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Posts posted by Shard

  1. Eyes going tight, Shard sidesteps as the spider he faced pounced, sailing through the air towards him. Having spent more then a month honing his skill in combat, Shard is able to expertly move his large frame out of the way, turning on a hell to watch the spider land on a wall. Shard's face remained stony as the spider once more came around for a second attack, it's massive fangs twitching in anticipation.

    Carefully, Shard brings Fortis Gleam over his head, it's ventsteel blade glimmering light silver in the shadows of the mine. Gripping the handle tightly, Shard takes a deep inhale through his nose, preparing to lash out at the spider. Before Shard could attack, a humans yell catches his attention, his eyes turning to see as that Darius guy's shield is latched onto by a spider. The corner of Shard's mouth twitches downward, realizing that his- companion? No, more like random person who just so happened to be fighting near him. Well, Darius seemed to be in some deep [censored].

    Suddenly a deep hissing regains Shard's attention, his eyes moving back towards the spider before him. Coiling, the spider launches itself towards him, it's position fangs outstretched. Lowering his blade, Shard spins and crouches, narrowly avoiding the Fell Spider flying past him, the creature landing on a wall somewhere behind his back. Obsidian eyes narrowing, Shard now faced the spider baring down on Darius. Pointing his sword forward, Shard aims down the length of the massive blade, stopping over the spider. Blade glowing deep crimson, his muscular legs coiling, Shard explodes forward, throwing Fortis over his head as he moves.

    OOC: Will Edit After Dice Rolling - Rolled 9

    1-2 Miss, Fumbling over Spider 3, falling on top of Darius.

    3-5 Miss The Attack

    6-8 Hit's Giant Spider 3 (Deal 1 Damage + 2 Damage from sword)

    9-10 Hit's Giant Spider 3, Dealing Critical Damage (Deal 2 Damage + 2 Damage from sword)

    The red glow of Shard's sword skill lights the dim shaft a deep crimson, suddenly turning a fiery orange as the tip of his blade begins to scrap the shaft ceiling, creating a shower of sparks. In less then a moment, Shard's blade comes down on the ill prepared Spider, it's attention still focused on the open Darius. With a sickening crunch, Shard's blade cleaves the eight-legged beast in half, sending deep green goo flying everywhere. Shard himself simply stands in place, exhaling explosively, blade still held down the middle of the creature's body before it vanishes in a shower of data.

    Combat situation:

    Shard: 17/17 HP (Chilling. Killing.)

    Darius: 15/15 HP (Being attacked by Spider 2)

    Giant Spider 1: 4/4 HP (On wall behind Shard, moving to attack)

    Giant Spider 2: 3/4 HP (Took Damage from Darius)

    Giant Spider 3: 0/4 HP (Dead as dead)

  2. I used to play that. Not much, but a bit.

    Had a green white deck xD

    I even tried to do... uhm, how were they called in your version, slivers? A sliver deck xD

    I have a friend who ran a slivers deck...

    God I hated it. Right up there with his artifact deck. My Worm's never stood a chance. :cry:

  3. Shard watches with a deadpan expression as Dellis pulls the lizard out from his bag, it squirms as if it thought it was about to be turned into a stew, or maybe roasted with some herbs... As Dellis begins to describe "Izzy's" personality traits, Shard's own mind begins to wander, dark eyes locked on the panicked lizard. Why did he always find the interesting people- Shard didn't know Dellis well enough to call him completely nuts, but watching as the smaller blonde man quietly whispered to the lizard, Shard's eyes begin to dim, moving his gaze up to the ceiling. Why him? What did Shard do?

    Hearing the shuffling sound of Dellis's stool moving, Shard's gaze moves back down. Though his face remains painfully blank, Shard's eyes narrow slightly. He could tell the guy was terrified. In a way Shard had to give him props, since most people would have tried to run off by now. This much smaller man was trying his damnedest to help the people of Aincrad, even if that meant teaching and putting up with a scary son of a bitch like himself. A twinge of pain runs through Shard, forcing his aloof expression away, replaced by a tiny grin as he watches Izzy bite Dellis, then run behind the NPC, hissing back at her owner.

