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Posts posted by Astropheric

  1. ID:30743




    Astropheric 8/9

    Wolf -3/5 (2base +2crit)

    The wolf soon charged, it was much quicker than i anticipated and i was just barely able to get my sword up in time to block the wolf from killing me. I pushed the wold with all my strength and threw him back a good distance. I began the charge this time,  the wolf jumped again but i planned on it, i slid on me knees holding my sword up watching it drag through the wolfs entire length. As it exited the end the wolf disintegrated into the polygons. I sheathed my sword, that was way to easy i thought. I sadly realized i once again dint get any loot, o well i think. Time to go find another.

  2.  "Ahhhh" i yawn waking up after a 2hour nap, well needed, defenititely not safe though, but o well. I get and walk into the forest to try and find a new mob to fight. I finally find a wolf. Cool i think, i rememer in the real world they fight in packs so i look arous for more, luckily i find none. So i charge at the wolf silently.




    Astropheric 8/9

    wolf 2/5

    The wolf never hears me coming. I jump up and ram my sword into the back of the wolfs neck dealing big damage. The wolf however was very quick and snaps its head around managing to get a slight bite on me before i jump back from the wolf setting into my stance as the wolf begins circling me.

  3. The girl looked up at me somewhat wearily as if she was frightened. I could see why this wasnt the best place to be at this time of night. Escpecially as i probally look like a creep right about now.

    "Are you sure" she asks. I look at her face seeing how serious it was but the softness in her voice hid something else, or so it seemed. But i ignored it and progressed the converstation. However i tried to progress as carefully as i could while still getting my point across. There was no way this poor girl could sit there all night, and if she refuses my next offer, guess ill be getting comfortable here as well. But she dodnt need to know that. Might scare  her that s stranger would go through so much. But lets see how this goes.

    "Of course, but..." I look up at the sky  as i continue my expression as blank as normal "its getting dark, you can take my jacket and sleep out here, or you can come with me to an inn. You know it wont be very comfortable out here all night" i said this to the girl hopeing she wouldnt take it the wrong way. This game, no this life had messed with my emotions and i truly did want to help this poor girl. " if its too weird you dont have to, but i cant leave you alone out here all night, so i plead to you to join" i say before i sit down next to her, jacket still in hand.

  4. "Jeez whys it so cold out, its a game, hows this even possible"

    matt had already learned however that this game was definitely not what it seemed, he'd already seen the boars after all, the way the fought was so, real. But not even that the weather and the feel of everything was amazing. Aside from the whole death game thing matt thought he could come to love this world. But no he had to survive, but for now he was just wondering around in the starting city during the cold night in this death game.

    Matt didn't really know where he was going nor did he care, as long as he was still going. After sometime matt grew tired though and found a bench too sit on. He sat there head in hands thinking of his future contemplating outcomes, matt did this often playing out several possible paths the future could go. He played out the fact that he could die, or maybe he would survive and be the hero, ormaybe he'd   just survive, who knew.

    When he looked up from his thoughts his eyes fell on a girl. Mind you matt was not one of THOSE guys,he didn't   chase girls but this one looked troubled, she was walking into a dark alley after all and looked absent. Matt saw the girl disappear in the alley and he became curious and followed. He walked into the alley and saw the girl against the wall hugging herself, she was clearly cold. Matt decide to be a little different, normally he would have walked away but for some reason this girl kept him there. Matt began to walk up to the girl as he took of the white jacket he was wearing. He then moved his messy brown hair out of his eyes before saying

    "hey, you look like you could use this more than I." 

