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Posts posted by Sinnon

  1. Sinnon had winked at Ebony before pulling her in close once more. He made it so that their faces were about an inch apart but he did not kiss her. Instead, he had just stared into her beautiful, never ending eyes and simply smiled that charming smile of his. "So Miss Ebony, are there any other questions that you may have for me? For you, I am an open book. I will answer anything and everything truthfully and will even give you a reward for every question about me that you ask. You know, until we find that wolf again."

  2. Sinnon had smiled as he listened to the mans words. "I like you Seul. You seem like a nice and logical guy." He had then opened up his menu and went to the friends section, then sending Seul a friend request. "Would you mind being my friend? It would be a great honor to spend time with you and train with you and even help you defeat bosses and the like. I expect nothing in return except for the chance to spend time with you and any of the friend that you may have."

  3. This question had warranted a slight laugh from Sinnon. "I do not have a shop. However, I am willing to come by and help you out and your shop as often as possible. I would even join your profession just to help you up and take the load off when it comes to orders. Or I can just become a mat hunter for you. I don't want any col as a reward for the mats. Just kisses." As he had said this, he had remembered that he had owed her exactly nine kisses. He then pulled her in close and passionately kissed her, exactly nine times, then slowly pulling away, their lips still lingering in the air for more. "I owed you those. Hahaha."

  4. Sinnon had tilted his head to the side as he had been wondering himself what he did in his spare time. "Honestly m'lady, I don't do very much on my own time. I travel between the floors every now and then, check out all the shops, and sometimes make new friends. A lot of them need help with quests or offer me help with a quest and thats how I manage to level up so fast as of late. What about you my love? Anything fun in your spare time except for your shop?"

  5. Sinnon had still been surprised by how things had just transpired. First a creepy old lady appears out of nowhere and then disappears in a flash. Then a white wolf appears out of nowhere and disappears from the area instead of trying to even take a bite of the meat. What had been going on with this quest? "Why I must say that that was quite the interesting display. I apologize that you didnt get your wolf, but I promise you that we will track another one down and make it your familiar."

  6. Sinnon had decided that if Evac was going to pull out, that it was going to be up to him to try and help take out these wolves. He had then charged towards a nearby wolf and swung his blade vertically, striking the wolf across the nose. The wolf had backed away in pain but had anger in its eyes. "So once we take care of these wolves, we will have to track down the little nepents and finish them off."


    ID:  40060

    BD: 8

    MOB: 2

    CaptainUndead: 22/24HP [Energy: 4/6] (HATE: 1)

    Evac: 4/4 HP [Energy: 1/1] (HATE: 1)

    Sinnon: 12/12 HP [Energy: 2/3] (HATE: 1)


    Wolf 2: 3/4 HP | DMG: 3 

    Wolf 3: 2/4 HP | DMG: 3 


  7. Sinnon had followed after Seul without any commentary whatsoever. He had been wondering why the man had been so quiet, yet decided not to question the matter. "So Mister Suel, I have been wondering something. If you aren't going to have any motivation to go onwards, than why are you still here? Surely you are strong enough to move on by now and travel to the higher floors. What is it that is keeping you down on the lower floors?"

  8. Sinnon had been interested in why exactly this woman had been here, so he had decided to make his way towards her. "Hello there ma'am. Is there anything that I can do to assist you?" The old woman began to laugh in a creepy monotone voice as she had moved in closed to the man's ears and whispered into them, "In fact there is … You can listen to my secret… If you wander around through this floor and present a creature with a piece of meat, they have the likelihood of liking you and becoming your pet." After she had said this, the snow in the area began to pick up around her, causing a sort of barrier between the three of them. Within a mater if seconds, the old woman had completely disappeared, leaving Sinnon and Ebony there dumbfounded.

  9. Sinnon had smiled and equipped his spear in case any mobs had charged towards them. "Anything for you my queen." As he had said this, a small old lady had appeared off in the distance, wandering through the snow. She had long white hair, piercing red eyes, and a hunchback. It was hard to see her since she had been wearing a white cloak which had caused her to blend into the snow. "Umm … Ebony. Do you see this?"