    Shard snorts in amusement, his arms still crossed, watching as Dellis glares at Izzy. Okay, so maybe he was a crazy lizard whisperer, he didn't seem like a bad person. As Dellis looks back to him, Shard tilts his head, a single eyebrow raised. Though Shard wasn't exactly laughing or smiling, his face was visibly less stony then before.

    Shard nods almost invisibly as Dellis thanks him for being there, removing his arms from their crossed position, turning his head to the NPC, which he waves over. As Dellis continues to speak, Shard making sure to note each word in his mind, Shard nods to the smiling NPC.

    "What can I get you, Players?" the NPC's voice is cheerful in a terribly lifelike way, only accented by the way it pushes strands of hair from it's hazel eyes. Shard raises a hand with two fingers held up, before turning to Dellis once he had finished speaking. For a moment Shard seems to study Dellis, hand still raised to the NPC, before nodding, as if agreeing with more or less all of what Dellis said..

    "Want a beer? It's on me." Shard's voice is a deadpan, his dark eyes glimmering somewhat as he watched Dellis expectantly.

  4. A look of realization moves across Shard's face, his eyes wide as he took a step back, looking down on the green haired girl before him. As she apologized, Shard's eyes narrow. She seemed familiar, but he couldn't place her face. Could he have seen her around here before? Has she ever bought anything from him? Has be bought anything from her? She had green hair, he should probably remember her.

    "It's okay," Shard voice is low, dipping his head apologetically. Looking down to the still full bag of buns under his arm, Shard sigh's, shaking his head, before looking back to the girl with a small grin. "I was distracted." By meat buns specifically. He's a man though, who could blame him? For a moment, Shard was silent, looking down at the young woman's violet eyes. Shard's own eyes go soft, remembering someone else who had violet eyes. Coughing slightly, realizing he was staring too long, Shard turns his head, suddenly struck with realization.

    "Kyoki, right?" Shard avoided looking at her for a second, his voice showing hints of being unsure. Shard remembered a young woman named Kyoki, who had opened her own tailor shop not that long ago. They didn't talk much, as Shard was usually in a rush, or she was taking orders. Still, Shard remembered her seeming to be a sweet girl, if a bit odd at times. Looking back to the girl. Shard shifted slightly, waiting for her reply.

  5. Shard just really hated bugs. He had been coming through his forest now for the few weeks or so, during his occasional commute the a favoured spawn point of his, and as always, he was being assaulted by bugs. Only a short distance into the forest, Shard had already been attacked by a few low level mobs. They were swiftly delt with, but there was always a side effect when Shard fought bugs. The large man groans deeply, as he leans up against a tree, wiping green bug goo off his clothing. His scowling face calms some, as he wipes away the last of the entrails from his pants, now looking up and around himself.

    As usual, the jungle was beautiful. In a sense at least. It was raw, unrefined, and dangerous. The endless green, accented by shimmering moisture collecting on leaves, lead to a stunning shimmering effect, when standing in the right place at least. At that moment, as the moon illuminated the forest, it seemed to tinge the entire jungle a soft silver. For a moment, Shard stood motionless, staring into the depths of the forest. He really wished he had invested in Night Vision about now.

    Shaking his head, sending cool perspiration flying from his hair, Shard hefts his bland onto his shoulder, stepping up and over a fallen tree, with the intent of moving deeper into the "butterfly" forest. Shard didn't mind the butterfly's so much, seeing as he never seemed to run into them on the particular trail he took. He knew they could become familiars- actually, most creature mobs could be a familiar, but Shard never really had an interest in owning a pet.



    "Why- huff- Me?- huff"

    Shard stood at the entrance of the forest, doubled over, and peanting heavily. He had just spent the past while running for his life through that god forsaken insect hole. Sure it went well enough when he stayed on that path, but as soon as he tripped, falling down that hill into a river, everything went to balls. First giant slugs, then a swarm of bee's came and chased him out of the forest.

