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Posts posted by Adelyn

  1. Azide piped up with a question soon after me realization of thirst. I looked at him and answered "You know, just because im a fragile looking little girl doesn't mean ive never had some fun." I say with a sly smile. It was of course to continue the fun, jokiness we had been doing. And it did imply an answer of sorts that I had before. And it was true, I had been to places in the world when my family went on vacation it was never as simple as Florida, or las Vegas. No. we went big, we would go to japan, Netherlands, Italy, Germany, I have been to more countries than years I've been alive, so I had time to drink some wine once upon a time. I had tried other alcoholic drinks as well, and I found I was attracted to more of the fruity things, I never liked straight beer like I saw many other people drink. I would see people just walk up and ask for a beer, and then id be like yeah ill take a bay breeze please, and Id just get a look from the beer guy like "what". And id have to explain that it was a vodka drink with cranberry and pineapple juice, or in some cases orange juice. Men.

    But after all I was that kind of girl, I looked like the girl who would be into the more fruity things, more delicate things, and that's just how it was. But as I was beginning to think about drinks, and the men who had no clue about alcohol other than beer, I realized that azide had never commented back on my answer to his question, well my question originally but whatever. I wondered why, I didn't know if it was he had noticed that I didn't care to dwell on the subject or what. It was weird that I was thinking about it so much and wondering why he didn't, when I didn't even want him to. I shook my head as if to make the thoughts go away before looking back at azide as he was opening the bottle. It was humoring as he realized he messed up. I listened to him talk about red wine being healthy, and I had remembered hearing about it, and read on it a little "Yeah, its good for your heart specifically, one glass a day for women, two for men, whatever the difference, but it still has its downsides as well, and I don't know why it is just red wine, so I guess so" I stared at him for a second wondering what made him so different.

  2. I listened to azide before talk about his worriedness of our food not coming, I was a rather patient girl so I hadn't noticed really until he said something. But I didn't have time to dwell on the thought before the waiter showed up. He gave us our food, as well as the bottle. It was all rather well done, it was rare to find such good service in a restraint that wasn't of impeccable quality. And lets face it, a girl who was barely an adult and before, when I wasn't an adult. Was never treated the greatest at restaurant anyway, the people never thought I was actually going to be able to pay what i ordered, or that my opinion mattered because I was just a little girl, and then I rubbed it in their face by pulling out a 100$ bill and telling them I wanted change. The look on their faces when they realized I could have tipped rather handsomely, priceless. It was one of the only mean things I ever tended to do, but it was the servers fault anyway.

    Azide stopped the server from opening the bottle so I figured he wanted to himself, which was fine, I of course had never opened a bottle myself so it would have been embarrassing if he even had me try. I did however look at my food wanting to eat it, but the steam was the warning that I should probably wait to do so, as to not burn my mouth. If that was possible in this game considering there was no pain, better safe than sorry. I looked back at azide waiting for him to open the drink, and hopefully pour it, if not I would of course no big deal, but I was rather thirsty.

  3. I smiled as kalesh made a joke about iron in my soup. "Well iron is good for your body, so I guess it wouldn't be too bad" I smile as I say it, I was of course talking about the iron you didn't notice, but still went into your body. It was of course different then what he meant but o well. "I don't know about you but metal in my soup sounds like a fun time, who needs teeth anyway." I say jokingly with kalesh. It was nice to be able to joke around even in the fields where at any moment a boar could come out and stab me with its tusks. I didn't think it would of course as I had this man with me who seemed to kill them rather easily, so that helped me throw those thoughts away.

  4. I smiled as azide pulled out his pockets after his comments, and then he stated that he had never actually sold anything, which surprised me of course. It was weird that he would be one of the highest ranking alchemists, but then not sell any of his creations. Guess she must be stacked on alchemist stuff then, pots for life I guess. As I thought about it though I began to want to be an alchemist, I thought back to the crystal he had showed me and its beauty, and I also wanted to help people, so of course any of the jobs I had heard about would help, but potions to heal people, seemed like a good way to do so without actually having to fight a lot. My thoughts were interrupted by azide asking a questions, he had stated that it was the same for me, and how he wasn't very original.

