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Posts posted by Saix

  1. A few minutes of information later, the info box before him reached its final screen, displaying the fateful message. followed by simple options. Having endured the entirety of this explanation simply to pick up the profession, Saix was quick to accept. â€Congratulations, you are now an Alchemist. Take these ingredients and create a basic healing potion for me.†Eric quickly replied.

  2. The NPC before him continued to speak, describing the use of an Alchemy table, communal resources available in most cities or villages. Should he purchase his own house or shop, he could install a personal table, and so on and so forth. It was hardly relevant at this time and place, even in The Starting City, real estate was extremely pricey. No doubt on higher, less crowded floors, it would be even more expensive. Alas, he would cross that hurdle when he got there.

  3. New information flooded the window, basic information on how an Alchemist would take basic materials and ingredients and create the basic leveled potions. They were a far cry from the powerful Crystal items that would activate instantly, instead having a heal over time effect, but it was better than nothing. In this world, HP falling to zero would equate a real death; he would take any method or means to prevent such a fate for himself and his dear sister.

  4. Saix simply nodded, his eyes fixed on the NPC before him. Certainly realistic, but the facial software, specifically expressions, was sometimes a little strange. One might say it was to better capture the dramatic essence of the game, who knew. All he knew is that the smiling face seemed… false, imperceptibly off by a fraction, just enough to make him uncomfortable. His eyes flicked down to the semi-transparent window before him, where he pressed .

  5. Saix finally stopped before the rather jovial looking NPC, a middle aged male wearing a rough cut vest and hempen tunic and trousers, and paused a moment for the system to recognize his ‘interest’. With a wide smile and twinkling eyes, the NPC, named launched into a rather common dialogue aimed at snaring any nearby player’s attention. â€Ho lad, care to listen a bit about the Alchemy profession?†he said, in a friendly tone as a pop up window appeared before Saix with details on Alchemy in general.

  6. Making his way through the surprisingly congested area, Saix spotted his target and picked his way through the crowd. With so many players having decided to stay in the Starter Town, there was little room in such public places. Most players were content to spend the day aimlessly wandering the central plaza, as there really were few places to spend the bulk of their time. It was congested, but ultimately manageable even if sometimes annoying.

  7. In order to pick up his profession, he would need to find the appropriate NPC, and accept the profession officially after receiving a few text windows of information pertaining to what the skill would be used for. He was rather fortunate in that he had a general idea of the area he would find his specific NPC from his sporadic exploration of the city over the past few months. Most NPC’s tended to move around a bit, but generally could be found in the same general area.

  8. For a brief moment he imagined a chill at the thought of beginning their battle preparations so casually, yet he was quick to dismiss the sensation as being the result of an overactive imagination. Pushing such thoughts from his mind, Saix quickened his step, his leather boots clacking on the simulated cobblestones that lined the central plaza of Starter City. This was the central portion of the massive city, and as good a place as any to start his search.

  9. His play style was simply too different from that of Inu, so being able to craft gear that benefited him would not go far in benefiting their two person party. With that thought in mind, he had decided that Alchemy was the best choice. Having easy access to abundant healing items would make the game less dangerous, not to mention the prospect of such items as status ailment effects like poison, paralysis, and other useful means for defeating enemies with greater ease.

  10. Still, carefully weighing his options, Saix could not help but decide that investing in this skill would be a necessity if he were to ensure the survival of himself and his sibling. Deciding which skill to invest in had taken some time though, as he had weighed each decision carefully. However, in the end he had decided to take the Alchemy profession. He had been tempted to take up a crafting profession that would allow him to produce equipable gear, but had discarded the notion.

  11. In order to craft, one needed the proper materials, materials that would either need to be purchased or traded; or harvested out in the wilds. That meant spending col that would otherwise be used to continue staying in the Starter City, or leaving the safety of the city. It was a risky proposition, one that seemed to reinforce the reasoning that had led some outlaw players into attempting to harass other players in the wilds for their gear with threats of violence.

