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Posts posted by Bjorn

  1. As he continued deeper, he came across a new set of mobs, no more boars but giant wasps, his eyes narrowed and he watched them as the flew about in pairs and by their lonesome. He wondered how difficult the monster would be, the boar had been easy to fight, even when it had been larger, but that didn't mean it would apply to a new type of enemy, especially one capable of flying. He gripped the axe tightly as he considered his options, he could go around the things, heading farther into the floor and likely coming across more dangerous foes, attempt to fight one or two of them, or he could head back the way he came and continue to battle the boars, both large and small for the materials they seemed to drop, as well as the occasional item. The big man pondered for a few moments before shaking his head and turning back, he didn't feel as if dealing with these enemies was in his best interest for now, he would level up more before trying to deal with something that could fly far out of his reach. He turned and began to head back, keeping an eye out for a boar that looked as if would be a singular enemy. 

  2. Bjorn was in a good mood, he had leveled up, regained his hit points due to it, received a bit of armor, some more materials, and had learned that damage here in this world was nothing like it was in the real world, though it was dangerous none the less and something he had to keep in mind as he went about fighting, though he doubted it would be hard to forget. The big man moved about, his steps lighter as he headed farther from the city, watching the boars and the occasional player, a toothy grin set on his face as he traveled deeper into this world. As he traveled, he saw that there were groups of players searching about in trees, picking up rocks, taking things off of plants and various objects, he frowned as he watched, they appeared to be able to gather materials from the world, which meant there was non-combat ways to advance as well. Or at least it appeared that way. He stored that information away in the back of his mind as he continued on his way. 

  3. The kid had seemed surprised, which immediately made Bjorn want to bark at him about not being so timid, he didn't though as he realized the kid was a civilian, just like everyone else here, and the fact that he fairly quickly provided him with an answer. He moved back to the original menu, jabbed his finger violently into the first icon and then the second option, he looked over it and the skill presented there. He pondered a moment rapping his fingers on the axe at his side with his free hand before shaking his head and bringing his attention back on the kid, "There are no two-handed hammers and maces at all?" he growled out before shaking his head, he would wait then, perhaps he would get a decent drop off of something he killed in the mean time. "Thanks for the help kid, I haven't played sh*t since World of Warcraft was a brand new game. All of this other than combat is confusing to me. And the fact I'm so f**king weak here is bothersome." He dropped out of the menu and proffered his hand, "I'm Bjorn."

  4. With the big mans mood had lifted, and the man grinned widely as he turned towards the boar, his hands sitting much lighter on the haft of the axe, his breathing was, while still ragged, easier and his heart had stopped pounding as much as it had been just a moment ago, he look fierce and happy to be in battle, as if he was enjoying himself now rather than as if he was intensely concentrating and angry. He watched as the boar turned and charged him, and let out a laugh as he kicked it away before bringing the axe down on it's spin, striking true. It let out a loud squeal of pain before vanishing, once again exploding into pixelated pieces and quickly ran off into the nether. He watched as the experience came in, the material and then his eyes lit up as an item showed dropping into his inventory as well. "Well, well, what do we have here?" he muttered to himself as he fumbled through the menus, attempting to find his inventory. It took a few good moments before he was able to bring it up. He saw that he had found a set of light armor, a type of Lamellar armor, apparently a light metal suit. With a shrug he slipped it on to his equipment and laughed to himself as it materialized on him, much easier than getting dressed himself, and he didn't have to fumble about figuring how to wear the damned thing as it was already on. He wasn't sure what it did for him, but he figured it would be better to have armor on than not. 