    "No worried, I tend to ask a lot of questions, you don't ever have to do the same, usually when I do ask a lot of questions the other person just had me answer my own as well, so im used to it." It was definitely true, many people were either to lazy or just not creative enough, or whatever it was. They just didn't want to or couldn't ask questions like I did, it was weird in its own right, but for me it was educational. The more you knew about a person the better the relationship, to an extent. It didn't take me long to come with an answer, but it did take me a while to answer. But after the long pause I did answer. "No, im not. I never really liked anyone before" I say it with my soft voice, but now so quiet as well. My voice was always soft in sound, and it was quieter's than most but this was almost a whisper. It wasn't intentional at all, but it was just something that happened with me and questions about relationships, the past in that life was not the greatest, and I knew it was hypocritical for me to ask but not answer, and I really shouldn't have asked that without expecting it. The answer I had said was only half the truth as well, yes I didn't like anyone, but there was a reason for it, reasons I didn't care to share to often.

  5. Azide made a comment back about his age, and then mine as well. And it was probably true that the less restrictions on the drinking age made other countries happier, but most teens and young adults drank anyway, as rebels per say. And yes they got caught so the younger drinking age probably caused less under aged drinking issues as well. He then answered my question, again and I had to giggle. "Darn, I was really hoping to get some money out of this date" It was a joke of course that I said with a smile. I was growing rather confused at the man though. His personality was starting to become a little interesting as I thought about it though. He seemed as if he didn't have a care in the world, but was very sarcastic and, irritating at first, but not so much anymore. He seemed like a nice guy, he had taken me here after all and listened, but that snake and his appearance made him a little less approachable, to me at least. It was mostly the black hair, and eye shape, but whatever. I judge too much.

    He actually reminded me of my brother. My brother was very much the same to people who knew, he was a very cold guy, but very sarcastic, while still being nice. However if you ever met him you wouldn't think it at first, he wasn't the most...sociable guy. He was a loner, but by choice, not by being singled out as a nerd he just didn't like people. I threw thoughts of my brother out of my head, as I didn't need to become emotional again in front of azide, I had already shed a tear once, no more today at least. I remembered back to when azide answered my question of what he missed most, I knew he said music but I wondered if that really was all. He most likely had family, I hope. And I wondered if he would ever tell me about them, I wouldn't ask now as it was one of the questions you just don't ask people in this game, but I still wondered. Who was he to them, and who were they to him.



  6. ID:34902   CD:4

    ID:34903   CD:10

    I went back to the work area and began to mix things around after waiting at the counter. I didn't really know what to mix as I didn't want to do the mixture I had done from the quest, so I began grabbing random things and mixing them. My first one failed sadly and I was only lucky that it didn't explode in my face, my second however worked, and it was the same one I had tried the day before, mountain flower and wheat but this time the potion was stronger than the last. I took the potion and put it on the counter, my first healing potion, nice.

    +6 exp

    -2 mats

    +1 uncommon

    Name: Healing potion
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 1
    ID: 34903
    Roll: 10
    Item Type: potion
    Quality: uncommon
    Enhancements: Health recover (15)

    Description: A glass vial with a red liquid inside that when drank, restores the players health after a period of time.

  7. Kalesh explained that we could do it right now, and that it would be easy as he had the forest mapped so we wouldn't have to deal with anything like someone who didn't would have to, which was definitely encouraging. I looked around again quickly spotting a flower like the one kalesh had found earlier, I ran over and plucked it from the ground showing him before saying "Twinning....found the same flower" with a smile on my face I store the flower in my inventory and watch Kalesh doing something. I didn't know what it was but I was fine watching until he was done. I was definitely beginning to feel better about the quest as well, and kalesh alone. He seemed like a trustworthy guy and a nice one as well, which was the main reason I was able to trust him in taking me on this quest

    ID:34851 LD:18+2=20 (5mats)