  10. As the two had been walking through the snowy tundra, Sinnon had been examining the area for snow wolves. Ebony had wanted one as a familiar, which had motivated him to look for one. His piercing red eyes had gazed out in the snow, though they had never found even a single snow wolf. However, he had noticed something that had been most unsettling to him. As he had turned towards Ebony, he had realized that there had been a slight from upon Ebony's face. This had caused him to fall into a state of distress, because when she is upset, he is upset. In order to help her feel better, he had simply pulled her into his warm, loving embrace. "There is no need to worry Miss Ebony .. I will help you find this Snow Wolf if its the last thing I do. I love you and I will make you happy." After saying this, he had bent down slightly and kissed her forehead. "We can do this together."

  11. Sinnon had shook his head up and down several times with his eyes wide and his face serious. "Yes ma'am. I apologize if I had insulted you by speaking of payment." After he had said this, he had finished his second mug of water within a few seconds, a few streaks of water sliding down his mouth as he had drank. He then wiped his mouth clear of the water and stood tall, his body practically looming over Lessa. "I won't let you down. I understand that you are not feeling well as of right now, but I will find a way to make you happy Miss Lessa. You have inspired me to not give up and to take on the front lines with all my might so I just want to thank you and inform you on the fact that I believe you will be a truly amazing teacher." He had then taken a deep bow, his body almost touching the table, before he had stood up straight once more. "I give you my word."

  12. Sinnon had raised his eyes as he had heard what they had been searching for. He had never seen snow wolves before, let alone snow. Until he had come to this game at least. "Snow Wolves are supposed to be majestic creatures that have a cloak of fur as pure as the very snow itself… They tend to stick is packs and blend into the environments around them to strike down their foes so that their families can eat." As he says this, a smile begins to dawn upon his face. "They are truly beautiful creatures and I think that having one would be a great honor." 

  13. Sinnon had smiled as she had hugged him. He had been used to very many things in his life but he had known that he would never get used to having someone care so much about him. He had never been happier since this girl had entered his life. When she had released her grasp upon him, he would slip his hand downwards and grab ahold of Ebony's. Once her hand had been in his own, he had began to walk out of the safe zone and towards the snowy tundra. "So what kind of mob is it that we are looking for exactly?"

  14. Sinnon had spun his spear around a couple of times before placing it back into its sheathe that lay on his back. "As strange as this may seem to you Mister Boza, I am always this formal. Just how I grew up I suppose." He had then extended his own hand out towards the man, a smile appearing on his face as well. "My name is Sinnon and I am a tank. May I ask you a question Mister Boza? Why do you feel as though you should help the others in this world? Why not just look out for yourself?" Sinnon had knew had conceded and douchee this had made him appear, yet he didnt really care what others had thought about him. He was honestly just curious about this mans response. 

  15. Sinnon let out a small sigh as a depressed look had overcome his face. "I want to tell you my honest feelings before we head out. Having no motivation in this hell of a world will get you killed. I don't want that for you or for anyone else so please don't feel overcome with the stress and guilt of being in this game." He had then smiled bit, looking up into Seul's eyes and practically boring into his very soul. "I will help you find your motivation Mister Seul. Now let us be off."

  16. Sinnon had let out a sigh as he placed his head down onto the table. She was right. Of course she was right. With a muffled voice he says, "You are right Miss Lessa. I apologize for my ignorance and idiocy… Would you be willing to help me get stronger? I will do anything that it requires, but I must be able to protect her. She is all I have and … And I have fallen in love with her. I don't want anything to happen to her and am willing to give you anything that you ask for in order for you to train me .."

  17. Sinnon because to laugh with closed eyes and a smile on his face. "Now now Miss Ebony …" He had decided to take a pause for dramatic effect, possibly making Ebony think he was going to say no to her request. "Of course! I would simply love to go on such a quest with you!" He then let out another laugh and grabbed ahold of Ebony's hands. "Spending the entire day with you up until you manage to get yourself a familiar sounds truly amazing to me. They would make a great addition to our tiny little family." With this last comment, he had looked down into Ebony's eyes and winked at her, his smile becoming more charming as he says it.