    The man winces, feeling a slight pain as he looked up to his HP bar. No great deal of health lost, but he could see that he had been poisoned by the bee's. Slowly, he took a few more points of health damage, before the poison icon flashed, then vanished. Looking at his HUD, shard shrugged tiredly. HE would make the health back up through regen eventually. No need to waste a crystal.

    Standing up from his doubled over position, Shard stretches his long body out, grabbing his blade which had been stabbed into the ground. He was about to head beck into the forest, when he noticed a young lady, standing a short distance away, peering into the forest. Shard's face went contemplative, eyes narrow as he gazed in her direction. Only a short time ago, Shard would have let her to her own devices, not wanting to get involved lest her think him some terrifying creature of the night. Lately however, Shard realized that maybe it was okay to put a small iota of trust into people. What's the worst that could happen.

    Cautiously, softly, Shard steps over to the girl, making sure his sword his on his back, and he didn't have any more insect goo on his clothing. Once a few meters away, Shard clears his throat, his face largely impassive, but eyes soft. She seemed almost nervous, looking into the forest.

    "Miss?" Shard's voice is low, but clear. He keeps his arms to his sides, his dark obsidian eyes hovering down onto the woman's brown hair.

  6. *Crunch*

    Shard took a deep chunk out of a red apple he bought during his now daily trip to the market for food, chewing loudly as juice dripped on the dusty floor. Smithing and grinding made him enough money to get by on, at long as he avoided the more decadent foods that is. So the majority of his meals were fruit, bread, and soup. Shard didn't mind roughing it for a while. Besides, it's not like his physical body needed any specific nutrients in this world. Shard snorts in amusement, imagining eating only cake and ice cream in this world. He would love it for all of a single day before he would be liable to swear off sweets for life.

    Shaking his head, Shard finishes off his last apple, sliding out of the wooden seat he occupied inside his "forge". Shard had come to enjoy his time inside the small 6 meter by 6 meter wood framed building. Sure it was a bit tightly packed, but it had enough room for him to work, eat, sleep. What else did he need?

    Clearing his groceries off a counter, Shard accidentally knocks his last Ventsteel ingot to the floor, wincing as it lands with a deep ring. Carefully placing the bags on the floor, Shard lifts the ingot to inspect it. It was still, unsurprisingly, in perfect condition, perhaps a bit scuffed on the edge, but that was about all. Holding the silver coloured ingot in his right hand, Shard brings his left to his chin, eyeing the ingot. It had been a while since he last attempted to craft anything very advanced.

    Looking to his side, Shard gazes at the various drawings of weapons he kept on his drafting table, wondering if there was anything in there worth making. There probably was, but for some reason, Shard felt like winging it today. Placing the ingot down, Shard activates his forge, pulling his hammer and pincers out for use.

    Carefully placing the ingot into the forge to heat, Shard contemplates a design and name. Eyes narrowing in thought, Shard went over in his mind all the various swords he has seen players using- one handed straight specifically. He remembers a great deal of them seeming nonsensical in form, as if made my an art major rather then a smith. In a way, it didn't matter, all of it being a game, but it still offended Shard to see swords made of glass, encrusted with rubies, with a heart-shaped guard.

    Shaking his head as he pulled the glowing ingot out of the forge and place it onto his anvil, an idea came to Shard, one that he would normally dismiss as strange, but considering he would never use the sword and he would be the only one to know... Shard opens a drawer beside himself, removing a jar full of red dust. "Red Iron Rust" Shard's voice is almost a whisper as he shakes the dust in the jar. Removing the cap, he pours a liberal amount of the dust onto the glowing ingot, activating a prompt to combine the items. In a sudden change, the ingot starts to glow a red crimson colour, Shard nodding in approval, as he grabbed his hammer.


    Shard's eyes smile as he gives the glowing ingot a good hit, then another, and another, watching it slowly gain shape. As the blade formed, Shard formed a name in his mind, once more using a similar naming scheme to his own Fortis Gleam...