  8. ID:34843 LD:16+3=18 (4 mats)

    As kalesh explained the quest I grew unhappy as he explained I would indeed have to kill something. But after he finished he said that he could help me as he had done for some others before, This helped as I figured he could do it, and he said that he could do so really easily. I smiled at him. "Alright, well im free so whenever you want to do it, I guess we can." I was still somewhat worried as I watched the man pickup a fruit, it would suck if he wasn't able to protect me and I did die, id lose everything because of trust, but I trusted him enough to have him help me. I looked around and spotted a four leaf clover. it was rare in the real world, and it must have been here as well as I hadn't seen others. I put it in my inventory before looking back at kalesh

  9. Worn out welcome huh...a quest kalesh said that gave some armor. Sounded like a nice thing but I had never even heard the name let alone what you do. "Worn out welcome? Never heard of it, what do you have to do" I was wondering if itd be easy for me, I didn't have anything now. And 6 of these stupid mats seemed like a lot so this quest would probably be the best way to go, but if I had to kill something. Nope not doing it, back to searching. I looked around quickly before looking back at kalesh. I wondered that if I did have to fight something, if he could by chance help me like he had here. I would hate to ask so I wouldn't, but maybe hed offer.

    ID:34839 LD11

  10. So he was indeed older than myself, not by too much only two years which wasn't a big difference at all. He also said hed be twenty one in winter, id have to be remember and get him a gift as long as we still talk which hopefully we do, it would suck to lose Azide he was the first person in the game so far that I had talked to more extensively, and he also just seemed like a really sweet person. A fine quality indeed. My memory sadly wasn't the best however so I would most likely need to write it down a lot, or repeat it several times to burn it into my memory. But it'd also be hard as he didn't gave a day, just winter, a long period of time. Ill figure it out in the end.

    "Ahh wow your soooo old" I say with obvious sarcasm coming from the smile on my face, as well as the sarcasm put in my still soft voice. "I myself am the young age of 18" I reply in a proud tone as if rubbing it in, but still joking with the man across from me. He had his fun with me, with the stunt he pulled back when I called him older than under the tree, as well as his snake things.  I could have a little fun as well, I doubt it'd affect him anyway but I felt like doing it so whatever. "Hmm...in a relationship?" I made it sound innocent as I could, but I really wanted to know as I was rather selfish. If he wasn't..well, wed find out what happened. If he was...then id hay to lay off sadly. Other circumstances also could lead to me backing off though, such as one outside this world, or one who he lost. If it was either of those two reasons, I would feel insanely terrible. 

  11. ID:34829   LD:10+2=12

    I listened to kalesh explain how there were other ways to gain lad such as what must have been food from fishermen and cooks, and way to gain an extra point. I listened intently thinking about trying out myself these foods sometimes and trying this again. Of course I wasn't sure how often id be out in the fields like I am now, risking life. It didn't seem like a big risk right now as I had a strong player next to me who seemed to be able to handle himself, and protect me fairly easily. "So how much do I need for some decent equipment" I was wondering, I had already gotten 3, how much did I need.

  12.    As the man left down the stairs to place our orders I looked back to azide, I had a couple of questions for him still. It was weird my fascination with getting to know people, even if I had only met them an hour ago. I always loved to just text people in a question and answer game, most people weren't the same and only answered which made me feel awkward, as I was getting to know them they were just learning how much I liked to ask questions. I pondered about whether or not I should ask the man across from me questions or not, I didn't want to turn him away by having him answer to many, or just questions he didn't feel like answering. I stared at him for a second before finally deciding to ask at least one.

    "You never really told me, how old are you. I know back at the park I brought up how you looked older than me" I remembered him either messing with or being serious that I was just calling him old, not what I meant. " And I just started to wonder how old you actually were" The question itself was a rather simple one. I figured hed make another comment on me calling him old, but id ignore it. And plus, if he was truly older than me then it would of course affect how I was to him. It wasn't a bad kind of thing, I just acted different to younger people and older people, neither was really better than the other just different.