  5. ID:30726




    Astropheric 7/7

    Boar -1/5

    The boar somehow managed the strength to charge at me with the hatred still glowing strong in its eyes, sadly for the boar though that strength in the eyes was not in his legs as well as he slowed down dramatically from before. I made it quick and painless for him slashing him twice making an x in his forehead, disintegrating him into polygons just as the last two before him. Contrary to the last 2 times though the boar did not drop anything disappointing me greatly "so no we don't get money even sometimes akihiki, really dude like come on" I complained but it was whatever, I walked back over to my spot and sat down only to wait again for another boar. "Hopefully this one doesn't come as quickly, as I am kind of tired" I then yawn and relax in the grass, until I must fight again

  6. ID:30725



    Astropheric 7/7

    Boar 1/5

    The boar as expected charged me, I did the same thing as one of the boars before and simply jumped into the air and slashed the boar along the back as it ran past me, however this time for whatever the reason may be I didn't catch myself and went face first into the grass. Luckily this did no damage, however it did give the boar an advantage and he took it, he ran at me as I was on the ground. Before he collided with my body I rolled to my left though and he sped on past, I got up and quickly dashed to him jabbing him in the chest, I dashed away just as quickly and turned to face the boar for what I hoped was the last time, the boar was barely standing but looked like he had the fight left in him

  7. I had fought only 2 boars yet I was exhausted, I never would have thought these boars would be so exhausting to kill, they're so weak.  as soon as weak came to mind I heard a grunt and saw a boar charge at me.




    Astropheric 7/7

    Boar 3/5 (2base)

    Luckily I turned in time and was able to roll away from the boar that had  tried charging into me. The boar skidded to a halt, but I was fast, and I was on him as if I was just told my mom had brought home ice-cream (which she had never actually done) I slashed at him with sword, but this boar was a fast one as well, I only managed to get him in the side before he was already up again and ready to attack. I leapt backwards to create distance so that the boar could not take advantage of his quick reactions. I knew the boar was going to charge again also, so the distance between us would give me all the more time to devise a plan of action for this boar.

  8. ID:30722




    Astropheric 5/7

    Boar -1/5 (2 base + 2 crit)

    loot-25 col

    The boar charges." so it is all of theme every time. makes this simple" I think before the boar is within arms reach, I jump to sider turning my body making it so that I can swipe him in the side as he's running past me, the boar takes it lightly however and before i am even back on the ground he's heading for me again. I land on the ground just before he hits me. By some miracle I am able to swing my sword around in an arc over the boars head and straight through his head, disintegrating him into polygons before he's able to touch me. "that was a lot easier than the last one" I say aloud to no-one in particular. I sit back down where I was sitting before the boar attacked me and begin to relax once again. "Jeez this game is awesomely not awesome."

  9. ID:30720



    Astropheric 5/7 (base 1 +1 crit)

    Boar 3/5 (base 2)

    "Ugh, that rest was good, sitting in the grass is so calming." I say before I grunt, Im pushed over by boar who just rammed into me. "really you stupid thing" I run at the boar as its charging me, I have the longer reach so I simply stick out my sword and meet his chest with it, my sword slides into the boar before it pushes me off as it rams into me again. I quickly roll back up and get into my defensive stance just as before. But this time, I feel more certain that I will prevail. - last time not so much I was worried that since it was my first time and all the boar would simply impale me and bye bye Astropheric but, noooo this games mechanics really help the fighting, o well back to the battle-

  10. ID:30713




    Astropheric 1/5

    Boar -1/5


    Once again the boar charged me, I was about to meet it head on before I realized he was expecting this as he had his tusks very low to the ground as the go under guard in hit me in the chest, I tried to jumped away but the boar manages to clip my ankle and I see a loss of hp. The boar was skidding as I looked over, and I darted towards it. By the time the boar had turned around and was ready to attack again my sword had impaled him in the side and brought the last of his health down to 0. I see the boar explode into polygons, how beautiful I think. Aside from being trapped in the game I could have really enjoyed the time I spent here. The scenery is beautiful and the mobs are so...life like. its kind of scary actually how they adapt just as a human would. But o well, I must continue my training. But first I need to relax, and so I sat down on the grass letting my health regen and contemplating the day.

