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Posts posted by Ryuma_

  1. Ryuma had been in great shock and disbelief since he had been standing there talking to once of the most powerful men in the game. A man so strong that he had defeated the eleventh floor boss. "Wow.. You sounds so important.. You even have your own brigade! I hope I can be like you someday!" He now had a rather large smile on his face and had been overwhelmed in a good sense to be in this mans very presence.

  2. Ryuma had watched as the girl had struck the boar and then hopped back up to his feet. He had been pissed now that he had missed the boar and was ready to kill it swiftly. 

    (ID: 36916, BD: 3, CD: 10, LD: 11, MD: 6, Ryuma: 4/12, Shizua 4/4, Energy: 0/2)

    He had charged at the boar once more and dived towards the beast, but to no avail. Once more he had missed the creature. As he had missed, the boar had turned around and jabbed him in the ribs, knocking him back a few feet.

  3. When he had heard this, he had tears streaming down his eyes with force. There was just so much going on right now and having to go back to that memory just makes things all the more worse. He didnt show his feeling though, so he had decided to stay quiet and just continue to cry. After waiting there for several moments without saying a word, he had wiped away the tears once more and turned back to Koumori. "Your right. I apologize… Lets please change the subject and get back to the matter at hand. I need to become stronger if I'm going to help all of these people survive throughout the game."

  4. Ryuma had smiled as he had held his dagger in his hand once more, analyzing the open spots on the boar. His grip had tightened on the hilt of his dagger and he was charging up for an attack. Once he had finally found a weakness in the boars defenses, he had charged towards it, lunging at it with a slash.

    (ID: 36820, BD: 3, CD: 7, LD: 19, MD: 10, Shizua: 4/4, Ryuma: 7/12, Energy: 1/2)

    As he had lunged himself forward, he had tripped over a rock, which had caused him to miss his strike. The boar had noticed that it was in danger and charged after Ryuma so that it could protect himself. It had struck him in the ribs while he had been down, and caused 5 damage to him, bringing his health bar down to yellow. 

    He had shout out in pain, slightly agitated by the fact that he had just missed his attack, due to tripping over some pitiful rocks. "Shizua, strike whenever you can! I'll keep you safe, I promise!"

  5. Ryuma had began to shake his head as tears began to stream down his face. "It was all my fault .. I tried to stop the man with the gun and knocked him over .. When he fell and his gun hit the wall, thats when the bullet had shot off and killed my mother … Its entirely my fault … But, but I will try and toughen up. Maybe if I can save all of the people that are stuck in the game, I can make amends for what happened with my mother .." He had then begun to wipe away his tears, doing his best to try and seem strong. 

  6. Ryuma had decided to take a seat on the ground after he had slain his first beast. "Your right, Koumori, it wasn't so hard at all… So you wish to know more about me huh..?" He didnt exactly know how to respond to this situation since he didnt really talk much about himself. "Well, I have lived an extremely hard life with my abusive father and I tend to shy away from people because of it … He only abuses me because … because he believes that my mothers death was my fault .. and he is right .." As he had said this, tears began to well up in his eyes, and his body began to tremble slightly. He found himself reliving the death of his mother over and over again within his head. He could never get it out of his head.

  7. Ryuma had simply nodded and frowned a bit. "Its fine.. Have fun on your date okay? Be sure to try and enjoy yourself okay? And I will return to your shop when I am level six, I promise." He then took a bow and performed an about face, soon walking off in the other direction with a slight wave to her. 


    Ryuma +200, +1 SP

    Manta +200, +1 SP

  8. Ryuma had smiled as he kept the particular scene in mind. He had then walked closer towards Shizuka and grabbed a hold of her hand. Keeping the smile on his face and passion in his eyes, he says, "Just follow me. It'll be alright, trust me." Now walking hand and hand, he had led the girl to a rather interesting mountain that would curl up and appear as a small tornado. Once the two had reached the top, he would sit down on the cliff edge of the mountain and pat down on the ground next to him, indicating for her to sit beside him. From this high up, you could see the entirety of the first floor. The lush green grass covered miles upon miles of land, and several creatures had inhabited these lands. It was truly one of the most marvelous sights on the first floor, since it allowed you to see the entirety of the first floors beauty. Beneath Ryuma himself had been a field of flowers such as roses, sunflowers and tulips. They had been soft beneath his hands and kept his more relaxed than he ever really was around other people. This place was like his safe haven. "It's truly beautiful out here, don't you think?" He had been staring out into the grand, yellow sky, a smile still upon his face. The sun had reflected off from his eyes, showing the beautiful sky within them. "Almost as beautiful as you.." This last part, he had tried to say quietly, so that she wouldn't be able to hear him. Of course there was no saying whether or not she had heard him, but it was still quite enough from his own perspective.

  9. Ryuma had nodded while still admiring the gauntlets that had now been placed on his hands. "Thank you… Ill bring them back to you and purchase some potions once I am at level 6. In the mean time though, what would you like to do? Could you possibly offer some tips to me about fighting with this tiny little dagger?"