  13. ID:34817    LD:15+2=17 (mat found)

    I watched kalesh walk over to the rock I had lifted and crack it in half finding another mat and keeping it, we were in fact even now. I looked around for something to search in, or under or around. My eyes fell on the wall of rocks I was looking in earlier, I could see a glint in one so I walked over and stuck my hand in it, when I pulled it out I was holding a shiny see through stone of some-sorts. "Wow, two in a row, im feeling like giving up was not the way to go all of a sudden" I say with a smile looking at kalesh. It was nice to finally be finding stuff.

  14. I listened as azide ordered a water before giving his actual meal, it was a rather fancy one, or at least uncommon as you didn't hear it often, But I sadly was never one for fancy foods. I grew up in a rich household yes, so I probably should have, but my parents were never home so we never went out to eat as a family to anywhere fancy, it was usually just some restraint with my friends, or myself sometimes, if I even went out for food instead of having it ordered. In any case I heard the waiter ask what id like and I did another quick peak at the seafood section before finally choosing. It was not as fancy sounding, as Azide's but it'd have to do, and it sounded good anyway.

    "I guess I will order the Cajun seafood pasta, no onions, extra shrimp please. And if you could add some lobster to that, and cut it up or just bring it out and I can do it, that would amazing. And lastly, he will take two wine glasses with his bottle. Right Azide" I finish looking to Azide with a smile. I hadn't moved around too much, but id been to places such as the Netherlands and Germany, where even though in America I wasn't of age I could drink, and I knew I hated that crap they call beer, but wine was alright, why not try it in a virtual game.

    I hoped he didn't mind me asking for the two glasses though, as I know he asked purely for the bottle, and if he really only wanted the bottle, he could get me a glass alone, and just have to share. I myself couldn't drink from the bottle it'd just be awkward to me but I had never done it so I can say much. But I also hoped That he didn't mind me adding lobster to the somewhat pricy meal already as I knew thered be an add-on in price, I didn't really think about it when I said it until I brought up the glasses and realized azide was here, and most likely paying. I of course could pay, hopefully, I guess it was just that sterotype that the men always pay.


  15. ID:34766

    LD:15+2 =17

    I take the mushroom from kalesh as he talks about luck, and materials again. I looked around for something like a long, to do what he had done. My eyes fell on a rock a couple feet away the looked slanted. I quickly walk over to it picking up the rock, and underneath find a slate of metal, which was what must have made the rock look like it was slanted. "YAY I found one" I say happily holding it up. However I felt bad Kalesh had given all of his to me so I walked over and put the slate on his head. "Its all yours friend" I say.

    Material gifted to kalesh

  16. Azide explained how he had never actually had a pet, which surprised me. I knew some people didn't have pets, even though most did, but I wouldn't think someone who had never had a pet at all would choose a snake as a first pet. As he was beginning to explain what I thought would clear my thoughts, he was interrupted by a man. I looked over at the stairs and saw a skinny man in what I assumed was his uniform as a waiter, begin to talk and walk over. After some talking he put the menus on the table and asked us what we wanted. I look at the man and gave him an answer of my own "Water for now, but I may get something else later and I don't know about food"

    I looked over at azide quickly before opening my menu and reading around to find what I wanted. I didn't even know what I was in the mood for, I really wanted desert to be honest, I had never really had much in the real world as I had to watch my weight and couldn't eat much junk food, but now that we were in virtual reality I didn't know if it mattered, but I was not going to pig out in front of azide no way, got to be a lady and no man wants a women who stuffs her face with desert all the time.

    I Went over the menu at least 4 times before stopping on sea-food. I narrowed it down to at least that now, but what kind of sea-food, shrimp....lobster...crab legs, it was all too much. I put my menu on the table without actually deciding and looked at azide "Your turn, im having a mental battle of what I want" i said softer than usual. I was going to choose what id eat based off of what he got, how exactly I didn't know but id find out soon enough.