  12. And yet, even had many wanted to attempt to escape into the game and try to forge their way to freedom, with each passing day it would become more difficult to afford the basic necessities a prospective adventurer would need to survive. The scenario was proving to be troubling indeed. Many had thought that the key to overcoming this problem lie in the Profession Skills, creating items to sell to further dwindling supplies of Col. But even this was dangerous.

  13. Everywhere the swordsman looked, he saw fellow players milling about, simply trying to pass the time until the mad rush for the cheapest inn rooms began. So this was what they had been reduced too? They were fearful sheep unwilling to leave the city, spending the last of their allotted starting funds on hiding away from the truth? It was like Kayaba Akihiko had said, there would be no escape until the game was cleared. Hiding away would not change this.

  14. The leather garbed figure strode confidently through the streets of Starter City. Desperation seemed to cling to the air, a viscous thick pall of negativity. So many people had stayed behind, believing that this was the best course of survival, waiting for rescue that would never come. Saix had realized that after the first week with no rescue had passed. No, Kayaba Akihiko was simply not willing to let them go that easily.

  15. The embrace lasted several seconds, several seconds where even this strange facsimile of a world seemed real. But all too quickly it was broken, as she pushed away, her tiny pup cradled in her arms. How Saix longed to push her doubts away further, but he only followed after her, the short cape like mantle rustling softly in the digital wind. He had been the more adventurous of the two thus far, even going into the hunting fields once or twice with the starter sword in hand to face down the wandering boars.

    Saix was never one to remain idle. Even as they had holed up in their rented room, he had been busy collecting what little scraps of information he could. Sword Skills seemed to be the key to surviving this Death Game, and attempting to wade into battle blindly swinging a sword was a swift path to an shameful end. So Saix had dug up everything he could from the information brokers on how these skills, as well as the extra skills, functioned. When he ventured out alone, he would test his gathered information against the low level monsters that surrounded the starting city.

    It was something that he would never have been able to do had they rushed out into the field on launch day. So many players had descended upon the hunting fields, killing available monsters in a mad dash for Xp. Many died simply because they had no knowledge of how to engage the system's assist mode and use the available Sword Skills. Saix had done his best to avoid making the same mistake, carefully researching how the different players that had blazed ahead on the leveling curve had learned to play the game, then practiced these methods in a safe manner against the beasts in the field. He had even explained some of these methods to Inu, if only in an attempt to gently remind her they could not afford to stay in the inn forever.

    When she made her inquiry Saix flexed his right hand, bringing up his menu and selected the map. "Most Basic Skill NPC's will be located near the central plaza for convenience sake, so that new players can find them easily." He tagged the plaza on his map, sharing the information to party, so that she would be able to bring it up on her map as well. "As for what you would be learning... well... It is definitely more than just singing." He added, an enigmatic smile on his face that suggested he knew more than he was letting on. In truth he had researched a little into each of the various profession skills, and had an idea of some of the effects that the Performer Profession would allow.

    "But I wouldn't dream of spoiling the surprise, it would ruin the fun of the experience. This is a game after all, so we should try to have a little fun." He ruffled her hair as he spoke, doing his best to put her at ease.

  16. Saix, Roleplaying Since 1998 est.

    Sir, all I got is one thing to say to you!


    Wow, you totally called it. I chose the name Saix as an rp handle long ago, because of the Charles Dickens character (Bill Sikes/Sykes) and that particular Zoid from the Zoids: Chaotic Century show. Which was airing on cable at about the time I started Rp'ing. It figures that being about the same age, you would be able to recall that. :P Maybe now I can avoid comparisons to that god awful Kingdom Hearts Villain. I was using the handle long before that game ever came out :lol:

  17. Well I take it nobody bothered to read the fine print 8-). Then again, I just added it, so... In any case, thank you all for the warm welcome. I can't wait to get started and get into some threadage with you all. I'm hoping to have an extra day off this week that I can really use to get a jump on some rp. But, even if I only get stuck with two days off this week, I will be sure to see what sort of trouble I can get into Rp wise.