    Rank 1: Starting rank and 2 Crafts a day (First craft of day)

    Crafting: One-handed Straight Blade

    1=Epic fail 1 EXP (lose mats if crafting)

    2-4=fails 1 EXP (lose mats if crafting)

    5-7=bad Item 1 EXP (50% chance to salvage mat's in repeat quest)

    8-9=Good Item 2 EXP

    10=Uncommon Item 3 EXP (GM approval for enhancements)

    11=Rare Item 5 EXP (GM approval for enhancements)

    12= Perfect Item 8 EXP (GM approval for enhancements)

    OOC: Edit - Perfect Sword added - +8XP

    A One-Handed Sword made of Ventsteel and Red Iron Rust, making it darker and heavier the most blades. The metal of the blade is surprisingly quite translucent, being a deep crimson in colour. The grip, hilt, and pommel are a more standard grey, with articulated hand-guard, and decorative glass. The sword seems to glow a faint red in darkness, it's blade hot to the touch when foes near.

  7. Sitting near the centre of a small field on the outskirts of the main second floor town, Shard lay on grass, lazily staring up into the pink-orange evening sky. He was not alone, as a fair number of players milled about the area, it being a popular destination to relax. Really, it was closer to a park then a field, with paths, a small pond, and even a few NPC food vendors. The park was especially well known for it's perfect view of sunsets, the town itself being on something of a hill.

    Hearing the sound of someone laughing, Shard groans, rolling onto his side, the fresh smell of grass filling his senses. The truth was that Shard was beat, not just physically, but mentally. He had spent the past twelve hours trying to perfect a smithing technique, which mixes his signature Ventsteel works with crystal type ingots. It would have revolutionized the way he smithed, and probably would have been his first big splash into the smithing scene.

    He had been warned by his newest acquaintan- his newest friend not to take this process too fast, but Shard had throw that out the window, charging forward at plaid speeds. What did that get him? Over five mats were now gone. Just completely gone. All his attempted proved unstable, and quickly shattered. The very thought of it caused a sharp pain to flair inside Shard, the memory of those perfect Ventsteel ingots burning his soul for his transgressions. Mouth quirked downwards, eyes dark, Shard rolled onto his back, rubbing the centre of his chest. Shard supposed he would just have to work on his smithing level more before it would become a possibility.

    A sudden cool breeze quickly chills Shard's sweat soaked shirt, a sensation the man found pleasing after spending all day beside a sweltering forge. Brown leather coat being used as a pillow, Shard is attired only in a muscle shirt, slightly stretched by his impressive physique. Normally Shard was more conservative when it came to his clothing, but on a nice day like this, after all the work he put in, he felt he could ignore whatever attention he got. Besides, as Shard shifts slightly, closing his eyes to take a nap, he realises that he enjoys the feeling of the grass on his bare neck.

    As he began to doze off, his mind moved to the topic that he and Dellis had spoken of not that long ago. It still surprised Shard to this very moment that he was beginning to make a social circle for himself. For some reason, he always thought it would just be him and his sword. With a small sigh, Shard sits up, unable to sleep, instead picking up with waded up jacket and draping it over his shoulder.

    As a small grumble moves through his abdomen, Shard grunts in annoyance, getting up with a big stretch, before looking around. He knew there was food around here somewhere, but just wasn't sure what exactly that food was. Spotting a small vendor happily selling food to players, Shard shrugs, casually walking over to the NPC.

    "Thank you, come again!" calls out the NPC, an elderly looking man with blading hair, waving to a few players walking away with meatbuns in hand. Feeling saliva building in his mouth, Shard quickly moves his way across a number of paths to get to his destination. Spotting the large customer, the NPC smiles happily, turning to greet Shard with arms open.

    "Hello there player! How would you like a fresh meatbun! Only 50 Col!" Shard winces internally hearing the price. At an inn, he could get stew and bread for 100 Col, though, he supposed a steamed meatbun was something of a special food item. Without answering the NPC, Shard quickly checks his menu, flipping through to his equipment section. A small grin began to form on his face, but it was quickly gone as Shard closes the menu, looking at the NPC with a serious expression.

