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Posts posted by Blue

  1. "Very well..." Blue said. "We shall camp now. It's never safe to travel at night in the desert. Also, it can become quite cold due to my prior knowledge." He looked around for a suitable, safe place to camp out. However, even thought at first he was unable to find a suitable area, he was soon able to notice a cave closeby that was made of sand. The entrance was quite small but they should still be able to camp out in there. "Okay... Let's camp in there early so we do not get ambushed by any nearby mobs." He said, quite tired after a bit of searching. Still, Seul makes a good point... How are we going to find a small cart? Out here?

  2. Blue (48/48) (ENE: 3/12) [0/3 until full energy]

    Blue let out a tired yawn. He'd had enough of material gathering yet it was quite obvious that night was still quite a way off. "Argh... My legs are in pain." He said with a sad mood before sitting down. "You can continue, I'll have a rest here before I do anything else related to material gathering." Blue said simply before leaning down and eventually taking a seat on the cold ground. "Whew... Feels much better to rest a bit." Blue said in satisfaction before looking through his menu to see if there were any liquid of any sorts that were possible to drink... Turns out there aren't... At all...

    ---Loot Gathered---
    17 MAT 

  3.  Blue (48/48) (ENE: 11/12) [1/3 Until full ENE)

    ID: 36460
    LD: 1+4=5

    Blue sighed in delight as he walked away from the spot in which he'd gotten lucky and found four unaware boars that were just waiting to be killed. He looked at his material inventory in satisfaction before looking up and continue his walk. Where would I find a snake. Blue thought as he debated between several different locations. Soon, he realized that perhaps they were in the woods. However, he did not want to go up the floors. I've heard that there are snakes around this part of the floor... Blue thought. If only this place wasn't an ocean of deep, long grass.

    4 MAT

  4. Blue (48/48) (ENE: 5/12) [1/3 until full energy]
    Zandra Zvift (52/52) (ENE: 6/13) [0/3 until full energy]

    "Whew," Blue said as Zandra managed to cut down on four more boars in order to obtain even more materials for herself. Indeed, Blue was becoming rather tired... No... A better word was exhausted. Indeed, you would think that a day of killing boars should be nothing but a piece of cake, but still, Blue disagreed to that... and he's allergic to cake. With a sigh, he looked around once more to see if there were any more easy material sources around that he didn't have to spend both in-game energy and personal energy on.

    ID: 36447
    BD: 5+3=8 (Horizontal: 1*1*4=4 DMG)
    LD: 16+2=18

    Blue smiled when he managed to spot a party of baby boars that had even less health than the ones they just fought. "What a convenience," He said, delighted with the find. He charged over at the helpless boars before unleashing a "Horizontal" Sword art that he hoped would be strong enough to deal damage and defeat them. Indeed, it had been and he was pleased that he'd gotten four more materials to add to his collection.

    Blue (48/48) (ENE: 3/12) [0/3 until full energy]
    Zandra Zvift (52/52) (ENE: 6/13) [0/3 until full energy]
    Boar 1: (0/4)
    Boar 2: (0/4)
    Boar 3: (0/4)
    Boar 4: (0/4)

    +4 MAT
    ---Loot Gathered---
    17 MAT

  5. Blue (48/48) (ENE: 12)
    Boar 1 (4/4)
    Boar 2 (4/4)
    Boar 3 (4/4)
    Boar 4 (4/4)

    ID: 36360
    BD: 4+3=7 (Horizontal: 1*1*4=4 DMG AoE)
    LD: 12+4=16

    As Blue continued to wander away from his territory: the starting city aimlessly, he began to whistle loudly to the rhythm of the wind of the wind that blew across his face with a cold breeze. Surely, it was quite early in the morning (He'd made sure to start off early.) but he was feeling rather energetic for a new familiar and the extra Skill Points and boosts that would be provided for him. However, that was when he saw a party of level 1 weak boars lurking around, hiding from plain site.

    Eh... Might as well stock up on some materials in the meanwhile. Blue thought before pouncing on the mobs that were hidden with a sword art called "Horizontal". He managed to strike the boars and kill them with the attack, leaving him with four additional materials. Muy bueno.  He thought in delight before walking on to the distance. Who knows what will await him...