  18. Her displeasure was clear, even if she did her best to hide it from him as she shied her gaze away. "You know that is not what I meant Inu." He said, looking back towards the center of this town that was currently jam packed.

    "Staying here will not be an option soon." He said, his voice grave. That much was true. Almost half the players stranded in The Death Game had chosen to stay in the Starting City, believing that the best course of action was to sit tight and wait for rescue. Surely someone would find a way to free them... It was madness to think that risking their lives out in the world was the best option... right? The Starting City was massive by most accounts, large enough to hold an entire Tokyo Ward, a huge sprawling affair that dominated most of the first floor. Yet... every day it seemed more and more like a packed slum.

    The desperate crowded together, using the col allotted to them to pay for food each day, and trying to find a place to sleep. But that col would not last forever, and already desperation was beginning to set in. Word of the first 'Sleep PK' incidents were already spreading. With so many in one place, and inns so scarce, it had not taken long for some to realize that the opportunity for crime was present. If Col was the resource that would allow them to stay safe, then they must find ways to create more Col. For many that meant the profession system, but that would require going into the wilds for ingredients... That was hardly any safer than simply playing the game.

    Then someone had figured out that a sleeping player's hand could be forced to accept a duel... There was no physical pain in this world, and killing a player in a duel would not turn one's curser yellow...

    Suddenly, people who were willing to go to such lengths to preserve their lives 'safely' had a new means to continue their survival. Even the relative safety of the 'no danger' city zones seemed false. If one could not find safety in a room rented from an inn, and tried to sleep in the streets of the city itself, they were in danger. No, Saix mused, they could not afford to stick around much longer. They would need equipment to survive, and it was vital that they be able to strike out on their own before their col resources dipped too low to afford starter equipment. He is shaken from his dark thoughts by her voice.

    "He would not be disappointed." He reassured her swiftly. "Waiting this long may have saved us in the long run." He adds, cocking his head. "Had we attempted to strike out with the others, we would have been sucked into the competition for xp and quests. We might have made he mistake of attempting to go to far, too quickly, without being able to gather enough xp, and met our end underleveled and undergeared in the dungeon like so many others." He points out, knowing she is familiar enough with MMO's to understand what he was implying. "We can take our time now, and properly ensure we are ready to move on without having to worry about everyone else killing monsters and waiting for respawn timers." He clarifies, always thinking of the means to press on.

    He laughs when she questions whether or not he would have pegged her a performer, the levity somehow seeming to chase dark thoughts from his mind. "No, not really. I've heard you sing before, remember. Being able to do something you love in this world... I envy you." He said, with feeling as they began their short treck back to the City Limits, Inu falling into his shadow. She was silent for some time, but he did not press her. While he worried for her, for how withdrawn she was becoming, he could not bring himself to attempt to press her just yet. She broke the silence on her own before long, her arms pulling her little pup close. "It's no more silly to be scared than it is to be outraged, betrayed, or seized with despair. We did not ask to be trapped here, so it is not beyond reason to feel such." He says, doing his best to reassure her. It wasn't easy, realizing such things. He had been happy to stay here as long as they could, letting her remain innocent from such thoughts and realizations.

    Alas, Kayaba Akihiko had stolen such innocence with his cursed Death Game.

    He stops, turning to face her. His arms wrap around her, pulling her close for a long moment so that her small body might be crushed against his. He wants to comfort her, and yet... he will not, can not, lie to her in this. "Yes, we will have to fight... But you will not fight alone." He says fiercely, his cheek resting atop her head. "We will fight together, Ezo too." He said, doing his best to provide some small measure of comfort as he helped her accept their reality.

  19. His sharp eyes missed nothing, his brow furrowing ever so slightly as she lifted a hand as though seeking the comfort of her heart beating beneath her breast. He knew her well enough to guess the melancholy thoughts that were sure to bubble to the surface during such quiet moments of calm reflection. Yet he said nothing, merely shrugged deeper into the ragged red mantle that draped across his shoulders.

