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Posts posted by Opal

  1. She sighed, that was it for the fruit. She gave a frowny face and got up from her knees, placing her hand on the bark of the tree. When she attempted to pull her hand away, she felt a stick brown substance peel away from her hand, thick strings of honey and sap melded into one another were running down the side of the tree. While she would feel disgusted by this, she quickly got out a set of vials and attempted to collect the precious resources, "If I am not mistaken I can use sap and honey as well, hey a two for one deal. What girl doesn't like those?" she smiled and chirped to herself as she held the glass vial against the knot of the tree as the sap slowly dripped. 

    ID: 30115 LD: 15 +2 = 17 [+1 Material]
    ID: 30116 LD: 8 +2 = 10 
    ID: 30117 LD: 14 +2 = 16 [+1 Material]
    ID: 30118  LD: 2+2 = 4

    She placed the vials up against the tree, two of them ended up shattering as she let out a long string of cuss words to rumble out of her dirty mouth. The only two vials filled up one of honey and the other of sap. She had plenty more vials to fill up, so she excused herself of the tree and thanked it for the materials and walked away.  


  2. That was ok, her spirits were still high and there was plenty of time left in the day. She went on her way deeper into the forest taking care of the wolves that were just ahead of her. She ducked low and made herself hid behind a tree and watched with bated breath as the wolves slowly made their way out of the clearing. She sighed and moved away from the massive tree and towards the clearing. She looked down and found a dead rabbit in the grass, the wolves must have surrounded it and ate it for lunch leaving some blood in the grass and light remains of the carcass. She frowned, "Poor thing." She continued her search and found another fruit giving tree with plenty of fruit gathered around the base. Hunkering down on the ground she shifted through the different colors and shapes, casually tossing one over her shoulder when it looked bad and placing others in her inventory. 

    ID: 30110 LD:9 +2= 11  
    ID: 30111 LD: 6+2 =8 
    ID: 30112 LD:5 +2 = 7
    ID: 30113  LD:18+2= 20 [+1 Material] 

  3. Fruit can be just as picky as flowers when it comes to alchemizing the ingredients. Fruit has a lot of flavor, natural sugar and acidic properties which can all be used as an extra layer or fine touch in the alchemizing process of an item and Opal do that just as well. She placed her hands behind her back as she was carefully walking along the skirt's edge of the forest. Walking here should not prove to be any problem to avoid the mobs in the area, especially the wolves that loved to hunt in packs. As she continued her stroll through the forest's edge, the tall trees were overshadowing bits and pieces of sunlight. She found a marvel of a tree not too far away from her and she dashed towards it, the ground littered with different varieties of fruits. 

    "Hey these looks pretty yummy, mmm...they smell good too. I wonder if I can use any of these? Hopefully they don't have any pesky worms crawling and eating the cores." She gave a small frown and decided to collect what she could from this tree. 

    ID: 30105 LD: 8+2= 10  
    ID: 30106 LD:1 +2 = 3 
    ID: 30107 LD:2 +2 = 4
    ID: 30108  LD:9+2= 11

    "Fruitless..." she pouted. 

  4. Dusting off her knees of the grass beneath her, she got up and looked out to the sunny valley as she was searching for another spot for flower picking. There was a bundle of flowers over by the starting end of the forest where she casually made her way and avoided the traps of the mobs that were nearby. She leaned down and examined the flowers with her soft velvety hands. She looked at them with careful eyes, carefully squinting as she looked that the stems, the petals and the shaft of the flowers making sure they were well enough to be used in her experiments. She sighed and had to get down on her knees for a closer look, once more dirtying her new outfit. With a small pout she started to root through the grass and the array of colorful flowers to be used in her alchemy practices. 

    ID: 30093 LD: 19+2= 21 [+1 Material]  
    ID: 30094 LD: 11+2 = 13 
    ID: 30095 LD: 8+2 =10
    ID: 30097  LD:13+2= 15 [+1 Material]

    "Hey~ These will do just fine!" Opal got off her knees and decided to head into the forest, perhaps she can find some fruit bearing trees for alchemizing as well. 

  5. She stood by more alone and by herself while she was smoking, despite it having a lavender scent, it was an old habit for her to be away from non smokers as much as she could. Old habits were hard to kill. As Grave came by once more, he nudged her elbow with his. She was in the midsts of exhaling a purple plum of the calming stick before waving it around in the air with a startled hand and then passed her cigarette to the other hand, "Oh [censored]! Grave...Sorry..." she said waving the lavender scented plume around from her, "Oh...well..." she looked onward as to what was happening over by the commotion, her heart almost leapt out of her chest when Mack threw the woman into the air, "Oh thank God...she didn't crash to the ground." 