     Blue (48/48) (ENE: 10/12)
    Boar 1 (0/4)
    Boar 2 (0/4)
    Boar 3 (0/4)
    Boar 4 (0/4)

    +4 MAT
    4 MAT

  6. ID: 36357
    LD: 6+4=10

    Once more, Blue looked around at his surroundings hoping that he would be able to catch glimpse of any boars nearby that could be massacred by him for materials. However, unfortunately, he was unable to find anything of the sort. As he realized that there were pretty much nothing around there, he decided to move on and walk off in the distance. Perhaps I can find a few berries there or here. He thought in optimism. Soon, he was to realize that that was hopeless as well.

  7. "Sweet," Blue said. It was a simple word, but it was also a deep word. It signifies the fact that he agrees and considered the girl's offer. Blue looked up at the night sky to see that it was becoming rather dark outside. "Well, 'tis time for us to depart," Blue said with a smile. Indeed, it was becoming night time and one does not want to be out in a dark atmosphere of the game. "I'll see you later then," He said before giving a small wave and walking off in the distance. In one way or another, it had been a successful day... He'd gotten a good deal of materials and added another person to the guild roster.

    (If you don't want to do the summary, I can gladly do it.)

  8. Blue (44/44) (ENE: 9/11)
    Greg Baxen (24/24) (ENE: 0/7)
    Giant Boulder (1/50)

    ID: 36345
    BD: 10 (3 DMG)

    Blue sighed before giving a joking facepalm. "I know you're a nice person... But you have no need to reserve the last hit for me no matter how important I am." He smirked before bending his legs, prepared to jump out and strike the boulder in order to finish off the quest and obtain the rewards. With a chuckle, he charged forward with his fist raised high.

    Blue feinted to the right for no apparent reason, but it seemed to have worked especially since he was able to land a critical attack. What a waste. He thought in disappointment. However, there was a positive. Indeed, the boulder had burst into millions of millions of overpowering pieces. Finished. He thought. "Well... That's the quest completed." He said as he accepted the rewards that had appeared in front of him. "Good luck my friend, Greg." And hence, he proceeded to walk into the cave which he will have a nice material gathering session. 

    (OOC That should be the thread completed. Post the summary and have someone lock it please.)

    Blue (44/44) (ENE: 8/11)
    Greg Baxen (24/24) (ENE: 0/7)
    Giant Boulder (0/50)


  9. Blue (48/48) (ENE: 8/12) [2/3 until full energy]
    Zandra Zvift (52/52) (ENE: 9/13) [2/3 until full energy]

    Blue blushed slightly before shaking the slight blush away. "Eh... Sure. Glad my customers are satisfied with my products." Blue said with a smile. However, no matter how tempting seeing Zandra in a bikini would be, his prime motive was to gather materials. Hence, he looked around the area, hoping that there were things around that could be of use to him and his shop.

    ID: 36344
    BD: 8 (Rage Spike: 1*2*4=8 DMG)
    LD: 18+2=20

    Blue watched as a pack of boars ran past the party of two with quite a decent speed. However, no matter how fast they were, Blue was always faster. He smirked before pouncing upon the passing boars and striking them with his strong damaging attack. As they vanished into thin air, Blue smiled before inserting the materials he'd gotten into his inventory."

    Blue (48/48) (ENE: 4/12) [0/3 until full energy]
    Zandra Zvift (52/52) (ENE: 9/13) [2/3 until full energy]
    Boar 1: 0/8
    Boar 2: 0/8
    Boar 3: 0/8
    Boar 4: 0/8

    +4 MAT
    ---Loot Gathered---
    13 MAT

  10. (OOC: How did u level so quick Salty af.)

    Blue smiled. "Of course you can join," Blue said, "We accept all levels." He sighed before taking the girl's hand, officially marking her as part of the guild. "Glad to have you in the guild. I'm sure you'll be an important member." He hoped the girl would stay active and even if she does eventually quit the weak guild, she would stay in contact. "Ya know, we could hang out sometimes..." Blue said. He's taken quite a liking to this character.