    She sighed, no doubt her mind was heavy with their shared situation. What should have been a fun escape from the pressures of life had become it's own struggle of life and death in a virtual prison. How ironic then that he had once thought that these VRMMO's would provide him an escape from the confines of a life that felt tantamount to a prison. To think that in seeking to escape, he only provided another gilded cage for himself and his dear Inu. Inu had not taken their circumstances well. She had tried to hide her discomfort, projecting a show of strength for his benefit; but he knew her better than anyone, and he could see the strain. He could see the melancholy and sadness, the fear and the despair, in little ways and expressions when she thought he was not watching.

    But he was always watching. Even now when she missed the comfort of the rhythm of her beating heart. She put on a brave smile, doing her best to show him she was ready, and he loved her all the more for the attempt. When she turned to face him fully, he pushed away from the tree he so casually leaned against, standing to his full height and smoothing his hair back with a quick flick of the wrist, before returning her smile. "If we must be trapped in a digital cage, at least we can say that it is appealing to the eye." he replied, trying to find the humor in their present situation. He had hoped she would find resolve soon, so that they might begin their journey, even if he had not tried to pressure her. Such decisions were usually difficult, and since the day Kayaba Akihiko had made his grand appearance in the square, she had seemed to retreat a little more into her own little world with each passing day.

    It was no coincidence, she had initially taken to the VRMMO's to escape herself, creating an avatar that she felt she could comfortably express herself without having to actually be herself. The loss of her virtual avatar, and suddenly finding herself in a virtual copy of her own skin had been a blow to her confidence. No doubt Kayaba Akihiko had fully intended it as such, forcing the gravity of reality upon those trapped in his game. Still, the fact that she had decided she was willing to start moving forward in this Death Game filled him with a sense of relief.

    "I'm just glad you have decided that you are ready to move forward." he replied with feeling as he stepped beside her. Were they in the real world she might have felt the warmth of his presence, and it was true that the system did it's best to replicate such sensations, yet he could not help but feel that the sensation was somehow colder, no more than an artificial facsimile. "Even if it is just one step at a time, we have to keep moving forward. Otherwise their would be no meaning to these circumstances." He adds, a far away look in his eyes, before he seems to focus and turn back to her.

  20. Hello Sword Art Online RPG Community peoples, my name is Derek. I am currently 29 years old and am living in the great state of Texas for the moment. I've been on the fence when it comes to moving up to Oregon the past few years, but this year I decided to quit stalling and just move, so I will be moving later in the year. I am currently Head of Security in a local bar/club that I partly own thanks to some snazzy investitures. I recently recommended SAO to Inu after she had finished watching Attack on Titan. We both agreed that it would make a fantastic Rp setting. Now, I had looked around for a SAO Rp about a year ago, but without any close friends who were willing to join up at the time, I didn't look very hard for very long. However, with Inu wanting to find somewhere to Rp, I decided to bust out a little Google Fu and now here we are. I've been Rp'ing for 16 years now, mostly fantasy and sci-fi/cyberpunk, which makes SAO something special as it can be a blend of both. I like to draw, read, run, play tennis, and other physical activity.

    I'm very glad for the opportunity to rp with you all, and can't wait to get some good character development and plottage going.

    *Cookie Availability is subject to change and may not be available in all areas.

  21. It has been a little while since their was a reply here, but since it is an OOC topic I hope nobody has a problem with me reviving this thread. I try/play new games quite frequently, so it is always fun to see if I will meet new friends to play with while I mess around in whatever game has my fancy at the time.

    At the moment I mainly bounce back and forth between Star Wars: The Old Republic, Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, and The Secret World. I never play them all at the same time, haha. I mainly play one at a time, rotating between them as my interest piques in a specific thing. I suppose it allows me to play MMO's without the risk of getting stuck on one and sucked in.

    TOR is a little in the flavor of WoW in space with pretty voice acting and is a pretty standard MMO. It's a Bioware game, so the story is engaging, and for a long time fan of the Knights of the Old Republic series, it always manages to suck me back in as I do another character's storyline. Currently the game is free to play, and I will go back to mess around in it frequently.