    ID: 27708
    BD: 8 (1 dmg)
    MD: 5 (0 dmg)
    LD: 16 (Good Loot)
    Bjorn: 5/7
    Boar: 0/4 (-1 dmg)


    Name: Lamellar armor

    Rank: 1

    Quality: Good

    Item Type: Light Metal Armor

    Enhancements: -----




  5. As the dance continued Bjorn tired of it quickly, and in an attempt to gain the initiative leapt forward and tried to bring the axe down with a choked up grip on the handle, his hands near the head rather than the center or bottom, while he thought that it should have given him more control over the axe, he had misjudge his reach while holding the weapon in this manner, and completely missed the boar, stumbling down into the boar's tusks as it swung its own head in an attempt to gore him. What would have been a miss, instead turned into a very solid strike across the big axman's thigh, causing a surprisingly dull and unrealistically weak amount of pain. What would have been a crippling blow in reality, to nothing more than a minor inconvenience at most. There was an immediate lightening of the mans mood, this wasn't nearly as bad as he had expected, not with how everything else had been modeled so far, and how sadistic the designer was. 


    ID: 27707
    BD: 1 (0 dmg)
    MD: 9 (2 dmg)
    Bjorn: 5/7 (-2 dmg)
    Large Boar: 1/4

  6. This time as the big man attempted to circle, and the boar followed there was little to no time wasted with the two staring each other down, the boar rather than charging moved in and stared to swing it's tusk at Bjorn, shaking his head, he smacked it with the handle of the axe and danced backwards and to the side, the boar did not give up, and though it was wounded heavily it followed easily, almost light on its feet as it spun to face the big man once again. This dance of the boar attempt to strike and Bjorn shoving it away from him with the axe handle continued uninterrupted for some time before either of them attempted something else, the big man not having the room or time to switch the axe into a position that would allow him to strike well enough at the boar, and the boar was unable to bring its gleaming tusks to bear. 

    ID: 27706
    BD: 3 (0 dmg)
    MD: 1 (0 dmg)
    Bjorn: 7/7
    Large Boar: 1/4

  7. The big man slowly strafed in a circle around the large boar, watching as it's tail twitched and it snorted as it glared back at him, turning to keep him in-front of it. There turning continued for a few moments, until Bjorn released his right hand on the axe, intending to tighten it down once more in a better position, the boar saw its opportunity and charged at him. Having expected to be charged at any moment, Bjorn was ready, and danced off to the side after a small leap and brought the axe to bear against the charging boar with his left hand alone, the boar dodge to the side, though not well enough to keep the axe from nicking it's side, drawing another line of damage across its ribs. The two came back to the same position that the had been before the exchange, eyeing each other once more, the man panting slightly and the boar snorting loudly. 


    ID: 27705
    BD: 8 (1 dmg)
    MD: 3 (0 dmg)
    Bjorn: 7/7
    Large Boar: 1/4 (-1 dmg)

  8. The big man's scowl was directed towards the person that had interrupted him in his search for the right place in the menu, he looked the kid over a bit before grunting and replying, "Yeah, I'm just lost when it comes to the interface. To many menus, and I can't find my way around them easily. First game in a long while, and this sh*t happens. Didn't have a chance to learn anything, only just got around to learning to fight and I'm wanting to spend some of the Skill points I have. But I don't know how to do it." Bjorn swiped at the menu, causing it to run through several different ones, the scowl still apparent on his face. "This stupid sh*t should be more intuitive. Perhaps it is though, and I'm just to old for this sh*t." he let out a frustrated sigh and bared his teeth at the kid, "You happen to know how to do that?"


    Bold is Speech and Italics is Thoughts.

  9. It didn't take long before his choice was made for him, unlike the other boar, this one was more alert, and it noticed him before he had decided on what to do. It pawed the ground twice, letting out a might snort and charged forward, tusks gnashing at the air as it went. The ground was torn up underneath the charging boar, the big man was happy that he, unlike many others, didn't sheath his weapon upon his back, or even in the frog that had been provided on his belt, and instead traveled with it in his hands. This allowed him to be prepared for the charge, even though it had taken him somewhat by surprise. He stepped to the side quickly, bringing the axe in a sideways swipe at the large boar as it passed him, opening a gash along it's chest, down its side and flank. With a grunt the big man grinned, the adrenaline kicking in once more, causing his heart to beat fast, his pupils to dilate, his breath to come in more ragged gasps and his grip on the axe white knuckled as he prepared himself for whatever counter attack the boar would make. 