  11. Blue let out a smirk as the girl raised an eyebrow at his speech. He couldn't help it as he chuckled because the girl's eyebrow was quite comical. Nevertheless, his expression returned as the girl's expression returned since things just got serious. "Ya know," Blue started, "You can join my guild if you want. There's really nothing you have to do at this point... I'll just add you to the guild roster... That is if you desire to join the guild." Blue knew that the member might not be staying permanently if the guild does not succeed but they need as much members as possible and if someone is expressing interest, he will definitely let them in regardless of level or experience.

  12. Blue scratched his head as he was asked a question by the girl. He smiled before saying, "Eh... Our guild is kind of small at the moment. We currently don't have many members as we are the newest guild. However, we try to help out the lower-leveled shopkeepers by supplying them with materials. Even though, we haven't done that yet... we're currently trying to stock up on materials in order to distribute them. Basically, our guild helps others and eventually, we'll fight in the front lines with the other strong players once we become just as strong as them." Finally, Blue finished off his speech. It was a long one... He wasn't sure when the last time was when he managed to say so much in one sentence... Mainly because he was a quiet person most of the time.

  13. Blue (44/44) (ENE: 9/11)
    Greg Baxen (24/24) (ENE: 0/7)
    Giant Boulder (2/50)

    ID: 36267
    BD: 6

    Blue sighed. The boulder had only two more health left so if each player manages to land one hit, they should be finished with the boulder with the next attack if Blue manages to hit this. Indeed, minutes and hours have taken its toll and he wanted to finish off the gigantic boulder with much speed and mastery.

    Blue charged with fierceness. He knew that if he managed to hit the boulder, he would be able to either take one more health away from the it or finish it off with this attack. However, as much as he would've liked to finish off the boulder, he was unable to do so and instead, he only managed to take away one health from the rock.

    Blue (44/44) (ENE: 8/11)
    Greg Baxen (24/24) (ENE: 0/7)
    Giant Boulder (1/50)

  14. Manta: 48/48 (ENE: 8/12)
    Blue: 48/48 (ENE: 8/12)
    Boar 1: 8/8
    Boar 2: 8/8
    Boar 3: 8/8
    Boar 4: 8/8

    Blue sighed. "I've recently started a guild and I need as many materials as I can get to get that guild running..." Blue started. "Let's see if there is anything else that could be of use around here." The night was already almost upon the world of SAO. It was about 5 or 6 in real life and the clouds were surrounded by the yellow sky. It was beautiful to say the least. Blue sighed again as he looked around in laziness.

    ID: 36252
    BD: 6 (Rage Spike: 1*2*4=8 DMG)
    LD: 13+2=15

    Blue smiled as he once again managed to find a pack of boars. "Alright!" Blue shouted before he prepared to pounce upon the boars that were completely unaware of his presence. "This pack is mine," He said before pouncing upon the four boars with fierceness, power, and speed. With one smooth sword art, he was able to whip all four out at the same time and obtain quite a bit of materials. "Great," He said, quite happy that he'd made yet another gain on his stock of materials.

    Manta: 48/48 (ENE: 4/12)
    Blue: 48/48 (ENE: 8/12)
    Boar 1: 0/8
    Boar 2: 0/8
    Boar 3: 0/8
    Boar 4: 0/8

    +4 MAT
    12 MAT

  15. Name: Butcher's Robes
    Your Profession: Tailor
    Your Rank: 5
    ID: 36240
    Roll: 9+1=10
    Item Type: Clothing
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: +2 LD
    Description: The Butcher's Robes are green and black sheets of cloth layered on top of each other. The green cloth as the first layer, wrapping the whole body in a comfortable covering layer. The second layer is black with a few green accents loosely wrapped around the green layer. The black layer also has a half cape and a hood.

  16. ID: 36237
    CD: 12+1=13 (Perfect)

    ID: 36238
    CD: 5+1=6 (Good)

    ID: 36239
    CD: 1+1=2 (Fail)

    ID: 36240
    CD: 9+1=10 (Rare)

    ID: 36241
    CD: 12+1=13 (Perfect)

    ID: 36242
    CD: 6+1=7 (Good)

    -6 MAT
    +26 EXP

    Blue smirked as he was looked at his inventory. He'd just returned from buying materials in Lee's shop and he recently really needed a lot of materials in order to produce that rare item for his client. He'd recently tried many times in order to produce that item, but he'd failed all those times. However, this time, he'd succeeded, much to his delight. With a smirk, he carried the butcher item to the front of the shop before PMing the customer so he would know to pick up his object.