    "Eight meatbuns." the NPC stares at Shard for a moment, as if its processors could not understand severity of the player's voice. Shard merely stood in place, eyes hard in anticipation for his feast, his teeth already working slightly.

    "Eight meatbuns, coming right up!" the NPC almost seems ecstatic as he began to bag Shard's order into a large paper bag. Normally Shard would be internally commenting on how off putting the NPC's are, but as he watched each other those soft, white, fluffy, steaming, aromatic, meat stuffed- meat buns go into the bag, his mind went blank.

    Quickly handing over the bag, Shard accepts the payment, the NPC bowing slightly in thanks. Shard didn't hear whatever words the NPC had. Right now, he had a play date with a octuplet of lovely morsels- words and manners could wait. Walking down the path before him, a meatbun in his mouth, Shard was in a state of bliss, this normally severe face now a vision of happiness. And to think, he still had seven more. Shard was even able to forget that he just spent over a quarter his money on small steamed buns- why? They were that good.

    Suddenly, Shard feels something impact his chest, snapping him back to reality. Looking around with wide eyes, Shard quickly swallows his meat-bun, eyes narrow in anticipation for an attack. It was not until he looked forward with a sinking feeling building in his chest, that he realized he walked into someone...

  8. Giving Darius another small nod, Shard presses forward, creeping through the rubble and debris that litter the shaft. Sword held forward to push the copious amount of webs out of their way, Shard spots the first spider. His eyes narrow as he stops momentarily to size the creature up. It's not one of the bigger ones, that much Shard can tell, just by looking at the twitchy way it moved about, it's dog sized, hairy body skittering about the area beyond. Turning to look to Darius, Shard gestures him to come closer.

    "I'm going through. Spider's will fall behind me. Get ready to kill them." Shard's tone is harsh and direct, as if a Sargent ordering a private. Without waiting for a reply, Shard turns, standing to his full height, bringing his bland in-front of his body in a slashing stance. Coiling, Shard suddenly explodes forward, blade slicing the webbing like paper. The webs that blocked the open chamber beyond suddenly fell apart, revealing a large open room, filled with massive egg looking... things? Maybe cocoon is the best word. Shard was never huge on bugs anyway.

    The spider turns and hisses at the intruder, it's massive fangs- mandible- things twitching as it's many eyes turned to Shard. His own face contorts into a scowl, eyes narrowed and mouth locked in a frown, looking at the relatively horrifying sight before him. Without waiting for it to make a first move, Shard strides forward, his sword held above his head, glowing a vibrant crimson.

    OOC: Will Edit After Dice Rolling - Rolled 5

    1-2 Miss, Tripping on Spider Webbing

    3-5 Miss The Attack

    6-8 Hit's Giant Spider (Deal 1 Damage + 2 Damage from sword)

    9-10 Hit's Giant Spider, Dealing Critical Damage (Deal 2 Damage + 2 Damage from sword)

    With great speed and power, Shard's two-hander moved down unto the Giant Spider, in a strike though would have ended it in a single hit, unfortunately for Shard, the spider seemed to anticipate the attack, shooting a web from it's behind, pulling itself back and out of the way of the attack just in time to dodge the crimson blur of Shard's blade. Face betraying no emotion, Shard stands ready for another attack, already knowing what would happen next.

    From behind, just near the entrance Shard had jumped through, two more Giant Spiders came crawling down, there own mandibles twitching in anticipation to assault Shard. What the monster AI didn't know, as they made their way to the ground, was that Shard wasn't alone this time...

    Combat situation:

    Shard: 17/17 HP

    Darius: 15/15 HP

    Giant Spider 1: 4/4 HP

    Giant Spider 2: 4/4 HP

    Giant Spider 3: 4/4 HP

  9. Shard nods in repose, watching quizzically as Darius moves about, collecting wisps of spider web. Slowly, Shard watched the man move further and further away with each step, apparently not watching where he was going. Shard reaches out, mouth open to speak, but instead he ends up simple standing in place, unsure what he should say. Groaning slightly, Shard's face goes slack. He brings a gloved hand to his face, rubbing it gently, before looking back to the player moving further and further into a shaft.