    As that conversation was going on, Opal simply smiled at Grave from his comment, she was too bothered right now to be flirting with anyone and she only knew this guy by name alone since it was in the Guild's listing, "Damn right he did. Ugh! Chauvinistic bastard. Just because you have power doesn't mean you need to flaunt it..." she said lightly grinding her teeth. Then she watched as Shirosu was passed over to Beoreson so Mack could get the duel set up with this Takao guy.

    "Jesus christ...BEORESON! Kindly put the woman down, yeah? She has feet she can stand on and Mack has already proved his point to everyone here. So let her be, would ya?" 

    She looked back to Grave with a smile, "Testosterone thinks they can do anything they want to women." Absent mindedly she inhaled once more from her cig, the ashes spilling off like lilac colored petals around her into the wind as she slowly exhaled that cloud of light fragranced lavender, "It's not like a real cigarette, ya know? It doesn't have that awful scent. But it does have calming properties, this is my first batch. When I get a little better, hopefully I can make some stronger ones." Alchemy was a lovely thing. 

  6. Opal took several steps back watching Grave pound on the bat with his mighty glowing fists of furry. She placed the massive blade over one shoulder and tapped her foot against the ground, he was making a lot of successful attacks not to mention paralyzing the creature. She found him to be someone she can trust in danger and felt more at ease now that he was able to keep going with his strong attacks, "I guess you are pretty reliable, Grave. I'm glad to have partied with you~" She watched as the bat came flying towards her, she swung her blade to her side and slashed through the air as it came towards her knocking it back towards Grave like a baseball, "Its going...its going...it's gone!!! I seem to be a better hit when I am in the dark, how does that work out? Unfortunately my damage output is abysmal. I'll have to work on that one day." 

    <<Battle Engaged>>

    ID: 30076  BD:7  [-1 debuff:] 6  MD: -- [Para]

    Grave HP: 35 [Hate 4] OOC: Completely slipped my mind.
    Opal HP: 23 [Hate:3]

    Giant Bat HP: 12 [+2 Dmg Modifier]

  7. She stood there only to wave her hand through the tall grass not finding any suitable flowers to be used for alchemy, instead it was mostly a grassy area with a few dandelion looking weeds in place. While they looked pretty, it was nothing useful for the woman. She continued her trip through the safer area of the fields and came up to her next stop along a river bank. She eyed the grass around here and figured that she could kill two birds with one stone here. She could search for some wild flowers and try to get a few samples of crystal clear water from the river. She flipped out her long jacket from beneath her and settled down by the waters feeling the cold rush of the liquid over her hand. It felt nice and cool to the touch, and the water was sparkling so there had to be something useful around here. To the right she found many decorative flowers that had pretty colors of red, orange and yellow petals like the colors of a burning fire. 

    She would take samples from both and see what she can discover.  

    ID: 30070 LD: 13+2= 15 [+1 Mat] 
    ID: 30071 LD: 19+2 = 21 [+1 Mat]
    ID: 30073 LD:  1+2 = 3
    ID: 30074  LD: 12+2= 14

    Out of the flowers she picked, one had a knack to be used in alchemy, and she was able to contain one vial of fresh sparkling water. 

  8. "Plus two on loot bonuses, hopefully I have some luck finding some materials to use today." Alchemy was a demanding process, there was a right way and the wrong way but all lead to trial and error. As she made her way out of the city gate and out of the safe zone, the wind blew by and rustled her long black hair away from her body. The woman lifted her hand and pressed her hair over her ear to smooth away the blind spot caused by her long tendrils. Wearing her new costume, she felt super sexy in it, while it didn't reveal too much of her body, it revealed enough to display her womanly figure. She hit the first area on her itinerary; flowers. Flowers used in alchemy combined to make mostly fragrances and sometimes taste. However, flowers also held a more valuable asset to alchemy than just fragrance. 

    You can imagine your body as a perfectly tuned instrument, sometimes these instruments need to returned or to be set back on balance in the natural order of the universe. In alchemy, flower essences can be extracted with fresh water and then used as a tuning rod to help your body become one with the universe and balanced to perfection. Each flower can have an effect on the person, calming one's mind, love potions from flowers seem to be popular with both men and women. And over all good will and balance. So, here first flight was to pick up some flowers. 

