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Posts posted by Alex

  1. Alex was ready to go on his first day exploring in the night, and his first day off floor one. Alex wondered up to floor three and was gonna venture in the night. Probably not a good idea, but hey, when doesn't a human usually have a bad idea? Anyways, Alex wondered around on the floor, in search of something. A player. A friendly monster. A NPC. A monster. A anything. Alex walked into the night, looking up at the moon as he walked. The stars were just like the real life starts but even prettier, the game made them beautiful.

    Alex continued to look up until he finally decided that he would go star gazing. Alex grabbed out a piece of bread and some water as he layed down in the grass, staring up at the sky, getting tired. The stars seemed to keep getting brighter. It was almost like someone, in the real world, was sitting in a control room, changing each stars individual brightness settings. But it was more likely that the stars were changing brightness due to a code using a 'random' module. Thinking about coding makes me happy.... Helps me find my happy place. Alex slowly drifted off until he heard noise from far away. "Oi! make yourselves visible before I assume your a Player Killer and pursue you!" Alex took a moment to think. That meant the person who said that is not a PKer. That's a relief. And it also sounds like a girl.... Maybe we could become friends? Alex ran to catch up with her, trying to figure out where she was. Alex ran up to the strong looking player and said, "Hey, um.., who might you be? um..., My name is um...Alex!" Alex stared at the female player with eyes unmoving.

  2. Roleplays

    Role 1: Low Energy Count, Low Health, Low Skill: Noob-ness


    [SP-F1]Wrath of Combat[Complete]

    Alex fares off against his first few mobs he has seen in the game, finally leaving the protection of Starting City to see the real game at it's best state. Defeats 3 wolves and 1 boar, finding good loot, and learning how to use Sword Skills for the first time ever. After trying one for the first time, Alex is amazed at how awesome they are. And now... Alex is determined to survive this game. No matter what.


    [OP-F1]An Idol is Reborn[In-Progress]

    [PP-F1]A Wild Encounter(Freddy)[In-Progress]



     Role 2: Over and Under Estimated


    [SP-F1]Earning a Living[In-Progress]

    [PP-F2] A Night of Freedom[In-Progress]

  3. Alex stood up and looked out the window. The sun was shining, it was broad daylight. Maybe it's time to go explore the world outside the safe zone some more....... Alex put all his stuff into his backpack, as he walked around, also looking to see if there was any amazing place to eat. But no, all it looked like there was was disgusting food places crammed with tons of people. So Alex figured he would enjoy some bread later on. Alex pulled out his dagger, as it shined in the sunlight. Beautiful dagger, you are so beautiful....... Alex continued till' he reached the gate. Once again, there was a moment of hesitation, but he walked out of the gates all the same.


    Alex watched as the little wolf walked around. Alex was much more scared of big dogs than he was of little pigs.NIce puppy...... Alex's dagger was in his hand. As the wolf's deep red eyes stared into Alex's blue eyes, Alex started to feel sad for the wolf. Forced to try to kill everyone it sees. "Nice little puppy...." But the wolf then tackled Alex, and began trying to eat his head off. Alex quickly kicked the wolf off of him and got up, walking towards it. When he was close to the wolf, Alex sliced his dagger sideways, from left to right, then tossed it from is right hand to his left to do a quick upper cut, then back to his right hand to do whatever you call a down uppercut. "Take that you stupid wolf!"








  4. Alex watched as the player knocked the boar to one side, using his foot to knock his dagger out of the beasts back. Alex studied the beast as it ran around in their direction. Alex waited for the moment that the boar would look at Alex- but until then, Alex would just have to wait. His eyes were staring at a dialogue box as Alex prepared a sword skill. The dagger began to glow a bright green color, and it seemed the other areas around the dagger seemed to have their brightness settings reduced. This is my chance.....My chance to prove myself... Come on Alex..........

    The boar finally got a good look at the shining green dagger, as Alex's eyes opened wide. You had never seen a boar that fast unless you were in Sword Art Online. "Holy Shizz!" Alex leaped to the left side, and the boar went recklessly  right past him. But it was not long before the beast sprinted at Alex again. "Here goes nothing!" Alex ran up to the boar, as fast in a sprint as ever, and held his dagger low. Okay...wait for it.... Alex thought to himself. As the boar neared, Alex yelled: "Sky Uppercut!" But the boar easily dodged the strike. The Alex became faster and faster, tossing the dagger from one hand to the other hand, striking from both sides, merely to trap the foe. Now it should work......NOW! Alex activated the skill as the dagger began to glow brighter. "DIE!"  But the hit missed and the boar walked away, towards the other player. And it was all because of how much of a baby Alex was. God Dang it!



    » ID : [[ 27499 ]]
    » BD : [[
     MISS (2) ]]

    » MD : [[ MISS (2) ]]

    » CD : [[ 6 ]]

    « Takao »
    [[ 61/61 HP ]]

    « Alex »
    [[ 5/5 HP ]]

    « Boar 2 »
    [[ 1/5 HP ]] 

  5. Alexander walked by the gate. His foot, momentarily frozen before exiting the town of beginnings for the first time, took awhile to cross through the exit. Alex looked out into the distance, seeing the sun. But then, as Alex looked down, he saw a player. .A rather strong looking one. If I made friends with strong players like him, I may actually stand a chance in this game..... Plus I really am tired of being lonely. I really do need some company and friends....... Alex gripped his dagger hard after he stepped out of the gate. Alexander quickly caught up to were the other player was, and said a polite "HI! And who might you be????" But then, Alex heard the snarl of the boar.


