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Posts posted by Akarim

  1. "A honeymoon? Why doesn't that sound most fantastic! Perhaps you two will get along just fine." A red haired man stepped forward towards the duo a huge smile plastered all over his face. "I've been looking everywhere for you Narlia, now I've finally found you we can have some fun together! After all I joined the game to play with you, just like I played with your sister before she... Left us."

    Turning his head to the boy in blue Alston bows low. "Forgive me I didn't realise my daughter had found someone so, measley to  be with. But I digress." Placing a hand on Teayre's should Akarim gently brushes Calrex away while looking the crimson maiden directly in the eye. " Your going to play with me right Narlia, or do I have to tell your friend here about how much of a naughty girl you are being unable to keep your sister here."

  2. “Gramps? Who d’ya think you’re calling gramps, kiddo?” Whipping around his cloak billowing out again the older man stares at the boys eyes with his own narrowed. Lips thing as if he was about to tell a child off when suddenly he lets out a laugh. Leaning his head back Akarim reaches out and claps Seul on the shoulder. “I’ll take being called your old man, but calling me gramps that’s just plain insulting!” Throwing his arms up in the air he swirls around before stopping his legs shoulder width apart as he tilts his head slightly looking down at Seul. “The name’s Akarim.” Holding a scarred hand out, he meets the teenager’s eyes as he beams down at him. “Nice to meet ya.” Flicking his spare hand down Akarim brings up the menu and sends a party invite. “The quest I was looking at doing was a basic one, Secret Medicine of the Forest. So someone should be able to smoke us a kipper as we’ll be back for breakfast.”

  3. Footsteps echoing along the streets of Starting City, a swish of a cloak as a red haired man ducked down into an alley. The clacking of the hard leather soles of his boots on the cobblestone path resonated louder with in the more confined street. Akarim was making his way towards the gates of Starting City, he had heard about a quest that was a short distance out from the safe zone. As he walked with his hands in his pockets a breeze whipped up his black cloak that rested on his shoulders revealing the white shirt underneath that was buttoned only halfway up.

    As the man reached the gates he pauses for a moment, scratching his head before sitting down in the middle of the path. He began calling out to nearby players, “Hey you, want to team up for a quest? It’ll be easy!” After an hour or so of this he stands up whipping his arm back to give his cape a very flamboyant swish. “What no one will help this geezer on a quest? What is the youth of today coming to!”

  4. A low chuckle rumbled out of Akarim’s belly as he saw Blue’s frown, “Don’t worry about me dying, we all face every day no matter what happens. Despite it all I wasn’t hiding in Starting Town because I was worried about my own health you know. Let’s go kill some boars. I’m sure a mighty high level player like yourself will be able to handle any boars that come our way.” Shooting Blue a smile the red head brought his hand back down to his side as he runs his hand over the hilt of his longsword. “I need to learn sometime at any rate. If I’m to find her…” The last five words are muttered quietly but still audible, and Akarim’s voice suddenly becomes a fair bit darker with the final sentence.

  5. “Oldie eh? Well I guess I am, doesn’t mean I’m a good for nothing though.” Stretching his neck from left to right by pushing his head to his shoulder an audible pop could be heard. “Even if my bones are getting a bit old.” Nodding at Blue as he smiled Akarim held his rough hand out, “The name’s Akarim, I’ve not got a profession yet. Despite searching through starting city from top to bottom.” Turning his head around as Blue asked him where he’d like to go Akarim gave a small chuckle before facing the boy again. “Considering I’m the newb, where do you think we should go?”

  6. Raising an eyebrow as his comment was retorted to, Akarim scoffed. “I bow to your wisdom great and ancient one, perhaps you could teach this old man a thing or two about how everything is based on numbers boy.”  With that he bowed his red hair skirting the ground before he raised himself back up. Watching as the person in front of him stood up Akarim followed the movements carefully with his eyes. “Besides, you’re the one who’s touchy.” A long yawn escaped Akarim’s lips as he blinked wearily at his companion. “I’ll take you up on your offer though. I can’t find what I’m looking for in Starting City, so it’s time for me to move on up and see if I can it.” Smiling he looked at Blue with weathered eyes, a trickle of sadness behind the steel gaze.  