    ID: 30066 LD: 5+2= 7 
    ID: 30067 LD:  7+2 = 9
    ID: 30068 LD:  2+2 = 4
    ID: 30069  LD: 6+2= 8

    What crummy luck, all the flowers were weeds.

  9. Opal watched as her Pugilist's fists flashed with dual colors. The glowing colors illuminated the area lightly and she could see through the piercing darkness of what was the massive gaint bat. It shrieked and beat its wings heavily unable to cope with the double attack from the vivacious duo. Feeling the wind against her back and her hair flowing over her body, she nodded to her partner and rushed in. The glowing aura of his skill had dispersed, but the remnant of light left behind was enough to get a clean swipe off the frozen in air bat. She clipped the wing with a downward strike to finish the onslaught. She turned to Grave, "Damn, we make a pretty bad ass team, ya know?"  

    <<Battle Engaged>>

    ID: 30053   BD: 4 [-1 debuff:] 3 [+3 BD on this roll] = 6   MD: 2 [Para]

    Grave HP: 35 [Hate 1]
    Opal HP: 23 [Hate:2]

    Giant Bat HP: 19 [+2 Dmg Modifier]

  10. Her hand wiggled free of his, "Time to get to work, Sug." She prepped herself for the oncoming battle as the giant bat was revealed to them. It had course looking hair all over its body, large black webbed wings and red beady eyes. As the wings of the bat flapped, Opal's hair was moved off from her shoulder and was waving behind her. She removed The Ifrit from her sheath and drew upon Lindow's Strength to help in the first few rounds of the battle. Calling upon a prayer, it seemed to have been answered as the blade pulsated with a crimson glow, and then a soft shimmering white. She had seen this before and she knew it was a good time to destroy this Giant Bat. Her feet took to the ground in long strides, she would show Grave that she could fight as well and took blade to fang against the giant bat. Her sword arms rippled with small muscle as she danced around the bat cutting it several times with the trigger of a skill <<Cyclone>>. On her last spin, the blade cut through the entire body causing the flying rat to shriek in pain. 

    <<Battle Engaged>>

    ID: 30045  BD: 10 [-1 debuff: Negated since its still a natural 10?] +2 Dmg. [+3 BD on next roll]   MD: 3

    Grave HP: 35 [Hate ]
    Opal HP: 23 [Hate:1]

    Giant Bat HP: 26 [+2 Dmg Modifier]


  11. Opal's smile turned into a pouty frown when Mack mentioned the Crimson Blades' cloak. She eyed him with her honey colored eyes and nodded her head, and whipped through her menu. With a few choice button presses, she was dawned in a glowing light as the new clothing materialized on her body. She wore a leather top showing too much of her midriff but was accompanied by the long flowing crimson cloak that bathed most of her body. She wore tight crimson leather looking pants with steel toed boots. She gave herself a spin as the long flowing cape formed to her body and she gave a smile to Mack as she posed for him in her new garb, "Better?" she asked.




    After smoothing out the material and flicking what appeared to be small flower like ashes off her cigarette, the Guild Leader had produced a pipe. Her eyes lit up and she walked towards him looking side to side at the piece, "You really like bears, don't you?" she said with a small laugh and produced the same substance she used to create her pack of Lavender Calming Stick, "Now...this stuff is kinda similar to the outside world as it is slightly addicting, but since this is a game and all, there is no harm in it. Its lavender scented, not smokey. If you want something a bit more stronger, I can deff help you out there in alchemizing something later on..." She opened a trade window with Mack and inserted a -Lavender Stick- item into the tray and sent it over to him. You can just break it off or insert it as a whole into the pipe. There is no crummy filter." 

    The sound of heels on concrete could be heard as Opal turned her head at the sight of her second party member, "Ahh! There she is!" she couldn't help but run over and take a look at the woman with admiring eyes, "The Soldier of the Crimson Blades has arrived! Just on time, doll. We haven't started anything yet." She flicked the butt of her lavender colored cig once more to rid the ashes, took a long drag and exhaled slowly a lavender scented aroma from her mouth. Probably the last one she could get before it puffed out of her fingers. 

