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Posts posted by Abalasster

  1. I looked out among the fields of white. This was definitely one of my most favorite floors. Its atmosphere was a beautiful canvas of white. It was the closet I had ever been to snow. I had come to this place plenty of times, for many reasons. To see the landscape, to kill things and to even just escaping the overpopulated first 3 floors. But, as cold as the weather was built to be, I was never really affected by it. Will over mind perhaps? Anyways, after taking in the view that the teleport landing offered, I made my way through the main settlement, until I found a bench in town square. The square was almost empty, save for one female warrior. She wasn't looking in my direction, so I hadn't a clue if she knew of my presence . She too, was sitting on a bench. I looked into the sky. I had to give it to the people who trapped us in here, they backed the place with many beautiful sights.

    I looked back down into the square to see a girl with pink hair enter. She walked up to the lady sitting on the bench. I didn't hear the interaction, because it was out of my field of hearing. But, whatever she said, it startled the warrior siting on the bench. However, despite this, she calmed down rather quickly. They both sat down. Not too long later, another figure entered the square. This one was male. He walked up to the two girls on the bench and they all en-locked in conversation. I sat where I was and watched the events transpire. I decided not to engage in conversation yet, for I knew not one of them...  

  2. It was raining had in the Town of Beginnings. Sure, I've seen it rain here and there, but this was something different. The rain was coming down terribly strong and it seemed as if it was only picking up. I was siting with a crowd of people in a popular spot of the garden in the town. Once the rain had begun, many people fled to seek dryer places to spend their time. I for one wasn't bothered by the rain. It was in fact something that helped me focus. I noted that only about 4 people remained from the crowd. One of which was under one of the overhangs that protected some of the plants that didn't need the amount of water that was raining down. I looked down to see that my Scarab companion, Khepri, was taking shelter from the rain by pulling a piece of my robes over him. I smiled at the sight of my companion's action and looked back to the small band that lay in front of me...

  3. If you're here, the title kinda sums up me right now. I'm a bit bored. I don't like the feeling of being overwhelmed, but I love logging in to see like 4 notifications. Sadly, this hasn't happened in a while. So, anyone who shares my interest, we should get a thread going. Anyone who's up, you all know where to respond at. It would be stellar to have like 5+ people in a thread, but I'll settle for anything right now :D  

  4. ID:39138, 42, 43

    LD: 20+2, 6+2, 18+2

    I walked over to the bodies of the monsters. I looked down at the enemies that I had just defeated. It had been a short but semi painful battle. I dropped to the ground. The wounds were just starting to set in. I began to prop myself up with my rapier. I looked around my surrounding to make sure that no other surprises happened. I looked down to see that Khepri was at my side. I had forgot all about him since the battle began. It was good to see him in one piece...

  5. Item's Name: Zealot Treads

    Rarity: Rare

    ID: 39138

    Enchantment: +1 Evasion, +1 thorns

    Appearance: Similar to robes. All black boots, with stainless, white roots seeping down





    Items name: Mantle of the Zealot

    Rarity: uncommon

    ID; 39143

    Enchantment, loot die +1

    Appearance: It is a hood/cape. It has the ability to cover from the nose to the chin of the face. For the cape, It has a lone white, barren, tree (similar to the treads and the robes), on a black background   

  6. ID: 39136

    BD: 8 + 1= 9

    DMG: 3 x 2 = 5

    Abalasster 23/28

    Warriors: dead

    I walked slowly towards the warriors, as they had left a severe pain in my legs. As i approached the first, I raised my rapier to strike. But, the warrior must have gotten cocky, because he attempted to strike me first. I dodged his attack and struck it down.

    "One down" I said aloud. I raised my rapier to strike the next one. This monster and I traded hits with the sword, but it ended up slipping after an attack, and I thrust my blade into its abdomen. That only left one left. The last monster had no expression on its face. I expected as much from such a being. I stuck him, and staggered it back. I then thrust my rapier into its left knee. It collapsed to the ground. I then hacked off its head... 

  7. The Monsters recovered from their injured state. They formed back into the stance that they had made when they first confronted me. They then began to run at me...


    MD: 7,9,7

    CD: 10, 12

    Damage: 10-3 from Mit= 7- 2 from healing= 5

    Abalasster 23/28

    Warrior 4/14 -2 next turn

    Warrior 4/14 -2 next turn

    Warrior 4/14 -2 next turn

    As they ran at me I could basically see the determination in their expressions. I wasn't able to dodge any of their attacks like I had the first time. The first one ran by and hit me in the leg. This left me open for the next attack. As the thing ran by, I could see that it was aiming for my head. I took my rapier and knocked the blade so that it hit me in the chest. This knocked me down on my back. The last warrior hit my other leg. I swore as I lay on the ground. I stuck my rapier into the ground to hoist me upright. I took it out of the ground and began slowly towards the monsters...


