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Posts posted by Lawfer

  1. Making his way back to Starter City, Lawfer could see the towering gates in plain sight. He was almost home free, just a little more and he would be able to rest his head in his bed and play his guitar until he fell asleep. There was only one thing in his way, it was a large boar. It resembled all of the normal dark grey boars that were a popular in this area, just twice as large. "I did want one more boar to add to my collection." Lawfer said pulling his Pudao off of his back, he sunk down in his stance. He wanted to finish this quick. The Giant Boar began charging. As they were about to meet in a head on collision, Lafwer jumped and tucked his knees so they wouldn't be clipped by the boars tusks. Swinging his Pudao down, Lawfer grazed the boars back, slashing it from front to back.

    ID#: 30416 

    BD: 5 + (1 ACC)= 6- 3 DMG (1+1+1)
    MD: 5- 0DMG

    Lawfer HP- 12/17
    Large Boar HP- 6/9

  2. After claiming his last reward. Lawfer clapped his hands together to get rid of the dust. As the dirt fell off his hands he looked down once more. The iridescent blue glow will still under him. "No way! It spawned multiple crystals..." he said, as he squatted down trying to obtain yet another recording crystal. "I wonder how these things are created?" He had thought about his previous geology classes and knew that all crystals came from intense pressure over a long period of time with the given substance. "Careful.... Careful." He whispered as he pulled the next crystal out. It was not as vivid as the previous one but he didn't care. As he began to place it in his inventory it shattered. "Are you serious?" He asked.

    Material Gathering
    ID#:30415 LD:12 (fail)

    <Out of Combat HP Regen- 12/17>

  3. After successfully sneaking past the pack of battling red Boars, Lawfer took a look around. He had began to feel a light change in the temperature. Looking up he noticed the the sun began to sink in the western sky. "Looks like its going to be getting dark soon. I should start heading back." He stated to himself as he pulled up his user interface's map function. He had been rounding back to Starter Town anyways, he checked his HP bar once more. It still was in the yellow zone. "I guess my hunt will end earlier than I thought." He said to himself with a distressed look on his face. His head sunk down. As he raised his head he noticed a light blue glow off in the distance. "I'll take it." Racing over to the pile of stones, he removed the top layer delecatly. He wanted to to be sure not to crush the recording crystal. Once it was fully exposed he grabbed it with both hands delicately. "This one is perfect." he stated as he placed it in his inventory. Its about time that I head back. 

    Material Gathering
    ID#: 30406 LD-20 (+1 Material)

    <Out of Combat HP Regen- 11/17>

  4. Trying to stay out of site, Lawfer circled around two Red Boars that were fighting each other. It looked like their aggression wasn't only directed toward the players. As he stayed low, his head slightly higher than the tall grass of the fields. He wanted nothing to do with two of the Red Boars. Keeping his Paduo close to his side, just in case, Lawfer readied himself just in case. He made slow and steady progress, trying to out flank the beasts. As he was just about out of the area, he stumbled slightly. Looking down, had realized that it was because a crystal pile was directly below him. His first instinct was to forget about the chance of a possible crystal and hurry on. 'Ill be dine though, I should be far enough out of range.' Kneeling down he fumbled through the rocks trying to stay quiet. Picking up the glowing crystal he inspected it briefly. 'This one should be good.' He thought to himself as he placed it in his inventory. 'Now to continue my escape.'

    Material Gathering
    ID#: 30373 LD 17 (+1 Material)

    <Out of Combat HP Regen- 10/17>

  5. Halting suddenly he looked down towards his right. He recognized that blue glow, it was a crystal material point. It was about 10 feet away, Lawfer smiled as he walked towards it. "Looks like i'm going to be able the lucky owner of yet another recording crystal." He told himself as watched the blue glow. Bending at the knees, he continued to place his right knee on the ground. This crystal was going to be easy, it was as clear as day. Reaching out his right hand he grasped the gem. As his hand made contact, it shattered into blue pixels then evaporated. "Are you kidding me?" He asked looking ground. "I was doing so good too!" He continued. Standing back up again he brushed the dirt off his knee. "Guess ill get the next one..." He stated. 