    ID: 27662
    BD: 9 (2 dmg)
    MD: 4 (0 dmg)
    Bjorn: 7/7
    Large Boar: 2/4 (-2 dmg)

  10. With his first kill behind him the big man let out a shaky breath, it wasn't nearly as bad as he had thought it would be, still, the adrenaline had pounded through his body, making his heart race and his breathing ragged. If this wasn't a death game he would have loved the feeling that the game could produce, but the fact was that fight had been to the death, and he wasn't impressed with how easy the seemed to want to make it appear. For all he knew they intended the first fight to lure him and others into a false sense of security, before they ramped up the difficulty and brought the player down to their knees. After all, they had been enough of a bunch of a b*stard to trap the thousands of players in the game and kill them off. 

    With a shake of his head he let out another breath, bringing his breathing back into line as he looked about and took in his surroundings once more, off to one side there was a party farming the boars, and giving him dirty looks, Bjorn responded with a rude gesture before turning in a different direction and heading out. He needed to find some more stuff to fight, he wanted to be good and used to the battle system before he returned to the city. Besides, he might find something worthwhile in the loot they dropped and he could defiantly use a few levels before he took on any quests. He continued for some ways before spotting a larger boar pushing its way through the grass in the distance, this one looking to be nearly two hundred pounds of fierce muscle and tusks. "Looks like I'm going to be getting another fight with the piggies of this place. Hopefully that level will help me out." he muttered quietly to himself as he considered his course of action. 


  11. The big man was still reeling from the stumble and frantically tried to recover before the boar could turn its body and its deadly tusks back on him, he quickly succeeded, finding his feet faster than the boar had been able to turn about to meet him. By the time that the boar finished bringing its self back around to face the axe wielding man he had already placed his feet and was bringing his axe down at the beast once more, the strike perfectly aimed at its neck. The blow struck true, landing in the already damaged portion of the creatures neck, finishing what he had started and slicing down and through the boar's neck in its entirety. The head slopped off and struck the ground with a dull thud, and stayed there only a moment before the head and body exploded into an uncountable number of pixelated pieces and then quickly vanished into nothingness. There was a small congratulatory sound, and a notification popped up in his view, showing that he had received a number of experience points, as well as some materials as loot. It wasn't much, but it was surely a start, and Bjorn felt like he had grasped the combat system, or at least the basics of it.


    ID: 27649
    BD: 9 (2 dmg)
    MD: 4 (0 dmg)
    LD: 9 (No Loot)
    Bjorn: 5/5
    Boar: -1/3 (-2 dmg)

  12. "Come on now, I needs me some bacon." The ax man taunted the boar as he ready himself for when he could swing once more. Shuffling his feet around so that he was ready to dodge Bjorn unknowingly set himself up for failure, though he realized it soon enough when he hopped backwards to give himself room as the boar charged, he landed partially in a hole and swung his axe widly at the boar, attempting to hit him despite his lose of balance. The blade swished harmlessly over the top of the creature, which due to the stumbling Bjorn was doing at the time missed it's next attempt to gore the man. 

    ID: 27647
    BD: 3 (0 dmg)
    MD: 4 (0 dmg)
    Bjorn: 5/5
    Boar: 1/3

  13. Bjorn had been crouched in the grass, waiting, his axe was in hand and he had it clenched tightly, so tightly that his knuckles were white. He stared through the grass at his chosen prey as it came closer and closer, the grass occasionally brushing to the side and tickling his face as his dark brown eyes stayed locked onto his target. It would be a good strike, one that would kill in the real world he knew, but he wasn't sure that it would be enough, not in this world he had now found himself to be in. Inch by inch the boar made its way closer to Bjorn's hidden position, as it did so, his entire body tightened in anticipation, before he eventually surged upward as it came with in range and struck out at the boar with his war cry, bringing the axe down hard at the neck of the beast before it had a chance to react. 