  7. Akarim looked around the central plaza in Starting City, it had been quite some time since he had been here last not since that event on day one. He found himself smiling when he heard the message from Kayaba that they were trapped inside the game. So what? It meant a chance to have fun for quite some time. Rolling his shoulders backwards releasing some strain that was pent up inside them. “That’s better.” Looking up at the sun he felt the warmth spreading through his skin as he stretched out his hands. “I should probably get my butt out of this place and start training. I’ve not had any luck finding her so far.”

    The crimson haired man began to make his way through the city passing through a small park on his way there just as a gust of wind whipped through the area causing a player nearby to let out a small cry. “Can’t handle a gentle breeze?”  Rolling his eyes Akarim leaned against a wall by the bench, his eyes trained on the boy.

  8. Profile
    Username: Akarim
    Real name: Akagami Hayashi
    Age: 43
    Gender: Male
    Height: 6 foot 2 inches.

    About: History/personality

    For the earlier part of his life Akagami had found it to be quite relaxing up until his late twenties. He had met a wonderful woman called Milliana during his final years at highschool and they had gotten together despite their schools strict anti-relationship rules. After they both graduated Akagami took a job at a local computer factory, building cpus. The work itself he found boring but had no choice if he was to marry the love of his life. At the age of twenty-one he proposed and by twenty-three they were married. Less than a year later they had their first child and then another a couple of years later. While his eldest daughter’s hair matched his own red hair, her face pointed like his. The younger was a spitting image of her mother.

    When the eldest girl was ten a tragic accident happened taking away their mother, his wife. Riddled with grief Akagami began to push his family away often locking himself away this in turn caused his daughters to rely on themselves more. He noticed that the eldest had taken an interest in games before one day he found his youngest daughter dead in the kitchen. The elder locked herself into seclusion in her room coming out briefly only for meals and school. After several years of grief Akagami was about to start a recovery when his eldest daughter went missing. Struggling to come to terms with his family abandoning him the red haired man saw the new game and hardware for SAO coming out and decided his best bet of finding his daughter would be to enter this world.


    Optimist: Akarim always thinks the best outcome will happen, no matter the odds. Even if you showed him an empty glass he would turn around and tell you that it is a full glass. He always carries a smile on him even if he was knocking on death’s door.

    Theatrical: If you ever wanted a show then you’d want to call Akarim, he’ll make everything as over the top as he could. Somehow this man will make a level one boar kill seem like he’s just cleared all one hundred floors of Aincrad.

    Keen Mind: Underneath the red hair Akarim’s mind is often working at a rate of ten to the dozen. He usually only thinks quickly during combat, his eyes watching for various movements or weakness that his foes repeat and so on. The man will then try and exploit those very movements or weakness.


    Determined: This is both a virtue and a flaw, Akarim himself does not know when to give up. If there is something he wants he will reach out with his right hand and seize it. If his right hand is chopped off, then he’ll use his left and so on. He has often worked himself to exhaustion from a new idea he has had that he didn’t want to let go of.

    Sarcastic: When speaking Akarim will often talk down to people or twist their words. He tends to use his sarcasm a bit too much and often finds that he ends up annoying people. He seems to be more sarcastic with people he doesn’t know than to his friends. Making this more a defense mechanisim

    Cold/Loner: The red haired man will often shoulder his own burdens and keep them to himself, this doesn’t prevent him from grouping up with other people. However he will often appear to be very cold or blunt at first often eyeing people up trying to determine if they’ll be a help or hindrance to him. Even after people have gotten to know him Akarim will often be blunt and almost push them to one side.

    Skills SP: 5




    Weapon skills:
    One Handed Straight Sword – Rank 1



    In Progress

    Another Day [PP]

    Meeting Someone New


    None At The Moment


    In Progress

    <Secret Medicine of the Forest>


    None At The Moment

    Good Straight Sword – One Handed
    White Button Shirt.
    Red Sash
    Plain Brown Trousers

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