    "With all of us here, we can start our adventure. We'll be heading into the forest to look for a medicinal property from a little nepent. I have no idea what that is, but I am sure we'll find out. Gear? Check! Shall I take lead then? Once we stumble on the enemies, I am assuming me and Shirosu will be doing all the heavy lifting? Mack is here just for the backup. It was by random twist of fate that we are here together." 

    Opal giggled and backtracked back over to Shirosu and started to whisper in her ear, "Hey~ We need to get Mack back on this trip. So I was thinking we barrage him with questions and then start talking about our womanly cycles to throw him off and then just talk about some other stuff.. We'll see how mighty the tree falls..." 

  12. OOC: I either misread or didn't read the edit. XP 

    She looked back as the man named Blue came chasing after her...well that was fast. She looked back at him narrowing her honey colored eyes and she shook her head, the long black tendrils covering her once more,"No dice, Sug. I'll be fine with this." The Treasure Seeker Costume draped over her shoulder as she carried it along with a finger. The deal was done, she just wanted to leave the shop at this point and rid herself of the time she spent there. There was no way she would back out, she was too stubborn do that whether she misheard him or not. She left immediately afterwards, if she did mishear him...she was slightly embarrassed about the situation and walked out with her nose to the ground. 

  13. She backed away slowly from the Boar and back to her superior officer, Xion. She gave him a look, "You wouldn't dare kill me, labeled an orange for no reason because you can't take an insult. I thought you were a tank?" she continued to pull on his chains, just to see how far she can dig herself into the hole she was digging. She found pleasure in ticking him off like this, she couldn't stop smiling with her pale red lips.

    "Ya know..someday you may have need to rely on me, Xion. And my wordy mouth and my firecracker personality. You think everything can be done using swords and might, and intimidation? What happens when people aren't scared and they stand up to you? What happens to all that bravado then?"  She lifted the sword once more and it came down towards the ground shaking the earth from the might of the blade. It crashed hard into the earth but not the boar. She was too distracted by Xion, and she gave a huffy moan. "[censored] bite me!" she said to the boar, scolding it. 


    ID: 30036
    BD: 3
    MD: 6

    Xion (50/51) [HATE: 4] 
    Opal (9/9) [Hate 1]
    Boar (3/12) 


  14. "Ugh!" That wasn't even a discount and she had figured her womanly charms would have made some sort of impact, perhaps he already had a girlfriend, or perhaps he had strong morals to just look away. She pushed herself off the counter and scrolled through her menu displaying three materials for the cost of the Treasure Hunter costume. 

    "I need mats myself, deary. I can't pay the full seven. So I'll just take the Treasure Hunter garb for the three mats." She pushed them aside and took the Hunters Gear. She examined the article of clothing before nodding back to him, "Ya know...if all you're going to do is ask for materials instead of what is written on the price tag, you should do just that and put the price in materials. You are false advertising your sales by placing both options for your customers and that's bad business, kid." 

    She deposited her materials on the counter and shook her head, she was kinda angry, but then again...she was normally angry over petty things such as this. She wouldn't apologize though. 


    -3 Materials
    + 1 Treasure Seeker Costume [+1 LD]

  15. Opal watched from a short ways as her Instructor dashed into the field of combat and sliced the boar, nearly delimbing it from his impressive strike, "Arrogant bastard.." she said, both her hands were on the hilt of the blade, the crimson and silver ornate two handed was levitated upwards as she held it out in a kendo stance. She took a few steps forward and cleaved the Boar in half, unfortunatly her miniscule of damage didn't equate to any loss of limbs, but at least she hit the damn thing. She thanked her anger and just pictured Xion's head on the ass of the boar, because that's what he was...an ass. 

    "Hey! Look! I just pictured you and I got a good strike in. Think I'll start doing that from now on, picturing you as the enemy and my sword crushing you into pulp!" she smiled back, they were constantly butting heads like two rams. Opal was stubborn, Xion was Second in Command, an authority figure. Opal was a wild child...this was not going to end well for either of them.  

    ID: 30031
    BD: 6

    Xion (50/51) [HATE: 4] 
    Opal (9/9) [Hate 1]
    Boar (5/12) 

  16. Opal had found her way to a cute little clothing shop on floor one. As she entered she found a few people already inside. She gave a small pout and decided to lay low for the moment and look for anything she might find interesting. As she was bobbing in and out of the sections, she came across a mannequin dressed like a treasure hunter, she looked at the price tag and smiled, "This looks nice...I wonder if it can be tailored for a woman with my...special needs..." She decided to lift the collection and drape it over one arm, then continued her shopping spree. As her eyes followed the rows of clothing, a beautiful set of leather clothing caught her eyes. Once more she took a look at the price tag, still within her budget but just barely. The extra evasion would be handy in those tough situations. She collected this as well and placed it over the other in her hand. 