  11. ID:30712



    Astropheric 2/5

    Boar 1/5 (2 base + 2 crit)

    Once again the boar charged, okay so what is it with these boars and charging do they all do this every time they attack or just this one, as the boar got I closer I learned not to sidestep, no instead I met it head on using my sword to block its tusks which I could tell it was trying to impale me with. The boar however was much stronger than I anticipated and I knew I couldn't hold this for long. I came up with a plan and quickly put into action, I jumped, I pushed my sword as hard as I could sending the boar facefirst into the ground, but I was still in the air so I used that to my advantage, I came down on the boars neck jamming my sword in as hard as I possibly could, I could hear the boar cry out and jumped back quickly, ready to face the boar once again.

  12. ID:30711



    Astropheric 2/5 (1 base + 2 crit)

    Boar 5/5

    This was my first battle I knew I needed to be carful. The boar charged me and I was ready, or so I thought. as the boar got closer I tried to simply sidestep it. The boar however predicted this and did a double take throwing all of its weight to the side and into me, not only this but the force the boar put into sent me into a nearby tree, I could feel the bones in my back crack, wait no I couldn't its a game, either way OWWW. I got up and saw the boar charging again, I tried to lunge and stab him but he jumped out of the way, I used the momentum from my lunge however to run forward so the boar could not strike again before I turned to face him again.

  13. I just learned that i could die, die in this stupid game. No, i wont die. I look around me seeing people on the ground head in hands crying, others are screaming their heads off in fear, and confusion, and then the people that are just frozen. Standing in the same in the same way, they were like statues, all except for the eyes. When you focused on their eyes you could see the despair inside of them.

    I know what must be done though, i slowly and very calmly walked out of the building and went towards the edge of the city. I was heading towards the fields in whichbi would train to become strong. Strong enough to escape this world not for my friends, not for my family, for myself. I needed to escape and make akihiko pay for what hes done, and i will make that happen with every fiber of my being. But let me not get ahead of myself too much, too even get that far i need to be able to kill a lowly boar  first. If only i could find... Oh theres one. It sees me and i can see the hatred in its eyes, i wonder if it seems the same in mone.

  14. Welcome everyone, my names astro ive been writing a fanfic in my journal and was looking up some game facts when i cam across this site, i thought itd be cool to join and so i have, anyway back to the fic. Ive been writing a fanfic but i need someone who can read it over to catch any mistakes i miss, before i start actually posting it into the world of the internet. If you want to help just msg me and i can give you more details. Thanks for reading, i hope for some pms XD.

  15. th?&id=JN.BDj8rON5mOX%2b7FE324fybw&w=300

    Username: Astropheric
    Real name: Matthew (Matt) Ritto
    Age: 17 (april 6)
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5'11

    About: History/personality
    Matt was born as the youngest in the family his mother and father both already being divorced, his three older brother were much older than the youngest being 24 and they were on his dads side, his sister however was only 3 years older and on his mom side. Therefore Matt grew up only with his sister and his mom, his family was not rich for sure but had a good amount of money, living comfortable, his dad was the ceo of a eyeglass company and that was their sole source of income, but it was a lot. he grew up in a large neighborhood with many children, but for whatever reason unknown to matt early on he was not good at making friends, he had one friend in the neighborhood who was like in that regard however and they each others only friends. All throughout elementary and middle school matt was only with sam (the friend) and they picked up gaming, it was a way for them to be noticed and have fun without criticism, not that matt was bullied, no he was feared, the way he walked with a blank almost killer-like expression scared many away. However once matt and Sam went to high school they strayed paths, matt finally started making friends and became popular in school. He was still feared but it made the girls attracted to him, how mysterious he was. However matt was never really one much for drama so he steered clear of the girls and their attractions mostly only being friends with most. 8th grade year was what truly changed matt, his parents had divorced, hed seen them fighting so it wasn't a surprise but it sure hit like a truck, it gave matt a reason to make friends, to be away from the family, and perhaps the divorce was the only reason he made friends. The divorce brought many more tragic incidents throughout the years but matt hit those from everyone at school, they all thought he perfectly content, only matt knew the darkness that truly lived in him.