    Material Gathering
    ID#: 30369 LD-1 (Fail)

    <Out of Combat HP Regen- 9/17>

  6. Raising his hand to blot out the sunlight, Lawfer raised his head. He wasn't sure if he had fallen asleep, but it sure felt like he did. Sitting all the way up, he realized he was still in his boxers. Raising his right hand, he initiated the user interface and re-equiped his clothes. The breeze felt nice in his skivvies but he didn't want to become the laughing stock of the SAO community. Heck in the real world if he was caught, he might have to be registered under Meghan's Law. As he stood up a yawn creeped out of his mouth followed by him raising and stretching out his arms. Turning back to the task at hand, Lawfer checked his HP once more. It was out of the red zone, but he still wasn't comfortable fighting the monsters that might drop loot. "I guess I need to wait a little while longer." Bending at the knee's he he stretched out his legs then dashed towards the tree line. "Might as well try to find more recording crystals." He stated as he ran forward.

    <Out of Combat HP Regen- 8/17>

  7. As Lawfer, swam around the small lake he began to relax. He could see that his health was replenishing. "This feels nice not having to worry about anything in here. Floor 1 doesn't have any dangerous water creatures." Diving under the water once more he proceeded to do a forward somersault. Then returned to the surface, the water had caused his hair to be planted down in front of his eyes. Pulling it aside with his hands he looked up into the sky. "Each floor has its own sky, a different sun, a different moon, and a whole set of different constellations.... its like 100 different worlds just ready to be explored." He paused for a minute contemplating all of this. "100 worlds, huh?" Swimming to shore, Lawfer pulled himself out of the water and laid out to dry off. Basking in the warm glow of the Sun. "I think I love this game."

    <Out of Combat HP Regen- 7/17>

  8. After his successful crystal recovery, Lawfer canvassed the area trying to find the next possible material. After about 5 minutes of searching he did not have any luck. "Not only do I have to wait for my HP to regenerate. But now I cant even find a crystal." Lawfer stated with disappointment flowing form him. "At least i'm getting better at extracting these things." He continued as he looked around. The grass fields were beautiful, so lush and green that they mesmerized him. Turning to his left, he noticed a small pond with nothing around it except overgrown grass. In the real world, this would be the perfect grazing land for wild animals. But it didnt seem like any came out for water in Aincrad. Walking casually over to the stream, Lawfer sat down and starred at the water. "I think I just may need to take a swim." He concluded after much mental debate. Opening up his user interface, he removed his basic clothes, replacing it with his boxers. It wasn't likehis basic clothes protected him from enemies anyways. Diving into the water, he noticed something at the bottom. Coming up for air, "It looked like a crystal material point." Diving down once more he reached for the shining blue light. Grasping it in his left hand, he placed his feet on the ground then jetted up towards the surface. Catching his breath, he tread water. "I'm really lucky today."

    Material Gathering
    ID#30365 LD 18 (+1 Material)

    <Out of Combat HP Regen- 6/15>

  9. Lawfer needed a quick rest. His HP had been brought down low due to the sneak attack of the Black Boar. He would need more to to rest this time than the last battle he had. He didn't want to waste his time resting but he had no choice. He was a slave to the system, granted he did know that had this been real life and a boar that big trampled him 3 times he would in all likely hood be dead. Laughing it off, he marched forward. If he had to take time off to recover he might as well try to find materials. He had farmed this area before with a little luck he might be able to find some good things. Finding himself at the base of a tree, he discovered a material point. Kneeling down, he began to move rocks aside trying to find crystals he could use to record his songs with.

    Material Gathering
    ID#: 30362 LD:16 (+1 Material)

    As he scooped the normal rocks and dirt aside, a light blue crystal glowed through the remaining debris. "Alright!" Lawfer said as he placed the material in his inventory.

    <Out of Combat HP Regen- 5/15>

  10. "Yeah, that's what i'm begining to realize." He responded as Lawfer watched in amazement as the large boar that was routing the attack fell from bleed damage. "What the heck did you do to that thing?" Lawfer asked. It was his first time seeing the results of bleed damage. "I got this guy...." Lawfer said as he charged the final boar. He wanted this next attack to be flashy and to finish with a bang. Jumping once more, he grabbed the bottom of the spear with both hands and began swinging it down like an oversized hammer. At that time, the boar jumped backwards evading the attack, Lawfer's hands stung as he tried to lift the spear. The boar charged forward, jumped then slammed its skull into Lawfers exposed chest. "GGGaaaAAaaHHHH!" retorted Lawfer with a disgustful tone. He tried to be flashy and it didn't work.