    XIV: ARR is a little different, not really similar to any other MMO I have played thus far. Much like SAO your weapon equipped will determine your class/abilities, with each weapon class having it's own level for you to increase. It's possible to level every class and crafting discipline in the game off of one character, provided you want to invest all that time, haha. The story is pretty decent thus far, and being able to switch weapons/combat roles at the drop of a hat has made for an interesting twist on the normal MMO experience.

    Finally, TSW is really unlike anything I have played before. It has no level system, and simply revolves around using xp to purchase new abilities as you see fit. The abilities are divided according to melee, ranged, magic; etc, further divided down to specific weapons/talismans/foci etc. The game lets you equip two such weapons/talismans/foci at the time, and then mix and match your available abilities as you see fit in two categories. Active skills that function as your attacks/actions and Passive Skills that provide passive buffs/etc for your character. You are free to grab whatever abilities you want at any time, then mix and match what you are playing to suit your play style. It adds that element of fun to the game as you are trying out different combinations to find the perfect fit for whatever role you are wanting to fill. TSW is currently free to play, provided you make a one time purchase of the game content. Pretty much like Guild Wars.

  22. «Saix»

    The Crimson Lightning


    • • Profile •

      • » Username: Saix
        Nickname: Crimson Lightning
        » Real name: Takashi Mori
        » Age: Twenty-Two
        » Gender: Male
        » Height: 5'7"
        » Weight 150lbs

        • Description •
        Thick black hair hangs in artful disarray around Saix's handsome features, all the better to obscure mischief filled eyes, before falling to brush the tops of his shoulders. Grey eyes glint with mischief framed by thin black brows, matching rather well with a roguish smile that seems to hint at secrets and mysteries. In fact, everything about this young man seems to radiate an aura of mischief and mystery.

        It would seem nature has been kind to Saix, as his good looks are further accentuated by a slim athletic build that would hint towards emphasis on speed and agility. Even if a person's physical shape has no bearing on this digital world they are trapped within, Saix is quite proud of his appearance, seeing it as another tool at his disposal to coax what he wants from those around him. Quite simply, it is so much easier to be charming and charismatic if you look the part.

        As a self described "man of passion" Saix has a penchant for the color red, preferring to dress in dark clothing accented by red coats or capes. He enjoys long coats, capes, and cloaks for their added sense of the mysterious and dramatic, and is not above making use of wardrobe to further cultivate his flare for the theatrical. Outside of the safe towns, he will equip leather or light metal armor, preferring to keep his speed and agility at their highest to better fufil his goal of becoming the game's topmost ranked Rapier wielder.

        Saix speaks with a husky baritone, low and layered with mystery. He has a natural charisma that he supplements with his flair for theater, something that he uses to snare the attention of those around him. With a clever tongue and a whit as sharp as his rapier, Saix is quite the charmer, and once his interest has been piqued, he will work to maneuver himself into advantageous position, often by ingratiating himself with those around him.

        These combinations together make Saix a complex individual with potential to be a stalwart ally, or dangerous enemy.

        • History •

        • Born the only son of a well to do politician who would go on to become the Japanese Vice Foreign Minister, Takashi has lived much of his life in the comfort of wealth. With his father focusing mainly on continuing to climb in the hierarchy of his job, Takashi and his younger sister were raised by their mother, a caring woman who did her best to ensure her children had the opportunity to grow up in a loving environment. However, when she took ill with pneumonia and passed away, Takashi and his young sister were left alone with no family save their overbearing and busy father.

          Takashi found himself in the position of 'heir' and was pushed to excel in his studies so that he might bring honor to his family and name. Whether or not following his father's footsteps in a political career was his ambition was never even addressed, he was simply expected to politely smile, nod, and go along with the perfect planned life that his father had set before him. Takashi learned swiftly that deviation from this course would result in swift, and often brutal, punishment. In such an environment he might have lost sight of self and what was truly important were it not for his younger sister.