    Decieving: because matt grew up hiding things from his friends and doing it rather well, matt grew very well at being able to lie and manipulate words the way he wanted, he was also able to learn how to tell if others were trying to do the same to him and grew very aware of when one telling the truth, or lying to him. Matt uses deception almost everyday around hundreds of people. No-one catches him lying to their face easily.

    Intelligent: Matt did not pay attention much in school no, but he was still very intelligent, not a genius but he was able to deduce one thing from another, after all the years of gaming and lying he has learned what to say and when to say it. He is stellar at thinking quickly to get out of any situation and turning it for the better for himself, as well as being able to confuse other in a conversation to get them to stumble.

    Observant: As an outsider early on in life matt grew a keen eye to details and was able to easily find out something about something. He always knew the drama in school, who was dating who or who punched who, but stayed out of it. Not only did he know about the drama, he knew all the dirty details and the secrets hidden within. He was a detective of sorts for no-ones gains. After observing for so long even grew a photographic memory for words, able to remember what was said exactly when, and where, even if it was toward him.


    Loner: Matt grew up a loner with little friends till highschool, and in games he knew this was troublesome, most games were made to be played in parties, however matt still didn't care, troublesome or not he was a loner by nature and was popular for reason even he didn't truly understand. As a loner he often got put in situations he did not to be put it into, but also learned quickly how to live.

    Pessimist: Matt's parents divorce threw matt into a minor-depression state, and while not being an extreme pressimist he always desired too much, and always looked at the bad side of things, he thinks it makes him stronger looking out for the worst all the time, but being worried all the time and preparing for the worst harms him emotionally and makes him unstable.

    Emotional: Although Matt hides his emotions from most and they tend to think he has none, they couldn't be more wrong. when Matt cant hide his emotions anymore and runs to his room to scream, cry or whatever it may be, it will destroy him. And while he is actually hiding those emotions it still eats at him and kills him from inside. And the only girlfriend Matt did ever had broke up with him, he cried for weeks and never did stop thinking about her. His emotions when they overtake will cloud his judgment and make his make stupid decisions, however rare that may be, its what will end him one day.


    Skills (5 unsused)


    »Rank 1 light armor: 5 mitigation.

    Weapon skills:
    »One-handed straight sword (rank 1) (+1 to damage)

    Weapons/Tools: One-handed straight sword

    Consumables: 10 food     15 water

    Angels blanket

    Roleplays (The number is sp after I finished, on my most recent)
    [SP-F1] I must grow stronger.(complete) 
            [PP-F1] The lone wolves (Astropheric) [Complete)

    [PP-F1] How to Perform <<Earning A living>> (Astropheric) (complete)

      [PP-F1] Training pt2. -With a friend.- (lily) (ongoing)

      [SP-F1] Solo training part 2 (complete)

    [PP-F1] ahhhhh relaxation is nice (lily,alet) (complete)

    [PP-F1] Meeting a new...friends? (flints) (complete)

    [PP-F1] Meeting and re-seeing (lily,seul) (complete) 

    [SP-F1] Solo Training pt3 (complete)

    [SP-F1] Solo training pt4 (complete)

    [PP-F1] A blonde one (Astropheric, Adelyn) (ongoing)


    [PP-F1] Sewing for the swift <<Earning a living>> (lily) (complete)

    [SP-F6] You are your worst enemy <<Gemini>> (complete)

    [SP-F2] Punch a rock...your kidding right? <<Breaking the unbreakable>>(complete)

    [PP-F2] I need a fly swatter <<Long live the queen>> (seul)  (complete)         

    [SP-F3] The Maze Runner <<Search for the Hoya>> (complete) 30




    Story Thus Far






  16. So ive been starting to try and get into this but as I was reading maris rule section, I tried to clicl the links to read the journal guide ect. however whenever I clicked on any of the links they came up with a "blank page" address and well...a blank page. I really wanna get into this. HELP?

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