    She felt the need to continue shopping, yet by this time she would be out of everything she owned. She came up to the counter and placed the items she wanted down on the table. 

    "Hello...Blue? I'd like to buy your Treasure Seeker Costume, and your Evasive Rabbit. 1200 Col for both, is that correct?" She wondered if she could get a small discount, she sighed and shrugged her shoulders, "It wouldn't be a bad idea to at least try...maybe you can negotiate..." she said to herself. Give a small cough, she flicked the long tendrils off her black hair off her shoulders and they sprawled to her back, she leaned over slightly on the counter and sharpened her eyes at Blue with a flirty smile as her breasts became amplified from the pressure of her arms being folded underneath, "Maybe we can...strike a deal...or something?"  

  17. The next week or so had been...exciting to say in the least. Opal had become an Alchemist, ended up joining a guild and finally got her hands on some Lavender Scented cigs which she enjoyed so much and helped with some of those passing hours at the bar. Resting her head on her hand over the side of her bed, she thumbed through her skill list and found it severely lacking. While everyone in the guild was probably much higher leveled than she was, she was being lazy and didn't feel much like doing anything. She sighed and noted the Search and Detect skill, she had gained a few SP in the week to give her a rank in that, plus as a Treasure Hunter, she'll most likely have to take points in it at some time. Might as well make the use of it now and get a rank in it. She pressed the 'ok' button and she was bedazzled with a loot bonus drop of +1, she gave a small smile and got up from her bed in nothing but some black lace panties and a black laced bra. She examined herself in front of her mirror and pocked the side of her belly, "Man...I hope I'm not getting fat..." She turned on her heel and once more cruised through her list of clothing options. 

    Today was hunting day since she got the point for the bonus loot die. She nodded her head in approval and switched into her recent purchase of the Treasure Seeker Costume created by Blue. She still felt kinda embarrassed by the incident, but the outfit was snug against her body and accented her womanly figure. 

  18. "Oooh. Well, that's awesome. That means you are old enough to drink, that's good. I was beginning to fear you were more like in the teens or something, ya know? You gotta be careful with some people in these MMOs, they wanna try to act older than they are in real life, but it's the personality and maturity level that really surface..."

    She could tell that Grave was not one to lie about such a thing, though she wondered how with his good lucks and great charm that he had remained celibate for so long. A fresh virgin man before her eyes, she placed a dainty finger in her mouth and chewed on it casually thinking and wrapping her hair in a twist around her other finger. She continued to think of the possibilities between the two of them until he asked her about her age, "Oh? I'm twenty-four, Sugar. Actually, I'll be twenty five on Halloween. I'm gonna get [censored] faced drunk probably...but we might still end up being stuck in this game by then, I guess I'll have to deal with what I can get." 

    She felt the light touch of his hand bump against hers, his fingers slowly entwined with her hand, "H-hey!" then he proceeded to explain so that they wouldn't get lost. It was getting far more darker in the cave than it was before, any signs of light have been extinguished now and while she enjoyed the darker side of things, being in a cave with monsters didn't settle well in her stomach and the faster they got out of here the better. As they we walking along she heard a sort of chirping and the ruffling of wings. As they entered a small opening in the cave, she could see up in the ceiling dozens upon dozens of black rats hanging upside down, the slightest noise would most likely startle them.


  19. Her honey brown eyes widened when he had turned her to face him, his hands were on her shoulders in a firm grip, "Genius? Oh [censored]...he's on to me..." she thought to herself but relaxed a bit from the tense situation as she recollected the thoughts, he must have been talking about her suggestion with the Monument of Life. His friends were probably really important for him to be using such an overjoyed and enthusiastic tone in his voice. She continued to smile with her sharp thin lips, the darkness of the cave still eating away any good light for them to visibly see each other but by now, they both could sense one another and the empathy was in the air for both of them just by they way they talked to one another. She gave a light giggle when he mentioned a kiss, bringing her hands up to her mouth to cover her face and she shook the long tendrils of black hair from her face. 