    ID#: 30358

    BD: 1 0DMG
    MD: 7- 1DMG

    Lawfer HP: 8/9
    Boar 3 HP-2/2

  11. "Nice to meet you Beoreson!" Lawfer continued. "I talked to Mack earlier and he let me take it out of storage early. It's been really helpful as of late." Pausing for a moment, Lawfer raised his hand and opened the user interface. Continuing through his inventory, he pulled out a recording crystal. "That reminds me... I dont know if you knew this or not, but recently I completed the profession quest and became a performer." Lawfer paused for a moment. "I was in my studio and recorded this little guy earlier. Its a perfect recording crystal. The tract is called, Monster Madness. It summons three monsters all with an added loot drop bonus of +1. At my current state, I wont be able to handle 3 high level loot carrying monsters on my own. So I figured to celebrate this occasion, I would give it to you so you and the other stronger guys could possibly get some good loot." He handed the crystal over to Beoreson.

    "Now that gifts are taken care of lets get to drinking! I'll take an ale!" he said as he walked to the table that contained the plethora of drinks. Grabbing an ale he sat down at the table as he took a big gulp of the delicious elixir.

  12. "Yes sir!" Lawfer replied in a comically sarcastic tone. The boar circled back and was reaching its full speed. Lawfer took a deep breath in, then exhaled slowly. He could see, hear, and almost smell the boar. Lowering his stance, he readied for his chance to strike. The crazed boar was moving in a direct path at top speed. There wasn't a chance for him to evade. Gripping his spear tightly, he lunged forward. His spear drove into the beasts skull, and its body dissolved into blue Pixels around Lawfer. 

    ID#: 30241

    BD: 10- 4DMG (1+1+2)
    MD: 3

    Lawfer HP: 9/9
    Boar 3 HP-0/2

    "Thanks for the reassurance. It really helped out." Lawfer said to Albalasster with a smile on his face. "Since the big guy is bleeding to death, how about I take care of the second boar next?" He asked confidently.

  13. Pulling up his user interface, Lawfer noticed a message from his guild-mate. At the time he was fiddling around in his new studio he had just opened on the 4th floor. "I hope I'm not too late," he calmly stated as he put down his guitar. "Its all the way up on floor 7?" He noted as he read the message closely. "I haven't been up there yet." He continued. Placing his guitar in his inventory, he looked over at his recent recording crystals. "I guess I should probably bring a gift." Reaching up to his shelf he grabbed Monster Madness in his left hand. Placing it once more in his inventory. He locked up his shop. Making his to the teleporter pad, he said "Floor 7, Nimbus please."

    Light engulfed Lawfer as he was teleported to Nimbus. The town was a large mountain town with a eerie green glow, that intrigued Lawfer. As he traversed the town for a few minutes, he realized the purpose of this trip was to meet up with the guild. "Got to find that shop...." he said with a puzzled look on his face. Before he knew it he was standing outside of the Iron Blade. Opening the door to the establishment, he walked in. Raising his right hand in a waiving gesture he smiled. Lawfer looked around, noticing that not everyone on the guilds memberlist was there just yet. "Looks like I'm not the only one who is late to check their messages." He stated followed by a half laugh, then ran his right hand through his hair then scratched the back of his head. "How rude of me..." He momentarily paused. "I'm a Lawfer one of the new recruits. Nice to meet everyone! I hope I haven't missed all the fun."

  14. Lawfer took a deep breath. He Was becoming more and more aware that his breathing pattern would determine how well he did in battle. He was not fully aware of how important it is the breath. As he exhaled, he watched the Black Boar charge in. The Boar was well in the red zone, and it seemed that because of that, he reverted to its instinctive nature. It wasn't a game of dominance for the boar anymore. It was a game of survival. It was quicker than Lawfer realized. Lawfer jumped to perform his aerial jump attack. "Crap! Im not high enough!" He said, as the boars tusk caught his leg. "D**n you!!!" Lawfer yelled as he panickingly drove his paduo into the Boars back. The boar shattered into blue pixels. "That was close." Lawfer stated as he fell to the ground face first and released his spear. "At least I got an item," he stated. "I really need to pay more attention to my surroundings."

    ID#: 30339 LD-20 (Uncommon Item)+1 Material.