  18. Hearing this had led to Sinnon diverting his eyes elsewhere. He knew in his heart that he had wanted to protect Ebony and that he wasnt going to give up on her no matter what, but would it be enough? Would it be enough to fill the massive urge that he had felt in his heart to just allow himself to die? At this point, he hadn't been sure anymore. What he had been sure of though was that he was going to protect Ebony with everything he has. Even if it means sacrificing his life for her to go on.

  19. (OOC: Sorry that I am replying so late, I have just had a really tough day today…)

    Sinnon had decided to follow suit by charging towards another wolf himself. He had swung at it, hoping that his strike would connect with the wolfs body, yet to no avail. At the same time that he had swung at the wolf, the wolf had lunged at him. The both of them had failed in their attempts, however this was no matter to Sinnon. "If anything guys, I can be the tank."


    ID: 39945

    BD: 2

    MD: 5

    CaptainUndead: 24/24HP [Energy: 5/6] (HATE: 1)

    Evac: 4/4 HP [Energy: 1/1] (HATE: 0)

    Sinnon: 12/12 HP [Energy: 3/3] (HATE: 0)


    Wolf 1: 0/6 HP | DMG: 4 ( -(4 * Uppercut: 1x2) = -8 DMG)

    Wolf 2: 4/4 HP | DMG: 3 

    Wolf 3: 4/4 HP | DMG: 3 


  20. Sinnon had been traveling towards the exit of the safe zone on the fourth floor. He had been heading towards the exit so that he could meet up with Ebony and accompany her for the day on some sort of quest. After several minutes of walking, he had appeared only a few feet away from her. He had marched his way over towards her and pulled her into a passionate kiss once more. "I have missed you my love. It is so good to see you again!" He then let out a small laugh before pulling her into his warm embrace. "So where are we going for the day Miss Ebony?"

  21. "That is fine Miss Lessa. I can understand not wanting to leave with a stranger. You never really know who a person is until you truly get to know them." His smile had finally  returned as he had waved over to the waitress NPC and asked for another glass of water. "So in order to justify us not knowing one another, I suggest that we take the time to get to know one another." He then extends his hand towards Lessa so that they could shake hands. "My name is Sinnon and I am a level seven tank who plans on taking on every boss in Aincrad so that I can help all the others escape from here. However, I don't wish to leave the game myself. Not unless I can bring my Ebony with me."

  22. Sinnon smiles a bit and pulls back from Ebony, now wiping away his tears. "That is all that I could ever ask for." He had then placed her back onto the ground and got on one knee. "I want to take you on quite an adventure before I finally do this, but I need to speak to you about this beforehand. Will you please spend the entirety of tomorrow with me? I have an amazing plan that will make you happier than you have ever been in your entire life."

  23. Tears began to flow rampantly from Sinnon's eyes. He had decided to pick her up whilst still hugging her, his embrace enough to suspend her in air but not enough to cause any harm to her. "I don't want to lose this game Ebony .. I would much rather spend the rest of my life here with you. I cant go back to my real life because if I do, then I will lose you .. Lets just stay here together for as long as we can. I will save up money and purchase us a house on the fourth floor near your majestic cave and we can be happy together for all of an eternity … We can get married and everything .."

  24. He had allowed himself to be pulled into Ebony's embrace, a soft smile growing across his face. "I know that we haven't known each other for very long Miss Ebony, but in the small time I have known you, I have learned something that has truly meant everything to me. You are the only person who has ever been here for me and I honestly appreciate it more than anything. You are all that I have in my life besides the dowry of cash left for me by my family and I just want you to know that I truly have fallen in love with you. Thank you for being in my life Miss Ebony .." A small tear begins to run down his eye as he embraces her tighter while burying his face into her neck. "Thank you.."

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