    Name: Halloween Mask
    Your Profession: Tailor
    Your Rank: 5
    ID: 36238
    Roll: 5+1=6
    Item Type: Clothing
    Quality: Good
    Enhancements: N/A
    Description: A white half-mask that reveals part of the face while revealing the other half of the face. It is meant to be worn on the holiday known as halloween where people disguise themselves.Name: Butcher's Robes

    Name: Butcher's Robes
    Your Profession: Tailor
    Your Rank: 5
    ID: 36240
    Roll: 9+1=10
    Item Type: Clothing
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: +2 LD
    Description: The Butcher's Robes are green and black sheets of cloth layered on top of each other. The green cloth as the first layer, wrapping the whole body in a comfortable covering layer. The second layer is black with a few green accents loosely wrapped around the green layer. The black layer also has a half cape and a hood.

    Name: Kirito Halloween Costume
    Your Profession: Tailor
    Your Rank: 5
    ID: 36242
    Roll: 6+1=7
    Item Type: Clothing
    Quality: Good
    Enhancements: N/A
    Description: A costume that is black which imitates one that belongs to Kirito. However, it is not an exact replica due to copyright reasons so the creator doesn't get sued and become broke. This costume is worn on halloween, a special occasion.

    Name: Millennium Jacket
    Your Profession: Tailor
    Your Rank: 5
    ID: 36241
    Roll: 12+1=13

    Item Type: Leather Armor (Light)
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: +2 Evasion, +1 Savvy
    Description: A simple but elegant blue jacket.


  17. "[Censored]" Blue cursed as he rushed along the sidewalks of the second floor. He was extremely late and he acknowledged it, but it wasn't as if he desired to be late. If that [censored]ing boar didn't tackle me while I was retiring from material gathering, I would've reasonably been the first one there! He pondered, trying to pick up as much speed as possible so he can avoid being the only late character to the party. However, as he gradually made his way to the party, he realized that he had not yet selected out a costume that was relating to him. "Argh..." He thought as he stormed back to his shop on the first floor while determining what outfit to wear for this exceptional occasion. 

    Unfortunately, Blue and his artistic mind was unable to come up with anything even close to legit. He assumed the other party members would all have an absurd amount of creativity invested in their costumes, but here he was, clutching a mask that he would carry his face with when he arrived at the party along with a cloak that he'd borrowed from his shop. Well, I'm in a rush so I have an excuse. He thought as he charged out of his shop with hurriedness. 

    Blue arrived on the second floor once more as he assaulted through the crowds of NPCs that hung around when there were many players nearby. Blue charged into the guild headquarters before looking around to see that there were actually no one he identified except for Lee, Piera, Kalesh, and Zandra. Most of them were either customers of his shop or someone that owns a shop which he has toured. Thus, he was actually extremely unfamiliar with everyone in the party. Eh... I'll just chill in the corner. He thought. There's always that one kid. And thus, he went on the sit in the corner of the room.


  18. Blue (44/44) (ENE: 9/11)
    Greg Baxen (24/24) (ENE: 0/7)
    Giant Boulder (4/50)

    ID: 36225
    BD: 6 

    Blue sighed as he continued to stare at the annoying rock. He knew that soon, he would be able to break the rock entirely and bring justice to the opening of the rock. Still... the process is taking way to freaking long for my patience. Blue thought before approaching the rock and punching it with a dead-serious fist. With a smirk, he watched as the crack in the rock grew even wider and bigger.

    Blue (44/44) (ENE: 8/11)
    Greg Baxen (24/24) (ENE: 0/7)
    Giant Boulder (3/50)

  19. Blue (48/48) (ENE: 12)

    ID: 36084
    LD: 5+4=9 (No Loot)

    Sure, Blue had known that this quest was one for the patient dwellers but he did not expect things to become so dull and so boring in a flash of light. He knew that the quest was meant to take a while and he would have to do it in order to become the owner of a familiar which gave him an extra boost in material gathering. Arrgh. He thought as he looked around, trying to find something... anything... that could be of use to him.