    Pulling his sword from the cobweb infested ground, Shard starts after Darius, grumbling quietly as he kept his eyes on the walls. Sword held ready, Shard catches up to Darius, silently tapping on his shoulder, then pointing forward down the tunnel. Looking down through thick cobwebs, skeletal remains and the occasional gleaming stalagmite, Shard could see something moving. More accurately, he knew what was moving.

    Moving slightly ahead of Darius, Shard draws Fortis Gleam forward, pointing it down the shaft. Looking over his shoulder, Shard puts a finger to his lips, gesturing to Darius to follow, before speaking, his voice a faint rumble.


  10. Shard took a step back, eyes slightly wider as the smaller blond man screams, falling out of his seat. Face blank, Shard wasn't sure if he should be saying something to placate him or helping the man up. The scene almost seemed comical to Shard, as he stared down at the man, Lizard skittering around. A laugh was probably beyond Shard, but he did feel a the corner of his mouth twitch upward as the man asked if he had done something wrong. Shard's normal response probably would have been to grunt or stare menacingly, but instead, Shard chose to simple place the flyer down onto the table, leaning against it as to seem slightly less threatening.

    Shard's face goes soft watching the lizard crawl into the man's backpack- seemed to be in a hurry too. Shard wondered why that was for a moment, before looking back up to the man, who was confirming that he was in fact, Dellis. Shard's dark obsidian eyes meet Dellis's ocean blue, Shard' seemingly content to stare at the man, before offering a gloved hand, helping the smaller man up off the cool wooden floor. This Dellis had a certain kind quality to him- Shard would use the word soft, but he felt that maybe a bit harsh. Even if it did seem to be true.

    "I saw the flyers on the second floor," Shard's voice is low with a light raspy quality to it, his gaze once more moving away from Dellis, back to the flyer he placed on the table. Shard knew he was no beginner. He knew the basic's of smiting, and it was obvious just by looking at Dellis, that Shard was probably a more experienced fighter. What Shard needed was his know how to find new and better mat's. Also which were which. And Why he needed certain types for certain things. There was a bit of a list.

    "I'm a smith. Opened my shop not long ago. Second floor," Shard nods, crossing his muscular arms, sitting down at the table. For a moment Shard looks off at the door, as if waiting for a drove of eager smiths to barrel through the door. All he saw was the NPC cleaning plates, smiling like she just won the lottery. Facing momentarily deadpan, watching the odd NPC, Shard shakes his head, looking back to Dellis with a calm expression.

    "Shard. I'm Shard."

  11. Shard's eyebrow goes up, looking at the extended hand impassively. It's not like this was the first time he's had to do an introduction in this world, but something about the fact it's happening here, in a spider infested cave, and this random guy comes along offering to shake his hand after accusing him of being a PK'er? A funny look crosses Shard's face before blinking a few times, as if he was trying to get an image out of his eyes. Stabbing his sword into the ground, Shard takes Darius's hand, his dark eyes gazing down at the slightly short man's blue.

    "Shard," His reply was curt, just as his handshake which Shard quickly released from, picking up his sword, throwing it onto his shoulder. Inspecting his web covered boot, Shard speaks in a calm tone. "Here for Spiders or Ventsteel?"

  12. Shard stares at the player for a few moments, his eyes dusky as they move across the young man's face, down to the sword and buckler in his hands. Suddenly, Shard lowers his own sword to the ground, eyebrow raising slightly as he took in the sight of the player before him. He seemed near the same level as Shard, if slightly less well equipped. Shard's eyes narrow in the dark light of the mine. Blonde hair, now that's not something he saw very often out here, in a game where the population was majority Japanese.

    "Do I look yellow to you?" Shard ask's the man, his voice low in deadpan, eyes softer then before.

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