          The loss of their mother had hit her far harder than Takashi, and as he had been pushed to become his father's shadow, his sweet little sister had gradually began to withdraw from those around her, as though she were becoming more of a ghost every day. But Takashi would not let her go easily, and through the rest of their childhood the two remained close; the would be political official to be and the young intelligent wall flower. The VRMMORPG was a turning point in these siblings lives, a means for them to escape their gilded cage and live free of the crushing responsibilities their father had heaped upon them.

          Sword Art Online should have been yet another distraction, a means to escape the trap their lives had become. Ironic that it would prove the greatest trap of all. Takashi had once believed that the world his father pushed him so relentlessly into had been full of danger, and yet now he found himself, and his dear sister, stranded in a virtual world that was no longer a game, but instead a struggle of life and death. Faced with no other options but to either abandon hope and live in the squalor or the Beginner's City of the First Floor or attempt to play the game and hope to win and find escape; Takashi resolved to take his life in his own hands and forge his own path; to victory or defeat.

          It is ironic that it took something like The Death Game to allow him to truly take his life and make it his own. Yet while he feels an exhilarating sense of freedom now that he is free from being crushed beneath his father's thumb, he cannot help but miss his privileged upbringing. Here is nothing more than another player, the power and wealth attached to his name being practically meaningless. The transition from sheltered young would be politician to common swordsman struggling to survive the Death Game has not been easy. In truth his quest to become a powerful top ranked player is not only to survive this virtual world and eventually escape; but also to regain some small measure of that privileged life he has lost.

          He will have riches, power, and respect; he has promised himself this and is willing to do anything to fulfill that solemn oath.

          • Personality •

          » Virtues:

          • [*:3e8hfoqv] Charismatic Takashi has always had a powerful sense of charisma, something that has proven useful since being trapped in the Death Game. With so many people in a state of panic, Takashi's natural charisma allows him to calm and inspire those around him through words or actions. This charisma has served Takashi well long before he ever logged into the game, and adds another potent tool at his disposal with so many people in need of reassurance.
            [*:3e8hfoqv] Cunning Takashi's intelligence has been evident from a young age, he maintained stellar grades almost effortlessly throughout his schooling. Finding himself trapped in The Death Game, Takashi has turned his intelligence towards solving the 'puzzle' in a way that will keep him and his alive, letting him become quite the cunning strategist. Carefully examining all the information at his disposal; either through information brokers, his own observations, or what information he can glean from other players; Takashi is adept at using the game systems against themselves to squeeze what extra advantage he can.
            [*:3e8hfoqv] Steadfast Takashi is determined to survive being trapped in Sword Art Online, and refuses to allow the circumstances to deter him from finding what enjoyment he can. He fiercely believes that he will not only survive this experience, but will find the best way to thrive in this deadly environment. It is not enough to simply continue living, he must distinguish himself, and strives to become a top ranked player so that his skill might be acknowledged by those around him.

            » Flaws:

            • [*:3e8hfoqv] Manipulative While many will freely admit Takashi to be a charismatic individual, his skill with words and flare for the dramatic are not without a dark side. For much of his life Takashi has learned to play the role of perfect son, always serving to fulfill the expectations placed upon him by his wealthy father. Taking his theatrical talents to the next level has allowed Takashi to learn to outright manipulate those around him, feeding their fears or vices to better bring them in line with Takashi's own goals.
              [*:3e8hfoqv] Underhanded Takashi has spent his entire life in the lap of luxury, never wanting for anything, with the entire world at his finger tips thanks to the power of his family name. Upon being stranded within the Death Game, the loss of his privileged lifestyle had unforeseen consequences upon Takashi's psyche. Seeking to regain the life that he has lost, Takashi is willing to turn the game against itself, exploiting such things as set AI attack patterns and Post-Motion Delay to further his goals. While thus far he has not attempted to use such exploits against other players, the lines he will allow himself to cross continue to blur daily, and in his determination it is unknown just how far he might fall.
              [*:3e8hfoqv] Stubborn Even so noble a virtue as determination is not without a darker side. Takashi's steadfast nature and determination to survive, thrive, and distinguish himself among his fellow players is rapidly becoming more than just a goal. Belief can become a dangerous thing, especially when a man begins to reach a point where he will not let himself be deterred from his path. Takashi firmly believes he will achieve the lofty goals he has set before him, he in fact believes this so much that he is willing to risk his life, and the lives of those around him, to fulfill his goals. Failure is simply not an option to him. Alas, even in a video game like Sword Art Online it is impossible to eliminate the chance of failure completely, and in Sword Art Online, the slightest mistake brought on by bull headed stubbornness can lead to a premature death.