  17. I went back to the counter from the back of my shop and saw two items laying on the counter, I grabbed them both and read the note on the plushie. I smiled at it. It was sweet that he had given me the items to help out, I owed him now I guess. the two items made me eager to craft so I went back to the work area and began to mix things around. I didn't really know what to mix as I didn't want to do the mixture I had done from the quest, so I began grabbing random things and mixing them. My first one worked mountain flower plus wheat..okay. I tried that same mixture two times again however and it failed both times I was rather confused at how doing it once worked, but not two other times. I finished though grabbing my successful one, which I was happy at least that I had succeeded. I went to the counter and waited for any customers.

    ID:34761 CD:9

    ID:34762 CD:1

    ID:34673 CD:3

    +1 good potion

    -3 mats

    +7 exp

  18. Helpful potions, and Helpful effects



    In the main town on floor 4, snow frost town. A building near the edge of the town could be found. The building like every other one in the town was a cottage, that looked rather small.  Above the door a sign would read the name of the shop "Helpful potion and Helpful effects" Above the sign was a heart with wings, what must have been the shops symbol. To the left of the door, from the outside, was a glass window that took up that wall, and peering through it would show the sop inside. When you walked in from the door, a coat rack would be to the right for any coats one wanted to hang as it was rather warm inside, but freezing outside. To the left was the window, which you can now see has a bench for people to sit on and look outside if they wish. Under you is a wool rug to keep snow off the hardwood flooring. You can see shelves lined with anything on stock. Also on the walls are pictured of people, friends or clearers, as well as painting of alchemy such as a crystal or a person mixing something. To the right is where the majority of the space is. There are two more benches on either wall, with another wool rug in between as well as a coffee table with a hot chocolate machine. Pass those is a counter, that you can see a lady who has heard your presence from the bell on the door you remember chiming when you walked in. A door on the right most part of the counter is the only way back, and only the shop keeper is allowed back there. A wall separates an area behind the counter, from whatever is behind it, but a customer can not see what is so. However if the shop keeper were to go back there, the sight is that of any chemist lab, set with anything and everything she would need. Back up front at the counter. You hear the soothing, soft voice of the shop owner call to you "Hello, how may I be of assistance"

     I do take orders, as you will see the form is near the bottom, just put the form in your post, and ill get to it.

    Good: 100 col - 1 Mat

    Uncommon 500 col - 3 mat

    Rare 800 col - 4mat

    Perfect: 1000 col - 6 Mat

    Stats: Rank 1 beginner alchemist 7/20 exp

    The CD Result Chart (Rank 1)

    [1] = Critical failure (Lose materials)
    [2-4] = Fail (Lose materials)

    [5-7] = Bad item (Possible to salvage items on a 15+ loot die result)
    [8-9] = Good item  
    [10] = Uncommon item (1 enhancement slot)
    [11] = Rare item (2 enhancement slots)
    [12] = Perfect item (3 enhancement slots)

    Rank 1: Beginner Alchemist
    Rank 2: Apprentice Alchemist
    Rank 3: Professional Alchemist
    Rank 4: Experienced Alchemist
    Rank 5: Assistant Alchemist
    Rank 6: Mentor Alchemist
    Rank 7: High Mentor Alchemist
    Rank 8: Provisional Master Alchemist
    Rank 9: Master Alchemist
    Rank 10: Grand Master Alchemist

    Rank 1: 0 EXP (2 Crafts per day)
    Rank 2: 20 EXP (3 Crafts per day)
    Rank 3: 40 EXP (4 Crafts per day)

    Rank 4: 80 EXP (5 Crafts per day)
    Rank 5: 160 EXP (6 Crafts per day)
    Rank 6: 320 EXP (7 Crafts per day)
    Rank 7: 640 EXP (8 Crafts per day)
    Rank 8: 1280 EXP (9 Crafts per day)
    Rank 9: 2560 EXP (10 Crafts per day)
    Rank 10: 5120 EXP (10 Crafts per day)

    Epic Fail, Fail, and Bad Item: 1 EXP
    Good Item: 2 EXP
    Uncommon Item: 3 EXP
    Rare Item: 5 EXP
    Perfect Item: 8 EXP

    Available crafts

    Potions (available at rank 1) HP Recovery Potion, Safeguard Potion, etc. Potions are used for buffs and take a single post to drink, which includes a turn in battle.