    ID: 27642
    BD: 9 (2 dmg)
    MD: 5 (0 dmg)
    Bjorn: 5/5
    Boar: 1/3 (-2 dam)

    The axe struck true, slamming into the creature and leaving a tear in it that was filled with a set of greenish black squares with white lines where there should have been blood and gore, followed by it collapsing to the ground. Instead it abruptly turned and looked up from what it had been doing. The creature let out an angry squeal and slashed back and forward with its gleaming white tusks, thankfully Bjorn had been expecting something of the sort and he dodge to the side, letting it move past him swinging it's head back and forth. He attempted to swing again, but found he could not, at least not yet. "So there is some kind of built in limitation. Figures." 


  14. Bjorn leaned his head back against the cool wall, he was standing in the shadow of one of the gates to Starter city, which he supposed would be his home for some time. He was reflecting on the way combat worked, going over it in his mind, it hadn't gone as he had expected, and there didn't seem to be to much he could do to effect it heavily, at least not with his currently level of knowledge. There seemed to be turns at work, and perhaps skills that he needed. He still wasn't sure how to spend the skill points he new he started with, which was why the big axman would be found with a frown on his face as his axe leaned against the wall beside him and he started at the menu he had brought up. He could see he had made some col from the fight, and there had been a notification of it when he had won, he saw that, but still didn't see where to spend his skill points. The big man continued to work his way through the menu, one slid at a time, oblivious to the passerby that would occasionally shot him a look. Why was this happening to him? "What did I do to deserve to get stuck with this bulls**t?" he wondered absently as he continued to peck away at the menu, the frown deeping into a scowl. 

  15. The red clothed man marched forth from the gates of Starting City, underneath it's shadow and then out of the large gates. He noted that the world outside of the gates was as well designed and portrayed as the world in the city had been. He moved ahead, on alert, occasionally stopping to shade his eyes from the sun and check his surroundings. Bjorn enjoyed the fact that the city was surrounded by rolling grasslands, and that there was a breeze that caught his clothes and the top of the grass. He had a few options, most pressingly of them was which direction to set off in. He paused a moment, looking in each of the directions as a few other players passed him heading out into the grasslands. At the very least there were others about so that if he were to need to call for help, there were those that could respond. He took a moment before setting off in the same direction as several of the others, watching them in groups and occasionally as the headed out and began to fight. He watched there actions and how the fights unfolded. 

    He decided that he would stay within easy shouting distance, after all, one never knew when they would be needed, or when they would need assistance, "Especially as your a [censored] boot." and the assurance was nice to have. He continued on into the grass for some time before crouching down and waiting, he wanted to be near the boar before combat started, after all, he knew what a boar charge could do in reality, and doubted that he wanted to experience it in the game either. 

    Italics are Thought.

    Bold is Speech.

  16. Where do I find the Roller that is supposedly in the post? Or is that gone and now everything is done with the Permaroller? I don't see any dice roller menu :/. 

    Is there a template for the signatures I see that is free to use somewhere? Or do people just make there own?

    Would anyone mind me joining in an rp with them?  




    Username: Bjorn

    Real name: Allen Musgrove

    Age: 37

    Gender: Male

    Height: 190.5 cm | 6'3"

    Weight: 124 kg | 248 Lbs


    About: History/personality

    Having spent most of his life in or dealing with the military and a structured lifestyle, when Bjorn ETS’d out he had to adapt to life outside of that structure. He attended college, and found the most challenging part to be watching his language. He found the time he spent there to be one more of aimlessness, with no real goal other than good grades and graduation, which seemed to require little effort for the man. He turned his attention to video games, something he had dabbled in over the years, but never taken a large interest in. With the release of SAO being the first VRMMO, something that was still in his mind science fiction, he decided to join and try it out, after all, something like the VR promised for so long in television and movies was something that he found hard to pass up.