    After turning around, Alex began to quiver. "Whaaa-Whaa-Whaa-is that thing!" Alex took a few steps back. "It looks like a pig, but the glowing red eyes... .the snarling teeth..... the purple skin..." Alex had always been afraid of pigs, and sometimes big dogs. But Alex fell on his butt this time, watching as the boar got closer. "G-G-Get back!" Alex hopped to his feet, pretending to all of the sudden not be afraid. Come on, Alex, don't be afraid.... It's just a baby pig.............Oh but then why would I have any intention of killing it! AGH! Alex's dagger was still tighty gripped in his left hand. "Die, you pathetic little boar!" Alex screamed as he attempted stabbed the boar. When Alex looked up, the boar had been stabbed successfully. But the dagger.. . was stuck in the boar! "Give that back, you bastardly pig!" Alex chased after the dagger in the boars back.


    - -
    (This bit is just for consistency's sake.)

    « Battle Sequence »
    Alex » Boar 2

    » ID : [[ 27293 ]]
    » BD : [[ Critical (9) ]]
    » MD : [[ Missed (1) ]]

    » CD : [[ 12 ]]

    « Takao »
    [[ 63/63 HP ]] 

    « Alex »
    [[ 5/5 HP ]] 

    « Boar 2 »
    [[ 2/5 
    HP ]] (5 HP - 3 DMG)



    Real name:Alexander
    Height:5' 1"

    About: History/personality

    Alex is a computer programmer. He went to high school early, has been in high school since he was 12. Alex possess great intellect when it comes to computers. You want something done on your computer? Go to him. He'll do it. But the reason Alex ended up in Japan when he lived in Kansas you ask? Alex had also been studying Japanese preparing himself for a trip. A trip that a big group of people looking for potential students with coding ability set up.

    Alex loves summer. (well except for sun burns. He gets them all the times and hates them.) He also loves Winter. And Fall, and Spring. Basically he has reasons to hate and love all seasons. Alex is also fascinated with dragons and things like that. Also Alex loves My little Ponies. He's a brony. (Guy who likes My little ponies)

    The trip was to go to Japan and test out the game that genius Kyawa had created. To show what we could be some day.  Anyways, they went. And they bought the Nervegear and all. And you know where they all are now? Sitting in a hospital bed, un-moving, with a big grey device sitting on his head.


    (Smart). For Alex to be such a good computer programmer, you also have to be smart. Smart enough to talk to a computer. Alex is a junior but only fourteen, skipping two grades when he was in Elementary school. He is also smart game wise. Since he makes games, he knows how to beat games. With the best strategies. Alex has made many puzzle games, shooter games, rpg's, and mmo's. So trust me on this one, Alex is Smart. Smart enough to live through this game.

    (Creativity). Although fourteen, Alex still plays with Legos. Legos are awesome to him. You could build anything with Legos, believe it or not, but if you try hard enough you can create anything out of Legos. Alex also has to have creativity to create art for his games, to make his games, and to advertise his games. Through lots of Lego buildings, Game art, and Games, Alexander has become an expert at being creative.

    (Running). Alex is a high school runner. is good at running,whether it's long distance, sprinting, cross country, or on track.  He is a runner beyond all his other team mates in his high school. Easily the greatest runner in the high school. If somebody asks him why he runs, he will simply answer "Why don't you run?" if your trying to get into running, He will tell you it's a mental sport. If you don't believe you  can do it then you can't.  In fact, he will tell you if you don't believe in anything you do, you probably can't do it or won't do it well or won't be able to do it at all. 

    Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html
    (Cowardly). Alex may seem cool and everything, but Alex is scared. Of everything. Alex has never ridden a rollar coaster, no way no how. It was almost impossible to get him on the plane to Japan. Alex cannot handle scary movies. Alex is scared of more things, including but not limited to: Zip-lines, trains, subways, Wasps, bees, spiders, snakes, locusts, spider webs, school, Caves, The Ocean, Sharks, Eels, Jellyfish, Animals, etc.

    (Shy). Although be nerdy and SUPER smart may be a good thing at sometimes, and some people may even wish they had that sort of intellect. But the problem with being smart is nerdy, is that not very many girls care how smart you are. They care how popular you are, how much money you have, and how much muscle you have. (Even though Alex is very buff in the muscle and gonna be making millions someday).

    (Heavy Weaponry). Alex hates swinging around heavy things(Even though he does weight). Heavy weapons aren't his thing. especially heavy armor. Alex's thing is light and lethal armor and one handed dagger. Although, Alex isn't sure if he should use a shield or not. If he will, it will be a small one. See, in all the games that Alex plays/makes, he also plays as a two handed, dagger wielding player. But in this game, as far as Alex knows, you can't dual wield.  Alex: "Well that is pretty crappy!" As he reads the release news.

    Profession: None yet.





    Weapon skills:
    »1-Hand Dagger-Rank 1-0/8


    TOTAL SP: 6

    Used SP:5

    Non-used SP:1


    1-Hand Dagger

    Leather shirt

    Leather Trousers

    10 Bread

    15 Water

    Relationships (optional)

    Story Thus Far (optional)






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