  8. I watched as Jericho ruffled the hair of the small boy. It made me smile. Even in such dire situations, like these, the child didn't show one sign of grief. It was like he thought that nothing terrible was happening around him. I wished I still had such innocence. I walked over to Jericho, seeing as how she called me over. But, an odd feeling hit me. Like I was being watched. I have been having these "visions" and now this. I turned to look behind me, but saw no one. I shook it off, but knew that something was up...  

  9. ID: 39032,3,4

    MD: 4,6,4

    Abalasster: 28/28

    Warrior 14/14

    Warrior 14/14

    Warrior 14/14

    The Three grass warrior came at me swiftly and it what seemed like perfect form. I had never seen anything like it on floor 1. All I had ever seen were boar and other trash mobs. They all attacked with coordinated swings. I blocked the strike of the first one with my rapier. I was able to to duck under the second one. The third one almost hit. I was just able to jump over it. My opponents and I had just traded positions on the battlefield. I got my rapier ready for a retaliatory strike...

    ID: 39035

    BD: 9+1= 10= 2 crits + 1 base damage + 1dmg+ bleed x2

    Abalasster 28/28

    Warriors 6/14 -2 for next 2 turns 

      Warrior 6/14 -2 for next 2 turns 

    Warrior 6/14 -2 for next 2 turns 

    I took my rapier and ran at the grassland warriors. I began by thrusting my rapier into the right most warrior. It took little effort. I then focused for the one in the middle, he put up more resistance, but I could tell that these warriors were ones who preferred to attack rather than defend. I was able to get both the center on and the left one with ease. I then repeated the process in reverse. I left them all reeling. I readied my rapier in the defensive position. One more basic attack would finish all of them...

  10. The vision ended abruptly. It seemed to end just as fast as it started. I put my head into my hands. "What the absolute hell was that" I proclaimed into the open wilderness. I didn't care if anyone heard me. What I experienced wasn't just a vision, but a memory. It shared my similarities to the first one that I experienced this night. But, my time for trying to rationalize what had just happened ended rather abruptly. I looked up to see what appeared to be 3 grass warriors running at me. I jumped back up to my feet and unsheathed my rapier. I ran at the grass warriors, hoping that I could get the first strike...


  11. As I walked though the fields, I found a tree that I could rest against. It was enormous. I sat down and leaned against the behemoth.  I stared up into the night sky. It was one of the most breath taking sights. It felt as if I was back home, in the real world, sitting down against a tree, looking into the night sky. But, in the blink of an eye, everything changed, an I was thrust into what seemed like an alternate reality...

    "It would appear as if this is it" Eurifracles said, knocking on the iron door that lay ahead of them

     "Thank the heavens" Bishop said, exhaling. He drew his sword and got ready for what lay behind the door. Polaris walked up behind him and laid a hand on his shoulder

    "My friend, you need to go slowly through this" Polaris began. "Who the hell knows what the hell is behind that door"

    "Well, whatever it is, its nothing I can't handle" Regigous said with a smirk across his face as he drew his mace and shield.

    Abalasster drew his rapier and got into his defensive position.

    Mariska drew her long sword and walked to the front of the group. 

    "Ladies, Gentlemen, Bishop. We have made it to our destination. But, this doesn't yet mean that we should get joyous. I want everyone in position. Regigous and I will take the front. Abalasster, Eurifacles and Bishop, you three are behind us. Polaris and Murifacy, you two flank the enemy. If enemies come directly out of this door, which I'm certain they will, we need to be ready". 

    Bishop nudged Abalasster.

    "Hey" he began. "Whats going on with you? Before this, you had this diplomatic kind of swagger. But now you seem to be more serious than Eurif.?"

    "Something about this place offsets me..." Abalasster began

    Before he could finish, the iron door opened...

  12. The player in front of me must have seen the confusion and concern in my face when i was scanning the crowd. "Yeah...I'm fine". The player then looked to the ground, and apologized again. "My friend, Its ok. Your not the one making me feel the way I feel. It's just..." I trailed off mid statement. I pondered on whether to tell him what I saw, or what I thought that I had seen. No use in getting a relatively new player concerned. "So, I why don't we go out and do some mob clearing. I need to kill something..." I hoped that this would cheer up the new player...

