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Posts posted by Inu

    • Inu stood slowly, her lilac eyes fixated upon the approaching player, as a confused expression distorted her otherwise semi-placid facade. But it became clear, quickly, that whoever he was, he wasn't paying much mind to the things around him - well, at least not anything other then the guards, it seemed.

      Noticing such though took Inu longer than she had time to waste though, and before she could step out of his way, he'd came barreling up right before her. Luckily he'd caught himself just moments before an embarrassing collision (on both their behalves) and didn't actually bump into her at all, but rather, stopped just inches before he had. Inu's cheeks flushed a darker red as she swallowed deeply, pushing forth a clearly uneasy smile as the boy flashed her a carefree grin. She felt her heart flutter momentarily at the sight, but even more so when her eyes caught the orange of his courser. A different sort of flutter, she supposed. As he spoke Inu stayed rather silent, her eyes wide with both worry and wonder as Ezo, her albino direwolf, drew up beside her, emitting a low and protective growl at his owner's behalf.

      The wolf stood now to about the woman's waist, which was nice, because she was able to simply reach down and stroke his furr in order to calm him - which she did just then. As of right now it was no use making any enemies, she knew that. Especially not a player killer. Though it seemed even that had a far deeper story than she was willing to inquire about at this moment. "The name's Inu..." The young one finally peeped timidly after the boy had finished, her little hand reaching out in greeting, even if her mind raced with questions. She recognized his name, he was known all throughout the game as the highest leveled player thus far. That was certainly saying something, wasn't it?

      Where is Saix? She kept begging, though knew he was out with the rest of the guild leveling and gaining supplies. What should I do? He'd die if he saw me next to a PKer...

      "The pleasure's all mine, really... You're like... the famous one, aren't you?" Her smile softened, though her other hand gripped Ezo's fur nervously. She wondered then what a sight she must be. Her dainty little dress that barely reached past the curves of her waist, with a fabric so sheer that in a certain light patches of her digital flesh could be seen beneath, and... well, if it had been the real world, Inu imagined she'd be covered in grass stains and dirt given the hour or so she'd spent toying around with the pup in the grass. Doing anything but the quest, as she knew she should be. "I'm sorry if I was in your way... I'm just... killing time I suppose..."

      She rose a hand to rub the back of her head, her smile now testifying to her nervousness in his presence. Her cheeks still a rosy pink. "Soloing a quest can be so intimidating... ya?" What a stupid thing to say... She thought, knowing full well he was just as renown for being a solo player.

  1. I loved Dragon age... and even thought it was better than Dragon Age II.

    I played an elf Mage... It got to a point where I would walk into a room and use the fire twister to set the room on fire... Good Game yall.. better luck next time lol.

    Oh my gosh. That would have been something I'd LOVE to see hahaha... right now I just sort of [censored] with people, and since I'm a dalish elf... I get to give them tude up the yingyang if anyone attempts to sass me for my elven lineage. Haha

    And Saix. You're a dork<3 I want to play through a second time as a human noble... but that's mostly because I wanna insure my spot as Queen at the end of the game. Superiority issues, ya know? Hahahah

  2. Awww! It won't let me see the video :'(


    jusss keeeding, now it did. AND YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH... I actually stopped playing Skyrim, because I really didn't like it. I'm not about games that don't have you character suffer consequences for their actions.

  3. addicted... addicted... ADDICTED!!!

    Does anyone else have this issue? And uh, can the newest one come out already? Geez.

    The first one I played as a dalish elf rogue... and my dreams of being Queen were quickly crushed D:

    What were you? Also... first or second one?? I think the first one yields the best story, and the second has a far superior game-play aspect. But I'm curious as to what others think.

  4. The Sinner & The Saint


    • Inu had picked up the quest some time ago now, hours possibly, but unsurprisingly, she had yet to leave the actual town to complete it. Like, at all. In fact, Inu hadn't even set her gear to ready herself for it. Instead she wore some sheer barely-there dress she'd been gifted by her brother.

      It was a soft sky-like blue, that boded well with her pale skin. Her feet were bare of any shoes, but her arms shimmed from the small clasps around each of her biceps, that were an enriching gold. Much like the chain crown she wore, with a small jewel that dangled just above and between her large lilac eyes. It was an amethyst, or at least as near to it as Sword Art Online could get. It was her favorite gem, so she treasure the jewelry dearly. It was a beautiful ensemble, truly; far better suited for some sort of elegant meeting rather than lounging in the grass by the river side as she was, dazing off into oblivion. Lost in thought from her troubled mind.