    BD- 8 (8+1 Acc) - 3 DMG (1+1+1)
    MD 8- 2 DMG 

    Lawfer HP 4/15
    Black Boar- 0/8

  15. The Black boar snorted then shrieked. It had lunged in again, this time bringing his nose up to maul and impale Lawfer. Realizing this, Lawfer rolled diagonally over his right should. As he completed his roll, he stepped up with his right foot, his left knee was planted on the ground. Thrusting forward with his pudao, he penetrated into the Black Boars right side. It shrieked once more and its right front leg collapsed under itself before it regained the strength to stand back up again. Lawfer, stood as well sliding his left foot forward and to the left. He wasn't going to make the mistake of letting the boar get to his side once more. He was going to finish it on the next strike. He could see that the Boar's health was in the red range. All he needed to do was make the decisive strike. Taking a deep breath, Lawfer tried to focus. "I'm going to make you pay for the cheap shot earlier. Know that now you stupid boar."

    ID#: 30339

    BD- 7 (7+1 Acc) - 3 DMG (1+1+1)
    MD 5- 0 DMG (2+1)

    Lawfer HP 6/15
    Black Boar- 2/8

  16. The boar stepped forward once more, gnashing its large tusks towards Lawfer. Trying to step back to evade once more, Lawfer was caught in the same spot the Black Boar pummeled him before. As his Hp drained into the yellow range, Lawfer struck back. His spear glanced off the boars iron like tusks once more. "Gah! why cant you charge me you stupid boar!" He yelled he knew that the boar wouldn't respond but he said it anyway. He had been drain into the boars timing and algorithm. What the boar wanted was for them to wail on each other. It was where he was strongest. "A frontal attack wont do. I need to get around it... I need to stay away from those massive tusks of his." Lawfer told himself as he analyzed his surroundings with his peripheral vision. He needed to get around the boar and strike at its ribs.

    ID#: 30336

    BD- 1 (1+1 Acc) - 0 DMG 
    MD 9- 3 DMG (2+1)

    Lawfer HP 6/15
    Black Boar- 5/8

  17. The over-sized boar stepped left, as Lawfer retracted his spear, to cut off Lawfer's direct access to his vital areas. "This is strange. Why isn't this one charging?" He asked himself as his blue eyes peered into the boars crimson eyes. Lawfer began to realize that this monster was all about dominance. It was different kind of boar. The others attack patterns were about charging, but this battle was all about knocking each other around at close range. The boar slowly closed distance, it was slower than the red boar Lawfer had slain earlier. As it gnashed its head trying to catch Lawfer in the ribs again, Lawfer stepped back and spun clockwise trying to counter slash the beast. The forced acceleration of the turn, caused Lawfer's hands to drift up and caught the boar on the the tusks. His spear snapped back. It seemed like the tusks were the equivalent density of his spear. "Not gonna try that one again." Lawfer stated as he reestablished his footing.

    ID#: 30332

    BD- 2 (2+1 Acc) - 0 DMG 
    MD 4- 0 DMG

    Lawfer HP 9/15
    Black Boar- 5/8

  18. As Lawfer was running down the next mid-sized Boar he targeted he was side-swiped. He could feel a set of tusks drive into his right side. His cloth clothing did nothing to stop the impact. As he tumbled to the left, he gripped his pudao's crimson shaft. Catching his footing, he stood up and turned to the left. Standing there, stomping the ground was another massive boar. Its fur was black and its eyes crimson, much like his spears shaft. "I guess you get to taste the end of my spear first." Lawfer stated as he sprinted towards the boar. His hands gripped his spear tightly. His range with the pudao, was a bit shorter than his old assault spear, but that didn't matter much to him. The boar stood their, unwavering trying to assert his dominance. As it raised its head and tusks, Lawfer side stepped to the right and slammed his pudao's blade into its neck. The boar didn't move. It took Lawfer's spears full attack.

    ID#: 30331

    BD- 5 (5+1 Acc) - 3DMG (1+1+1)
    MD 9- 3 DMG (2+1 Crit)

    Lawfer HP 9/15
    Red Boar- 5/8

  19. A group of small boars had made their way into Lawfer's view. There were three of them. All very small in comparison to the Red Boar, he had just hunted. These were the ones that he took his time leveling up with when he first started out in Aincrad. They were not any threat to him at this point. He just looked upon them, they seemed like children, playing with each other without a care in the world. For a moment, Lawfer was jealous of them. They could just play out in the field all day, grazing and running around. Lawfer didn't have that kind of childhood. He was forced to stay inside, reading and studying all day. Even though this was a game, it captured so many intricate details. Looking at his health bar Lawfer watched it go up to 12. "Its time to start hunting again." Standing up, he looked into the distance. "I want another big one." He stated as he locked onto a possible target. 'Hopefully this one will do.'