  10. Ryuma had been surprised once more as she once again gave him something that would help him. He had held the gauntlets in his hands and admired them as though they were some mystical object. "They're beautiful.. Thank you." He had then equipped the gauntlets, whited had looked rather awkward with his white kimono, but surely interesting nonetheless. "Are you sure that you don't want me to pay your for any of this? I can pay you what I have or at least do something for you. It may be a loan, but its still a wonderful object nonetheless."

  11. Ryuma had raised his eyebrows as he admired her sword. "Thats a beautiful weapon.. Who crafted it for you? Maybe I can have them craft me one as well." He then equipped his own dagger and held it firmly in his hand. "I only have this little dagger on me, but I plan on getting one crafted from the bones of a blood wolf leader. Does that sound interesting to you?"

  12. Ryuma had laughed a little as he thinks back to the build that he has decided upon. "Im thinking of the more stealthy type that jumps out and takes out his opponents without them realizing he was even there. What about you?"He had been intrigued by this subject and about what the girls answer would turn out to be. This interest had him smiling the entire time

  13. Ryuma had shied away gently as he had heard her question. "I-I just am not used to people being nice to me. Its been a hard life…" He had then turned his attention back to her and placed a smile on his face. "Im sorry for how I have been acting. I promise that ill be easier to talk to! So, id just like to say, its very nice to meet you Manta. You have been nice to me and I am indebted to you for it."

  14. "T-thank you. And don't worry Manta, I don't wish to receive freebies. Im still surprised that you even gave me this!" He then let out a small laugh and opened his menu. He had then accepted the healing potion and placed it into its inventory. "S-so, can you answer something for me? Why would you be so nice to me? It confuses me …"

  15. Ryuma had become flustered as she winked back at him and even blushed a bright red color. This had been so unusual for him to experience. "T-thats fine Shizuka." He had then stood up and placed his arms behind his head. "Is there anywhere you would like to go? Knowing that you haven't really explored much, id recommend doing so. We could have oh so much fun exploring the area. Maybe even go somewhere that allows you to see more of the scenery." As he had said this, he had remembered a small area in which he had found. "W-would you me the honor of taking a walk with me?"

  16. Ryuma had gone wide eyed as the woman had thrown him a health potion. He had been surprised by the fact that she was kind enough to just give it to him, and couldn't help but show his surprise. He had managed to catch the potion with his open hand, and then just held it there, while shaking her hand. "T-thank you very much Manta, b-but are you sure you just want to give it to me..? Im willing to pay you if you allow me too!" He still couldn't believe that she was being so nice to him, and even ended up gripping the health potion with a little more force than usual because of it.

  17. Ryuma had skid across the ground as he had came to a full stop, directly in front of her. As he hears that she has already closed up shop and that she hadn't been crafting anything good as of late, a small frown came over his face. "O-oh.. Thats alright. Thanks anyways Manta." He had then changed the frown from his face into a rather large smile. "My name is Ryuma and I had been looking for a health potion, for when I go into combat with the boars located outside of town. Thanks for talking to me, when you could have simply left." He had then let out a small little laugh and stuck his hand out for her to shake it,  kind of nervous of upsetting the girl. His hand trembled slightly as he had tried to get it to stop. "Its very nice to meet you Manta."

  18. Ryuma had been wandering around the town of beginnings and was searching for any shop that may still be open. He had been searching for about ten minutes and was about to simply give up, until he had spotted a woman with silvery-white hair that had been closing up shop. His eyes had gone wide as he spotted her, and he decided to make his way towards her, going as fast as he possibly could. "W-wait! Miss, please don't close up shop yet!"

  19. Ryuma had looked away, trying not to say the truth about what he had thought. He had then put a smile on his face and turned towards the girl, his eyes closed and his cheeks red. "Ill protect you from any harm that may ever come your way!" His eyes had then opened and the smile had dimmed down a bit. "To be honest with you, I'm not sure what to believe. Don't worry though because … Because I'm here to keep you and all of the others safe!"

  20. Ryuma had realized that he hadn't introduced himself yet and how rude that had been. "M-my name is Ryuma sir! I am still fairly new and only a level two player … I a apologize if I freaked you out by staring at yours armor the way that I had. I just think that it is truly marvelous and that I would like to have an armor such as yours one day. It truly is astounding."

  21. Ryuma had laughed a little as he smiled at her and pressed the yes button, allowing the two of them to form a party. "Nice! So now that we are in a party together, is there anything you would like to do? Kill a boar perhaps?" He had let out another small laugh, seeing as he had been joking with her about killing the bull. He had then gave her a big thumbs up, signifying that he is ready for anything!

  22. Ryuma had nodded as he stood back up. "I'm not going to give up!!! He had then rushed towards the beast once more and swung his dagger towards the creature in a rapid slash. 

    (ID: 36735, BD: 9, CD: 4, LD: 15, MD: 5, Koumori: 64/64, Ryuma 2/8, Energy: 1/2)

    The cut had been successful and the creature had burst into several tiny crystals that would appear and fall from the sky. "Success!!!"

  23. Ryuma couldn't help but smile as he heard her inspiring speech. He had turned to face her directly and stared into her eyes. "Your right. Thank you for that, I truly needed it. And by the way, you have an extremely beautiful smile as bright as the sun if I may say so." He had then winked at her and realized that he was stuck in the game and couldn't leave after that. What had he just done?! 

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