need to press it. Then she noticed the man's blushed cheeks, now she knew there was more to that smile. She let out a sigh, releasing the tension she had built up. He was being kind after all.. no need to show hostility. When Grave asked how long she had been there, she had to think about it for a moment. Surely, everyone started the game at the same time.. it was not untill all 10,000 of the players were logged in did it become this death game.. but.. just how long ago was that. Jevi scratched the back of her neck, ~"I.. don't know honestly.. I don't check the date anymore." She was relieved when he pushed on to another topic, yet again, did not have much of an answer for him. ~" I've met a couple of people.. just can't really place names to the faces is all." her eyes closed half way, showing almost a sort of guilt or sadness, ~"I haven't been a very friendly person lately..So I haven't made many friends yet."

  9. ~"Remind me to leave the flaunting to you." Jevi chuckled and sighed as she placed Shaya on the bed. Jevi herself sat down and leaned back on her arms, feeling pretty tired herself. Jevi lifted her hand and opened up her inventory, equipping her black undershirt once again, and then removing her other clothes, leaving only a sleeveless black shirt and black tights that came halfway down her calves. She let out another sigh of relief, finally being able to relax. She looked up to see Shaya coming towards her in her underwear. Her arms were suddenly hugging her again, ~"Hey, I wasn't just gonna leave you out on the street."  She waited for her friend to knock out before laying down on her bed, staring up at the ceiling before dozing off herself. 

  10. As the man placed a hand on her shoulder, Jevi looked up at him with her yellow eyes. Which turned into a slight bit of a glare when she noticed he had that same smile still on his face. She had no idea what it was about, and it was starting to get to her. When he complimented her on her swordsmanship, she figured she would try to play it off that she knew what she was doing. Jevi crossed her arms, ~"Yeah. That wolf was nothing... and you're not too bad yourself." She normally did not compliment people herself, but she really was impressed by his skills. The British accent had also caught her off guard a bit, being the first person to sound like that in this game. She returned the gesture when he held out his hand, reaching out her own to shake his. ~"My name is Jevi" She looked back up to see he still had that smile on his face. She glared and crossed her arms, ~"Okay, whats with that smile?" 

  11. Jevi held up Shaya as the two stood up. She turned to both the bartender and the man and thanked them before carrying her drunk friend out of the bar. Jevi was feeling the affects of the alcohol herself.. but no where near the level that Shaya was. It was merely just a little buzz. Exiting the bar, Jevi came to realize it was now getting dark. She let out a sigh, ~"We should probably find somewhere to turn in for the night.. good idea?" She pulled on her friends arm to adjust her position of hanging off of Jevi before moving again. 


    After a short walk, the two girls found themselves outside of a small inn. Jevi opened up her inventory to check to see if she had enough col for the two of them..which she did not. Well she couldn't just leave Shaya outside on the ground drunk.. she could hurt herself. I can't believe im doing this.. With her inventory still open, Jevi hesitantly unequipped the black undershirt she wore under her orange shirt. To add to the effect, she used her free hand to open the sides of her shirt a bit more to seem more revealing. When she felt she was ready, she opened the door to the inn with the giggly drunk girl hanging off of her.


    She set Shaya down on a chair in the lobby of the inn and stepped up to the counter, where there stood an armored male player speaking to the npc. She spoke to the npc behind the counter, but turned her body so it faced towards the player, ~"Hey there. My friend and I had a little bit to drink tonight... we were wondering if you would be able to spare a room? Just for one night." she purred to the inn keeper, occasionally making eyes with the player next to her. "Sure. Its 200 col a night." the npc spoke, to which Jevi slightly frowned, ~"Oh.. I don't think I have enough for that.." her sad, yellow eyes looked at the armored player standing next to her.. who was looking at her.. just not in the eyes. "I-I-I can pay that for you and your friend ma'am." he quickly answered, stammering, and sending over the 200 col to the npc. Jevi winked and smiled, ~"Oh, thank you." She then quickly made her way back to Shaya, placing her arm around her again, and walking up the stairs to their room. 

  12. After seeing Shaya finish another glass of the alcohol before Jevi even finished her first. She subtly moved the bottle away from her, knowing she would not be able to drink anymore without getting sick. Jevi picked up her own glass as Shaya's forehead was introduced to the wood counter. She took another light sip with her eyes closed, hearing the man mention Jevi as being 'scary.' She lowered her head and turned slightly to look at the man, her yellow eyes glaring through purple bangs as she smiled an evil toothy grin. ~"I can show you scary if you want" she cackled. The man was nice enough to buy them drinks, but she could tell from the look on his face he didn't want all that col to be in vain. Shaya then jumped up, slurring her words more than ever. Her arms wrapped around Jevi's shoulders and she planted a kiss on her cheek. Okay, what the hell is going on... Jevi gently took Shaya's arms in her hands and held her in front of her, ~"Shaya, I think you've had enough." she said with a soft smile.