    Unfortunately, not only were there no boars to provide him with boar leather nearby, there were also absolutely no berries or natural materials either. With a sigh, Blue decided to travel deeper outside the safe zone to perhaps become lucky and take comfort in obtaining more materials. Besides, he did have a massive boost in material gathering ability from his gear.

  20. Manta: 48/48 (ENE: 7/12)
    Blue: 48/48 (ENE: 7/12)

    Indeed, Blue did not know this character... and there weren't many people he didn't know at all. Perhaps this character is dead? He thought before shaking the possibility away from his head. Screw these negative thoughts. Once more, he scratched his head before allowing the sun's rays to rest on his face. He'd always enjoyed the sun in SAO and even though it's a program, it still gives off a surprising amount of sunlight. Alright... Material gathering. He thought as he snapped back to reality.

    ID: 36067
    LD: 12+2=14

    Blue sighed but almost immediately, he realized that there was indeed a berry bush right next to him. His face popped into a grin and he immediately barged to the bush to search for berries. However, much to his disapproval, he realized that the berry held only dead berries and it was quite useless to players. "Annoying," He said with a loud sigh.

    8 MAT

  21. Blue (44/44) (ENE: 9/11)
    Greg Baxen (24/24) (ENE: 0/7)
    Giant Boulder (5/50)

    ID: 36066
    BD: 3+3=6

    Blue sighed as the other player sighed as well. It was a drag... trying to hit a rock while losing patience slowly but surely. However, one gotta look on the positive side! The rock only had five health points remaining and with a few hits, the gigantic obstacle should be done for the quest. Alright... Let's see if I can land this hit. He thought with a crack of his knuckles.

    Blue charged toward the opening of the cave where there should be an opening but instead lay a rock. With a forceful jump, he leaped high into the air and came down with quite an extraordinary speed. Nice. He thought when he just managed to make a hit on the rock... For a moment there, he thought he'd done the impossible, which was to miss the rock.

    Blue (44/44) (ENE: 8/11)
    Greg Baxen (24/24) (ENE: 0/7)
    Giant Boulder (4/50)

  22. "Very well." Blue said. He thought they were quite expensive but it would have to be considering that not many players choose merchant as they profession and almost no players sell materials so he would have to go ahead and buy these materials so that his shop would continue to run like it should be running. Blue opened up his menu and clicked a bunch of buttons before sending the 2520 Col over to Lee, the shop owner. "Well... Hope to do business with you once more." He said after the transaction.

    -2520 Col
    +6 MAT

  23. Blue (44/44) (ENE: 9/11)
    Greg Baxen (24/24) (ENE: 0/7)
    Giant Boulder (7/50)

    ID: 36002
    BD: 7

    Blue smirked. "You are quite good at getting lucky." Blue said in a taunting tone. Let's see if the game will be on my side this time. He thought as he stared at the rock. It was a pitiful object and perhaps it was meant to be destroyed but all things bad has a good side no matter the degree. It's a shame to kill such a marvelous masterpiece of a rock. He thought as he held his hands up high, ready to pounce upon the huge rock that was about to be exterminated. 

    Blue charged up at the rock with an intimidating stare that would have probably made an enemy flinch if the rock was a living thing. However, the rock was not living but the effect was still there. With a yell, Blue jumped up into the air for some more dramaticness before coming down through the force of gravity which he used to apply force upon his fists. With a thud. He was able to strike the rock.

    Blue (44/44) (ENE: 9/11)
    Greg Baxen (24/24) (ENE: 0/7)
    Giant Boulder (6/50)


  24. ID: 35998
    LD: 3
    CD: 7

    (Guys be sure to track ur CDs because CD of 1 takes away health)

    Blue sighed as the other two two mentioned that they were having no luck in their areas. "Alright." Blue said as he ventured beyond, hoping that he would be able to become lucky and spot something significant in the distance. Sure, he did see something down the hill but it wasn't anything even close to what he hoped was what he would find. Instead, it was a gigantic, blind scorpion lurking in the sea of sand. However, luckily for Blue, Blue managed to duck down before it could see him and after thus, he informed of the others about the danger of the mob.

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