    <Out of Combat HP Regen- 12/15>

  20. Lawfer watched all the wild boars grazing around him. It seemed that because it was the first floor, not many of the beasts had increased aggression and would chase after players that were out of their field of vision. Feeling a cool breeze run across his face and lift up his slightly messy, mid-length hair. The long blades of grass danced in the wind. "Aincrad is a truly remarkable place." He stated,as he lost himself in the nostalgia of the scenery. "If every floor is as big as this, I cant wait to see it all." He continued. Lawfer began to feel at hom in this world, its rules and laws were different than the real world, but its beauty had more than made up for it in Lawfers mind. "I only need to wait a little more," He said as he looked at his HP bar. "Two more HP and I will go hunting some more."

    <Out of Combat HP Regen- 11/15>

  21. The boar had double back quickly. Before he had realized it the Red boar had clipped Lawfer with one of its gruesome tusks. "Ah Crap." He exclaimed as he ran after his target.

    "I stake everything on this single blow." Lawfer yelled as he jumped forward towards the boar that was making its quick round about turn. He had become adept at aerial striking. In fact, he relied on his effectiveness to dispatch enemies this way. As he crashed down with his Pudao, it sank deep into the Red Boars skulls. He could feel it break the tough skin and sink past the resistance through the shaft. Once all the resistance disappeared, Lawfer was engulfed in the dispersing blue pixels. A user interface showed up in front of him. Congratulations on Leveling Up, it read. Sitting down with spear in hand, "I leveled and got a loot drop." He stated, "Time to rest a little bit."

    ID#: 30328 LD- 16 (Good Item)

    BD-  10 (9+1 Acc) - 4DMG (1+1+1+1Crit)
    MD- 9- 3 DMG (2+1Crit

    Lawfer HP 10/15
    Red Boar- 0/7

  22. Gripping his Pudao, tightly sunk his stance low. He evenly distributed his weight and began to inch forward toward the boar. The Red boar once more charged, this time shrieking. It was just as frustrated as Lawfer, both had missed twice in their attempts. Lawfer was changing his strategy this time. He was going to meet the full brunt of the Red Boar's attack with the edge of his Pudao. Extending his arms, Lawfer aimed low this time. He had missed high twice, that wasn't going to happen again. As the tip of the pudao reached forward, it caught the front right quadricep of the boar. As it ripped into it, the boar deviated from its course missing Lawfer to the left. Lawfer smiled. "I'm going to finish this in one more blow." He said the the cinnabar red boar.

    ID#: 30327

    BD-  7 (6+1 Acc) - 3DMG (1+1+1)
    MD- 4- 0 DMG

    Lawfer HP 13/13
    Red Boar- 4/7

  23. The Red Boar, stopped quickly and turned its large body. "It seems that this class of boar has stronger legs, making it able to turn quicker." He stated to himself, mentally noting it for future encounters. The boar stomped its right leg twice, seemingly to psyche itself up, 'Maybe these beasts can actually get mad.' Lawfer thought trying to assess the situation. This time Lawfer would take the initiative. They both charged forward, stepping to the right this time, Lawfer caused the boar to miss. Plunging his Pudao towards the boar once more, Lawfer had missed high once more. He still hadn't correctly adjusted to the weight. The accuracy enhancement wouldn't help him if he was constantly swing high. "Not again!" He yelled furrowing his brow. "I'm not gonna miss anymore..."

    ID#: 30326

    BD- 4 (+1 Acc) - 0DMG
    MD- 4- 0 DMG

    Lawfer HP 13/13
    Red Boar- 7/7

  24. Lawfer had found his first prey. It was a mid-sized Red furred boar. He had fought countless Boars at this point but had never seen a red one. Hopefully this would indicate a possible loot drop. Reaching down, he picked up a small rock. Tossing it over at the boar, it made contact with its hind quarters. The Red Boar snapped to attention and spun around, eyeing Lawfer in the process. Removing his Spear from the harness, the boar charges forward. 'The attack pattern of boars is easy enough, they can only charge forward and try to maul me with its tusks.' he thought to himself. As the boar came into range, he side stepped and lunged forward with his spear. It had been the first time using this new spear and the lighter weight threw off his thrust causing him to miss high, slightly above the boars ribs.

    ID#: 30325

    BD- 1 (+1 Acc) - 0DMG
    MD 5- 0 DMG

    Lawfer HP 13/13
    Red Boar- 7/7

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