  13. Jevi slowly sipped from her glass once again. She could see why it affected Shaya so quickly.. a drink this strong needed to be taken slowly. Shaya got up close to Jevi, a little closer than usual, being slightly inebriated. She nodded when she requested for Jevi to keep the man from taking her home. ~"Y-Yeah, can't afford having that now can we.." she let out a nervous chuckle as her friend placed her head down on the counter. A bead of sweat dropped from Jevi's cheek as she looked down at her friend, and then her eyes moved up to the man next to her. He had a slight blush on his face, and a dumb, mischievous look. He then looked up when he noticed Jevi was glaring at him. To help the guy get the picture that he wasn't going to get what he wanted, Jevi gave the man a death glare.. followed by a light growl. She had never seen a man turn so quickly in his chair to face forward once again. Jevi turned to face forward herself and sighed, sipping from her glass again. 

  14. Jevi held the sword at her side and glared at the wolf as the other man attacked it once again. This time, he was able to overcome the wolf's attack and deliver a devastating blow to the beast. However, it was not enough to finish it off, which meant Jevi needed to go in for another attack. As he jumped back to his retreated position, Jevi took a quick glance at him.. She then pulled a double take and looked again when she saw another smile sprawled across his face while he looked at her. What the hell is he smiling at..? Jevi brought her attention to her front again, to the wolf. She clenched her sword, and it began to glow a red light, catching Jevi by surprise until she realized she activated her sword skill. She then ran forward with a ~"Hyaah!" Holding her sword at the ready by her side, when she got into striking range, she swung the sword upward, slashing the wolf across the face. The beast let out a yelp as it began to light up and exploded into an array of blue data. Jevi was breathing a little bit heavy from the adrenaline of the fight. She slowly placed her sword back into the cloth belt on her waist. 


    ID: 25794

    BD: 8 (2 dmg) 

    LD: 2


    +1 Material


    Grave: 14/15 HP [HATE: 2]
    Jevi: 11/11 HP [HATE: 1]
    Wolf: 0/8 HP 

  15. ~"Huh.. No wonder its so expensive.. jeez 38%?" Jevi took the bottle in her own hands after Shaya poured herself a glass. She almost considered not drinking it.. then again, what would be the fun in that. As her friend held her glass up, Jevi poured out some of the liquid into her own glass. Her eyes shifted to Shaya, who had just downed the entire cup in one quick movement. Jevi's eyes opened wide as she looked past her to the gentleman who bought them the bottle, who was just as surprised.. but seemed a little happier as well. Jevi then looked back down to her own glass and sighed. Lifting it to her lips she took a small sip, ~"Wow, that is really tasty." She took another sip of her drink, but did not finish the whole glass as Shaya did. She noticed Shaya going to pour another glass, and almost dropped the 1500 col bottle onto the floor. Jevi quickly grabbed the glass container from her hands. ~"Uh, I think I'll take care of that for you." She took Shaya's glass in her hand and poured out some more of the alcohol.

  16. Jevi's eyes widened when the man said how pricey that drink was. Why would that even be a thing? Was probably good though.. When she came back from her thoughts, the bartender was already placing the bottle in front of them. Jevi smirked and nodded her head.. Maybe she would give a shot at this. She got up from her seat and stood between Shaya and the bar patron. She gently placed her arm around the man, her fingernails gently touching at the man's upper chest. ~"oh, thank you for that" she purred close to the man's ear, before sitting back down in her seat, smiling at the man, and then at Shaya.

  17. Jevi leaned in towards Shaya as she whispered to her. ~"I am relaxed.. i just thought that guys liked girls like that.. Maybe I got it backwards.." Jevi thought about girls back in school that all the guys like.. Who were usually the popular mean girls. Maybe that wasnt the case this time.

    As the bartender placed down the drinks, Jevi took hold of the small cup out of Shaya's hand. Looking at the clear liquid, she downed the liquid and then placed the glass back down on the table.

  18. Jevi had not even made her way past the first set of of tables before some guy had already began catcalling Shaya. Jevi's first reaction was to clench her fist.. thinking the guy was being rude to the girl.. Well, 'rude' was not entirely the word for it. Jevi may not have been a love expert, but she knew there were better ways to get a girl's attention. However, she knew this is what Shaya meant by flaunting to get drinks from guys. She released the tension as Shaya flirted back with the guy, mentioning buying drinks for both herself and Jevi, who was now closer to the two. Jevi had a cold but mysterious look to her face as she found a stool right next to her friend. ~"Anything's fine with me." 

  19. Jevi crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow as the one who called himself, Elric, gave her a bow. His voice made it seem like a pretty sarcastic gesture, which only ticked Jevi off a little more than she already was. ~"Yeah. I know their names. You're a little late to the introductions.."  He then placed a hand on her shoulder and went on about how her choice to defend the girl was what makes us human, but puts us in danged... well he didn't know what she did. Before he could get on too long with his philosophical speech, Jevi gently pushed Elric's hand off of her shoulder. 