    It is very easy to see that Bjorn was in the military, if one has experience in dealing with it. The way he stands, where he puts the emphasis on his words, the way he clips his words, how he addresses others and his way of walking, closer to marching at nearly all times. His bearing, screams long term military experience.




    || Athletic ||

    Bjorn has to keep himself physically fit, as such he tends to be more athletic than others. With a daily routine of running stairs, flipping tires, farmer's carries and the like he has built a combination of fitness and strength that he is able to rely upon in any situation. Of course, the adjustment to being much weaker in the game has left him with some difficulties, though he hopes to overcome them in time, as his avatar is strengthened. If it doesn’t, this is likely to cause problems.


    || Courageous ||


    Outside of Sword Art Online, Bjorn has had to deal with the horrors of a soldier's life, survivors guilt and adjusting back to the normal life of a civilian. As such he is able to bring forth the courage that served him well and take any action he deems necessary for his own survival, even despite it seeming that the world is dead set against him. He doesn't place a great deal of emphasis on faith, or dwelling on the negative consequences of his actions, and instead uses them to reinforce his own views. He doesn't look for the approval of others, nor does he worry about their disapproval, out of the group that was involved, few have the experience that he does, or have had to make the choices he has had to make.


    || Integrity ||

    Bjorn holds himself to a set standard, regardless of others actions or inactions, he will not break from his way of doing things. He believes in doing things his way, a way that has been ingrained into him by his life experiences. In general this means he feels he has to help others who deserve it, protect those who he feels have earned it, share gains equally with those that earned their share, show loyalty to those that he feels deserve it, honor his word and attempt to be an example for others in his own way.



    Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html


    || Fierce ||

    Bjorn has a tendency to be fierce, this is due to his history, the training and experience in the military and his old way of life. He tends to be goal driven, one should always have something they are working towards to the best of their ability, and one must always give their best. Much of the time, in various situations, he will resort to violence first, as it tends to trigger training and old events in the past.


    || Fixation on being physically fit||

    Despite spending much of his free time gaming, Bjorn has always had a real need to stay physicaly fit and ready. As such, he could always be found by his neighbours throughout the day sprinting up and down the stairs in the apartment complex, lifting weights, doing pull ups, push ups, sit ups, crunches, and the like. With the permission of the owner, he set up a workout area in the complex, pull up bars were installed in three different sizes, large truck tires were brought in to flip, various implements for the farmers walk, and more.

    || Tactless ||

    Bjorn is tactless, he doesn’t care what others think about how he deals with things or in how he speaks to others. He tends to be blunt, even when dealing with things that require finesse, viewing it as a waste of time, both of his and everyone involved. Bjorn has an issue with his language, he tends to curse a significant amount, which can be off putting to others. His military experience has caused him to have little concern for the niceties.





    « Non-Combat »



    « Passive »



    « Combat »



    « Weapon Skills »



    « Unused SP »

    » 3

    « Total SP »

    » 3


    « 400 col »


    « Weapons »


    « Starter Axe »

    Crafted by SAO

    Basic Quality

    | Enhancements |


    A two handed axe with a plain, unadorned head. This axe has a strong, though plain wooden handle that has been sanded and stained. Not much to it.


    « Armour »


    « Lamellar armor »

    Crafted by SAO

    Good Quality

    | Enhancements |


    A set of plain plates and bracers with pauldrons to protect the wearers shoulders.



    « Consumables »

    » Breadx9

    » Waterx14


    « Potions »

    » Empty


    « Miscellaneous »

    » Starter Clothing- Red cotton shirt, with matching colored pants and boots.

    » 003 Materials



    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle

    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress

    [Solo] First Step

    [Open] The Second Step - in progress

    [Solo - Quest] Break the Unbreakable - in progress


    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)



    Name -- Gender -- Relationship -- Thoughts

    Story Thus Far

    General Theme:   Sons of Odin

    Battle Theme:       The Metal Age

    Traveling Theme: Behemoths    

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