              » Profession: Alchemist

              • Skills • 44/44 Skill Points Used

              • Non-combat

                » Acrobatics [0] Unskilled
                » Nightvision [0] Unskilled
                » Sprint [1] Novice

                » Spiritual Light: [1] Novice
                » Battle Healing [0] Unskilled
                » Parry: [1] Novice
                » Leather Equipment: [2] Journeyman

                Weapon skills
                » Rapier : [4] Master

                Unique skills
                » Duelist : [3] Expert

    • Inventory •


    » Guilty Thorn: Rapier (Crafted by 9Lives) Rare Weapon: +3 Damage

    » Bloody Rose: Rapier (Crafted by Vandal) Perfect Weapon: +2 Damage (On a 8,9,10 Heal 1 Hp)

    » Anneal Blade: One-Handed Straight Sword (Quest Reward from: Secret Medicine of the Forrest)

    » Crimson Blade: One-Handed Straight Sword (Quest Reward from: Blade of Dreams) See image below


    » Flame Tyrant's Raiment: Rare Leather Trenchcoat: +2 Evasion

    » Pyrewyrm Coat: Perfect Leather Trenchcoat: +3 Damage Absorption

    Col and Transactions:

    » 13,000 Total as of 8/13

    » -4,000 (8 Health Potions at General Store)

    » -5,000 (Floor 9 Boss Fight)


    » 1 Crafting Material

    • Roleplays •

    » [solo] - Earning A Living -Complete- *2 Skill points

    » [private] - Secret Medicine of the Forrest -Complete- *2 Skill Points

    » [solo] - Blade of Dreams -Complete- *2 Skill Points

    » [private] - Outfitting the Guild -Complete- *1 Skill Point

    » [private] - Sting of the Wasp -Complete- *1 Skill Point

    » [private] - The Ebon Vanguard Admission -Complete- *1 Skill Point

    » [private] - 8Th Floor Scouting Report -Complete- *1 Skill Point

    » [private] - Battle Arena Championship: Clarence vs Saix -Complete- *1 Skill Point

    » [private] - The Essence of Steel -Complete- *4 skill points

    » [private] - Paving the Way to 9 - Complete- *11 skill points

    » [private] - Earning a Living in The Forest of Wavering Mist - Complete- *4 skill points

    » [private] - The Essence of Steel -Complete- *4 skill points

    » [private] - The Essence of Steel - In Progress-

    » [private] - A Broken Road - In Progress-

    » [private] - Too Close To the Raven -Abandoned/Complete- * 1 Skill Point

    » [private] - Ebon Vanguard Mats and Tactics -Abandoned/Complete- * 1 Skill Point

    » [private] - guild application Ebon vanguard -Abandoned/Complete- *1 Skill Point

    » [private] - Clash of Blades Tournament -Abandoned/Complete- *1 Skill Point

    » [private] - Vile - Abandoned/Complete - *1 Skill Point

    » [private] - Forest Fire -Abandoned/Complete- *1 Skill Points

    » [private] - Arena: 9Lives, Saix, Vandal, Ayane: - Abandoned/Complete - *1 Skill Point

    » [private] - Report on Vile - Abandoned/Complete - *1 Skill Point

    » [private] - The Ebon Vanguard - Abandoned/Complete - *1 Skill Point

    • Relationships •


    • Story Thus Far •



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