      Something about the mission made the young one nervous - she imagined it had to do with the fact that there were those who'd been known not to return from it. Whole groups even. The little one was curious as to why, and had certainly asked her fair share of questions to anyone willing enough to answer them, and she'd been given a few reasons. But she couldn't even fathom what it'd be like first hand, and regretted having thought she could manage this one solo; yet just the same, was too embarrassed to ask for help from the rest of her guild, who all had already completed it (some even solo). Inu was well aware that her inability to ask was ridiculous, at the very least.

      That is what the guild is there for, isn't it? She sighed heavily at the passing thought, wanting only to prove herself in hopes to solidify her standing in their ranks, and show them all that she deserved the title of Lieutenant, rather than just feeling like most of the guild saw her as such because her older brother had been the one who started it.

      Granted, she had the strength of her little wolf-pup, and her performance skills were growing quickly every day she spent in the field, but Inu couldn't help but feel like it would all do her little good once she was face-to-face with the task at hand. "Will I ever be good enough?" The young one softly murmured, knowing full well there wasn't really an answer that she'd ever receive. Idly her hand reached out to her side to find the soft ivory fur of the wolfling beside her. Inu smiled as she brushed through it then, opening her eyes, rolled over to curl up next to him, not really noticing how far it'd pulled her little dress up to do so. Instead she nuzzled into the pup, who groaned playfully at the sensation of her small affections, and nuzzled her back. This caused the young one to giggle, and happily, she kissed his little snout. The little one had grown mighty fond of this beast, and she no more wanted to place him in dangers path, than she did herself. "I know we should go... but we need help, and I couldn't stomach asking anyone from the guild..." She sighed again, little digital tears forming in her eyes.

      "They'd laugh at me. Wouldn't they? Everyone gets a good laugh out of a little weakling like me..." The wolf snarled, than yipped... but it wasn't as if he was responding to her... instead, to someone else's company... or so it seemed? Inu sat up slowly, her cheeks flushing a soft pink as her coral kisser curled nervously into a weak little grin, and she peeked bashfully behind her; her hands moving to pull up the thin straps of her dress that had fallen loosely from her shoulders.

    Tag // Kirito

  5. Watching the majority of my Disney movie intake with Inu over Skype has been very fortunate, because the songs were already good, but when she sings them in my ear over the headphone they are even better :P

    Omg you shut your mouth right now<3 Hahaha also, it was good. I think it would have been amazing if they left Elsa evil like she was originally supposed to be. As the original story told it. But good none the less, and I love the music. So much so that I always pass out right after the last song... in any Disney movie... >>



    • Nine's consistent silence and scowl always made Inu uneasy, but she tried hard to not let it show. Even if her thoughts were lost to questions, and curiosities, she knew would remain unanswered. Like... had she said or done something to upset him? Or was she truly just so unlikable? The little one brushed it off as she flashed her pearly whites toward Nine.

      "It's beautiful, really! You're getting very good at your work. I can't wait to see what you do with my blade... you know... once I actually earn it..." She blushed softly, knowing full well she was the weak link of the group. Maybe that's why he didn't like her? At least that'd be more understandable then any other reason. Taking a deep breath, she turned back to the rest of the group, content that they too thought it was a good idea to go grab something to eat. A little leisure time never hurt anyone... and in fact, could do them much good. Especially with a newer member, and one still relatively so.

      "Well then, follow me to the tavern? I hear there's supposed to be a band tonight! It should be fun..."

      With that she pivoted on her heel, and began to stroll away. Peeking back only once with those large lilac eyes to make sure the others were following.

    Moving on to tavern //

    Click Link

  6. To good friends, and new recruits.

    • The Tavern was busier than normal, but it was nice and cozy still. The environment was thriving, and it was comforting to know that there was still enjoyment to be had, even given everyone's current predicament in the deathgame. Inu imagined Nine wouldn't be so amused by the boisterous events, at least not as much as the others; but he hardly seemed amused with most things.

      It made her wonder if they'd ever reach some sort of tangible connection... as both lieutenants to the guild, she prayed they would. Even if it was a measly common ground, Inu would strive to find it. It meant something, at least to her, to yield a connection with each of the guild members. It seemed only fair, if they were fighting to both free themselves and each other, that they would care for one another as well. This is why she had figured a nice dinner, a few good drinks, and even better conversation, was exactly what the guild needed now most. It was time for everyone to reconnect on the most basic of levels, that way it was easy to trust that they each had one another's back when they stepped outside the safe keeping of the tavern and town.