  13. I continued to drink the coffee that I had ordered and scan the crowd to see who had said the words that piked my interest. Like said, the language was foreign to me, but I could tell it definitely had Eastern influence. Eventually, I heard another voice respond. It was also in the same language...and i couldn't understand a lick of it. The feminine voice then responded, with her earlier accent fading. Then, she swapped her language to English. She was obviously flustered. I cracked a smile at the situation that I was hearing. The flurry of words may have caught me up if I were in the gentlemen's shoes. She barely gave him chances to engage in conversations. Probably just trying to set everything straight. Then, she suggested for her and the gentlemen to go and "get a drink and chat". The gentleman, who, to note, was wearing a strictly odd article of clothing. But what the hell did I know. Tastes will vary on everything everywhere. The two would probably agree on getting, drinks. I took notice that the closest restaurant/ cafe was the one that I was attending. I took another drink of my coffee and continued to scan the crowd to find the individuals... 

  14. "Yeah, It's my companion" I began. "I've had him since almost the very beginning. He's been one of the most loyal friends I've ever found. Possibly even the loyalest". Jericho began to lead me the orphanage. Once we got there, it was evident that she was the equivalent of a superstar to the kids. Some waved, while others ran up and jumped on her. Some even gave hugs. I just stood back and smiled. It was amazing, to see people, who only know each other through a video game, could show so much emotion and so much embrace. Sure, I had heard about people finding there soul mate on such pass times like video games, but stuff like this was on a different caliber of its own. This was friendship in its purest form. 

    "Looks like you a superstar here, aren't you Jericho" I said with a smile... 

  15. I turned to see that Jericho was no longer inside the room but was now downstairs at one of the tables. I closed the door and made my way towards the stairs. I hopped on the banister and slid down. I was able to stick the landing, thankfully. I opened the door that lead back out into the streets of the Town of Beginnings. Once we were outside the door, I felt something tugging at my robes. I looked down to see a friend that I hadn't seen since my time before exile.

    I picked up my companion, Khepri. I sat the scarab on my shoulder. He was the one friend that I had seen since I had returned from my hellish experience... 

  16. "Alrighty then, show me the way" I said getting up and opening the door of the room. I turned back and looked at Jericho. It was then that odd things started to happened. The room began to shift from the state it was in currently to that of the cave again. The same thing was occurring to Jericho. She was morphing into some I knew from a long time ago. I laid my free hand on my rapier.

    "Mariska?" I whispered. Then, in an instant, the creature from my previous vision appeared and thrust its claw through Mariska. This was the same way she died in the cave. I shook my head and everything was back to normal...   

  17. Jericho suggested we go to the orphanage. This puzzled and intrigued me at the same time. I had never thought that a game, especially one of this caliber would have an orphanage. And with the current situation at hand, it had a totally new meaning now. "Alright, that sounds like i good idea" i said. "Do you know of any nearby?" I had never taken the time to find the place. Hell, i didn't even know it existed until she brought it up. It made me think though. How many kids would need to be trapped in this game for an orphanage to be opened up?

  18. It was like she read my mind. Its like she saw that it was a subject that i didn't want to touch. "Well, i'll tell you this much about it" i began. "A raiding group, consisting of 6 members, including myself, went after a field boss on floor nine. Needless to say, i was the only one to make it out". Me saying this only scratched the surface of the subject. It was a more in depth story. But, i wasn't ready to go on about it right at this moment. I got up from my seat and leaned against the door. "So, where shall we go now?" i asked. We may have been running out of options. Yet, the city still offered many opportunities... 

  19. ID: 38732

    MD; 9

    CD: 10

    Abalasster 22/24 (Mit. and Healing add 2)

    Big Boar 12/12

    Boar 2 6/6

    Boar 3 6/6

    The biggest of the boars must have seen me coming at him, because he began sprinting at me to intercept. He made contact, but i was able to bring my rapier to block some of the impact. But i wasn't able to catch all of it. The boar knocked me back and i fell to the ground. I picked myself up and charged right back after the boar...

    ID: 38733

    BD: 8+1= 9; 9x2 =18 across all targets

    I  ran at the boars. I struck my rapier into the boar on the furthest right. I then brought it into the giant boar and finally into the boar on the left. I did the same again, but this time from left o right. All of the boar's fell. I sheathed my rapier and walked further into the plains...  

  20. I hopped off the shelf and stood in the middle of the room. 

    "i really haven't a clue in the slightest what happened and why" i began. "All I remember is this...this vision that I had before I blacked out. I was thrust into..." I paused before I went on. I was conflicted. Do i tell her about...what had happened or not? I decided that if she says that if I'm not telling the whole story,I'm going to have to explain it all. "...into a Cave. Whilst in this vision, I saw some kind of Creature. It was coming at me with Villainous intent. That was when i took my rapier and tried to kill it. Next thing I know, I'm back in reality and then blackness". I continued to eat my French toast. It was magnificent. The creators of this game did an amazing job replicating the taste of food. I went to one of the chairs in the room and sat down. I waited for Jericho's response to my story...   

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