    Jevi sighed and turned to Nel, ~"J-evi.. with a 'J'.." Even though it was not her real name, having her username mispronounced pushed Jevi the wrong way.. despite whether or not he even heard it right in the first place. ~"I could care less about the guy who hit me." She crossed her arms. ~"Id prefer not to even talk about it.. no offense."  her last statement was slightly softer, and it seemed the reason she did not want to talk about the situation was more for her own good, rather than sounding rude. 


    When Golden mentioned going outside of the walls, it seemed to hit a nerve with Jevi. She looked towards the ground and scratched her arm. She almost looked scared, but only for a moment. Then she gently shook her head and looked back up to Golden, ~"Boars huh? I dunno.. not feeling too up to that today. Maybe Ill hold you to it for another time though.." Golden seemed like a good kid.. and she did not want to come off as rude towards the guy who tried to help her after her little mishap, "But you should go to the tavern.. I'll probably head in that way too. I honestly could use a drink after those guys." She then turned to the other two players already stepping towards the tavern, ~"Normally, I probably wouldn't go with you guys.. but I could use a drink. So I suppose I'll join you."

  20. Jevi followed Shaya into the city to a small building. Drako's Bar, the sign on the front of the building said. Jevi couldn't remember the last time she had a drink, and she was curious how this stuff would work in this world. Either or, she was hoping to have a bit of fun. She looked from the sign over to her friend, who was "prepping" herself for what Jevi believed to be the men inside. Jevi, again, looked down at her own clothing and had no idea what to do to make herself look more attractive. She went to look back at Shaya for advice, but saw she was already heading inside. Jevi shrugged, here goes nothing.. 

  21. The girl raised an eyebrow as Yami grinned at her, ~".. Im Jevi."  He then went on to apologize for interrupting her. Did I look like I was doing anything, kid? she thought to herself. ~"No, I was not doing anything." After Yami let go of her hand, she brought it up to her head, pushing her dark purple bangs out of her face revealing yellow eyes. She looked the young player up and down, wondering what his story was or why he approached her. No matter, he was already standing in front of her.. might as well go along with it for now.

  22. Jevi watched as the man ran forward and attacked the wolf he made it seem decently easy. Maybe she would be able to do the same. She looked down at her hands that were clenching at the scimitar. She was slightly shaking a bit, knowing this thing could kill her. Her eyes shot back up when she heard the sound of teeth latching onto flesh. She saw the wolf had the side of the man's chest in its jowls. He was able to dislodge himself from its grip, and addressed to Jevi that it was her turn to attack. Stop being such a baby, Alex.. She ran forward, holding her scimitar in two hands, which she felt was very awkward for a sword with a shorter handle. Running past her the other player, she brought the curved sword up over her shoulder and the back down across the beast's side. 


    The wolf jumped backwards in pain as Jevi stood there, sword in hand. Her shaking had stopped, she knew she could do this. She looked at her hands again and then released her right hand, holding the sword just in her left. This felt more natural as she held his right hand in front of her for defensive purposes.


    ID: 25786

    BD: 8 ( 2 dmg)


    Grave: 14/15 HP
    Jevi: 11/11 HP
    Wolf: 4/8 HP (-2)

  23. ~"Flaunting huh.." Jevi looked down at her own apparel as Shaya demonstrated, showing a little more of her leg. ~"I can't say I have ever done it purposely. Although, there have been some scumbags that would beg to differ." A slight scowl formed from Jevi's lips as she thought of the assholes who tried to take advantage of her. She was silent for a moment, almost as if her conscience was trying to take over. But then a mischievous grin popped out as she turned to Shaya, ~"But hell.. why not give it a shot." Shaya had managed to bring out Jevi's nice side.. which was not something easily done. That did not mean it changed Jevi's attitude towards others, especially men willing to swoon over a girl's looks. She thought of this opportunity as a sort of revenge. 

  24. ~"How old am I?" Jevi wondered where this was going. ~"Well im tw-" Shaya shook her head and interrupted Jevi, telling her it didnt matter for her plans. Okay, now she really had no idea where Shaya's head was with ideas of plans. It was then she mentioned drinking, and it all came together making sense. Jevi chuckled, ~"I could go for a drink honestly.. but for free?" Jevi wondered how she would go about getting the girls free drinks.. but honestly, she figured she wouldn't ask. ~"Sure im game."  Jevi took a couple steps to stand directly next to Shaya before the two head off walking. 

  25. Jevi's eyes widened a bit when Shaya mentioned she cared and that Jevi deserves love. Despite her skin being a tad darker, it was obvious that her cheeks were red from blushing as well. These were all new feelings, knowing she has someone's friendship and all. It really made her.. happy.. for once. She smiled at Shaya, ~"..thank you. I know we only just met and all.. and you don't really know me.. but I really needed to hear those words from someone, anyone. And im happy it was you.. so thank you." 

    Jevi shook her head, wasn't time to get all mushy over something. Her innocent smile turned to a confident grin as she looked at her new friend, ~"So! Lets do something! Where are we off to?"

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