    "A kiss is something to be expressed in spontaneity! I won't let ask for one and I won't let you ask me for one either. It just needs to happen. But you are right, right now would not be the best time for that. You have a quest underway and we should prioritize that since we are dealing with mobs." She nodded to him and they started to walk once more, but she noticed he stopped, her hand reached for the hilt of her sword...was there an enemy lurking around somewhere? Is that why he stopped.

    Then she heard the smallness in his voice as he was talking about being a virgin, her eyes stayed on him, "Hey! Ya know, that takes guts to say that you are. Don't feel ashamed about it. I won't tell you when I lost my virginity, but it was a long, long time ago. Maybe when we are both more comfortable with each other I'll tell you more about my...ugh...adventures downtown. So he is a virgin after all, I don't know how I feel about that. I've never been with a virgin guy before, I wonder how old he is? Maybe that's why...Oh God, Viv...don't start robbing the cradle now." her thoughts were jumbled and he asked her a question in return, she was quick to answer.

    "You just mentioned that you have never been with anyone, so I thought I'd ask about it. I was merely curious from the way you worded your earlier comment. By the way...how old are you? Please be over twenty-one, please be over twenty one..." she chanted the last bit to herself, wait...if he was older than twenty one, how in the world was he still a virgin? She felt a little bit ill inside, not because of him, but because of her. "Maybe I really am a [censored]...Ugh...." 

  20. "Oooh!" she said. 
    "ooooh..." she reiterated a few moments after, wait...did he say he has never been with a woman before, as in...been, been? She wondered about that, was he just putting on this show because he was in the game or was he actually like this in person as well? It made a huge difference and a game changer. She met some guys online that were very flirty and very romantic, but when she met them IRL...they turned out to be really, really shy around her. She posted pics of what she looked like so she wouldn't give them any false impression, but apparently her looks drove some men away or just turned them into stone statues for the entire date. She couldn't be blamed for having an absolute killer body and an IQ of 110...she didn't flaunt her IQ around though as she felt it might be a deterring factor when dating guys. They liked to be the smart ones, so she would act bubbly when called for. 

    It was sad to hear the stories of the friends that were trapped in the game with him, but she hoped he wasn't going to go into some sort of weird emotional emo goth kid scene and start crying, that was her job. She was the over emotional one well...more or less of the time. Depending on the week of the month. She sighed lightly at the comment, "I am sure they are doing fine. In fact, if you want...We can tag team together sometime and look for some clues to their where-abouts? If you have any idea of their IGNs, I am sure we can find them. Oooh! We can also take a look at the Monument of Life, that displays all the names of the people on Aincrad and those who have perished. But that's only helpful if we know their names, ya know?" 

    She allowed the thoughts to simmer as she continued to guide her hand along the craggy walls of the cave. She wasn't sure if she was to lighten the mood by asking another question, or keep up with this awkward silent moment.

    "So...you're a virgin?" she asked bluntly? She probably just killed the mood, but she had to know what he meant by been with anyone. 

  21. The blade sheathed behind Opal and she gave a low sigh of relief to know that Grave wasn't too banged up. Despite the darkness in the cave, she was able to see the glimmer of his eyes and the soft touch of his thumb upon her cheek. Opal felt red once more flush across her face and felt instantly giddy, "Hahaha!" All she could do was just laugh awkwardly and started to spin her hair with her finger until a knot was created and giving it a light pull.

    "We better get a move on, Romeo." she said with a hip check into him and they started once more down the pitch darkness. While there was no monsters in sight, Opal thought of sparking up a conversation and try to get to know Grave a little bit better before she got too attached to him, "So...are you seeing anyone right now Grave? With the amount of flirting you do and sweet talk, I am sure you have a few Juliets falling for ya, ya know? Or maybe you have someone special waiting for you outside the game? I kinda had a few boyfriends here and there but nothing serious. Honestly, I have never been in a real relationship...Most of the guys I have been with were just...Ugh, if I say one night stands, that's going to make me sound like a [censored]...Not my type..I guess. Smooth one, Viv, smoothe..."   