    -Health potion (15) (2 in stock)





    Order form

    Please copy and paste this into your post when ordering a custom artifact

    Name: (Choose a name for the item)
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 1
    ID: (Don't fill in)
    Roll: (Don't fill in)
    Item Type:
    Quality: (Good/Uncommon/Rare/Perfect)
    Enhancements: (Choose enhancements for your item.)

    Description: (Describe the item here)




  19. Once she was finished I asked a question "That's it, I thought it'd be much harder." I say o the lady "Not hard to learn, hard to master however" She replies sounding like yoda from star wars, such an old movie now, what 30 years...still good though. "Ahh okay, thank you for teaching me though, I hope I can repay you one day." I say to the lady meaning it although she crept me out. "No need, Its great to see another person taking a liking to alchemy, its a passion of my own I love to share." I smiled politely as she finished "Well, off you go, you have some work ahead of you in your new profession" I smiled as I saw a new message in my view QUEST COMPLETE. It was great to finally finish, and I left the shop happily a minute later, with experience in a new profession, and hopefully the ability to begin helping other players.


    Thread rewards

    400 col

    +1 sp

  20. The lady paused for a minute as she began to mess around with the ingredients, she put the bottle down and then squashed the newts eye into a beaker, mixing it with water. "Your ingredients must always be in a liquid form, so you must make them that way if they are not already" she explains as she begins to place the grounded feet in a beaker, filling it with a steaming liquid. The liquid I late found out was hot as it evaporated the grinded feet into the liquid making it a liquid as such. "Now you mix the liquids." She did so pouring one beaker into another, and stirring it with a metal stick thingy she had with her. "Once you are done you simply pour the mixture into the selected carrying device, bottle or crystal and your good to go."  I watched closely as she did all of this until she was finished.

  21. I looked around and was thankful at the sight, it was a bare room with black walls and nothing else aside from a single table which held some tubes, liquids and a couple of other things I had no idea what were. I walked all the way in allowing the npc to follow in. She walked over to the table and spoke. "The materials please" I walked over and handed her the materials. "These are the items you will need for a healing potion, there are of course other combinations, but you will always need something to mix the items with, and something to put them, such as a bottle in this case or a crystal when your more advanced" I listened intently, once again thankful that I could hopefully use more appealing mixtures.

  22. I followed the npc in silence for at least another 10 minutes , we went upstairs and then downstairs and then back up, left right and then left again. I was amazed at the size of the building as it didn't look this big outside, and it was rather scary. It reminded me of the tent from harry potter that was the size of a house inside it, but a normal tent outside. After a while though she finally stopped at a door "Here it is" she said opening the door for me to walk in. I was rather scared to walk in first, the lady was rather creepy herself, I didn't know how the room where she did her potion making would be, probably just as weird. But after a thought I decided to go in.

  23. "Alright good, give them to me once we get to the room, so we can begin your training in how to make a potion" the creepy lady says. I followed her thinking of how hard it would be, would be as simple as mixing the ingredients like they do sometimes in movies, or would it be like an exact amount of this and that, and then stir for this long, and recite these words, mess up and it blows up. I sure hope not because I couldn't handle all that if that's how it would be, I was too...absent minded sometimes, and I either forget before or during, or id just mess up even knowing what to do. "Alright will do" I reply following her to wherever this room she was talking about was.

  24. Kalesh talks of a little chain he has that he got from someone, who helped him find stuff. I looked at the wraps around my hand, they were a gift from a friend when I had done the quest to earn a profession and they had the same affect. But it was weird how kalesh was still doing much better, he didn't seem like he would use a point in his luck, so I didn't think it was that, must have just been experience. I watched him move over to a log and move it, picking up an item that he tossed to me. I heard him give advice as I caught the stone. "I don't like..." I said in a soft tone, I was being sarcastic of course. And I looked around, but I just couldn't find anything that would give me a hint a mat was near. "Im really about to give up" I say pouting again.



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