      Music roared from the corner of the tavern, some NPC band it seemed that was only there to help keep the tavern lively. Players danced, drank, sung, and ate, and it left Inu hungry for much of the same enjoyments. As they slipped further inside, Inu's small hand slid into the grip of her brother's, and she tugged him toward an empty table that seemingly had just enough seats for their group. "Over here!" She peeped, peeking back at the rest of the group to insure they were following. Once they'd reached the table, Inu smiled. "I'll go grab us a few drinks and order some food while you guys get comfortable..." She thought for a moment, "Is there anything anyone is unwilling to eat or drink?" Inu waited only long enough for a few answers before she giggled, "Alright! I'll be right back then."

      With that she planted a small kiss on her brother's cheek, then disappeared into the group of people, while the others took seat and began conversation.

    tag // Any Ebon Vanguard members.

    Once first posts are up, posting order will be set, and kept, accordingly.

    • Inu's head jerked around as she glared down at him, her cheeks a rosy hue. She'd pinch him, or something, later for that remark. But isn't this how he always treated her? So taunting and teasing, she never really was able to grasp what he really meant, or if he was just playing with her, as he so often did. However, it wasn't as if she didn't adore the attention. Saix was the only one who ever gave her any, so she milked it when she can.

      Weirdly enough though the only thought that pestered her most was, I wonder if he liked it... Embarrassed it had even crossed her mind, Inu shook her head, attempting to rid herself of the crossing thought. This unbalanced the young one a little and she almost slipped - luckily she'd caught hold of a higher up branch quick enough to keep herself from falling. Taking a deep breath as she pulled herself up to the next branch, Inu finally looked back down toward Saix.

      "What were the three birds again?" She wondered, looking up into the tree. It sounded like there were a million birds that inhabited it... it would definitely be a challenge to place one's call above another.

    • Just as Inu was pulling herself back to her feet in hopes to make it to the wolfpup's side, the sound of another approaching caught her attention, and the attention of the others as well. Her lilac eyes watched as the boy tossed a healing crystal down to Ezo, restoring him quickly to full health. It had taken the little one off-guard initially, but as he spoke, she figured there was little else to do now but trust him, given that there was no one else anywhere near her that she actually knew. Inu prayed that this wasn't some sick trick because she certainly wasn't ready to go yet - but felt it safe to assume by the angered looks upon the faces of the boys who'd initially attacked her, that they were just as surprised to see this man as she was. "I'll have your back, I promise." She murmured, raising her hand to quickly dial through her hub screen and accept the transfer.

      As she readied her blade, the boys began to spread out, semi-circling the two. There eyes hungry, angered, and ready. "So what, you got your boyfriend here to save you?" The head one laughed, and the others followed in suit. "He will do you little good. There are three of us, and only two of you. It's pathetic to even try, you do realize this don't you?" Inu whistled, and Ezo moved to her side, though bore his fangs and snarled just the same. "How about this, boy... we'll let you go free, and you just leave this little one to us like we had originally planned. We'll pretend like we never even saw you... and you will live to suffer this game another day. Sounds fair enough, right? I mean... this really isn't your fight." Inu swallowed deeply, her lilac eyes darting between her enemies and this stranger. If he left her now, she would certainly perish - but together they had a chance. "Please don't..." She cooed quietly, her wide eyes hopeful that he would not waver in the face of PKers.

      PKers were a concept Inu had never really grasped a hold of. Perhaps if they game had remained just that, a game, it would be a little more understandable. She was well versed in the world of bullies, and the title seemed just that. Those who liked to pick on others who were weaker than them, in hopes to gain something from it. But now that it was practically life... they were nothing but cold blooded murderers; murderers who would never face justice for what they had done. This sickened her, and she let that fuel her will to fight.

      "Aye, then you'll be foolish enough to die beside her then... how romantic, for two people who seem to barely know one another..." It was then the boy sprinted toward the one who'd just approached, and with a leap he rose his blade high above him, attempting to strike down at Zeke. As soon as he had, the other two rounded in on Zeke from the side, but it was then Inu made her move. Training alone had certainly done the young one her fair share of good - she was quick, and agile, which both proved to be very handy in the situation. Besides that she had Ezo, who moved at relatively the same speed as her. Another whistle, and the wolf bolted towards one, as she went for the other. It was clear that she'd be sent back again by another blow, given that these boys seemingly ranked high above her in level... but she would not let them strike the boy who'd come here to save her, it only seemed fair.

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