  22. Promoted? Shirosu must have met all the requirements to be promoted to Soldier, she was happy that she was the first female to reach that status and when Mack had announced it she clapped her hands. However, she wanted to get away from Xion and she didn't know who this brown haired fellow was. By the words used from Xion, Ugh...Xion...  she learned the name Takao. He was taller than her, that was a plus, was attempting to defend the woman's honor, another plus. And he was handsome...another plus. She folded her arms under her chest and moved away from the crowd in the opposite direction of Xion, she just needed to get away from him. With her nerves battered and her blood boiling, she just needed to calm down...a drink and a cig was in short order. She pulled her Lavender Scented cigs from her menu and the pre lit item materialized between her fingers. She took the first drag, a long and slow inhale and then lifting her head up and blew the excess purple cloud of scented lavender into the air. She sighed and felt more at ease after that, flicking the ashes off her calming stick with her thumb.

    "If Takao succeeds in beating Mack, would that make this guy stronger than him? This of course was just a punch fest duel, not an actual event of skill between the two warriors...So it doesn't matter, but still..." she placed a fingernail in her mouth while she crossed her arms over her chest, the lavender smoke escaping off the burning end of her light purple cigarette while she took another long and much needed drag. 

  23. Opal had recieved a message that her guildmate had closed his shop down on the first floor and reopened on the seventh. That was quite the ways up there, and she really never explored anything higher than floor four. BUT, hey! If this was a get together, then there was gonna be booze and that meant a good time for everybody. Opal put on a smile and strolled to the first floor's teleporter and vanished almost instantly. 

    She arrived no sooner than she left on floor seven. When her eyes opened and blinked for the first time, she was simply bedazzled by the scenery. There was large rolling mountains all around her and the city of Nimbus looked so neat! She wanted to go off and explore but she found a tall, dark and handsome gentlemen standing by the teleporter, it was her guildmate, and Council Member of the Crimson Blades; Beoreson. 

    "Hey, Partner! Long time no see! I'm ready to get my drink on and see that new fancy place of yours." 

  24. Opal had done some investigating on some easy to do quests, but she hated to do things solo and since this was more or less, well in fact it WAS a Death Game now, it was better to do things with parties and not solo these sorts of things. She scrolled through her menu and her friend list, the name of all her comrades popped up and when Xion was highlighted she gave a disgusted look and almost spat in disgust. She would make this interesting for herself, she closed her eyes and flicked her finger through the menu and she would take the first two people it would highlight. After a moment she looked down and saw that Shirosu was highlighted, "Score! Some girl to girl time finally. Alright and now the next person..." She flicked her finger once more and the list started to scroll as she kept her eyes closed, giving it a moment to stop she peered down and noticed the name Mack was highlighted. Well it was a good opportunity for her to get to know the Guild Leader in a more private way. And with Shirosu tagging along, they could plan their Guild Leader's demise~. 

    Inhaling and exhaling softly, she went to take upon the quest she was investigating. << The Secrete medicine of the forest>> Seemed easy enough from the description and it shouldn't take too long to finish, would at least give her half the day to be lazy..."Maybe Grave isn't doing anything later on..." she wondered. 

    She sent her Guild Leader and Shirosu a message telling them she needed help with a quest and to meet her at the edge of Starting City looking towards the forested area. She sat down in the grass and whipped out a lavender scented cigarette, pre lit thanks to her awesome Alchemical prowess. She took a heavy drag and fell in love with that first hit, expelling a purple plum of nontoxic smoke into the air..."Oh [censored]...I have missed that feeling..." she immediately felt her nerves calm down and the lovely scent of lavender wafted in the air. She raised her knees to her chest and flicked the ashes off her cigarette and waited for her allies. 

  25. Her hero rushed forward with the swiftness of the wind, her black hair blew in the breeze of his upcoming attack and while she could not see anything, she could hear the noise of battle. With her blade ready and positioned, she waited to see if Grave was able to connect...then there was silence for a brief moment. The sound of battle happened once more and "Oh dear..." she said shaking her head. With the small glimpse of light she made out, she thrust her blade at close distance and rammed it into the Orc's chest and then lifted upwards when she felt the connection. Her feet drove skyward and lifted her body up in the air and she came around like a spiral cutting the Orc in half and released Grave from his...position. 

    The monster dematerialized into nothing leave a spray of blood and pixel as she hefted the heavy sword over her shoulder and looked down to him, "Hey, you ain't gonna have me doing all the heavy work around here are you?" she frowned, but he couldn't see her face in the pitch darkness around them...And she was hoping she was talking to him and not a rock. 

    <<Battle Engaged>>

    ID: 29944 BD: 7 [-1 debuff] 6    MD: 2

    Grave HP: 35 [Hate 2]
    Opal HP: 13 [Hate 3]

    Orc HP: Dead

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